World Renowned Scientist Says Official Story For 9/11 is a Fraud

I look forward to you supporting that claim by showing what facts I have ignored. Just give the post numbers and threads. I realize it's a huge risk of wasting time by asking you to defend your position.
why should i waste my trime proving what has been proven multiple times already?
you are a lying piece of shit and i wont do ANY work trying to prove what everyone else already knows

Thanks for admitting you can't support what you claim.
saying i wont, is not saying i cant
but why should i when you have shown already that you reject logic and facts
fuck off asswipe
I said it should of been but instead it was a cover-up...jackass

""Our mandate was sweeping.The law directed us to investigate “facts and
circumstances relating to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,” including
those relating to intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, diplomacy,
immigration issues and border control, the flow of assets to terrorist
organizations, commercial aviation, the role of congressional oversight and
resource allocation, and other areas determined relevant by the Commission.""

so they should have ignored intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, diplomacy, immigration issues and border control, the flow of assets to terrorist organizations, commercial aviation, the role of congressional oversight and resource allocation and focused on who the murderers where?

you really ARE a jackass!! :lol:
Who Killed Dr. David Graham? Complaint filed with DOJ
by Jeff Ferrell

Video Report HereWho killed Shreveport dentist and 9/11 researcher David Graham? That's the question at the heart of a complaint filed with the Inspector General's office at the U.S. Justice Department. It comes a year after Graham's death that was never investigated.

Up until his death in September 2006, Dr. Graham insisted someone poisoned him two years earlier, likely with propylene glycol (anti-freeze) as he tried to publish a book. That book claimed he met two 9/11 hijackers a year before September 11th and feared the men intended to target Barksdale Air Force Base.

Shreveport attorney John Milkovich, a friend of Dr. Graham, explained, "he documented in his book that he had reported them to the FBI some ten months before 9/11 and of course that you know, the FBI, federal authorities never detained these individuals, and that he had received a threat." Graham told those close to him that threat came from a federal agent.

Milkovich is the man who gave the eulogy at Graham's funeral. He said that there's no question about whether or not someone poisoned Dr. Graham. The question has always been who did it. Milkovich continued, "I personally don't know who poisoned him but I think that it's very important that the truth come out."

9/11 researcher Sander Hicks is the one who just filed a complaint with the Inspector General's Office at the DOJ, asking for an investigation into Graham's death because, among other reasons, those close to him still live in fear. Hicks told us, "the family has been worried that there's going to be some kind of reprisal."

I said it should of been but instead it was a cover-up...jackass

should HAVE been.

English spoken here, dipstick.


Yes. Right. You see, id-eots, your special rancid & stupid brand of paranoid delusion would be EVER so much better communicated if you'd bother to write your prose in something akin to proper English.

Because, damn it, we all CARE what you have to say! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
So in your world the phrase English spoken here and the use of all caps is akin to proper English ?..intresting
should HAVE been.

English spoken here, dipstick.


Yes. Right. You see, id-eots, your special rancid & stupid brand of paranoid delusion would be EVER so much better communicated if you'd bother to write your prose in something akin to proper English.

Because, damn it, we all CARE what you have to say! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Clearly you do one puts a gun to your head and forces you into the eots come to my house
Last edited:

Yes. Right. You see, id-eots, your special rancid & stupid brand of paranoid delusion would be EVER so much better communicated if you'd bother to write your prose in something akin to proper English.

Because, damn it, we all CARE what you have to say! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Clearly you do one puts a gun to your head and forces you into the eots come to my house

I care exactly enough to point how how fucking utterly retarded you are.

Hi Lia:

I care exactly enough to point how how fucking utterly retarded you are.:lol:

9/11 Was Definitely An INSIDE JOB (my 911TruthBlog)!!! The Official Story has NO basis in reality whatsoever.

My Flight 93 Topic:


Go right ahead and tell us what you see in the empty Shanksville hole!!! Bump my Topic and start debunking and we shall see who is really retarded!

My Pentagon Topic:


Okay hotshot: Show us any signs of your crashed 100-ton Jetliner!

Pentagon Timeline
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories

Again, bump any of my Pentagon Topics and start debunking!

My WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Topic:

[ame=]Princess Lia Says 'This' Is WTC-7 Collapsing CD-Style From Building Fires[/ame]

Lia does NOT even know the difference (I do = #3) between a skyscraper burning down (never happened in history) and WTC-7 imploding into its own footprint from Controlled Demolition!

And you have the audacity to call people names! What a moron!


Last edited:
Hi Lia:

I care exactly enough to point how how fucking utterly retarded you are.:lol:

9/11 Was Definitely An INSIDE JOB (my 911TruthBlog)!!! The Official Story has NO basis in reality whatsoever.

My Flight 93 Topic:


Go right ahead and tell us what you see in the empty Shanksville hole!!! Bump my Topic and start debunking and we shall see who is really retarded!

My Pentagon Topic:


Okay hotshot: Show us any signs of your crashed 100-ton Jetliner!

Pentagon Timeline
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories

Again, bump any of my Pentagon Topics and start debunking!

My WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Topic:

[ame=]Princess Lia Says 'This' Is WTC-7 Collapsing CD-Style From Building Fires[/ame]

Lia does NOT even know the difference (I do = #3) between a skyscraper burning down (never happened in history) and WTC-7 imploding into its own footprint from Controlled Demolition!

