Wonderful News: Trump To Allow Drilling In Obama's Marine Sanctuaries

Pres. Trump needs to put his own billions aside and or the oil drillers should, to pay the State of Florida all the money they lose, when their beaches become saturated with oil and dead sea life and birds from a spill, and their beaches are closed and hotels and condos are empty.... Florida's biggest asset are their beaches and all activities related to the sea and sunshine.

If there is drilling off Florida, the water's will eventually look like the mouth of the Mississippi.
What is wrong with conserving a little and using a little less?

Fine, you buy your oversized golf cart and we'll keep using more natural gas. I'll keep driving my everyday car, a Cadillac, my toy, my '66 Goat I bought in 1970 and my Harley. In other words, I'll use the gas you don't.
Pres. Trump needs to put his own billions aside and or the oil drillers should, to pay the State of Florida all the money they lose, when their beaches become saturated with oil and dead sea life and birds from a spill, and their beaches are closed and hotels and condos are empty.... Florida's biggest asset are their beaches and all activities related to the sea and sunshine.

There was far, far less damage from the BP explosion on Florida beaches than what was reported in most news reports. In fact, far more damage was done to the coastal areas by the news reports than actual oil.
Norway is a very environmentally conscious country. Two of their major exports are oil obtained from drilling platforms in the North Sea and seafood from the North Sea. I think you'll agree that the North Sea is one of the more turbulent seas in the world. They manage to do both safely.

Yep, accidents happen. We clean-up, learn and carry-on.

You are full of shit, the Gulf from La to panhandle of Florida was devastated. Where the hell do you get off?
Yes....prosperity is crucial. Like the prosperity derived from the fishing industries and coastal tourism which many communities depend on and which are directly affected by off shore drilling.

It's a matter of balance.

The fact that you are gleeful over this - in a time where we have a glut of energy and record low profits is pretty much proof you don't give a shit about either pollution or a wise balance between energy production and environmental protection.
I fish all the time around offshore rig platforms in the gulf. Believe me, it's a treasure trove of fish around them. They love the rigs.

Yes, oil rigs can provide valuable fish habitat - there is an ongoing debate on whether it actually helps increase fish numbers or simply provides them a place to aggregate. There is also argument about whether we should remove them once production has ceased. Oil Rigs: Critical Fish Habitat or Environmental Liability?

But you also have to balance that against the environmental damage caused by leaks or explosions. No one is saying NO drilling, but rather take a rational and balanced approach. To push for drilling in Marine Sanctuaries at a time when we are glutted with energy is neither. It's purely petulant politics that hates the idea of any kind of wildlife/environmental sancutaries or that anything should be "off limits".
By making these areas into national monuments Obama said "no drilling " so your post is total bullshit.

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Obama and Bush both.

But at this time there is no reason to even push for drilling.

Are you against preserving any of the marine environment as a sanctuary?

There is a vary good reason to repeal Obama and Bush's national monuments: because we may never get another chance.

Along with former President Clinton's Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah.
This is indeed wonderful news. Drilling is much needed in these areas and the money the oilfield workers will make will be phenomenal. This is the right approach in helping America become great again.


Yup anywhere we have oil and natural gas in this country should be drilled and used.

Another good move by the POTUS.
Yeah, who needs untouched wilderness. Grand Canyon? Strip mine that sucker!


The pipeline has been in Alaska for decades and has never cause one bit of problem.

Use your head dumbass.

Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - Wikipedia
You're dumb as a cardboard box so you don't know that Obama does not own it. Nor are you smart enough to know that the rest of what you wrote is horse shit.

What is wrong with you RWNJs that you always act to harm yourselves, your family, your country and your planet?

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Prosperity is crucial in making America great again. Drilling in these specific areas will help us get there.

Yes....prosperity is crucial. Like the prosperity derived from the fishing industries and coastal tourism which many communities depend on and which are directly affected by off shore drilling.

It's a matter of balance.

The fact that you are gleeful over this - in a time where we have a glut of energy and record low profits is pretty much proof you don't give a shit about either pollution or a wise balance between energy production and environmental protection.
We are gleeful because we want to see people go back to work and economies boom. We are gleeful because we understand the importance of a restrained government. Dumbass.

