Wonderful News: Trump To Allow Drilling In Obama's Marine Sanctuaries

The wind industry is killing thousands of eagles without a peep from the environmental wackos.

The electric power industry kills far more eagles than the wind mills.

4 Things That Kill More Birds Than Wind Farms | Care2 Causes

2. Electrocution: According to researchers at Vanderbilt University, electrocution is among the top five causes of bald eagle, golden eagle and raptor deaths. These fatalities occur when the large birds land on power lines, and their wings or feet accidentally touch two lines and form a circuit. Bald eagles may also fly directly into power lines that are not visible in poor weather conditions. Both situations kill the bird instantly.

Wind farms won't make any of those things go away. In fact, they will crease the odds of electrocution.
Wind farms won't make any of those things go away. In fact, they will crease the odds of electrocution.

If you were concerned about eagles, you would have opposed their top killers long before wind farms came along. Just like ignoring the potential damage done by oil spills.
Wind farms won't make any of those things go away. In fact, they will crease the odds of electrocution.

If you were concerned about eagles, you would have opposed their top killers long before wind farms came along. Just like ignoring the potential damage done by oil spills.

We're discussing wind farms here, not every conceivable complaint by the environmental wackos.
wind farms are as bad as anti American oil companies who make record profits for little to zero production. Like a typical CEO. lazy.
We're discussing wind farms here, not every conceivable complaint by the environmental wackos.

That's like your concern for marijuana, while ignoring alcohol as a much more dangerous drug. Concentrating on the trivial, while ignoring the obvious.
We're discussing wind farms here, not every conceivable complaint by the environmental wackos.

That's like your concern for marijuana, while ignoring alcohol as a much more dangerous drug. Concentrating on the trivial, while ignoring the obvious.

I concentrate on what is being discussed, not on stuff that wasn't being discussed.

For your information, I support legalizing marijuana.
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yes bripat you have it right....legalizing will save alot of money and lives behind hard we pay for. Yet over 70 percent of Americans use alcohol legally beyond the guidelines. Where does it end?
Obama and Bush both.

But at this time there is no reason to even push for drilling.

Are you against preserving any of the marine environment as a sanctuary?

There is a vary good reason to repeal Obama and Bush's national monuments: because we may never get another chance.

Look commando keyboard. Give one drip of oil ------------ Why we need more of shore drilling?
shore drilling?

Wrong answer bud.

For 2016 there are approximately close to 700,000 of hybrid cars roaming Americas road. Toyota Prius a sold about 36,000 and Tesla around 25,000 just this year alone.
BMW, Mercedes Benz, Ferrari, Maserati, Ford, GMC, Chevrolet, Honda etc etc etc etc had already entered this market vying for top sales.
These cars will use a lot of less oil. In 2 or 4 years there will be millions of these cars in our streets. Plus regular cars have improved or better fuel efficiency.
These means:
1. That oil industry will suffer more than just the oil glut.
2. We have more oil than we can consumes.
3. We do not need more of those ugly oil platform.

Oil is good. Oil drives the world. What you can't use you can always sell to someone else. Battery operated cars are a joke except for limited uses.

Oil business doesn't work that way.
1. In order for us America makes money from oil. The price per barrel should be around $150 or higher ------- gas per gallon at stations $4 or higher.
2. Current price per barrel is below $50 --------- Current price per gallon at the gas station average. Below $2.50. See link dated 5/8/17.

That said. What good does it do to drill off shore when? ------- (A). Will drop oil prices down. (B). Cost more to produce than just buy. (C). More Americans will lost their jobs.

BTW------ Battery car operated technology had impressively improved last 5 years. Either you like it or not this is the future.

AAA Gas Prices
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Oil business doesn't work that way.
BTW------ Battery car operated technology had impressively improved last 5 years. Either you like it or not this is the future.

Sorry to break your bubble Dude, but don't tell me how the oil business operates, I know several people in the oil business who own oil companies. As to battery-operated cars and your future, how much oil and coal did it take to generate the electricity to charge that car? Sorry, the future is not in wet-cell or even lithium, I don't want to be sitting on a bomb or when involved in a car crash. Short term solution. The real future is in hydrogen fuel cells. When they make it practical, I'll be the first to buy one. You keep your batteries.
Obama and Bush both.

But at this time there is no reason to even push for drilling.

Are you against preserving any of the marine environment as a sanctuary?

There is a vary good reason to repeal Obama and Bush's national monuments: because we may never get another chance.

Look commando keyboard. Give one drip of oil ------------ Why we need more of shore drilling?
shore drilling?

Wrong answer bud.

For 2016 there are approximately close to 700,000 of hybrid cars roaming Americas road. Toyota Prius a sold about 36,000 and Tesla around 25,000 just this year alone.
BMW, Mercedes Benz, Ferrari, Maserati, Ford, GMC, Chevrolet, Honda etc etc etc etc had already entered this market vying for top sales.
These cars will use a lot of less oil. In 2 or 4 years there will be millions of these cars in our streets. Plus regular cars have improved or better fuel efficiency.
These means:
1. That oil industry will suffer more than just the oil glut.
2. We have more oil than we can consumes.
3. We do not need more of those ugly oil platform.

  1. A hybrid car isn't an electric car. It's a gasoline car.
  2. The people who suffer from your insane policies are consumers, especially the poor.
  3. Yeah, but thousands of ugly bird killing wind mills are perfectly OK.

In short, you're a dumbass.

Really? I mean REALLY? Are you really this ignorant?
Prove to me where my post are insane.