And you have the audacity to call people names! What a moron!



Oh good. I had just placed the order for an overly-long-winded unpersuasive repetitious piece of shit post from a fucking mutant "Troofer" idiot, and BAM!, there you and your post were!

Excellent timing, ya trite assmuncher! :clap2:

(I wonder if there's any chance in the universe that Terral has figured out yet that NOBODY bothers to read his long-winded mindless repetitions of his previously submitted unpersuasive posts?) :lol:
So in your world the phrase English spoken here and the use of all caps is akin to proper English ?..intresting

The idiomatic* phrase "English spoke here" is proper grammar, stupid.

The occasional use of "all caps" is also perfectly acceptable emphasis. You, of course, wouldn't know this, which is why you mock that which is correct. :lol:

It is also interesting that you still can't spell or edit. :lol:

* That is "idiomatic" as opposed to "idiotic." The latter is your special category!
Hi Lia:

I care exactly enough to point how how fucking utterly retarded you are.:lol:

9/11 Was Definitely An INSIDE JOB (my 911TruthBlog)!!! The Official Story has NO basis in reality whatsoever.

My Flight 93 Topic:

Go right ahead and tell us what you see in the empty Shanksville hole!!! Bump my Topic and start debunking and we shall see who is really retarded!

My Pentagon Topic:

Okay hotshot: Show us any signs of your crashed 100-ton Jetliner!

Again, bump any of my Pentagon Topics and start debunking!

Lia does NOT even know the difference (I do = #3) between a skyscraper burning down (never happened in history) and WTC-7 imploding into its own footprint from Controlled Demolition!

And you have the audacity to call people names! What a moron!



Oh good. I had just placed the order for an overly-long-winded unpersuasive repetitious piece of shit post from a fucking mutant "Troofer" idiot, and BAM!, there you and your post were!

Excellent timing, ya trite assmuncher! :clap2:

(I wonder if there's any chance in the universe that Terral has figured out yet that NOBODY bothers to read his long-winded mindless repetitions of his previously submitted unpersuasive posts?) :lol:
nope, no one really bothers to read any of the tripe terral regurgitates here
but minus points for you for failing to remove the repetitious photos and links when you quoted him

Hi Lia:

9/11 Was Definitely An INSIDE JOB (my 911TruthBlog)!!! The Official Story has NO basis in reality whatsoever.

My Flight 93 Topic:

Go right ahead and tell us what you see in the empty Shanksville hole!!! Bump my Topic and start debunking and we shall see who is really retarded!

My Pentagon Topic:

Okay hotshot: Show us any signs of your crashed 100-ton Jetliner!

Again, bump any of my Pentagon Topics and start debunking!

Lia does NOT even know the difference (I do = #3) between a skyscraper burning down (never happened in history) and WTC-7 imploding into its own footprint from Controlled Demolition!

And you have the audacity to call people names! What a moron!



Oh good. I had just placed the order for an overly-long-winded unpersuasive repetitious piece of shit post from a fucking mutant "Troofer" idiot, and BAM!, there you and your post were!

Excellent timing, ya trite assmuncher! :clap2:

(I wonder if there's any chance in the universe that Terral has figured out yet that NOBODY bothers to read his long-winded mindless repetitions of his previously submitted unpersuasive posts?) :lol:
nope, no one really bothers to read any of the tripe terral regurgitates here
but minus points for you for failing to remove the repetitious photos and links when you quoted him


Understood. But even when quoted in an ensuing post, STILL nobody reads that shit. :cool:

His posts are dull and unpersuasive enough the first time through. Hell, even then, I've taken to just skimming many of them. In fact, I heartily recommend it!
Oh good. I had just placed the order for an overly-long-winded unpersuasive repetitious piece of shit post from a fucking mutant "Troofer" idiot, and BAM!, there you and your post were!

Excellent timing, ya trite assmuncher! :clap2:

(I wonder if there's any chance in the universe that Terral has figured out yet that NOBODY bothers to read his long-winded mindless repetitions of his previously submitted unpersuasive posts?) :lol:
nope, no one really bothers to read any of the tripe terral regurgitates here
but minus points for you for failing to remove the repetitious photos and links when you quoted him


Understood. But even when quoted in an ensuing post, STILL nobody reads that shit. :cool:

His posts are dull and unpersuasive enough the first time through. Hell, even then, I've taken to just skimming many of them. In fact, I heartily recommend it!
yes, but save everyone from having to scroll past em by removing them when you quote that fucking moron ;)
nope, no one really bothers to read any of the tripe terral regurgitates here
but minus points for you for failing to remove the repetitious photos and links when you quoted him


Understood. But even when quoted in an ensuing post, STILL nobody reads that shit. :cool:

His posts are dull and unpersuasive enough the first time through. Hell, even then, I've taken to just skimming many of them. In fact, I heartily recommend it!
yes, but save everyone from having to scroll past em by removing them when you quote that fucking moron ;)

That has some things to commend it. Brevity. Brevity is good. It saves some electrons. I'm sure that's good for the AGW crisis! And, AS quoted, Turdal's posts would end up looking like this:

Terral said:
* * * *



Not just neat and clean, but the goofball's signature would alert the reader to the fact that nothing snipped in the quote was worth reading in the first place!

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