Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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I went to a majority black high school in the South Bronx in 1973.

It was not as much fun as it was cracked up to be

I said it once and I'll say it again. If you think Jim Crow was bad then try sending a white kid to a majority black intercity school.
I went to a majority black high school in the South Bronx in 1973.

It was not as much fun as it was cracked up to be

I said it once and I'll say it again. If you think Jim Crow was bad then try sending a white kid to a majority black intercity school.

Because you have had direct experience with both? :rolleyes:

Unkotare is the type of guy who wont allow a doctor to treat him for cancer unless the doctor himself had first had cancer. The only place where people get treated as blacks during Jim Crow are whites who live in black majority districts. I've gone to majority black schools and lived in majority black cities. You should try it.
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I said it once and I'll say it again. If you think Jim Crow was bad then try sending a white kid to a majority black intercity school.

Because you have had direct experience with both? :rolleyes:

Unkotare is the type of guy who wont allow a doctor to treat him for cancer unless the doctor himself had first had cancer. The only place where people get treated as blacks during Jim Crow are whites who live in black majority districts. I've gone to majority black schools and lived in majority black cities. You should try it.

I didn't realize you were black. And just how old are you that you lived during the Jim Crow era?
because you have had direct experience with both? :rolleyes:

unkotare is the type of guy who wont allow a doctor to treat him for cancer unless the doctor himself had first had cancer. The only place where people get treated as blacks during jim crow are whites who live in black majority districts. I've gone to majority black schools and lived in majority black cities. You should try it.

i didn't realize you were black. And just how old are you that you lived during the jim crow era?

1. African Americans have bred with other African Americans for well over 250 years. The slave ports that existed along the west African coast are numerous. If you are related to any of them, chances are you're related to many of them. There is not one single African American slave descendant who does not have relatives up and down the West African coast. The DNA tests are a scam because it is impossible to single out any one area of which modern African Americans descended from. That's why the results of the tests will vary depending on how many tests you take and who you go to have them administered. I guarantee you that if you were to choose a different company you will receive a different result with different probabilities.

2. The argument you make has to deal with critical race theory and white privilege. It falls on its face once we understand that blacks in America are more successful than those in Africa and while their slave ancestors did not benefit from slavery their free descendants certainly did as compared to those in modern Africa from the same bloodline. You cannot claim that any one descended from a slave suffers because they were separated from their family 200 years ago, 2/3rds of which were captured by warring African tribes, while the others, paid African born slave catchers. Indeed, how are you any worse off today because of slavery as you would have been under European colonial rule? The argument is laughable!

3. There is no white cover-up. Archeologists could make millions discovering lost civilizations in Africa of which I am sure there are many. To demonstrate that the wheel had not been invented in parts of Africa by the late 1800's was not to assert white superiority, but to demonstrate that the majority (probably all) of Africa, some more than others, were ripe for being conquered. Having been conquered by Europeans, this was not the case because Europeans hated blacks, but in fact they were in competition with each other in a mercantilist economy. Indeed, African suffered by a natural imperialism, however, they suffered the most because they were weak. These are the facts. I take no pride in presenting them to you.

4. Africa is in crisis because of European colonialism? So what was Africa before European colonialism? How about after independence? Colonialism may have had bad results for Africans BUT YOU CAN NOT tell me that European colonialism did not advance Africa in trade, technology, education, and so on. The problem with Africa is when they gained independence they looked at the model of western civilization, deemed it evil, and adopted socialism/communism out of their ignorance. Indeed, after independence they found themselves in a MUCH WORSE situation than immediately before independence. European civilization was much more advanced, and/or superior to African civilization and to deny otherwise would be to exercise the insane leftist theory of cultural relativism. I do not take pleasure in presenting this to you but it is a fact. It seems that you revert to contentions of racial superiority every time I make my case and this cannot be further from the truth. Facts are facts.

The creators of Kwanzaa in the US were radical Marxists Leninists/Stalinists who sought to make up a culture that no African American had any attachment to. It certainly proves my point that African Americans (who celebrate Kwanzaa) created a counterculture so as to reject western civilization in favor of values that they have never had and that get them nowhere simply because of disdain for whites.

You are avoiding the point. You said it was a scam. A scam would be lying and then taking money under false pretenses. The DNA companies disclose that your results may be scattered. You are simply wrong in calling it scam. Admit and deal with that. Lets see how far you would get trying to sue one of the companies for fraud?

Where did I claim that someone was worse off due to being separated from their family 200 years ago? Even if I did make the claim what makes you think you determine whether its valid or not? :lol: You dont know what affects slavery had on people. No one really knows. If war veterans can have PTSD what do you think slaves and the survivors of Jim Crow could of had? What do you think was the cost in terms of mental illness amongst people subjected to slavery in the US for generations? Open your eyes son and think.

