Would You Feel Safe Traveling to London?

Funny that you bring this up because I was invited to take a trip to France this summer! I've never been out of the United States, so I'm a little nervous about it but also excited. :) No, I won't be "packing heat." Lol.

I won't let these terrorists stop me from enjoying my life.
I just read an article on how to behave in France so they don't mock ewe! Right down to, you must pull your bread off in tiny little bites, do not pick it up and take a bite out of it. Learn French and do not eat your salad first! You finish your meal with the salad! Do not ask for a doggie bag that insults them. How petty are these people! Oh! And do not hug anyone either.

I'm not too concerned in what they think. That's not why I'm going there. I'm going there for the adventure and for a romantic get away from my every day boring life! :D I'm really looking forward to it actually.
We went to England, Ireland and Scotland a few years back and enjoyed it.

I wouldnt go now
Scotland I have plans for. I have a friend that goes every year.
I always wanted to go to Scotland. Gave that up when the Scottish flag flew over Libya
Funny that you bring this up because I was invited to take a trip to France this summer! I've never been out of the United States, so I'm a little nervous about it but also excited. :) No, I won't be "packing heat." Lol.

I won't let these terrorists stop me from enjoying my life.
I just read an article on how to behave in France so they don't mock ewe! Right down to, you must pull your bread off in tiny little bites, do not pick it up and take a bite out of it. Learn French and do not eat your salad first! You finish your meal with the salad! Do not ask for a doggie bag that insults them. How petty are these people! Oh! And do not hug anyone either.

I'm not too concerned in what they think. That's not why I'm going there. I'm going there for the adventure and for a romantic get away from my every day boring life! :D I'm really looking forward to it actually.

My son was a flight engineer who travelled the world over. I once asked him to tell me the best and worst cities to travel to he named Paris as the worst and Rome as the best. I do hope you have a good experience.
We went to England, Ireland and Scotland a few years back and enjoyed it.

I wouldnt go now
Scotland I have plans for. I have a friend that goes every year.
I always wanted to go to Scotland. Gave that up when the Scottish flag flew over Libya
Funny that you bring this up because I was invited to take a trip to France this summer! I've never been out of the United States, so I'm a little nervous about it but also excited. :) No, I won't be "packing heat." Lol.

I won't let these terrorists stop me from enjoying my life.
I just read an article on how to behave in France so they don't mock ewe! Right down to, you must pull your bread off in tiny little bites, do not pick it up and take a bite out of it. Learn French and do not eat your salad first! You finish your meal with the salad! Do not ask for a doggie bag that insults them. How petty are these people! Oh! And do not hug anyone either.

I'm not too concerned in what they think. That's not why I'm going there. I'm going there for the adventure and for a romantic get away from my every day boring life! :D I'm really looking forward to it actually.

My son was a flight engineer who travelled the world over. I once asked him to tell me the best and worst cities to travel to he named Paris as the worst and Rome as the best. I do hope you have a good experience.

Thanks. I'm sure I will! :)
Your chance of being caught up in a terrorist attack are probably pretty close to that of being struck by lightning.

Yep, and i don't go around waving metal rods in a Thunderstorm any more thsn i would travel to places where I am not allowed to defend myself.
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The same with going to Mexico only it's not terrorist there, it criminal mexicans and American haters.
Your chance of being caught up in a terrorist attack are probably pretty close to that of being struck by lightning.
Tell that to the people in England yesterday.
. I won't let these terrorists stop me from enjoying my life.

They did just that to several prople in London yesterday. I dont trust most armed American security personnel. How the hell could i ever trhdt u armsd or underarmed European security/police?
The same with going to Mexico only it's not terrorist there, it criminal mexicans and American haters.
Your chance of being caught up in a terrorist attack are probably pretty close to that of being struck by lightning.
Tell that to the people in England yesterday.
Hell, I would not spend an American nickel in either France or Mexico!
We went to England, Ireland and Scotland a few years back and enjoyed it.

