Would republican voters support lowering the minimum wage if the GOP pushed such a thing?

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After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?
I'd support eliminating it entirely. The Government can't properly allocate resources or measure supply and demand curves, and nobody who works in Government is at all qualified to run a business, otherwise they would be running businesses instead of stealing our money and sending Road Pirates after us.

EDIT: Roughly 2.7% of people who work for an hourly wage are paid minimum wage, for the record.

Your record is broken, liar. Look at Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2017 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and you will see it's 58.4%. That 2.7% is the decrease in the number from 2016 to 2017 not the total. It's been running right about a +61% for a few years. And don't give me this crap that it was Trump that made it drop. Any change that affected 2017 was done in 2016. The Reports for 2018 are not tabulated yet. Want to bet they won't be too well off?

You can stop lying any time now.
I wouldn't have much enthusiasm for lowering the minimum wage...

... however, if we're talking about eliminating it.

Lol oh my god. What the fuck do you even think would happen after that?

I can dream, can t I?
Okay so your dream comes true. Then what? What do you think will happen?

The value of labor is determined by the market in exactly the same way the price of goods and service is determined by the market?

Something along those lines?
After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?
I'd support eliminating it entirely. The Government can't properly allocate resources or measure supply and demand curves, and nobody who works in Government is at all qualified to run a business, otherwise they would be running businesses instead of stealing our money and sending Road Pirates after us.

EDIT: Roughly 2.7% of people who work for an hourly wage are paid minimum wage, for the record.

Your record is broken, liar. Look at Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2017 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and you will see it's 58.4%. That 2.7% is the decrease in the number from 2016 to 2017 not the total. It's been running right about a +61% for a few years. And don't give me this crap that it was Trump that made it drop. Any change that affected 2017 was done in 2016. The Reports for 2018 are not tabulated yet. Want to bet they won't be too well off?

You can stop lying any time now.
Wait, what?

"In 2017, 80.4 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.3 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 542,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.3 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 1.8 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.3 percent of all hourly paid workers."

It's only 2.3%, not 2.7%.
I wouldn't have much enthusiasm for lowering the minimum wage...

... however, if we're talking about eliminating it.

Lol oh my god. What the fuck do you even think would happen after that?

I can dream, can t I?
Okay so your dream comes true. Then what? What do you think will happen?

The value of labor is determined by the market in exactly the same way the price of goods and service is determined by the market?

Something along those lines?

You would think so but it's not the way it works out. Let's do a break down.

Cost of living in 2018 went up 4.1%
Wages for 75K and below went up an average of 3%
Wages for the top Wage Earners went up 7%

That means that the Top Wage Earners had an average of 800,000 bucks raise and stayed well ahead of the cost of living while the average worker lost ground to the cost of living once again. This has been going on for the last 40 years. In 1970, a normal wage earner could make a living for a family of 4 by working only one 40 hour job. Today, that same wage earner needs to have at least 2 40 hour jobs per week. Meaning, either the man or woman has to work two jobs or both of the couples have to be fully employed to support a family of 4. Now, tell me again how that is good for the welfare of the Family unit?

And remember, 58.4% of employed hourly workers are working for Minimum wage so the number of hours will exceed the 80 hours.
That means that the Top Wage Earners had an average of 800,000 bucks raise and stayed well ahead of the cost of living while the average worker lost ground to the cost of living once again

Sounds like a really excellent motivation to stay in school, get a (useful) degree, and be a 'Top Wage Earner'.

However, saying that doesn't happen, does the minimum wage currently keep up with the cost of living? Is there any reason why it should?

If I choose the best value for my goods and service, why shouldn't I choose my labor in precisely the same manner?

There is ONE way in which the minimum wage benefits society. It encourages automation so that the lowest paying jobs are replaced with lower cost automation and a better customer experience ... further isolating the lower ends of society from the rest of us.


I wouldn't have much enthusiasm for lowering the minimum wage...

... however, if we're talking about eliminating it.

Lol oh my god. What the fuck do you even think would happen after that?

I can dream, can t I?
Okay so your dream comes true. Then what? What do you think will happen?

The value of labor is determined by the market in exactly the same way the price of goods and service is determined by the market?

Something along those lines?

You would think so but it's not the way it works out. Let's do a break down.

