Would a President Trump bring stability or chaos to America? Would he be impeached?

I'm sooo fucking tired of all you white-hating, grievance-mongering, small-dick-complex, minority crybabies, blaming us for your own personal failures. Why don't you Amerindians go crawl back into your bottle? Where you belong.
Personally I have never heard the question posed regarding a political candidate from either party "would he be impeached" before he even takes office. Is this the stealth agenda of the left these days? It's interesting that Hillary's experience in the presidential arena involves impeachment and her political slogan "make America whole again" is pretty insulting to the current president.
Personally I have never heard the question regarding a political candidate from either party "would he be impeached" before he even takes office? Is this the stealth agenda of the left these days? It's interesting that Hillary's slogan seems to be "make America whole again". It's pretty insulting to the current president.

Really? You've never heard that? Well, let me enlighten you...
I think we all know by now that Trump surrounds himself with rich, white elitists. Therefore, I would guess that those folks would have stability - but what about the rest of us? Also, considering how he is hated by the GOP establishment, I think he would be at great risk of impeachment - which would make his choice for Vice President even more important.

What do you think?

They had plenty of stability in Russia, especially in the Gulag. People often experienced 25 years worth of stability at a time.
I think we all know by now that Trump surrounds himself with rich, white elitists. Therefore, I would guess that those folks would have stability - but what about the rest of us? Also, considering how he is hated by the GOP establishment, I think he would be at great risk of impeachment - which would make his choice for Vice President even more important.

What do you think?

The guy doesn't know how to run a political position. Often when this happens lots of mistakes are made, costing people lots of money, and then they end up reversing the mistake to what it was before.

Happened a lot in the UK when the Conservative Party took over in 2010.

Well if the singing drug addicted, booze binging, foul mouthed, slut says Trump is bad, then I find it tough not to vote for him.

Look at all the Hollywood nutter that will leave this country if Trump is elected...how much more of an endorsement do we need?

I would have a tough time choosing between Sanders and Trump, but if the country could get rid of a bunch of Hollywood idiots...well I think Trump would get the nod.
Trump is a horrible human being and should never be American president.

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From what I've been hearing, the Republicans don't have any intention of letting that happen. I guess it would be Cruz winning the nomination if they succeed in stopping Trump. He's just as bad but I really don't see any of them beating Hillary.

It'll be interesting.

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