Wonderful News: Trump To Allow Drilling In Obama's Marine Sanctuaries

When one actually looks back at the history of the planet and all it has been through, both natural and unnatural disaster, and how it has bounded right back into the beautiful blue world it is every time, it is almost laughable that anyone could think the little bit of pollution we generate could seriously harm it.

For decades, man has actually been cutting back on pollution through better ways of scrubbing the air, etc., so out of 4.3 billion years, man's impact on the planet amounted to about 80 years, or about 1.86 X 10^-6% of its lifetime (0.00000186% the Earth's total life).

Put another way, the Earth has been free of man's pollution for 99.99999814% of its life, been through volcanoes, crustal ruptures, super-volcanoes, asteroid impacts, but it took man's meager factories and automobiles of the 20th century to send it over the brink.

Until today, I've never paid any attentionn to your posts but --

If you had used paragraph breaks (I inserted them for you), the first one is nonsense and really ignorant.

The second paragraph is true. If you look at how much damage we did and how we have turned much of it around, its pretty impressive. OTOH, there is still so much to do. If you ever drank from freely running rivers or creeks, you know that we can no longer do that.

The third paragraph nails it.

Not only have we done this damage, we are doing more every day. Worse is that one of our political parties is rules by the amount of profit they're 1-2% owners get.

The cheeto is their (pardon the pun) their fair haired boy. THAT'S why he will okay any drilling, any place, without ever considering the science.

All drilling that is done to day is excess. We will never use what we already have. Think about that and do some research.
"Don't like it? Sure, report me."

Not my personal style, dude. I prefer to let people with bad wiring in their brains self-destruct on their own.

Then why did you choose to cherry pick from my post and not respond to what I wrote?

Yeah, right. That's what I thought.
By making these areas into national monuments Obama said "no drilling " so your post is total bullshit.

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Obama and Bush both.

But at this time there is no reason to even push for drilling.

Are you against preserving any of the marine environment as a sanctuary?

There is a vary good reason to repeal Obama and Bush's national monuments: because we may never get another chance.

Look commando keyboard. Give one drip of oil ------------ Why we need more of shore drilling?

That's like saying "why would we need more money? Oil is wealth. We can never have too much of it.

A couple of years ago all you Chicken Littles were shrieking about how we had to adopt wind and solar because the oil was running out. If we don't have enough we have to adopt wind and solar. If we have "too much" we had to adopt wind and solar. Do you imagine no one notices that you're talking out of both sides of your mouth?

You are dumber and ignorant than I thought. Wind and solar are other means of alternatives to produce electricity.
You are hopeless and a waste of bandwidth. Read post #169.

Nothing BRIPAT9643 said was NOT 100% true. Unless you're lying, why would get your panties in a twist over what he posted?
When one actually looks back at the history of the planet and all it has been through, both natural and unnatural disaster, and how it has bounded right back into the beautiful blue world it is every time, it is almost laughable that anyone could think the little bit of pollution we generate could seriously harm it.

For decades, man has actually been cutting back on pollution through better ways of scrubbing the air, etc., so out of 4.3 billion years, man's impact on the planet amounted to about 80 years, or about 1.86 X 10^-6% of its lifetime (0.00000186% the Earth's total life).

Put another way, the Earth has been free of man's pollution for 99.99999814% of its life, been through volcanoes, crustal ruptures, super-volcanoes, asteroid impacts, but it took man's meager factories and automobiles of the 20th century to send it over the brink.

Until today, I've never paid any attentionn to your posts but --

If you had used paragraph breaks (I inserted them for you), the first one is nonsense and really ignorant.

The second paragraph is true. If you look at how much damage we did and how we have turned much of it around, its pretty impressive. OTOH, there is still so much to do. If you ever drank from freely running rivers or creeks, you know that we can no longer do that.

The third paragraph nails it.

Not only have we done this damage, we are doing more every day. Worse is that one of our political parties is rules by the amount of profit they're 1-2% owners get.

The cheeto is their (pardon the pun) their fair haired boy. THAT'S why he will okay any drilling, any place, without ever considering the science.

All drilling that is done to day is excess. We will never use what we already have. Think about that and do some research.
First of all you seem pretty smug. I've never seen a post from you that would warrant that.

Second, we have enough oil stored up to last forever? When did that happen?
You are one stupid fuck.