Sorry guy but yes there is and was a white cover-up. It was extremely profitable to reduce the Black race to the level of an animal in the publics eyes in order to justify slavery. How do you think the US rose to a world power? Are you really attempting to deny this? You claim millions can be made discovering. Try billions and billions to keep it covered up. There is a reason Africa is the least explored and findings suppressed. Political pressure and money. Why are African and African American scholars and PHD's shunned by mainstream academia the moment they present findings even if peer reviewed? I honestly thought you were more intelligent than that.

Once again you expose your simplistic view of things while attempting to sound as if you know what you are talking about. First lets examine some things and set them straight so you and I understand each other. Your definition of what constitutes development and advancement has no bearing on what I believe it to be. I dont mind if you take pleasure in telling me something or not. I know your view to be amusingly false so no worries. Africa was doing fine before colonization. After overt colonization was deemed to be savage they switched to monetary colonization which is invisible to the poorly educated. Europe and the US loan money to the now westernized countries which are the equivalent of payday loans. This buys influence especially when given to corrupt dictators. This is the same dirty stuff they do across the globe in South America as well. You really need to expand your education and understand how money controls everything and is wielded as a political control remotely. The countries that dont play the game and borrow the money get plowed under via propaganda and eventually invasion in order to temporarily take over and set up a friendly government that will play the game i cant believe you don't know this already.

Sorry but you keep striking out. Kwanzaa embodies the principles that abound in most if not all African civilizations. All African-Americans have an attachment to it via ancestry. How do you keep missing that? Your fear of the holiday is unfounded. I dont think about how I am sticking it to whitey when I celebrate Kwanzaa. Thats the last thing on my mind. Your people are not in my thoughts in that regard. Some of my family members are white and they celebrate it with me because they actually have some knowledge about it. You evidently have missed the boat on this. Those principle you claim hold us back actually have caused my family to prosper. How could you be so backwards in your assessment of those values when Jewish people have demonstrated adherence to basically the same ones and become successful? It really boggles the mind how far off base you are.

1. Yes, it is a scam. They take your money, give you an estimate, and the estimate is deferent in each place you go. The technology to determine genetic linkage that far back is not advanced enough to be anything other than a scam.

2. The effects of slavery on todays African American population are imaginary and used to achieve a political objective.

3. You have zero evidence that a cover up exists. And once again you speak of cultural relativism. Cultural relativism is garbage rapped up in an academic bow. In any case, my standard of civilization will always historically prosper over yours because the strong will do what they will and the weak will suffer what they must.

4. Kwanzaa has zero attachment to the African American population in the United States. It was made up so as to give blacks an false countercultural identity that has never existed for them or any of their forefathers.

Since you have proven to be illiterate I took the liberty of providing you the definition of scam.
a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation

Since the companies tell you up front about the results and their implications, there is nothing deceptive or fraudulent about the practice. How did you not know the meaning of scam?

Anyone that says the effects of slavery are imaginary usually never had ancestors that went through slavery. What makes otherwise intelligent people who understand that bad behaviors can be transmitted generationally suddenly lose their minds and say slavery and Jim Crow had no affect? Come on. You really cant be that clueless?

Now your true colors are coming to the forefront. You are part of the "savagery and violence is the best method" persuasion. And to think you lied to me about not taking pleasure in pointing out that Europe colonized Africa. :lol:

Kwanzaa is made up with cultural ties to Africa which is where African Americans come from for the most part. How confused are you to not get this? Christmas is also made up and spiced with pagan rituals that have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. How is one divisive and the other is a OK? You are a confused little soul.
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You are avoiding the point. You said it was a scam. A scam would be lying and then taking money under false pretenses. The DNA companies disclose that your results may be scattered. You are simply wrong in calling it scam. Admit and deal with that. Lets see how far you would get trying to sue one of the companies for fraud?

Where did I claim that someone was worse off due to being separated from their family 200 years ago? Even if I did make the claim what makes you think you determine whether its valid or not? :lol: You dont know what affects slavery had on people. No one really knows. If war veterans can have PTSD what do you think slaves and the survivors of Jim Crow could of had? What do you think was the cost in terms of mental illness amongst people subjected to slavery in the US for generations? Open your eyes son and think.

Sorry guy but yes there is and was a white cover-up. It was extremely profitable to reduce the Black race to the level of an animal in the publics eyes in order to justify slavery. How do you think the US rose to a world power? Are you really attempting to deny this? You claim millions can be made discovering. Try billions and billions to keep it covered up. There is a reason Africa is the least explored and findings suppressed. Political pressure and money. Why are African and African American scholars and PHD's shunned by mainstream academia the moment they present findings even if peer reviewed? I honestly thought you were more intelligent than that.