Let me explain this rationally and economically. The reason there are a massive layoff in the oil industry.
1. Because there are so much oil that it's cheaper to buy than produce.
2. You have to raise the price of oil per barrel to $123 (2013) in order to be profitable. Today's price is below $50.
3. Meaning if it cost $123/barrel cost around $4/gallon at the gas station.
4. So how is opening more offshore drilling (more oil) create more jobs?
NO we do not need more offshore drilling so greedy people like Trump and his buddies can keep raping this country. Besides oil platform are ugly.
BTW economy is booming and unemployment is very low that hypocrite Trump cannot even find workers for his vineyard and Mara lago. So why worry about jobs?

You are correct. I ran into a couple guys I know that were laid off in the past 6 months because the price of oil and gone down dramatically over the past year or so. If there is more drilling, more oil there won't be oil jobs. They will actually have to get immigrants or illegals to operate these new rigs.


That is, literally, the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

If there is more oil, there won't be oil jobs.


THAT is one of the myriad reasons socialism always fails.
Why do rightwingers want to destroy nature? Why revel in destruction rather than a balanced approach?

Please show us the quote where anyone, right, left or bewildered in the middle has stated that they want to destroy nature. You can't so just admit you are a liar following your Progressive talking points.
Because of ongoing and potential loss of their sea ice habitat resulting from climate change, polar bears were listed as a threatened species in the US under theEndangered Species Act in May 2008.

You left out the part about their population exploding. Oops!
so if the govt and the scumball loser anti American oil companies wont do the right thing, who do we trust? I was born in America but am a Swede first cuz that is my true heritage? bripat what should I do relace my Swedish flag with the stars and stripes?

Three of my grandparents immigrated to America from Norway and one from Denmark. All were extremely proud to call themselves AMERICANS. Yes, I am immensely proud of my Scandinavian heritage but I am AMERICAN through!
yes bripat you have it right....legalizing will save alot of money and lives behind hard we pay for

How will legalizing marijuana save lives as we have millions of more kids driving stoned being even more lackadaisical than usual?
Pres. Trump needs to put his own billions aside and or the oil drillers should, to pay the State of Florida all the money they lose, when their beaches become saturated with oil and dead sea life and birds from a spill, and their beaches are closed and hotels and condos are empty.... Florida's biggest asset are their beaches and all activities related to the sea and sunshine.

There was far, far less damage from the BP explosion on Florida beaches than what was reported in most news reports. In fact, far more damage was done to the coastal areas by the news reports than actual oil.
Norway is a very environmentally conscious country. Two of their major exports are oil obtained from drilling platforms in the North Sea and seafood from the North Sea. I think you'll agree that the North Sea is one of the more turbulent seas in the world. They manage to do both safely.

Yep, accidents happen. We clean-up, learn and carry-on.

You are full of shit, the Gulf from La to panhandle of Florida was devastated. Where the hell do you get off?

You do know that the Gulf NATURALLY leaks oil into the water, right? MILLIONS OF GALLONS a year, and that's a light estimate.

"The one word used by everyone – from environmentalists to BP representatives, via marine scientists and researchers – about the Gulf’s recovery is “resilience”.

Yeah, it's amazing how RESILIENT the earth is, you fucking douchenoses. You seriously overestimate the ability of humanity to *destroy* the planet.

Probably because in your narrow world, you consider your narrow vision to be all there is to the world. Nothing exists outside your scope and your understanding. And your scope and understanding represent a miniscule portion of the universe, so it makes sense you totally freak out every time you notice something outside your understanding.

"Most of the oil has evaporated or dissolved."

Imagine that.

There are mentally ill envirowhackos posing as educators who pretend there's a whole shitload of *hidden* oil hiding from everybody in the marshes, but it's just nonsense.

The fact of the matter is, the gulf is oil rich. Our earth used to host huge tar pits. Oil is a substance that has always been plentiful on our earth, and yet here we are!

Now the fake scientists blame BP for a decline in bottle nosed dolphins and turtles, but again, that's an assertion based on exactly zero evidence that it's true. Again, you are expected to believe it just because THEY are the ones saying it.

"No link between the spill and the declines in dolphin and turtle populations has been scientifically proved.

"BP's report notes that the dolphin mortality rate was already elevated prior to the spill, and that "natural variability and record cold temperatures" could explain the variations in turtle nesting habits."