People who begin a post like this with crude ad hominem attacks are obviously not capable of any serious thought or discussion worth reading.
Report his stupid ass. He's trying to get it moved to Badlands because he doesn't like people to see the truth.

Hey dumdum, I reported my own post but if you read the rules, both yours and toobfreak are the ones off topic.


Off topic and "no content" are different things, honey.

If the topic meanders and you are still appropriately responding to it, as I am, then it isn't against the rules. You're still participating in the discussions natural progression.

If you post garbage with zero content that doesn't add anything to the discussion, has no purpose except to obfuscate, insult, and derail, and the purpose of the post is simply to drive a thread out of the active forums, then it's *no content* which is explicitly forbidden.

Get it?

Of course you do.
When one actually looks back at the history of the planet and all it has been through, both natural and unnatural disaster, and how it has bounded right back into the beautiful blue world it is every time, it is almost laughable that anyone could think the little bit of pollution we generate could seriously harm it.

For decades, man has actually been cutting back on pollution through better ways of scrubbing the air, etc., so out of 4.3 billion years, man's impact on the planet amounted to about 80 years, or about 1.86 X 10^-6% of its lifetime (0.00000186% the Earth's total life).

Put another way, the Earth has been free of man's pollution for 99.99999814% of its life, been through volcanoes, crustal ruptures, super-volcanoes, asteroid impacts, but it took man's meager factories and automobiles of the 20th century to send it over the brink.

Until today, I've never paid any attentionn to your posts but --

If you had used paragraph breaks (I inserted them for you), the first one is nonsense and really ignorant.

The second paragraph is true. If you look at how much damage we did and how we have turned much of it around, its pretty impressive. OTOH, there is still so much to do. If you ever drank from freely running rivers or creeks, you know that we can no longer do that.

The third paragraph nails it.

Not only have we done this damage, we are doing more every day. Worse is that one of our political parties is rules by the amount of profit they're 1-2% owners get.

The cheeto is their (pardon the pun) their fair haired boy. THAT'S why he will okay any drilling, any place, without ever considering the science.

All drilling that is done to day is excess. We will never use what we already have. Think about that and do some research.
First of all you seem pretty smug. I've never seen a post from you that would warrant that.

Second, we have enough oil stored up to last forever? When did that happen?
We sure do.
It's stored in the Gulf of Mexico, off the shores of Florida.

And in the North Slope of Alaska.

And a few other places.

Just sitting there, waiting for us to come get it.
This is indeed wonderful news. Drilling is much needed in these areas and the money the oilfield workers will make will be phenomenal. This is the right approach in helping America become great again.


Reefs and such shallow marine environments have a large percentage of the life on earth...Destroying it is a negro thing to do as it is just dumb.
I knew coons were behind destroying places like Detroit but you say they are bad for marine life as well?

View attachment 125611

Mine was a short Asian guy. Sgt. Taim. I'll never forget his pleasant melodious voice.
When one actually looks back at the history of the planet and all it has been through, both natural and unnatural disaster, and how it has bounded right back into the beautiful blue world it is every time, it is almost laughable that anyone could think the little bit of pollution we generate could seriously harm it.

For decades, man has actually been cutting back on pollution through better ways of scrubbing the air, etc., so out of 4.3 billion years, man's impact on the planet amounted to about 80 years, or about 1.86 X 10^-6% of its lifetime (0.00000186% the Earth's total life).

Put another way, the Earth has been free of man's pollution for 99.99999814% of its life, been through volcanoes, crustal ruptures, super-volcanoes, asteroid impacts, but it took man's meager factories and automobiles of the 20th century to send it over the brink.

Until today, I've never paid any attentionn to your posts but --

If you had used paragraph breaks (I inserted them for you), the first one is nonsense and really ignorant.

The second paragraph is true. If you look at how much damage we did and how we have turned much of it around, its pretty impressive. OTOH, there is still so much to do. If you ever drank from freely running rivers or creeks, you know that we can no longer do that.

The third paragraph nails it.

Not only have we done this damage, we are doing more every day. Worse is that one of our political parties is rules by the amount of profit they're 1-2% owners get.

The cheeto is their (pardon the pun) their fair haired boy. THAT'S why he will okay any drilling, any place, without ever considering the science.

