Words are cheap, Jane Fonda

Jesus Christ!!

Fonda said she would like to shoot down one of the american pilots who were participating in a war of agression without anything remotely similar to a legitimate CASUS BELLI.

The woman deserves a Nobel Prize for those words of wisdom... she does not deserve to be nailed to a cross by a sorry bunch of drooling, mentally retarded super patriotic american clowns.
José;3895716 said:
Originally posted by tinydancer
I could never understand rich left wing born with a silver spoon in their mouths and always had it easy liberals fascination with communism.

I feel your pain.

I could never understand what's wrong with the idea that the right place for american soldiers who engage in unjust wars of agression is six feet below the ground with a bullet in the head.

And pity the poor north vietnamese soldier who was a pawn in the hands of Ho Chi Minh who died fighting for Ho's imperialist dreams. An unjust war of aggression indeed.

Now back to Hanoi Jane the Communist.....
Your problem, dancer, is that you refuse to see the Vietnam War through the eyes of the people of Vietnam.

You refuse to accept that Ho Chi Minh was the Father of the Nation so to speak, that in the eyes of the people of Vietnam he represented the century old vietnamese struggle to break free from foreign domination (China, France, Japan, etc...)

You refuse to accept all these facts because doing so would force you to concede a point that is extremely painful for you:

The fact that America didn't play the "good guy" in Vietnam.
José;3895865 said:
Jesus Christ!!

Fonda said she would like to shoot down one of the american pilots who were participating in a war of agression without anything remotely similar to a legitimate CASUS BELLI.

The woman deserves a Nobel Prize for those words of wisdom... she does not deserve to be nailed to a cross by a sorry bunch of drooling, mentally retarded super patriotic american clowns.

She was just your better known anti American pro communist at the time. She believed in violence and winning a war. Hanoi Jane was just cheering on a different side called the Viet Cong.

She was no peacenik. Jane believed in communist takeovers of countries.

I guess you could call her a super patriotic North Vietnamese clown.
Originally posted by tinydancer
I guess you could call her a super patriotic North Vietnamese clown.

LOL, dancer... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Well, I give you this:

Super patriotic clowns come in all flavors: americans, mexicans, russians, chinese... you name it. :D
José;3895865 said:
Jesus Christ!!

Fonda said she would like to shoot down one of the american pilots who were participating in a war of agression without anything remotely similar to a legitimate CASUS BELLI.

The woman deserves a Nobel Prize for those words of wisdom... she does not deserve to be nailed to a cross by a sorry bunch of drooling, mentally retarded super patriotic american clowns.

She was just your better known anti American pro communist at the time. She believed in violence and winning a war. Hanoi Jane was just cheering on a different side called the Viet Cong.

She was no peacenik. Jane believed in communist takeovers of countries.

I guess you could call her a super patriotic North Vietnamese clown.

You don't have a clue do you TD...or are you a troll?
José;3895904 said:
Your problem, dancer, is that you refuse to see the Vietnam War through the eyes of the people of Vietnam.

You refuse to accept that Ho Chi Minh was the Father of the Nation so to speak, that in the eyes of the people of Vietnam he represented the century old vietnamese struggle to break free from foreign domination (China, France, Japan, etc...)

You refuse to accept all these facts because doing so would force you to concede a point that is extremely painful for you:

The fact that America didn't play the "good guy" in Vietnam.

So everybody and their mother loved just loved and adored Ho Chi Minh did they? :lol:

I vividly remember all the boat people who drowned at sea. Some made it. But so many didn't. A good friend and co worker of my husbands(when we lived in Toronto) had been a child on one of those boats.

His story is hair raising.
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José;3895865 said:
Jesus Christ!!

Fonda said she would like to shoot down one of the american pilots who were participating in a war of agression without anything remotely similar to a legitimate CASUS BELLI.

The woman deserves a Nobel Prize for those words of wisdom... she does not deserve to be nailed to a cross by a sorry bunch of drooling, mentally retarded super patriotic american clowns.

She was just your better known anti American pro communist at the time. She believed in violence and winning a war. Hanoi Jane was just cheering on a different side called the Viet Cong.

She was no peacenik. Jane believed in communist takeovers of countries.

I guess you could call her a super patriotic North Vietnamese clown.

You don't have a clue do you TD...or are you a troll?

I guess you missed the well known quote I put up of Hanoi Jane. The one where she says we should all fall to our knees and pray that one day we can all be communists?

1970. Speaking to students at the University of Michigan.
Let's get to Sanity Island and up on Reality Rock. No declared war? No treason.
A person who talks about "reality" suggests that the vietnam war wasn't a war. :lmao:

This from a couch ranger, oh my. Pat, you are just ignorant, not stupid. You are biased, you can't evaluate. OK. Vietnam was not a "declared" war in the sense of the Constitution's requirements. Go back and read the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. Compare it to the declarations by Congress in WWI and WWII. Then tell us how wrong you are. Sheesh.

Lessee - how can I scope this down for you - :rolleyes:

Because imo every war since wwII was technically an illegal war because they weren't declared by congress, it's IDIOTIC to make a pole vault of illogic from that and say they thereby weren't WARS. Further, I'm guessing any court would rule that congress in supplying draft legislation, and war budgets for several years to prosecute the war, effectively obviated even the technical illegality. Sorry, you don't have a leg to stand on.
... 4 MILLION civilians were slaughtered by the communists -

No they weren't. They were "slaughtered" by Americans.

Like this Conservative hero..

Lt. Calley....