Once again you expose your simplistic view of things while attempting to sound as if you know what you are talking about. First lets examine some things and set them straight so you and I understand each other. Your definition of what constitutes development and advancement has no bearing on what I believe it to be. I dont mind if you take pleasure in telling me something or not. I know your view to be amusingly false so no worries. Africa was doing fine before colonization. After overt colonization was deemed to be savage they switched to monetary colonization which is invisible to the poorly educated. Europe and the US loan money to the now westernized countries which are the equivalent of payday loans. This buys influence especially when given to corrupt dictators. This is the same dirty stuff they do across the globe in South America as well. You really need to expand your education and understand how money controls everything and is wielded as a political control remotely. The countries that dont play the game and borrow the money get plowed under via propaganda and eventually invasion in order to temporarily take over and set up a friendly government that will play the game i cant believe you don't know this already.

Sorry but you keep striking out. Kwanzaa embodies the principles that abound in most if not all African civilizations. All African-Americans have an attachment to it via ancestry. How do you keep missing that? Your fear of the holiday is unfounded. I dont think about how I am sticking it to whitey when I celebrate Kwanzaa. Thats the last thing on my mind. Your people are not in my thoughts in that regard. Some of my family members are white and they celebrate it with me because they actually have some knowledge about it. You evidently have missed the boat on this. Those principle you claim hold us back actually have caused my family to prosper. How could you be so backwards in your assessment of those values when Jewish people have demonstrated adherence to basically the same ones and become successful? It really boggles the mind how far off base you are.

1. Yes, it is a scam. They take your money, give you an estimate, and the estimate is deferent in each place you go. The technology to determine genetic linkage that far back is not advanced enough to be anything other than a scam.

2. The effects of slavery on todays African American population are imaginary and used to achieve a political objective.

3. You have zero evidence that a cover up exists. And once again you speak of cultural relativism. Cultural relativism is garbage rapped up in an academic bow. In any case, my standard of civilization will always historically prosper over yours because the strong will do what they will and the weak will suffer what they must.

4. Kwanzaa has zero attachment to the African American population in the United States. It was made up so as to give blacks an false countercultural identity that has never existed for them or any of their forefathers.

Since you have proven to be illiterate I took the liberty of providing you the definition of scam.
a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation

Since the companies tell you up front about the results and their implications, there is nothing deceptive or fraudulent about the practice. How did you not know the meaning of scam?

Anyone that says the effects of slavery are imaginary usually never had ancestors that went through slavery. What makes otherwise intelligent people who understand that bad behaviors can be transmitted generationally suddenly lose their minds and say slavery and Jim Crow had no affect? Come on. You really cant be that clueless?

Now your true colors are coming to the forefront. You are part of the "savagery and violence is the best method" persuasion. And to think you lied to me about not taking pleasure in pointing out that Europe colonized Africa. :lol:

Kwanzaa is made up with cultural ties to Africa which is where African Americans come from for the most part. How confused are you to not get this? Christmas is also made up and spiced with pagan rituals that have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. How is one divisive and the other is a OK? You are a confused little soul.

All of the above proves my cultural assessment that African Americans have developed an unworkable counterculture that stems from their animosity of western culture for past acts that have no bearing on them today. The moment they realize that such thinking is in it of itself a form of mental slavery is the moment they will truly be free. Note that not a single example has been provided of how past slavery/Jim Crow effects African Americans today. Note that not a single linkage can be made from African Americans to Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is simply another example of African Americans developing a counterculture to the "evil white mans world."
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1. Yes, it is a scam. They take your money, give you an estimate, and the estimate is deferent in each place you go. The technology to determine genetic linkage that far back is not advanced enough to be anything other than a scam.

2. The effects of slavery on todays African American population are imaginary and used to achieve a political objective.

3. You have zero evidence that a cover up exists. And once again you speak of cultural relativism. Cultural relativism is garbage rapped up in an academic bow. In any case, my standard of civilization will always historically prosper over yours because the strong will do what they will and the weak will suffer what they must.

4. Kwanzaa has zero attachment to the African American population in the United States. It was made up so as to give blacks an false countercultural identity that has never existed for them or any of their forefathers.

Since you have proven to be illiterate I took the liberty of providing you the definition of scam.
a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation

Since the companies tell you up front about the results and their implications, there is nothing deceptive or fraudulent about the practice. How did you not know the meaning of scam?

Anyone that says the effects of slavery are imaginary usually never had ancestors that went through slavery. What makes otherwise intelligent people who understand that bad behaviors can be transmitted generationally suddenly lose their minds and say slavery and Jim Crow had no affect? Come on. You really cant be that clueless?

Now your true colors are coming to the forefront. You are part of the "savagery and violence is the best method" persuasion. And to think you lied to me about not taking pleasure in pointing out that Europe colonized Africa. :lol:

Kwanzaa is made up with cultural ties to Africa which is where African Americans come from for the most part. How confused are you to not get this? Christmas is also made up and spiced with pagan rituals that have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. How is one divisive and the other is a OK? You are a confused little soul.