All drilling that is done to day is excess. We will never use what we already have. Think about that and do some research.
First of all you seem pretty smug. I've never seen a post from you that would warrant that.

Second, we have enough oil stored up to last forever? When did that happen?
We sure do.
It's stored in the Gulf of Mexico, off the shores of Florida.

And in the North Slope of Alaska.

And a few other places.

Just sitting there, waiting for us to come get it.

Once again, your ignorance shows. Here's a little hint for you: GOOGLEf before you say you know everything.

Missouri_Mike Actually its between 600 and 1000 years.

Google is your friend too.
Battery car operated technology had impressively improved last 5 years. Either you like it or not this is the future.

Electric cars were invented over 100 years ago. They were even races between electric cars. In over 100 years, their range is not that much further nor the speed much more over all those years.

The energy and resources required to build them and keep them running, and the toxic waste created by the creation of the batteries and their disposal, makes oil spills look like the small, organic potatoes they are.
I say Trump ought to drill the marine sanctuary (it's a sanctuary, get it?!) for all the oil it is worth, process the crude into PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyl, a really nasty but effective chlorinated electric insulator that lasts forever), fill some big empty MOAB shells with the stuff and drop a few on the CBS Late Show headquarters, and then the rest on Kim Jong-un. :scared1:
Holy shit I had no idea you were so racist. So drilling for oil is only something the ******* would do?
I thought he meant negro's were bad for marine life?
I'm pretty sure he means if those blacks get in the water the fish will die, or the oil will dry up, or something. You know how those dumb negro's are. Without the guidance of such people as Matthew they would be some lost souls just out there working for themselves without the wisdom of those white democrats that know better.

I am saying that white republicans are becoming black African Negro's..lol
umm, seriously? Good lord you racist fuck.

You are dealing with one triggered liberal he's been off the rails since Trump won in Nov.

As long as you lil Einstein's can figure out-- how to get oil off of ice, then you're good to go--LOL


I thought he meant negro's were bad for marine life?
I'm pretty sure he means if those blacks get in the water the fish will die, or the oil will dry up, or something. You know how those dumb negro's are. Without the guidance of such people as Matthew they would be some lost souls just out there working for themselves without the wisdom of those white democrats that know better.

I am saying that white republicans are becoming black African Negro's..lol
umm, seriously? Good lord you racist fuck.

You are dealing with one triggered liberal he's been off the rails since Trump won in Nov.

As long as you lil Einstein's can figure out-- how to get oil off of ice, then you're good to go--LOL


Your ignorance is astoundingly boundless.
This is indeed wonderful news. Drilling is much needed in these areas and the money the oilfield workers will make will be phenomenal. This is the right approach in helping America become great again.


Whether you're trolling or really believe this is a toss-up as to which is dumber.

Boy, your answer to every issue if they don't see things your way is that they are dumb, stupid, ignorant, brain-washed, etc., etc., etc., and only you have the right answers!
This is indeed wonderful news. Drilling is much needed in these areas and the money the oilfield workers will make will be phenomenal. This is the right approach in helping America become great again.


Whether you're trolling or really believe this is a toss-up as to which is dumber.

Boy, your answer to every issue if they don't see things your way is that they are dumb, stupid, ignorant, brain-washed, etc., etc., etc., and only you have the right answers!

That's because I'm almost always right.
This is indeed wonderful news. Drilling is much needed in these areas and the money the oilfield workers will make will be phenomenal. This is the right approach in helping America become great again.

You want them to drill so the oil workers can have jobs and income?

The contradictions never end with you guys. Why is it that the government should step in for fossil fuel and manufacturing workers but the minimum wage impoverished should go get new skills with zero government involvement?

Half of the jobs in America are at risk of disappearing due to technology or automation. If we play this game where we force the jobs to exist via government decree, we're hurting ourselves and you are likely miles away from your political pillars.
Check out what BP did to our Gulf.

Perfectly fine today.

So is that mean it's okay to keep drilling -------- When we do not even need it?

Of course. Why buy from other countries when we have our own?

Why drill when it cost a lot less to buy than more drilling.
Remember as I said repeatedly. In order for our country actually companies like Exxon or BP to be profitable is around $150 per barrel meaning $4+ at the gas stations.
And if we drill more the price per barrel will go lower. More Americans will lost their jobs. So what is the point of keep drilling?
It will be like buy high then sell low.

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