Would you Follow Him and take his mark?

The tribulation - three and a half years (early 67 to late 70) - did not start with the Romans. The Jews instigated it, particularly the Zealots.

The Romans were actually quite tolerant.

In Revelation John identifies himself as "your brother in tribulation".
The Anti-Christ was Nero and the story has been over for almost two thousand years, so the mark of the beast has come and gone.
Wrong. The AntiChrist is defeated upon Christ' return. All His followers and the False Prophet are thrown in to Hell, and Jesus establishes the throne of David in Jerusalem and rules from there for 1,000 years and then begins eternity after the 2nd Gog Magog rebellion.
Are you fan of prophet Hal Lindsey or do you follow scripture?
One thing is certain, you definitely don't follow scripture. It's a shame really as there is much you could learn from actually studying the scriptures instead of regurgitating other people's doctrines.
Wrong. The AntiChrist is defeated upon Christ' return. All His followers and the False Prophet are thrown in to Hell, and Jesus establishes the throne of David in Jerusalem and rules from there for 1,000 years and then begins eternity after the 2nd Gog Magog rebellion.

One thing is certain, you definitely don't follow scripture. It's a shame really as there is much you could learn from actually studying the scriptures instead of regurgitating other people's doctrines.

Just read the scripture. Gog and Magog invaded
No they were not. If Christ is not on the throne physically in Jerusalem then The Tribulation has not occurred.
In Revelation John says, "I John your brother in tribulation."
Remember Jesus told the to flee to the mountains and they did. They went to Pella to avoid the tribulation. Gog and Magog invaded in 624 BC.
So why do some Christians ignore scripture?
Well I wouldn't say that they ignore it...they certainly regurgitate it a lot.

But mostly because people believe that they are good by knowing what the bible says and not by actually doing what it says.

Legalism in this fashion is so much easier to perform than changing your behavior. It's cognitive dissonance in the extreme...
Running around and telling everyone else how they are horrible and you are wonderful doesn't really work with Jesus....they will figure it out one day when it's too late but whatever...
Well I wouldn't say that they ignore it...they certainly regurgitate it a lot.

But mostly because people believe that they are good by knowing what the bible says and not by actually doing what it says.

Legalism in this fashion is so much easier to perform than changing your behavior. It's cognitive dissonance in the extreme...
Running around and telling everyone else how they are horrible and you are wonderful doesn't really work with Jesus....they will figure it out one day when it's too late but whatever...

When people don't read scripture or try to change a verse here and there or force it into futurism, they make a mess of it.

Just go with scripture...

Revelation 1:9
I, John, your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patient endurance which are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos, [exiled there] because of [my preaching of] the word of God [regarding eternal salvation] and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Christian Standard Bible
surada Stop misleading people. That's all you do here, day in and day out, mislead people. It is absolutely mind-boggling to me that anyone can believe the things you believe, because they are so plainly and obviously not true.

Obviously the end has not come yet. Obviously there are tons of prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled. Obviously there is evil in this world, and that evil is getting worse, as we approach the end of this age.

Obviously Jesus has not returned to this earth yet, for the entire world to see, as the conquering king, to wipe out evil and to set up his reign on this earth.

I could go on and on but why should I? Anyone with eyes to see and a brain knows that the end has not come yet.

Just stop. The only people who like what you're saying are unbelievers, because you're telling them what their itching ears want to hear. Which leads me to wonder if your preterism is daemonic. Jesus warned about people like you.
surada Stop misleading people. That's all you do here, day in and day out, mislead people. It is absolutely mind-boggling to me that anyone can believe the things you believe, because they are so plainly and obviously not true.

Obviously the end has not come yet. Obviously there are tons of prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled. Obviously there is evil in this world, and that evil is getting worse, as we approach the end of this age.

Obviously Jesus has not returned to this earth yet, for the entire world to see, as the conquering king, to wipe out evil and to set up his reign on this earth.

I could go on and on but why should I? Anyone with eyes to see and a brain knows that the end has not come yet.

Just stop. The only people who like what you're saying are unbelievers, because you're telling them what their itching ears want to hear. Which leads me to wonder if your preterism is daemonic. Jesus warned about people like you.

Are you an Evangelical?

Forget preterism.. just read the scripture.

Just go with scripture...

Revelation 1:9
I, John, your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patient endurance which are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos, [exiled there] because of [my preaching of] the word of God [regarding eternal salvation] and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Christian Standard Bible

Yes, of course there has been tribulation for followers of Christ throughout history. No one denies that. That doesn't mean that the end has already come. I mean I'm seriously wondering if you actually believe the things you post or if you intentionally post misleading stuff day in and day out.
Are you an Evangelical?

Forget preterism.. just read the scripture.

I don't call myself an evangelical, no. I'm a born-again Christian. And yes, you are a preterist.

By the way, I've known tons of Christians in the last 20 years, and I have never met one single Christian who believes what you do. Not one. And just to add, I'm not talking about nominal Christians… but devoted Christians who study the Bible and have given their lives to Jesus.

What is your goal here? Interestingly, whether it's intentional or not, you seem to have the same goal as atheists, even though you claim to not be an atheist.
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Yes, of course there has been tribulation for followers of Christ throughout history. No one denies that. That doesn't mean that the end has already come. I mean I'm seriously wondering if you actually believe the things you post or if you intentionally post misleading stuff day in and day out.

The tribulation was local and it basically ended with the destruction of the Temple. The new Jesus followers fled to Pella as Jesus told them to do when the Abomination of Desolation showed up again.

The Book of Daniel was written about 164 BC during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He was hell bent to Hellenize the Jews and defiled the Temple. What followed was the Maccabean Revolt and a rededication of the Temple.
The tribulation was local and it basically ended with the destruction of the Temple. The new Jesus followers fled to Pella as Jesus told them to do when the Abomination of Desolation showed up again.

The Book of Daniel was written about 164 BC during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He was hell bent to Hellenize the Jews and defiled the Temple. What followed was the Maccabean Revolt and a rededication of the Temple.
Not trying to not pick however;
Your dates are reading very off...

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