All of the above proves my cultural assessment that African Americans have developed an unworkable counterculture that stems from their animosity of western culture for past acts that have no bearing on them today. The moment they realize that such thinking is in it of itself a form of mental slavery is the moment they will truly be free. Note that not a single example has been provided of how past slavery/Jim Crow effects African Americans today. Note that not a single linkage can be made from African Americans to Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is simply another example of African Americans developing a counterculture to the "evil white mans world."

All of the above simply proves you have a seriously flawed prospective from being beat during you school years and have a trauma caused hate for all Black people. i apologize on behalf of Black people for you getting beat. The moment you understand that your(Europeans) savage ways are the cause for the condition and your continual denial plays a large part in the bitterness and anger of the Black community the more educated you will become on the truth. Note that not a single example how slavery and Jim Crow did not affect the Black condition as a whole was ever presented. Note that not a single linkage can be made to the pagan elements of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Note that all African Americans are largely African and the principles of Kwanzaa are prevalent treasured themes in most if not all African civilizations of the past. African Americans growing and maintaining this positive culture will in the end save your culture once again. Your children already attempt to emulate everything about us.
Since you have proven to be illiterate I took the liberty of providing you the definition of scam.

Since the companies tell you up front about the results and their implications, there is nothing deceptive or fraudulent about the practice. How did you not know the meaning of scam?

Anyone that says the effects of slavery are imaginary usually never had ancestors that went through slavery. What makes otherwise intelligent people who understand that bad behaviors can be transmitted generationally suddenly lose their minds and say slavery and Jim Crow had no affect? Come on. You really cant be that clueless?

Now your true colors are coming to the forefront. You are part of the "savagery and violence is the best method" persuasion. And to think you lied to me about not taking pleasure in pointing out that Europe colonized Africa. :lol:

Kwanzaa is made up with cultural ties to Africa which is where African Americans come from for the most part. How confused are you to not get this? Christmas is also made up and spiced with pagan rituals that have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. How is one divisive and the other is a OK? You are a confused little soul.

All of the above proves my cultural assessment that African Americans have developed an unworkable counterculture that stems from their animosity of western culture for past acts that have no bearing on them today. The moment they realize that such thinking is in it of itself a form of mental slavery is the moment they will truly be free. Note that not a single example has been provided of how past slavery/Jim Crow effects African Americans today. Note that not a single linkage can be made from African Americans to Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is simply another example of African Americans developing a counterculture to the "evil white mans world."

All of the above simply proves you have a seriously flawed prospective from being beat during you school years and have a trauma caused hate for all Black people. i apologize on behalf of Black people for you getting beat. The moment you understand that your(Europeans) savage ways are the cause for the condition and your continual denial plays a large part in the bitterness and anger of the Black community the more educated you will become on the truth. Note that not a single example how slavery and Jim Crow did not affect the Black condition as a whole was ever presented. Note that not a single linkage can be made to the pagan elements of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Note that all African Americans are largely African and the principles of Kwanzaa are prevalent treasured themes in most if not all African civilizations of the past. African Americans growing and maintaining this positive culture will in the end save your culture once again. Your children already attempt to emulate everything about us.

What conditions do you speak of and how did Europeans create those conditions?

As for Slavery and Jim Crow, I cannot prove a negative. Both slavery and Jim Crow are gone. I do not need to prove that they do not have effects today without the premise that they do. You have failed to provide the evidence that they do. In the name of all that is reasonable please submit your evidence.

I agree about what you said of religion except of the overwhelming fact that Kwanzaa has no attachment to African Americans.

My children?
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unkotare is the type of guy who wont allow a doctor to treat him for cancer unless the doctor himself had first had cancer. The only place where people get treated as blacks during jim crow are whites who live in black majority districts. I've gone to majority black schools and lived in majority black cities. You should try it.

i didn't realize you were black. And just how old are you that you lived during the jim crow era?


So what "majority" black city did you live in during the Jim Crow era?
All of the above proves my cultural assessment that African Americans have developed an unworkable counterculture that stems from their animosity of western culture for past acts that have no bearing on them today. The moment they realize that such thinking is in it of itself a form of mental slavery is the moment they will truly be free. Note that not a single example has been provided of how past slavery/Jim Crow effects African Americans today. Note that not a single linkage can be made from African Americans to Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is simply another example of African Americans developing a counterculture to the "evil white mans world."

All of the above simply proves you have a seriously flawed prospective from being beat during you school years and have a trauma caused hate for all Black people. i apologize on behalf of Black people for you getting beat. The moment you understand that your(Europeans) savage ways are the cause for the condition and your continual denial plays a large part in the bitterness and anger of the Black community the more educated you will become on the truth. Note that not a single example how slavery and Jim Crow did not affect the Black condition as a whole was ever presented. Note that not a single linkage can be made to the pagan elements of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Note that all African Americans are largely African and the principles of Kwanzaa are prevalent treasured themes in most if not all African civilizations of the past. African Americans growing and maintaining this positive culture will in the end save your culture once again. Your children already attempt to emulate everything about us.

