Would You Feel Safe Traveling to London?

Not me unless I could go armed

How about you?

Crossing the street is more dangerous than London. Are you planning to not ever do that? The goal of terrorism is not killing people, it is making people scared. I live in Belgium. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent.Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?

Depends on what part of society you're in.
There is not a part in my society where terrorism is a greater threat then crossing the street.

32 people might disagree.

1355 people would agree. What's the bigger number?
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Fortunately Britain did not put a Leninist into office - though it was a narrow miss. Accordingly my tour group has decided not to cancel the pending month-long trip to London, Bath, York and some 6 other places. But they're doing everything possible to keep cancellation options open just in case. They're NOT concerned about "terrorists". They ARE scared shitless of "Corbyn". Not concerned over violence; rather concerned about a wave of strikes and transport shutdowns that would inevitably follow him coming to power.
Not me unless I could go armed

How about you?

Crossing the street is more dangerous than London. Are you planning to not ever do that? The goal of terrorism is not killing people, it is making people scared. I live in Belgium. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent.Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?

Depends on what part of society you're in.
There is not a part in my society where terrorism is a greater threat then crossing the street.

32 people might disagree.

1355 people would agree. What's the bigger number?

You're good at missing the point.
Crossing the street is more dangerous than London. Are you planning to not ever do that? The goal of terrorism is not killing people, it is making people scared. I live in Belgium. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent.Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?

Depends on what part of society you're in.
There is not a part in my society where terrorism is a greater threat then crossing the street.

32 people might disagree.

1355 people would agree. What's the bigger number?

You're good at missing the point.
If I use the word society, I mean society as a whole. You seem to try to make the point, that if you are one of the victims the statistics somehow change. While statistic wouldn't matter for the victims the premise of what I said stands. Crossing the street has a bigger inherent risk then terrorism. Besides it's a point I have already touched.
I agree, that's the reason in modern society, victims of crimes don't judge the criminal, it's called objectivity, something that's impossible to do when your involved.
You also seem to deliberately change the parameters of what I asked. Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?
Well, I really don't feel afraid of a terrorist attack happening. Perhaps that's a false sense of security, but I really don't see the point of going around being paranoid and limiting myself and my enjoyment of my life because of it. I still hate terror and terrorists, of course, and I certainly do not want them imported here to America.
It's not paranoid to avoid the delusion of "it can't happen to me"
Problem is it should not happen to anyone which you just don't get
I've read enough British, French and German cyber-media for enough years, that as much as I detest Pisslam, I feel at least as endangered by native European sadistically American-hating humanoid-feces as the muslims they cocksuck. Eurotrash have made it CRYSTAL clear that us "seppos" are their TRUE enemy, their TRUE bogeyman, their TRUE nightmare, so this "seppo" is more than happy to oblige them! It would be dishonest of me to visit the Islamic-human-condom Coward Continent when I consider Europeans the SLIME OF MY RACE I wish dead. See, that's why I get so much schadenfreude over their constant Pisslam nightmares; I have never seen two groups of American-hating parasitic slime-mold who deserve each other more than Eurotrash and muslim filth. With every quantum of my yankee-doodle-soul, I hope Euros and muslims kill as many of each other as possible. Because both are PARASITES on this country that curse our very existence while they vampirize us. Yes, in my years of backpacking abroad, I've dealt with MANY European punkass garbage, white n*ggers who simply cannot behave in a civilized manner when a yank is around; I've had to have Eurotrash actually kicked out of backpacker hostels for their delirious hatred of Americans.

My true regret is that are only so many profanities I can dredge up from my vocabulary (which is formidable) to depict what bona fide human evil Euros and muslims are.
Who wants to go to Europe in this day and age

Europe has changed

It's not who it used to be.

Eurabia is the name of that continent now.
Who wants to go to Europe in this day and age

Europe has changed

It's not who it used to be.

Eurabia is the name of that continent now.
Since I remember cons always hated Europe, remember "Freedom Fries".
Rich cons always loved Europe and many have homes there.
Who wants to go to Europe in this day and age

Europe has changed

It's not who it used to be.

Eurabia is the name of that continent now.
Since I remember cons always hated Europe, remember "Freedom Fries".
Rich cons always loved Europe and many have homes there.

Things have changed now.

to add

changed for the worst
My mom invited me to a trip to Europe this year and I said no thank you.

And now after thinking she told me I was right and better not...

So....there you have it
I have relatives working in London

Lord knows I pray everyday for their safety
what about travelling to Miami instead of London? :biggrin:

never been there....lots of salsa .....how about that ??sounds good????:mm:

will keep that Miami area in mind...lol

it's the music my darlings.....it's the salsa that's what attracts me there .....for some days....

then back home:thup:


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