Worst Excuse ever


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Now Trump's people at the G7 are telling us Trump had to act the way he did because of his NK summit.

Think about it,

Trump & his people actually think Trump acted like a tough negotiator, a man of strength & wisdom. He had to do it to show NK how tough he was.

In reality, Trump acted like an ass at the G7.

I used to think Kim Jong Un & Trump were the same. Big asses who don't know shit trying to bully to get their way. After the G7, We are in trouble. Kim Jong On is likely to mop the floor with "shot from the hip" Trump.

We have a historic summit between two countries. One with the esire for nuclear weapons that threatened to use them.

Who do we send to negotiate?

Donald Trump. Reality show star. A business cheat & fraud. When the deals he mde fail, he went bakrupt & other people paid. If he fails here, the world will pay.

It would be funny of it were not so sad.
Now Trump's people at the G7 are telling us Trump had to act the way he did because of his NK summit.

Think about it,

Trump & his people actually think Trump acted like a tough negotiator, a man of strength & wisdom. He had to do it to show NK how tough he was.

In reality, Trump acted like an ass at the G7.

I used to think Kim Jong Un & Trump were the same. Big asses who don't know shit trying to bully to get their way. After the G7, We are in trouble. Kim Jong On is likely to mop the floor with "shot from the hip" Trump.

We have a historic summit between two countries. One with the esire for nuclear weapons that threatened to use them.

Who do we send to negotiate?

Donald Trump. Reality show star. A business cheat & fraud. When the deals he mde fail, he went bakrupt & other people paid. If he fails here, the world will pay.

It would be funny of it were not so sad.

Its not about how POTUS acted, but how the Canadian loser acted. Should be no surprise that Mr Trump is putting America first. That means everyone else is second, third, fourth etc.


I am so glad Hillary Clinton is not president. She would have been more of the same bowing to everyone and fucking over the American people on a global scale

We dodged a huge bullet.
I thought the worst excuse ever was when a sixty year old tells you in the forum they can't answer your post right now, because their mom is calling them for dinner.
Now Trump's people at the G7 are telling us Trump had to act the way he did because of his NK summit.

Think about it,

Trump & his people actually think Trump acted like a tough negotiator, a man of strength & wisdom. He had to do it to show NK how tough he was.

In reality, Trump acted like an ass at the G7.

I used to think Kim Jong Un & Trump were the same. Big asses who don't know shit trying to bully to get their way. After the G7, We are in trouble. Kim Jong On is likely to mop the floor with "shot from the hip" Trump.

We have a historic summit between two countries. One with the esire for nuclear weapons that threatened to use them.

Who do we send to negotiate?

Donald Trump. Reality show star. A business cheat & fraud. When the deals he mde fail, he went bakrupt & other people paid. If he fails here, the world will pay.

It would be funny of it were not so sad.
Uh, what deals were made?
What agreements were signed?
This is just the beginning of negotiations idiot!
I was in corporate sales, and never, let me repeat and emphasize NEVER was a deal made during the first meeting.
Now, that was corporations, not governments. This guy knows what he is doing.
Unless you want to end up like the Kerry (muppett man) deal with Iran.
End all tariffs. Problem solved. If Canada, China, and the EU agree to that, i think the US will follow suit.
Lots of hatred out there on the left. They hate the President so they hope the Summit fails. It's as simple as that. Political activist and sometimes comedian Bill Maher said it best. He hopes the U.S. will go into a recession so that President Trump will be criticized. The left pretends to care about Canada's hurt feelings and the E.U. but they don't care about their own Country. The history challenged left isn't even aware that democrat icon Harry Truman left Korea still in a state of war (we lost anywhere between 35,000 and 50,000 Americans in a three year quagmire caused by Truman's ineptness) after sixty freaking years and that President Trump is the only president who has gotten the North Korea regime to the negotiating table during that time.
Now Trump's people at the G7 are telling us Trump had to act the way he did because of his NK summit.

Think about it,

Trump & his people actually think Trump acted like a tough negotiator, a man of strength & wisdom. He had to do it to show NK how tough he was.

In reality, Trump acted like an ass at the G7.

I used to think Kim Jong Un & Trump were the same. Big asses who don't know shit trying to bully to get their way. After the G7, We are in trouble. Kim Jong On is likely to mop the floor with "shot from the hip" Trump.

We have a historic summit between two countries. One with the esire for nuclear weapons that threatened to use them.

Who do we send to negotiate?

Donald Trump. Reality show star. A business cheat & fraud. When the deals he mde fail, he went bakrupt & other people paid. If he fails here, the world will pay.

It would be funny of it were not so sad.

If I had to pick one person to negotiate high stakes business deals on my behalf and the choices were Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, or a highly successful businessman who's been negotiating on the world stage all his life, I pick the man who's been making deals all his life.

There's nothing easy about negotiating and it can get downright ugly. Yet you criticize the man who is going to get you the best deal simply because he has an "R" next his name.
Now Trump's people at the G7 are telling us Trump had to act the way he did because of his NK summit.

Think about it,

Trump & his people actually think Trump acted like a tough negotiator, a man of strength & wisdom. He had to do it to show NK how tough he was.

In reality, Trump acted like an ass at the G7.

I used to think Kim Jong Un & Trump were the same. Big asses who don't know shit trying to bully to get their way. After the G7, We are in trouble. Kim Jong On is likely to mop the floor with "shot from the hip" Trump.

We have a historic summit between two countries. One with the esire for nuclear weapons that threatened to use them.

Who do we send to negotiate?

Donald Trump. Reality show star. A business cheat & fraud. When the deals he mde fail, he went bakrupt & other people paid. If he fails here, the world will pay.

It would be funny of it were not so sad.
Someone has to clean up the shit Obama threw all over the place.

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