Would republican voters support lowering the minimum wage if the GOP pushed such a thing?

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Not a Republican, but I'd support getting rid of minimum wage altogether.

If you do that then we need to get rid of the Right to Work laws. The Unions came into being just for that reason.

This is 1950s thinking. We don't need minimum wage nor do we need some teamster patting himself on his back for getting the worker an extra nickel an hour while he makes millions.

1. You say we don't need unions. Okay, let's go with that.

2. You say we don't need Min Wage. Okay, let's go with that

3. Now, what are you going to do with the fact that the Cost of Living, every year in the last 40 years, has outstripped the increase in wages. Todays dollar and todays wages, Today's Worker makes less than the Worker 40 years ago. What are you going to do about the Greed Factor.

Todays dollar and todays wages, Today's Worker makes less than the Worker 40 years ago.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Forever the streets I do roam because my takehome pay will no longer take me home: Nipsy Russel circa 1980

Minimum wage isn't something to aspire to.
[But the GOP does support the lower middle class disappearing into the poverty class due to the rich raising the cost of living at a higher rate than the wage increases, right?
Absolutely not, but feel free to keep on repeating that 'misinformation' if you choose.

President Trump, for example, has created the strongest economy in decades, has created the lowest unemployment rate id decades - in some cases (Minorities) ever in US history - while being responsible for more Americans working at 1 time than any other time in this country's history.

His economy is responsible for millions of Americans becoming more independent instead of being dependent of Govt Social Programs to live / get by. Millions of the Americans of which you speak are making a come-back', getting off of unemployment, off of food stamps, etc....

Meanwhile the foundation of the Democrat's power / securing their place in political office for decades has been on policies of 'economic slavery', policies designed to ensure Americans are KEPT on those Govt social programs / hand-outs that only offer enough to people to survive and remain dependent on those programs. They are not designed to help Americans become more independent an eventually be able to end their dependency on them. And in a system like that, who are the people dependent on those programs to survive going to vote for? Those who will keep those programs alive and running!

Under Trump's economy / leadership, unemployment has plummeted, more Americans got jobs, Americans got HIGHER WAGES - to include higher MINIMUM WAGES...WITHOUT DEMOCRAYTS HAVING TO STEP IN AND MANDATE THOSE HIGHER MINIMU WAGES, Americans got RAISES, and BONUSES....

Republicans want to STOP the flood of unskilled illegals into the United States, unlike the Democrats who refused to preserve our sovereignty / secure our borders / enforce existing immigration law/ keep illegal immigration going. The Democrats chose to stand with illegals, Human / Sex traffickers, Mexican Drug Cartels, MS13, rapists, pedophiles, and cop killers to shut the govt down in order to make sure all that continued.

*** One of the KEY points here is that with the massive 'invasion' of un-skilled illegals comes the undercutting of the minimum wage / salary of American citizens...which Democrats have signaled they could care less about just as long as they can get the votes of all these incoming illegals (through illegal votes or finally being able to ram amnesty for them (without doing anything to end illegal immigration) through into law.

Don't blame the Republicans for this one.....

So again, you keep telling whatever narrative you want....despite the facts...if you want.
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Not a Republican, but I'd support getting rid of minimum wage altogether.

If you do that then we need to get rid of the Right to Work laws. The Unions came into being just for that reason.

This is 1950s thinking. We don't need minimum wage nor do we need some teamster patting himself on his back for getting the worker an extra nickel an hour while he makes millions.

1. You say we don't need unions. Okay, let's go with that.

2. You say we don't need Min Wage. Okay, let's go with that

3. Now, what are you going to do with the fact that the Cost of Living, every year in the last 40 years, has outstripped the increase in wages. Todays dollar and todays wages, Today's Worker makes less than the Worker 40 years ago. What are you going to do about the Greed Factor.

Todays dollar and todays wages, Today's Worker makes less than the Worker 40 years ago.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Forever the streets I do roam because my takehome pay will no longer take me home: Nipsy Russel circa 1980

He was funny.
Not much of an economist...…..
Eliminate it!!!!!!!!

Because we can trust corporations to do the right thing. Just like we did under Bush.
Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

Not a Republican, but I'd support getting rid of minimum wage altogether.

If you do that then we need to get rid of the Right to Work laws. The Unions came into being just for that reason.

Ah a Union guy, the people voted for Right to work laws, you want to force people into joining a Union?
Eliminate it!!!!!!!!

