Would FDR be a Republican today?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We have nothing to fear except..................itself.

1. Covid 19

2. Global warming

3. The Orange Hitler

4. Capitalism

5. The GOP that is the Taliban

6. Christian right

7. Pollution

8. People not wearing masks

9. The police

10. Systemic racism...........against blacks only that is, but I think that is only common sense.
Naw It’s like the dems these days have taken a page out of the corruption that FDR ran,thst man was a traiter and commie lover of Stalin,he loved mass murderers which is why he would fit in perfectly with today’s democrats.
Naw It’s like the dems these days have taken a page out of the corruption that FDR ran,thst man was a traiter and commie lover of Stalin,he loved mass murderers which is why he would fit in perfectly with today’s democrats.

Well FDR said we have nothing to fear but fear itself. However, in today's world that is the furthest thing from the truth when it comes to democrats

I know democrats who are scared of their own shadow because of all the fear mongering, and some are turning into Howard Hues because of it.

That scumbag fdr was the epitome of the democrat party: corrupt, dishonest, controlling, racist, hostile to our Constitution and all it stands for, and utterly indifferent to freedom or human life.
Nope. Can't think of any of America's past presidents that would not be horrified by the current state of the republican party and their leader.
Nope. Can't think of any of America's past presidents that would not be horrified by the current state of the republican party and their leader.
Uh everybody can ignore this post the fact he is clueless the virus happened because of the corrupt dems.
FDR was talented in one way. He could read a freaking menu and make it sound profound. His infamous "fear speech" went out to rave reviews in the fawning media but it was meaningless. A president who would issue an executive order that authorized the incarceration of American citizens without due process would surely be a democrat today.
FDR was a commie. The agenda comes first with commies. If he were alive today he'd be just as much of a commie as all the other democrooks are.
He sat in the Oval Office in a wheelchair for four terms, and we got Daylight Savings Time, the National Firearms Act of 1934, and the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. Then the Nazis we had gone to war against were invited to work for the U.S. government via Operation Paperclip and they really got into keeping government files and tabs on U.S. citizens and treating us as war criminals rather than the SS guards we had supposedly fought against and "won" with a
scissor hand motion and a haircut for victory the girls got scalped. Anne Frank's Diary was all we got out of that.
These kinds of topics are pointless. No dead man/woman from history would be the same person today that they were when they were alive.
Just like no man/woman alive today would act with today's sensibilities 50 years ago were they alive then.
Hell in my lifetime I have seen DOZENS of so called politicians "evolve" their once held positions in a matter of months.

Stupid thread and stupid premise
The scumbag fdr was an arrogant, unfaithful, un-American, racist, controlling, presumptuous, wannabe communist for more than long enough to get a good sense of his lack of character.
We have nothing to fear except..................itself.

1. Covid 19

2. Global warming

3. The Orange Hitler

4. Capitalism

5. The GOP that is the Taliban

6. Christian right

7. Pollution

8. People not wearing masks

9. The police

10. Systemic racism...........against blacks only that is, but I think that is only common sense.
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself" is still completely applicable to everything you posted. They all boil down to RWNJ fear and inability to adapt.
We have nothing to fear except..................itself.

1. Covid 19

2. Global warming

3. The Orange Hitler

4. Capitalism

5. The GOP that is the Taliban

6. Christian right

7. Pollution

8. People not wearing masks

9. The police

10. Systemic racism...........against blacks only that is, but I think that is only common sense.
No. (answer to title of thread)
JFK would be a Republican today.
Uh no,not if you are talking about the corrupt warmonger republicans we have like bush and Romney,last great Republican president we had was calvin coolidge a Rino nothing like those two.now kennedy was a lot like HIM.
Well the people of that time period seemed to like FDR. The people elected him four times and might still be voting for FDR. America's most noted historians named FDR as America's greatest president.
Well the people of that time period seemed to like FDR. The people elected him four times and might still be voting for FDR. America's most noted historians named FDR as America's greatest president.
People voted for Saddam Hussein over and over too.
FDR was a commie. The agenda comes first with commies. If he were alive today he'd be just as much of a commie as all the other democrooks are.
He sat in the Oval Office in a wheelchair for four terms, and we got Daylight Savings Time, the National Firearms Act of 1934, and the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. Then the Nazis we had gone to war against were invited to work for the U.S. government via Operation Paperclip and they really got into keeping government files and tabs on U.S. citizens and treating us as war criminals rather than the SS guards we had supposedly fought against and "won" with a
scissor hand motion and a haircut for victory the girls got scalped. Anne Frank's Diary was all we got out of that.

He also shot down Patton's pleas to advance on Stalinist Russia and take them down while they were wounded.

And ushered in the dawn of never-ending socialism in the US with his "New Deal" (and which actually prolonged the Great Depression rather than remedying it. It's simply amazing that after the utter failure of the New Deal, people have continued to try to argue in support of the "curative" effects of collectivism on society).

In 1931, the year before Franklin Roosevelt was elected president, unemployment in the United States had soared to an unprecedented 16.3 percent. ... In 1939, after almost two full terms of Roosevelt and his New Deal, unemployment had not dropped, but had risen to 17.2 percent. ...

On May 6, 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, confirmed the total failure of the New Deal to stop the Great Depression: “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. ... I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. ... And an enormous debt to boot!” (For more information, see "What Caused the Great Depression?").
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