Cost of living in 2018 went up 4.1%
Wages for 75K and below went up an average of 3%
Wages for the top Wage Earners went up 7%

That means that the Top Wage Earners had an average of 800,000 bucks raise and stayed well ahead of the cost of living while the average worker lost ground to the cost of living once again. This has been going on for the last 40 years. In 1970, a normal wage earner could make a living for a family of 4 by working only one 40 hour job. Today, that same wage earner needs to have at least 2 40 hour jobs per week. Meaning, either the man or woman has to work two jobs or both of the couples have to be fully employed to support a family of 4. Now, tell me again how that is good for the welfare of the Family unit?

And remember, 58.4% of employed hourly workers are working for Minimum wage so the number of hours will exceed the 80 hours.
Every one of your numbers are completely off. Read your own article.

80 million people are paid hourly, representing 58.3% of ALL PEOPLE wages or salary. Only 2.3% are paid minimum wage.

Read your article again.

That means that the Top Wage Earners had an average of 800,000 bucks raise and stayed well ahead of the cost of living while the average worker lost ground to the cost of living once again

Sounds like a really excellent motivation to stay in school, get a (useful) degree, and be a 'Top Wage Earner'.

However, saying that doesn't happen, does the minimum wage currently keep up with the cost of living? Is there any reason why it should?

If I choose the best value for my goods and service, why shouldn't I choose my labor in precisely the same manner?

There is ONE way in which the minimum wage benefits society. It encourages automation so that the lowest paying jobs are replaced with lower cost automation and a better customer experience ... further isolating the lower ends of society from the rest of us.



50 years ago, anyone that worked for a company had the ability to move up. Companies would recognize a promising worker, put them in a training program and get them kicked up. Any job that required a special skill set, the company would train their workers to meet those needs at their own expense. It worked well for everyone. Only the very bottom got paid minimum wage and almost everyone got the chance to move up. You worked hard and were rewarded.

Not so today. Today, I see companies advertising for new hires but they require at least 2 years of experience. Most don't require a degree but do require that 2 years of experience where a BA in the proper field can supplement for the 2 year job requirement. But the min wage jobs don't have that requirement but there is no chance of promotion. The Job market is willy nilly these days. If I were 30 years younger (yes, Dorathy there is an Age discrimination) with my formal education, I could easily have a job at or just below 6 figures. But the High School Grad will be lucky to get much over the min wage job unless they want to take the more dangerous jobs out there. And trust me, I've worked them as well and there is absolutely no future in those jobs when you get older. In the Oil Fields, it's a tough job and pays about 22 bucks an hour. Sounds real good until you consider that Min Wage will soon be 15 an hour and that 22 bucks an hour won't be going up.

The problem we have here is, if the bottom wages go up, the cost of living goes up even higher so the bottom wages lose ground. The wage earners above that will get a raise of 3% and still be saddled with the increase in the cost of living of 4.1%. They lose ground. Where does this money go? It goes to the upper class so they can have their 7% raise or more. What can YOU buy with a free 800,000 dollars laid in your lap? I wouldn't complain if the upper class got the 3% raise that the lower ones did. I think that would be fair. Then they would only have to try and figure out what to do with the free 200K+ laid in their laps (the poor puppies). But there is nothing we can or should do about that 7%.

But there is something we should do when the greedy MOFs keep raising the cost of living beyond the yearly raises. We need to back track the cost of living back to the percentage of 50 years ago according to wages earned. Okay, that may sound like Socialism a bit. But the workers have been ripped off for the last 50 years by a bunch of greedy providers. You want to get rid of the Min Wage, fine. But allow the worker to bring home enough to live on with his family.

As Nipsy Russel once said,

Forever the streets I do roam because my Take Home Pay will no longer take me home. (circa 1980)
After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

You do know States can go beyond the Federal Requirement for the minimum wage if they like.

Texas is set at the Federal level but States like California and Oregon have raised their beyond the Federal Level.

My point?

As you put all the blame on the GOP you should ask yourself what have your local and state Democrats done to help raise the minimum wage on the local and state level?

You do not need the Federal Government to do what the local and state governments should do on their own...

Now my guess is you prefer Texas be forced to California standard because you hate the idea a GOP state doing better than you Utopia...
50 years ago, anyone that worked for a company had the ability to move up.

You seriously watch too many movies...