Because we can trust corporations to do the right thing. Just like we did under Bush.

It's always supply and demand, that's why in low minimum wage states they are paying way over their states minimum wage
Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

I’m a Conservative, not a Republican, but YES I would support lowering the minimum wage; preferably to $0.00
[But the GOP does support the lower middle class disappearing into the poverty class due to the rich raising the cost of living at a higher rate than the wage increases, right?
Absolutely not, but feel free to keep on repeating that 'misinformation' if you choose.

President Trump, for example, has created the strongest economy in decades, has created the lowest unemployment rate id decades - in some cases (Minorities) ever in US history - while being responsible for more Americans working at 1 time than any other time in this country's history.

His economy is responsible for millions of Americans becoming more independent instead of being dependent of Govt Social Programs to live / get by. Millions of the Americans of which you speak are making a come-back', getting off of unemployment, off of food stamps, etc....

Meanwhile the foundation of the Democrat's power / securing their place in political office for decades has been on policies of 'economic slavery', policies designed to ensure Americans are KEPT on those Govt social programs / hand-outs that only offer enough to people to survive and remain dependent on those programs. They are not designed to help Americans become more independent an eventually be able to end their dependency on them. And in a system like that, who are the people dependent on those programs to survive going to vote for? Those who will keep those programs alive and running!

Under Trump's economy / leadership, unemployment has plummeted, more Americans got jobs, Americans got HIGHER WAGES - to include higher MINIMUM WAGES...WITHOUT DEMOCRAYTS HAVING TO STEP IN AND MANDATE THOSE HIGHER MINIMU WAGES

Around here, which is a deep red area, begging on the street pays better than most jobs.
Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

Not a Republican, but I'd support getting rid of minimum wage altogether.

If you do that then we need to get rid of the Right to Work laws. The Unions came into being just for that reason.

This is 1950s thinking. We don't need minimum wage nor do we need some teamster patting himself on his back for getting the worker an extra nickel an hour while he makes millions.

1. You say we don't need unions. Okay, let's go with that.

2. You say we don't need Min Wage. Okay, let's go with that

3. Now, what are you going to do with the fact that the Cost of Living, every year in the last 40 years, has outstripped the increase in wages. Todays dollar and todays wages, Today's Worker makes less than the Worker 40 years ago. What are you going to do about the Greed Factor.

Quit voting for Democrats at the state and local level, with their 100,000 grand a year dog catchers and saturating the job market with illegals
Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

Not a Republican, but I'd support getting rid of minimum wage altogether.

If you do that then we need to get rid of the Right to Work laws. The Unions came into being just for that reason.

Ah a Union guy, the people voted for Right to work laws, you want to force people into joining a Union?

The Union should never be good nor bad. But the threat of the Union is just another tool in the Workers toolbox.
But allow the worker to bring home enough to live on with his family.


This isn't Russia. The 'worker' can work where he wants, when he wants. He can ask any price he wants for a salary. He can accept or decline any offer made him.

If someone accepts job that doesn't pay for the lifestyle he chooses to maintain ... the fault is 100% on him.

And you are free to charge more for his cost of living than he is capable of earning, right? Even with Min Wage, that's where we are right now. The Cost of Living exceeds the take home pay.

How would YOU cure this problem. This woman is working.

You don't know the simple answer?

Stop voting for Fucking Democrats at the state and local level.

Or maybe we need to start sending the crooks to prison that take advantage of the workers.

By all means kick out the Illegals and throw in jail the ones hiring them under the table
Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

Not a Republican, but I'd support getting rid of minimum wage altogether.

If you do that then we need to get rid of the Right to Work laws. The Unions came into being just for that reason.

Ah a Union guy, the people voted for Right to work laws, you want to force people into joining a Union?

The Union should never be good nor bad. But the threat of the Union is just another tool in the Workers toolbox.

Where is Unions illegal?

After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

Wages have risen a lot during the Trump Administration, even though the federal minimum wage hasn't been increased. Very few are receiving the federal minimum nowadays.

This isn't about higher wages- we have that already. This is about the liberal need to tell other people what to do.
Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

Not a Republican, but I'd support getting rid of minimum wage altogether.

If you do that then we need to get rid of the Right to Work laws. The Unions came into being just for that reason.

This is 1950s thinking. We don't need minimum wage nor do we need some teamster patting himself on his back for getting the worker an extra nickel an hour while he makes millions.

