Worst of times

Two and a half months ago the virus killed our jobs. 10's of thousands down the tubes for me personally. Then a few days ago my truck lost power and I had to have it towed to the shop. Yesterday morning I got the call that cylinders 2 & 4 had less than 40% compression. Now this morning the police department calls me at 3am telling me that my jobs box lid has been pryed open and the box was empty and wondering if I left it that way...

Worst 3 months of my entire adult life
General Discussion.

Here's the problem I have with your sorry ass fucking OP, gramps.

"Two and a half months ago the virus killed our jobs."

What you should have started out with is this.

"Two and a half months ago the POTUS killed our jobs."

Late to the table, late COVIF-19 Response killed your job and 40+ million American jobs.
Christ dude, really?
Gotta make it political at any cost.....
Yes, really.
And no I don't.
Your Henchman in the Oval Office has. Defend DJT now, when you need a little help to get a leg up.
The POTUS didn't kill anybody's job you TDS afflicted moron.

I swear, TDS makes you people stupider by the day.
Nope. DJT Magnifies the Stupidity of you and his 33% political right wing base.
The big corporations could be the big winners from this absurd reaction to a virus. As small businesses die in record numbers, if that occurs, we will see an ever greater concentration of wealth into the hands of the 1%.

This all might result in the largest transfer or wealth and the greatest spike in income inequality ever witnessed.

This all makes very good fodder for conspiracy theories
"Could" be the big winners? When ever are they not?
Good luck with your truck.
It's done. Has a quarter million hard miles on it so I'm gonna sell the tires and rims (only a year old) and sell the truck for whatever i can get out of it.
If you go to buy a good used truck I hope you can afford it. They are going for a premium because Obama and the Dems instituted the absolutely stupid $3billion cash for clunkers they destroyed thousands of good used work trucks. That was just one piece of their war on the working class.

They wanted to make them unaffordable so that people need to go in debt to buy a vehicle. One of Obama's ways of stealing from the working class to give to the rich bankers.
I won't be buying new in this economy. I don't have faith that the fear mongering won't spike again this fall.
I've been looking at the used truck market and the prices are just as insane as the new market.
The big corporations could be the big winners from this absurd reaction to a virus. As small businesses die in record numbers, if that occurs, we will see an ever greater concentration of wealth into the hands of the 1%.

This all might result in the largest transfer or wealth and the greatest spike in income inequality ever witnessed.

This all makes very good fodder for conspiracy theories
"Could" be the big winners? When ever are they not?
Agreed. I used that exception only because we don’t know yet if small businesses will die in record numbers.
The big corporations could be the big winners from this absurd reaction to a virus. As small businesses die in record numbers, if that occurs, we will see an ever greater concentration of wealth into the hands of the 1%.

This all might result in the largest transfer or wealth and the greatest spike in income inequality ever witnessed.

This all makes very good fodder for conspiracy theories

bix as usual.....

anecdotally, i was lead spark on my states biggest shovelready job back when the feds came to town

most corrupt and collusive deal ever

so put me down for a tin hat....
Two and a half months ago the virus killed our jobs. 10's of thousands down the tubes for me personally. Then a few days ago my truck lost power and I had to have it towed to the shop. Yesterday morning I got the call that cylinders 2 & 4 had less than 40% compression. Now this morning the police department calls me at 3am telling me that my jobs box lid has been pryed open and the box was empty and wondering if I left it that way...

Worst 3 months of my entire adult life
General Discussion.

Here's the problem I have with your sorry ass fucking OP, gramps.

"Two and a half months ago the virus killed our jobs."

What you should have started out with is this.

"Two and a half months ago the POTUS killed our jobs."

Late to the table, late COVIF-19 Response killed your job and 40+ million American jobs.
Christ dude, really?
Gotta make it political at any cost.....
Yes, really.
And no I don't.
Your Henchman in the Oval Office has. Defend DJT now, when you need a little help to get a leg up.
The POTUS didn't kill anybody's job you TDS afflicted moron.

I swear, TDS makes you people stupider by the day.
Nope. DJT Magnifies the Stupidity of you and his 33% political right wing base.
Why do partisans insist on ruining every thread? You must see everything through the lens of your idiotic partisanship.

Yet another characteristic of the right and left that is exactly the same.
It's your sorry ass in General Discussion. Not me. Go see if DJT will let you get a fucking EBT card to feed your family. Good luck with monthly SS payments for your disability. Behind on your mortgage? Talk to Secretary Mnuchin. And by the way, go fucking paint a wall or 2. Get to work Beotch in the new COVID-19 era.

  • Two and a half months ago the virus killed our jobs. 10's of thousands down the tubes for me personally. Then a few days ago my truck lost power and I had to have it towed to the shop. Yesterday morning I got the call that cylinders 2 & 4 had less than 40% compression. Now this morning the police department calls me at 3am telling me that my jobs box lid has been pryed open and the box was empty and wondering if I left it that way...

    Worst 3 months of my entire adult life

  • No gipper, read it again.
Why do partisans insist on ruining every thread?
It caught me off guard. I didn't even hint at politics in the op but he didn't hesitate to got straight to it.

I can't even fathom politics consuming my every thought on every subject.
Me either, but many Americans are totally consumed by politics. I find these people ignorant rubes on both sides. I don’t wish to be around them.
It's your sorry ass in General Discussion. Not me. Go see if DJT will let you get a fucking EBT card to feed your family. Good luck with monthly SS payments for your disability. Behind on your mortgage? Talk to Secretary Mnuchin. And by the way, go fucking paint a wall or 2. Get to work Beotch in the new COVID-19 era.

I'm not sure why you are being such a douchebag in this thread, but it's rather unseemly.
Two and a half months ago the virus killed our jobs. 10's of thousands down the tubes for me personally. Then a few days ago my truck lost power and I had to have it towed to the shop. Yesterday morning I got the call that cylinders 2 & 4 had less than 40% compression. Now this morning the police department calls me at 3am telling me that my jobs box lid has been pryed open and the box was empty and wondering if I left it that way...

Worst 3 months of my entire adult life
Hope things get better for you.
We don’t agree on a lot at times, but I never wish anyone ill will. I have went through tough times as well but it all passes. Hang in there. It will all get better.
And all at the hands of people in power who WE pay for parroting 'We're all in this together'
That phrase pisses me off more than almost anything.

No, we are not all in it together. Some have endured little to no hardship while others have had their entire lives upended or worse.

Oh god. You act as if a head gasket is the end of the world. Quit whining and suck it up sissy boy. Shit happens.

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