What Are Hybrid Cars and How Do They Work? on Edmunds.com

Electric car - Wikipedia

Top 10 Electric Cars
The morons booing this move don't even realize the oil boom, set up by Bush, was one of the biggest positive economic things to happen under Obama. Strip out the growth provided by the energy sector and Obama's economic numbers would have been even more horrific.
Yes, oil rigs can provide valuable fish habitat - there is an ongoing debate on whether it actually helps increase fish numbers or simply provides them a place to aggregate. There is also argument about whether we should remove them once production has ceased. Oil Rigs: Critical Fish Habitat or Environmental Liability?

But you also have to balance that against the environmental damage caused by leaks or explosions. No one is saying NO drilling, but rather take a rational and balanced approach. To push for drilling in Marine Sanctuaries at a time when we are glutted with energy is neither. It's purely petulant politics that hates the idea of any kind of wildlife/environmental sancutaries or that anything should be "off limits".
By making these areas into national monuments Obama said "no drilling " so your post is total bullshit.

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Obama and Bush both.

But at this time there is no reason to even push for drilling.

Are you against preserving any of the marine environment as a sanctuary?

There is a vary good reason to repeal Obama and Bush's national monuments: because we may never get another chance.

Look commando keyboard. Give one drip of oil ------------ Why we need more of shore drilling?

That's like saying "why would we need more money? Oil is wealth. We can never have too much of it.

A couple of years ago all you Chicken Littles were shrieking about how we had to adopt wind and solar because the oil was running out. If we don't have enough we have to adopt wind and solar. If we have "too much" we had to adopt wind and solar. Do you imagine no one notices that you're talking out of both sides of your mouth?

You are dumber and ignorant than I thought. Wind and solar are other means of alternatives to produce electricity.
You are hopeless and a waste of bandwidth. Read post #169.
If we have "too much" we had to adopt wind and solar. Do you imagine no one notices that you're talking out of both sides of your mouth?

Who said having too much oil, meant having to develop wind and solar? Can you site somebody saying that?

Charwin did just a few posts ago, dumbass.

1. That oil industry will suffer more than just the oil glut.
2. We have more oil than we can consumes.
3. We do not need more of those ugly oil platform.

You cut off the portion of my post to prove your lies and inability to understand oil industry.

What I was trying to say was----- electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid cars will cause surpluses and too much oil. A decade from now or less millions of these vehicles will be roaming Americas road. Thus making oil usages and dependence will drop tremendously.
Oil business doesn't work that way.
BTW------ Battery car operated technology had impressively improved last 5 years. Either you like it or not this is the future.

Sorry to break your bubble Dude, but don't tell me how the oil business operates, I know several people in the oil business who own oil companies. As to battery-operated cars and your future, how much oil and coal did it take to generate the electricity to charge that car? Sorry, the future is not in wet-cell or even lithium, I don't want to be sitting on a bomb or when involved in a car crash. Short term solution. The real future is in hydrogen fuel cells. When they make it practical, I'll be the first to buy one. You keep your batteries.

I believe people based from their post. Yes you don't know shit how oil industry works or operates. Your post should be different from ignorant,dumb and nonsense to ------ common sense. You also cut off most of my post to prove your nonsense. Why did you do that?

Hydrogen fuel cars will also eliminate using gas. Meaning we do not need off shore drilling.
Car crash----- cars using gasolines will not explode? Are you sure you even know what you are taking about?
Pres. Trump needs to put his own billions aside and or the oil drillers should, to pay the State of Florida all the money they lose, when their beaches become saturated with oil and dead sea life and birds from a spill, and their beaches are closed and hotels and condos are empty.... Florida's biggest asset are their beaches and all activities related to the sea and sunshine.

There was far, far less damage from the BP explosion on Florida beaches than what was reported in most news reports. In fact, far more damage was done to the coastal areas by the news reports than actual oil.
Norway is a very environmentally conscious country. Two of their major exports are oil obtained from drilling platforms in the North Sea and seafood from the North Sea. I think you'll agree that the North Sea is one of the more turbulent seas in the world. They manage to do both safely.

Yep, accidents happen. We clean-up, learn and carry-on.
This is indeed wonderful news. Drilling is much needed in these areas and the money the oilfield workers will make will be phenomenal. This is the right approach in helping America become great again.


You're dumb as a cardboard box so you don't know that Obama does not own it. Nor are you smart enough to know that the rest of what you wrote is horse shit.

What is wrong with you RWNJs that you always act to harm yourselves, your family, your country and your planet?

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Prosperity is crucial in making America great again. Drilling in these specific areas will help us get there.

Yes....prosperity is crucial. Like the prosperity derived from the fishing industries and coastal tourism which many communities depend on and which are directly affected by off shore drilling.

It's a matter of balance.

The fact that you are gleeful over this - in a time where we have a glut of energy and record low profits is pretty much proof you don't give a shit about either pollution or a wise balance between energy production and environmental protection.
We are gleeful because we want to see people go back to work and economies boom. We are gleeful because we understand the importance of a restrained government. Dumbass.

Let me explain this rationally and economically. The reason there are a massive layoff in the oil industry.
1. Because there are so much oil that it's cheaper to buy than produce.
2. You have to raise the price of oil per barrel to $123 (2013) in order to be profitable. Today's price is below $50.
3. Meaning if it cost $123/barrel cost around $4/gallon at the gas station.
4. So how is opening more offshore drilling (more oil) create more jobs?
NO we do not need more offshore drilling so greedy people like Trump and his buddies can keep raping this country. Besides oil platform are ugly.
BTW economy is booming and unemployment is very low that hypocrite Trump cannot even find workers for his vineyard and Mara lago. So why worry about jobs?

You are correct. I ran into a couple guys I know that were laid off in the past 6 months because the price of oil and gone down dramatically over the past year or so. If there is more drilling, more oil there won't be oil jobs. They will actually have to get immigrants or illegals to operate these new rigs.

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