Before I went into the Military, at a ripe old age of 18, I was afforded the oppurtunity to move up in jobs and they offered training. In fact, since I had no choice but to go into the Military, the Powers in the Company made suggestions for the jobs that I might take in the Military so that when I got back, I could have some real cherry jobs. We have people that worked Coal but there were other options. You didn't have to work the mines. But the Mines paid very well and were steady. So it was a choice. Yes, in other areas, some didn't have a choice but in areas with multiple options, we have other options as well. And I didn't lose a damned thing 1000 feet below the ground.
But allow the worker to bring home enough to live on with his family.

This isn't Russia. The 'worker' can work where he wants, when he wants. He can ask any price he wants for a salary. He can accept or decline any offer made him.

If someone accepts job that doesn't pay for the lifestyle he chooses to maintain ... the fault is 100% on him.
But allow the worker to bring home enough to live on with his family.

This isn't Russia. The 'worker' can work where he wants, when he wants. He can ask any price he wants for a salary. He can accept or decline any offer made him.

If someone accepts job that doesn't pay for the lifestyle he chooses to maintain ... the fault is 100% on him.

And you are free to charge more for his cost of living than he is capable of earning, right? Even with Min Wage, that's where we are right now. The Cost of Living exceeds the take home pay.

How would YOU cure this problem. This woman is working.
But allow the worker to bring home enough to live on with his family.

This isn't Russia. The 'worker' can work where he wants, when he wants. He can ask any price he wants for a salary. He can accept or decline any offer made him.

If someone accepts job that doesn't pay for the lifestyle he chooses to maintain ... the fault is 100% on him.

And you are free to charge more for his cost of living than he is capable of earning, right? Even with Min Wage, that's where we are right now. The Cost of Living exceeds the take home pay.

How would YOU cure this problem. This woman is working.

burn down dc and state capitals ?
Government Is to Blame for America’s Cost of Living Crisis

bonus footage
libertarians do have a sense of humor

no im not a libertarian ..they lose me at wide open borders
But allow the worker to bring home enough to live on with his family.

This isn't Russia. The 'worker' can work where he wants, when he wants. He can ask any price he wants for a salary. He can accept or decline any offer made him.

If someone accepts job that doesn't pay for the lifestyle he chooses to maintain ... the fault is 100% on him.

And you are free to charge more for his cost of living than he is capable of earning, right? Even with Min Wage, that's where we are right now. The Cost of Living exceeds the take home pay.

How would YOU cure this problem. This woman is working.

I don't see a problem. At least not a problem for me as a taxpayer.
But allow the worker to bring home enough to live on with his family.

This isn't Russia. The 'worker' can work where he wants, when he wants. He can ask any price he wants for a salary. He can accept or decline any offer made him.

If someone accepts job that doesn't pay for the lifestyle he chooses to maintain ... the fault is 100% on him.

And you are free to charge more for his cost of living than he is capable of earning, right? Even with Min Wage, that's where we are right now. The Cost of Living exceeds the take home pay.

How would YOU cure this problem. This woman is working.

burn down dc and state capitals ?
Government Is to Blame for America’s Cost of Living Crisis

I could get behind that
no im not a libertarian ..they lose me at wide open borders

Actually, the Libertarian position on immigration isn't open borders.

It's set a criteria for legal immigration and accept whomever applies if they meet the criteria.

Libertarians don't support illegal immigration.
But allow the worker to bring home enough to live on with his family.

This isn't Russia. The 'worker' can work where he wants, when he wants. He can ask any price he wants for a salary. He can accept or decline any offer made him.

If someone accepts job that doesn't pay for the lifestyle he chooses to maintain ... the fault is 100% on him.

And you are free to charge more for his cost of living than he is capable of earning, right? Even with Min Wage, that's where we are right now. The Cost of Living exceeds the take home pay.

How would YOU cure this problem. This woman is working.

I don't see a problem. At least not a problem for me as a taxpayer.

And when they came for me, there wasn't anyone to defend me left. And that is the problem. It all works for you until it doesn't.
After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

The issue really is progressives are trying to equate a "living" wage, with the minimum wage, and the two are entirely different concepts.

The former started out as a baseline for the most menial jobs, jobs never meant as careers. The latter is an attempt to make those same jobs pay enough so someone can work at them for decades and afford the basics in life.

The 2nd is the one that is entirely unfeasible, because it usually raises the cost of a person's labor to above the value added to the final product/service of that labor.
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