What conditions do you speak of and how did Europeans create those conditions?

As for Slavery and Jim Crow, I cannot prove a negative. Both slavery and Jim Crow are gone. I do not need to prove that they do not have effects today without the premise that they do. You have failed to provide the evidence that they do. In the name of all that is reasonable please submit your evidence.

I agree about what you said of religion except of the overwhelming fact that Kwanzaa has no attachment to African Americans.

My children?

Let me know if this turns on any lights. If it doesn't then we are probably done on this issue.

Annette Gordon-Reed became the first African American to win a Pulitzer Prize for history.

Effects of Slavery Still Reverberate Today, Scholar Says

Please explain how the positive principles stated in Kwanzaa, originating from African civilizations, have no attachment to African Americans from the continent of Africa. How can you possibly rationalize that statement and expect to have any credibility?

Collectively your white children.
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All of the above proves my cultural assessment that African Americans have developed an unworkable counterculture that stems from their animosity of western culture for past acts that have no bearing on them today. The moment they realize that such thinking is in it of itself a form of mental slavery is the moment they will truly be free. Note that not a single example has been provided of how past slavery/Jim Crow effects African Americans today. Note that not a single linkage can be made from African Americans to Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is simply another example of African Americans developing a counterculture to the "evil white mans world."

All of the above simply proves you have a seriously flawed prospective from being beat during you school years and have a trauma caused hate for all Black people. i apologize on behalf of Black people for you getting beat. The moment you understand that your(Europeans) savage ways are the cause for the condition and your continual denial plays a large part in the bitterness and anger of the Black community the more educated you will become on the truth. Note that not a single example how slavery and Jim Crow did not affect the Black condition as a whole was ever presented. Note that not a single linkage can be made to the pagan elements of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Note that all African Americans are largely African and the principles of Kwanzaa are prevalent treasured themes in most if not all African civilizations of the past. African Americans growing and maintaining this positive culture will in the end save your culture once again. Your children already attempt to emulate everything about us.

What conditions do you speak of and how did Europeans create those conditions?

As for Slavery and Jim Crow, I cannot prove a negative. Both slavery and Jim Crow are gone. I do not need to prove that they do not have effects today without the premise that they do. You have failed to provide the evidence that they do. In the name of all that is reasonable please submit your evidence.

I agree about what you said of religion except of the overwhelming fact that Kwanzaa has no attachment to African Americans.

My children?

I am not typically inclined to respond to polls with an underlying agenda. However, how could the existence of Jim Crow laws not have an indirect impact on some of the black population today?

Jim Crow laws continue to have an impact today, even though it is an indirect impact, especially in some of the backward southern regions of this country.

Unlike slavery, the existence of these laws continue to have an impact today because of the fact that they affected so many people who are still alive TODAY.

Their impacts on those people affected have trickled down to impact the lives of their offspring.

For example, a black person who is 65 to 70 years old today could easily have gone to segregated and UNEQUALLY equipped public schools all their life (since schools were not instantly integrated after the Brown ruling of 1954).*

This person more likely than not could have received an inferior education and had limited access to opportunities for higher education and therefore would have an increased chance of being part of a cycle of generational poverty, which in turn would effect the generation that they were parents to during what should have been their most productive working years

Of course there is the argument that there are people who were affected by the same laws who escaped the impact of them, but those same individuals took serious safety risks by fighting the staus quo and payed a serious emotional toll in the process as well.

In spite of that fact there are still those whose lives probably would have turned out differently had there been no Jim Crow laws in the first place.

Now before your "cheerleaders" turn out with their "get over it" mantra, I am not stating that these laws have played a negative part in my own life story, nor do I hold any grudge against anyone here, however you asked the question, and I gave you an answer based on first hand knowledge of some people who I know personally and some that I know of.
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All of the above simply proves you have a seriously flawed prospective from being beat during you school years and have a trauma caused hate for all Black people. i apologize on behalf of Black people for you getting beat. The moment you understand that your(Europeans) savage ways are the cause for the condition and your continual denial plays a large part in the bitterness and anger of the Black community the more educated you will become on the truth. Note that not a single example how slavery and Jim Crow did not affect the Black condition as a whole was ever presented. Note that not a single linkage can be made to the pagan elements of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Note that all African Americans are largely African and the principles of Kwanzaa are prevalent treasured themes in most if not all African civilizations of the past. African Americans growing and maintaining this positive culture will in the end save your culture once again. Your children already attempt to emulate everything about us.

What conditions do you speak of and how did Europeans create those conditions?

As for Slavery and Jim Crow, I cannot prove a negative. Both slavery and Jim Crow are gone. I do not need to prove that they do not have effects today without the premise that they do. You have failed to provide the evidence that they do. In the name of all that is reasonable please submit your evidence.