I wouldnt go now
Scotland I have plans for. I have a friend that goes every year.
I always wanted to go to Scotland. Gave that up when the Scottish flag flew over Libya
Funny that you bring this up because I was invited to take a trip to France this summer! I've never been out of the United States, so I'm a little nervous about it but also excited. :) No, I won't be "packing heat." Lol.

I won't let these terrorists stop me from enjoying my life.
I just read an article on how to behave in France so they don't mock ewe! Right down to, you must pull your bread off in tiny little bites, do not pick it up and take a bite out of it. Learn French and do not eat your salad first! You finish your meal with the salad! Do not ask for a doggie bag that insults them. How petty are these people! Oh! And do not hug anyone either.

I'm not too concerned in what they think. That's not why I'm going there. I'm going there for the adventure and for a romantic get away from my every day boring life! :D I'm really looking forward to it actually.

My son was a flight engineer who travelled the world over. I once asked him to tell me the best and worst cities to travel to he named Paris as the worst and Rome as the best. I do hope you have a good experience.
I have a friend that sent one of her kids to school in France for a year. While there they were robbed while visiting the Ifel Tower....then there was the club bombing.
Actually I would feel much more pressure visiting the Usa! I've seen too much stuff on youtube about cops killing everything that moves! I don't want to get shotted lol, it seems like they can kill you even if you cross the street in a wrong spot...

Anyway no I'm not scared of travelling in Europe, and in a few months I'll even move in Germany for a six months...

The thing is that most europeans feel the same as I do about travelling in the usa but after all these terrorist attacks now they feel the same about europe (of course if you are referring about "terroristic threats" Europe is now 100x more dangerous than Usa)...
One more reason (of several) that I'm glad I don't have the travel bug anymore.
Funny that you bring this up because I was invited to take a trip to France this summer! I've never been out of the United States, so I'm a little nervous about it but also excited. :) No, I won't be "packing heat." Lol.

I won't let these terrorists stop me from enjoying my life.

Stay away from the No Go zones.....pay attention to what the local French people say are the dangerous places......don't listen to what the government may say, they are hiding the problem....
Actually I would feel much more pressure visiting the Usa! I've seen too much stuff on youtube about cops killing everything that moves! I don't want to get shotted lol, it seems like they can kill you even if you cross the street in a wrong spot...

Anyway no I'm not scared of travelling in Europe, and in a few months I'll even move in Germany for a six months...

The thing is that most europeans feel the same as I do about travelling in the usa but after all these terrorist attacks now they feel the same about europe (of course if you are referring about "terroristic threats" Europe is now 100x more dangerous than Usa)...

If you don't point a gun at the police or fight and resist arrest, you have no problem.....
I have some Canadian relatives who won't visit the US because it's full of guns and nitwit Trump voters ...

They have no problem visiting Europe.

Yeah....Canada is starting to wise up.......they are learning that Trump is better for them than their socialist leadership...

5,000 Canadians March in Support of Trump, Against Liberal Trudeau Administration

A group of up to 5,000 Canadian citizens marched on Canada’s capital on Saturday in support of U.S. President Donald Trump’s conservative agenda and against the liberal agenda of their own Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.
The marchers gathered to protest the country’s spiraling tax rate, its recent attacks on free speech, and the government’s wild over-spending, Daily Caller reported.

Event organizer Mike Waine, who called his march the “Million Deplorable March” in emulation of the name Hillary Clinton made up for Donald Trump’s supporters, said he is annoyed that PM Trudeau gets a free pass from the Canadian media.
Actually I would feel much more pressure visiting the Usa! I've seen too much stuff on youtube about cops killing everything that moves! I don't want to get shotted lol, it seems like they can kill you even if you cross the street in a wrong spot....

Yrs. Exactly. They get a bounty for Liberals. Especially Europeans. So stsy home and leave tbe dangerous streets of the USA to Anericans.
Actually......London is a violent place even without muslim terrorism. Gun crime in London is up 42%....and violent crime in general is up by huge amounts.......they have cut back on police resources because the social welfare state is running out of money...and like all left wingers...the first place they cut is the police...since the rich left wingers will always get the most police protection....

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