1. You say we don't need unions. Okay, let's go with that.

2. You say we don't need Min Wage. Okay, let's go with that

3. Now, what are you going to do with the fact that the Cost of Living, every year in the last 40 years, has outstripped the increase in wages. Todays dollar and todays wages, Today's Worker makes less than the Worker 40 years ago. What are you going to do about the Greed Factor.

Educate workers better not to be greedy.
Don't spend more than you earn.
Don't get married until you can afford it.
Don't have kids until you can afford them.
Don't buy a house until you can afford it.
Don't buy expensive cars.
Get rid of cable, cell phones, etc if you can't afford them.
Don't spend money on useless things, hair styling, mannies, peddies, trips to disney, designer clothes, etc.
Work hard and move ahead.
If you job isn't paying enough, find a better paying one.
Get a second job.
down here most shit jobs start above minimum wage cause ya gotta be competitive to lure people in

even the local mcdos has a sign out starting pay 9/ to 10 bucks

free food
free uniforms
tuition assistance
paid vacation time
sick days

i like mcdos iced coffee ...i dont eat the fake food

And during the interview, applicants ask how often they get a break and how soon before they get a vacation. Then they're shocked when they realize they have to actually work.
After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

Wages have risen a lot during the Trump Administration, even though the federal minimum wage hasn't been increased. Very few are receiving the federal minimum nowadays.

This isn't about higher wages- we have that already. This is about the liberal need to tell other people what to do.

Wow, another temper tantrum. And he threw himself to the ground in a fit of rate......and missed.
After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

The issue really is progressives are trying to equate a "living" wage, with the minimum wage, and the two are entirely different concepts.

The former started out as a baseline for the most menial jobs, jobs never meant as careers. The latter is an attempt to make those same jobs pay enough so someone can work at them for decades and afford the basics in life.

The 2nd is the one that is entirely unfeasible, because it usually raises the cost of a person's labor to above the value added to the final product/service of that labor.

Let's look at it another way.

There has been job loss. Due to some jobs going overseas and some jobs lost to automation. Mostly, it's been automation. In many areas that had skilled factory work that has been taken over by automation, those burger flipping jobs may be all that's available. You have bread winners working at menial jobs because that's all that there is. You can blame shipping jobs overseas, illegals, etc. but the bulk of the job losses have been lost to automation. Even the burger flippers are fast losing their jobs to automation now.

Without paid job training, what then? 50 years ago, the corporations paid for that and got a damned fine employee out of it. Today, they think that's lost revenue and would never pay that. So when the job is lost the employee is cut lose. In 10 years, even the menial tasks won't be available at such a demanding rate. Do we just send them home to starve and die? Then we wonder why the crime rate goes up because they will find a way to make a living for them and their families.

The greatest ability humanity has had over its existence is adaptability. Are we saying that somewhere along the way we lost this?
[But the GOP does support the lower middle class disappearing into the poverty class due to the rich raising the cost of living at a higher rate than the wage increases, right?
Absolutely not, but feel free to keep on repeating that 'misinformation' if you choose.

President Trump, for example, has created the strongest economy in decades, has created the lowest unemployment rate id decades - in some cases (Minorities) ever in US history - while being responsible for more Americans working at 1 time than any other time in this country's history.

His economy is responsible for millions of Americans becoming more independent instead of being dependent of Govt Social Programs to live / get by. Millions of the Americans of which you speak are making a come-back', getting off of unemployment, off of food stamps, etc....

Meanwhile the foundation of the Democrat's power / securing their place in political office for decades has been on policies of 'economic slavery', policies designed to ensure Americans are KEPT on those Govt social programs / hand-outs that only offer enough to people to survive and remain dependent on those programs. They are not designed to help Americans become more independent an eventually be able to end their dependency on them. And in a system like that, who are the people dependent on those programs to survive going to vote for? Those who will keep those programs alive and running!

Under Trump's economy / leadership, unemployment has plummeted, more Americans got jobs, Americans got HIGHER WAGES - to include higher MINIMUM WAGES...WITHOUT DEMOCRAYTS HAVING TO STEP IN AND MANDATE THOSE HIGHER MINIMU WAGES

Around here, which is a deep red area, begging on the street pays better than most jobs.

It's a shame when illegal aliens drive down wages for low-skilled jobs.
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