I agree about what you said of religion except of the overwhelming fact that Kwanzaa has no attachment to African Americans.

My children?

Let me know if this turns on any lights. If it doesn't then we are probably done on this issue.

Annette Gordon-Reed became the first African American to win a Pulitzer Prize for history.

Effects of Slavery Still Reverberate Today, Scholar Says

Please explain how the positive principles stated in Kwanzaa, originating from African civilizations, have no attachment to African Americans from the continent of Africa. How can you possibly rationalize that statement and expect to have any credibility?

Collectively your white children.

1. I don't understand. What are the objections of those who say her claims are mistaken? I'll tell you Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account « Thomas Jefferson?s Monticello

Since then, a committee commissioned by the Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society, after reviewing essentially the same material, reached different conclusions, namely that Sally Hemings was only a minor figure in Thomas Jefferson's life and that it is very unlikely he fathered any of her children. This committee also suggested in its report, issued in April 2001 and revised in 2011, that Jefferson's younger brother Randolph (1755-1815) was more likely the father of at least some of Sally Hemings's children.

Is this a legitimate claim? Yes it is! Therefore, both claims are equally supported and thus equally theories at this point in time. The problem is that you cannot objectively look at this subject matter because your mind is already made up. Can you give me a more valid example that cannot end in legitimate disagreement?

2. Kwanzaa comes from east Africa. American Slaves came from west Africa. African Americans are many generations detached from real African culture. So the question is not tell me "how the positive principles stated in Kwanzaa, originating from African civilizations, have no attachment to African Americans from the continent of Africa" but tell me "how the positive principles stated in Kwanzaa, originating from African civilizations, have AN attachment to African Americans from the continent of Africa." You cannot demonstrate the attachment. You simply can't.

3. I will agree that there is an African American influence for white children. On the whole I think it is negative and is creating cultural degradation for both whites and blacks. Whites for the negative influence and blacks as an incentive to accept white money effectively incentivizing them to live up to that negative image.
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I went to a mostly black school. It was fine. My daughter went to a very mixed school and she is fine.

Whats the point again?
All of the above simply proves you have a seriously flawed prospective from being beat during you school years and have a trauma caused hate for all Black people. i apologize on behalf of Black people for you getting beat. The moment you understand that your(Europeans) savage ways are the cause for the condition and your continual denial plays a large part in the bitterness and anger of the Black community the more educated you will become on the truth. Note that not a single example how slavery and Jim Crow did not affect the Black condition as a whole was ever presented. Note that not a single linkage can be made to the pagan elements of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Note that all African Americans are largely African and the principles of Kwanzaa are prevalent treasured themes in most if not all African civilizations of the past. African Americans growing and maintaining this positive culture will in the end save your culture once again. Your children already attempt to emulate everything about us.

What conditions do you speak of and how did Europeans create those conditions?

As for Slavery and Jim Crow, I cannot prove a negative. Both slavery and Jim Crow are gone. I do not need to prove that they do not have effects today without the premise that they do. You have failed to provide the evidence that they do. In the name of all that is reasonable please submit your evidence.

I agree about what you said of religion except of the overwhelming fact that Kwanzaa has no attachment to African Americans.

My children?

I am not typically inclined to respond to polls with an underlying agenda. However, how could the existence of Jim Crow laws not have an indirect impact on some of the black population today?

Jim Crow laws continue to have an impact today, even though it is an indirect impact, especially in some of the backward southern regions of this country.

Unlike slavery, the existence of these laws continue to have an impact today because of the fact that they affected so many people who are still alive TODAY.

Their impacts on those people affected have trickled down to impact the lives of their offspring.

For example, a black person who is 65 to 70 years old today could easily have gone to segregated and UNEQUALLY equipped public schools all their life (since schools were not instantly integrated after the Brown ruling of 1954).*

This person more likely than not could have received an inferior education and had limited access to opportunities for higher education and therefore would have an increased chance of being part of a cycle of generational poverty, which in turn would effect the generation that they were parents to during what should have been their most productive working years

Of course there is the argument that there are people who were affected by the same laws who escaped the impact of them, but those same individuals took serious safety risks by fighting the staus quo and payed a serious emotional toll in the process as well.

In spite of that fact there are still those whose lives probably would have turned out differently had there been no Jim Crow laws in the first place.

Now before your "cheerleaders" turn out with their "get over it" mantra, I am not stating that these laws have played a negative part in my own life story, nor do I hold any grudge against anyone here, however you asked the question, and I gave you an answer based on first hand knowledge of some people who I know personally and some that I know of.

Pay attention Asclepias! katsteve knows how to make an argument!