"...the quantities of fish brought in off the gulf have continued to rise, and the Food and Drug Administration has given the Gulf's fish and oysters a clean bill of health.

"There has been an oyster shortage over the past few years, but that is due more to an absence of salinity in the water than to the presence of oil."

"The oil that leaked was a light crude that degrades and dissolves more quickly than the heavy oil that, for example, washed ashore in Alaska after the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster. And once the oil did reach the surface, much of it was degraded by the bacteria that already thrive on the millions of gallons of oil that seeps naturally from the Gulf’s ocean floor each year."

In other words, the gulf is used to processing oil. It's a part of the makeup of the gulf. It's part of what makes it what it is.

BP oil spill: Five years after 'worst environmental disaster' in US history, how bad was it really?
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When one actually looks back at the history of the planet and all it has been through, both natural and unnatural disaster, and how it has bounded right back into the beautiful blue world it is every time, it is almost laughable that anyone could think the little bit of pollution we generate could seriously harm it. For decades, man has actually been cutting back on pollution through better ways of scrubbing the air, etc., so out of 4.3 billion years, man's impact on the planet amounted to about 80 years, or about 1.86 X 10^-6% of its lifetime (0.00000186% the Earth's total life). Put another way, the Earth has been free of man's pollution for 99.99999814% of its life, been through volcanoes, crustal ruptures, super-volcanoes, asteroid impacts, but it took man's meager factories and automobiles of the 20th century to send it over the brink.
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When one actually looks back at the history of the planet and all it has been through, both natural and unnatural disaster, and how it has bounded right back into the beautiful blue world it is, it is almost laughable that anyone could think the little bit of pollution we generate could seriously harm it. For decades, man has actually been cutting back on pollution through better ways of scrubbing the air, etc., so out of 4.3 billion years, man's impact on the planet amounted to about 80 years, or about 1.86 X 10^-6% of its lifetime (0.00000186% the Earth's total life). Put another way, the Earth has been free of man's pollution for 99.99999814% of its life, been through volcanoes, crustal ruptures, super-volcanoes, asteroid impacts, but it took man's meager factories and automobiles of the 20th century to send it over the brink.


But these hysterical lunatics have no concept of reality, and certainly no concept of history.
They've been trained to think that the world is ending, that we are ending it, and that the only worthy employer is the government, just as government is the only god we should worship and obey.

I mean, they say stupid things like "Conservatives want pollution!" as if it's TRUE. Fucking morons, they seem to forget that conservatives also drink the water and live in the houses. And in fact, we actually PAY for where we live, so we are even MORE protective of it than most benefit-sucking mentally ill enviroloons.
This is indeed wonderful news. Drilling is much needed in these areas and the money the oilfield workers will make will be phenomenal. This is the right approach in helping America become great again.


Reefs and such shallow marine environments have a large percentage of the life on earth...Destroying it is a negro thing to do as it is just dumb.
I knew coons were behind destroying places like Detroit but you say they are bad for marine life as well?

black DI 2.jpg
This is indeed wonderful news. Drilling is much needed in these areas and the money the oilfield workers will make will be phenomenal. This is the right approach in helping America become great again.


Reefs and such shallow marine environments have a large percentage of the life on earth...Destroying it is a negro thing to do as it is just dumb.
Holy shit I had no idea you were so racist. So drilling for oil is only something the ******* would do?
I thought he meant negro's were bad for marine life?
I'm pretty sure he means if those blacks get in the water the fish will die, or the oil will dry up, or something. You know how those dumb negro's are. Without the guidance of such people as Matthew they would be some lost souls just out there working for themselves without the wisdom of those white democrats that know better.

I am saying that white republicans are becoming black African Negro's..lol

There's not one black person on the planet that deserves that insult.

You're no better than the worst inbred, cracker ass, trailer trash, Westboro, kkk, Steve_McGarrett DarkFury Tipsycatlover @shoot speeders and you know it. Stop pretending you're better than them because you're the same shit I scrape off my shoes.

FACT is, Obama went against the Rs and opened the US to a LOT more drilling.

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Battery car operated technology had impressively improved last 5 years. Either you like it or not this is the future.

Electric cars were invented over 100 years ago. They were even races between electric cars. In over 100 years, their range is not that much further nor the speed much more over all those years.


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