Lt. Calley was a conservative hero? Where did you get that revelation.

Having personally served 20+ years in the military - Lt. Calley, if he was to be judged on his political position - would be tagged as a Liberal.

Inexperienced, his men had no respect for him, snot-nosed college puke with no military bearing, hated universally. Sounds Liberal to me.

This is the type of "officer" real Americans in the field would frag, with smiles on their faces.

There are some people who simply do not belong in war but they don’t always get screened out.

I am reminded of the college cowboy liberal hero whose weapon of choice to take out one, single, solitary, enemy soldier was twin-fifties.

If I’m not mistaken, he killed the soldier (and probably every other fucking living thing down-range for about two and a half miles).

I have no doubt that is true. However, unless war is declared, Fonda did not commit treason.

Source: Dictonary.com

And the legal definition:

This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance.

The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Legal Definition of Treason

I don't see anything in that to suggest that a war has to be declared in order to commit treason. I am pretty sure there is nothing in U.S. law to suggest that either.

Reagan fulfilled 2 and 3 of your definition. Does he qualify too?

If you feel Reagan qualifies, then you have to agree that Fonda also qualifies.

However, qualifying and actually being charged are two different things.

And that’s all we are saying, she should have been charged.
Whether the war is declared or not, the men and women our country send to fight it are at just as much risk, bleed blood that is just as red, lose limbs and eyes just as horribly, and die just as dead. Their families are just as stressed and just as grieved.

ANYBODY who puts them at greater risk by consoling and encouraging the enemy is their enemy and my enemy. And traitor seems to be an apt characterization.

But that doesn't apply to Fonda..

Yes, is does apply to Fonda. A high ranking North Vietnam officer went on the record after we abandoned Saigon that we had them beat in the Tet Offensive. They were ready to give up but what kept them fighting was the vivid images on television of American citizens 'rioting in the streets', burning American flags, cursing their government, and sympathizing with the North Vietnamese. Jane Fonda was certainly part of that in her widely publicized comments and laughing as she looked through a North Vietnamese gunsight. All that gave the North Vietnamese incentive to keep fighting and in the end it was not them but us who caved, abandoning our allies and leaving them to no doubt horrible deaths. The way we sneaked out of Saigon was one of the sorriest chapters in U.S. history.

And in defeat we still mourn the 58,212 names inscribed on the Vietnam Memorial wall.

Since WWII we have never achieved victory in a war. We just fight them and then stop fighting with nothing really resolved. I hope I live long enough to see the day that we will never commit a single one of our brave young men and women to combat unless we 1) have a clear objective of what victory will be; 2) A definitive plan to achieve it and 3) The will to do whatever we have to do to get it done.

We have never won a war in which those we defeated are not now our friends.

And I don't believe we have ever acquired a friend in the wars we just stopped fighting.
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Originally posted by Foxfyre
And in defeat we still mourn the 58,212 names inscribed on the Vietnam Memorial wall.

Speak for yourself and your morally depraved nationalism.

The rest of the world mourns the deaths of 1 million vietnamese who never did anything to France and America to have their country turned into a killing field.

They don't give two shits about french and US cannon fodder.
José;3898843 said:
Originally posted by Foxfyre
And in defeat we still mourn the 58,212 names inscribed on the Vietnam Memorial wall.

Speak for yourself and your morally depraved nationalism.

The rest of the world mourns the deaths of 1 million vietnamese who never did anything to France and America to have their country turned into a killing field.

They don't give two shits about french and US cannon fodder.

Foxfyre speaks for me and for many others. YOU speak for yourself in your Fonda Ass Kissing.
Originally posted by Grace
Foxfyre speaks for me and for many others. YOU speak for yourself in your Fonda Ass Kissing.


I hope someday you'll show for these innocent vietnamese children:


the same wonderful commiseration and respect you showed for this (marvelous) creature:

Source: Dictonary.com And the legal definition: I don't see anything in that to suggest that a war has to be declared in order to commit treason. I am pretty sure there is nothing in U.S. law to suggest that either.
Reagan fulfilled 2 and 3 of your definition. Does he qualify too?
If you feel Reagan qualifies, then you have to agree that Fonda also qualifies. However, qualifying and actually being charged are two different things. And that’s all we are saying, she should have been charged.
That you folks don't understand the Constitution or the law on treason is immaterial.

Fonda does not quality to be indicted.
Source: Dictonary.com

And the legal definition:

I don't see anything in that to suggest that a war has to be declared in order to commit treason. I am pretty sure there is nothing in U.S. law to suggest that either.

Reagan fulfilled 2 and 3 of your definition. Does he qualify too?

If you feel Reagan qualifies, then you have to agree that Fonda also qualifies.

However, qualifying and actually being charged are two different things.

And that’s all we are saying, she should have been charged.

Reagan should have been impeached and removed from office.

Not one conservative ever agreed with that.

But he specifically fulfilled the legal definition of Treason with his Iran deal..and Violated the Constitution with his Contra deal.

So much for the "law abiding" conservatives.
José;3898930 said:
Originally posted by Grace
Foxfyre speaks for me and for many others. YOU speak for yourself in your Fonda Ass Kissing.


I hope someday you'll show for these innocent vietnamese children:


the same wonderful commiseration and respect you showed for this (marvelous) creature:


Sarah Palin allowed them to be hunted from the air.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr183lk-wQk]‪Aerial Hunting of Wolves in Alaska (short version)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQobIUE1zTU]‪Brutal: Sarah Palin's Record on Aerial Wolf Hunting‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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