I agree with everything you said; it is possible. However, on the whole blacks have not bettered themselves since Jim Crow. The African American unwed single parent birth rate is 73%, African American unemployment has increased, and African American high school dropouts have increased to 53% since the end of Jim Crow. Now I'm not advocating Jim Crow, however, seeing as we are a much more tolerant and less racist society today than we were under Jim Crow, how are these numbers possible? Instead of getting better, they've gotten worse. Slavery and Jim Crow did not make these numbers. Racism did not make these numbers. I argue that it is the culture they've developed so as to distinguish themselves from the white population who many of them hold animus attitudes towards that drove these numbers up when they should have gone down. You disagree?
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What conditions do you speak of and how did Europeans create those conditions?

As for Slavery and Jim Crow, I cannot prove a negative. Both slavery and Jim Crow are gone. I do not need to prove that they do not have effects today without the premise that they do. You have failed to provide the evidence that they do. In the name of all that is reasonable please submit your evidence.

I agree about what you said of religion except of the overwhelming fact that Kwanzaa has no attachment to African Americans.

My children?

Let me know if this turns on any lights. If it doesn't then we are probably done on this issue.

Effects of Slavery Still Reverberate Today, Scholar Says

Please explain how the positive principles stated in Kwanzaa, originating from African civilizations, have no attachment to African Americans from the continent of Africa. How can you possibly rationalize that statement and expect to have any credibility?

Collectively your white children.

1. I don't understand. What are the objections of those who say her claims are mistaken? I'll tell you Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account « Thomas Jefferson?s Monticello

Since then, a committee commissioned by the Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society, after reviewing essentially the same material, reached different conclusions, namely that Sally Hemings was only a minor figure in Thomas Jefferson's life and that it is very unlikely he fathered any of her children. This committee also suggested in its report, issued in April 2001 and revised in 2011, that Jefferson's younger brother Randolph (1755-1815) was more likely the father of at least some of Sally Hemings's children.

Is this a legitimate claim? Yes it is! Therefore, both claims are equally supported and thus equally theories at this point in time. The problem is that you cannot objectively look at this subject matter because your mind is already made up. Can you give me a more valid example that cannot end in legitimate disagreement?

2. Kwanzaa comes from east Africa. American Slaves came from west Africa. African Americans are many generations detached from real African culture. So the question is not tell me "how the positive principles stated in Kwanzaa, originating from African civilizations, have no attachment to African Americans from the continent of Africa" but tell me "how the positive principles stated in Kwanzaa, originating from African civilizations, have AN attachment to African Americans from the continent of Africa." You cannot demonstrate the attachment. You simply can't.

3. I will agree that there is an African American influence for white children. On the whole I think it is negative and is creating cultural degradation for both whites and blacks. Whites for the negative influence and blacks as an incentive to accept white money effectively incentivizing them to live up to that negative image.

I see it went completely over your head. Carry on.
Let me know if this turns on any lights. If it doesn't then we are probably done on this issue.

Effects of Slavery Still Reverberate Today, Scholar Says

Please explain how the positive principles stated in Kwanzaa, originating from African civilizations, have no attachment to African Americans from the continent of Africa. How can you possibly rationalize that statement and expect to have any credibility?

Collectively your white children.

1. I don't understand. What are the objections of those who say her claims are mistaken? I'll tell you Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account « Thomas Jefferson?s Monticello

Since then, a committee commissioned by the Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society, after reviewing essentially the same material, reached different conclusions, namely that Sally Hemings was only a minor figure in Thomas Jefferson's life and that it is very unlikely he fathered any of her children. This committee also suggested in its report, issued in April 2001 and revised in 2011, that Jefferson's younger brother Randolph (1755-1815) was more likely the father of at least some of Sally Hemings's children.

Is this a legitimate claim? Yes it is! Therefore, both claims are equally supported and thus equally theories at this point in time. The problem is that you cannot objectively look at this subject matter because your mind is already made up. Can you give me a more valid example that cannot end in legitimate disagreement?

2. Kwanzaa comes from east Africa. American Slaves came from west Africa. African Americans are many generations detached from real African culture. So the question is not tell me "how the positive principles stated in Kwanzaa, originating from African civilizations, have no attachment to African Americans from the continent of Africa" but tell me "how the positive principles stated in Kwanzaa, originating from African civilizations, have AN attachment to African Americans from the continent of Africa." You cannot demonstrate the attachment. You simply can't.

3. I will agree that there is an African American influence for white children. On the whole I think it is negative and is creating cultural degradation for both whites and blacks. Whites for the negative influence and blacks as an incentive to accept white money effectively incentivizing them to live up to that negative image.

I see it went completely over your head. Carry on.

I'm sorry, I can only address what she is celebrated for. You said she received the Pulitzer prize and I addressed what she received it for. What more do you want? You think that sense she won a Pulitzer Prize in one subject that she would be credible with a few un supported sentences in yet another? Get real! I can't follow a train of thought that doesn't exist! A claim without justification is crap!
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What conditions do you speak of and how did Europeans create those conditions?

As for Slavery and Jim Crow, I cannot prove a negative. Both slavery and Jim Crow are gone. I do not need to prove that they do not have effects today without the premise that they do. You have failed to provide the evidence that they do. In the name of all that is reasonable please submit your evidence.

I agree about what you said of religion except of the overwhelming fact that Kwanzaa has no attachment to African Americans.

My children?

I am not typically inclined to respond to polls with an underlying agenda. However, how could the existence of Jim Crow laws not have an indirect impact on some of the black population today?

Jim Crow laws continue to have an impact today, even though it is an indirect impact, especially in some of the backward southern regions of this country.

Unlike slavery, the existence of these laws continue to have an impact today because of the fact that they affected so many people who are still alive TODAY.

Their impacts on those people affected have trickled down to impact the lives of their offspring.

For example, a black person who is 65 to 70 years old today could easily have gone to segregated and UNEQUALLY equipped public schools all their life (since schools were not instantly integrated after the Brown ruling of 1954).*

This person more likely than not could have received an inferior education and had limited access to opportunities for higher education and therefore would have an increased chance of being part of a cycle of generational poverty, which in turn would effect the generation that they were parents to during what should have been their most productive working years

Of course there is the argument that there are people who were affected by the same laws who escaped the impact of them, but those same individuals took serious safety risks by fighting the staus quo and payed a serious emotional toll in the process as well.

In spite of that fact there are still those whose lives probably would have turned out differently had there been no Jim Crow laws in the first place.

Now before your "cheerleaders" turn out with their "get over it" mantra, I am not stating that these laws have played a negative part in my own life story, nor do I hold any grudge against anyone here, however you asked the question, and I gave you an answer based on first hand knowledge of some people who I know personally and some that I know of.

Pay attention Asclepias! katsteve knows how to make an argument!

I agree with everything you said; it is possible. However, on the whole blacks have not bettered themselves since Jim Crow. The African American unwed single parent birth rate is 73%, African American unemployment has increased, and African American high school dropouts have increased to 53% since the end of Jim Crow. Now I'm not advocating Jim Crow, however, seeing as we are a much more tolerant and less racist society today than we were under Jim Crow, how are these numbers possible? Instead of getting better, they've gotten worse. Slavery and Jim Crow did not make these numbers. Racism did not make these numbers. I argue that it is the culture they've developed so as to distinguish themselves from the white population who many of them hold animus attitudes towards that drove these numbers up when they should have gone down. You disagree?

I think that Asclepias does a fine job of articulating his point of view. The following is just my opinion:

Plain and simple what has exacerbated the lack of progress within predominately black communitities has been a loss of the solidarity and hope manifested by the civil rights movement.

The movement was flawed at it's foundation which is directly attributed to there being no plan for self reliant economic growth within communitities after the rights of citizenship were secured.

Those who were at the forefront of the movement lost sight of the benefit of economic development by building and patronizing and growning one business at a time, over and over and thereby building a network of support to continue the growth. Asians use the same model for success when they immigrate to America.

In every major city that one goes to in America, you will see a Koreatown, a Chinatown, or a Little Saigon.

These microcosmic communities are not just tourist spots. They are self funded by wave after wave of immigrants and are in place to create an easier assimilation process for each new wave, offering employment opportunities, financial support and potential prosperity if one buys into the concept, as well as a support system that again is created by and for that community. In other words, "self reliance".

When the new immigrant builds enough capital they become a part of the system to facillitate the success of new immigrants.

When the civil rights movement of the 60's came to a close and was considered a "success", that really should have been the beginning of a similar process, instead what happened over time is that black citizens defected from supporting black owned businesses and flocked with their hard earned dollars to predominantly white establishments "because now they could", which began a downward spiral of the decline of black entrepreneurship.

Did you know that in predominately Hispanic and Asian communitities that they typically own in excess of 80% of the businesses in their communitities?

The sad fact is that in predominately black communitities that black owned businesses on average account for less than 2% of businesses in those communitities.

That in itself is an abysmal indicator of lack of ownership, which has a rippling affect of apathy on every level.

Since I have posted on this board, I have stated that consistently.

Until a community is empowered economically, it will remain powerless.

Just my opinion.
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I am not typically inclined to respond to polls with an underlying agenda. However, how could the existence of Jim Crow laws not have an indirect impact on some of the black population today?

Jim Crow laws continue to have an impact today, even though it is an indirect impact, especially in some of the backward southern regions of this country.

Unlike slavery, the existence of these laws continue to have an impact today because of the fact that they affected so many people who are still alive TODAY.

Their impacts on those people affected have trickled down to impact the lives of their offspring.

For example, a black person who is 65 to 70 years old today could easily have gone to segregated and UNEQUALLY equipped public schools all their life (since schools were not instantly integrated after the Brown ruling of 1954).*

This person more likely than not could have received an inferior education and had limited access to opportunities for higher education and therefore would have an increased chance of being part of a cycle of generational poverty, which in turn would effect the generation that they were parents to during what should have been their most productive working years

Of course there is the argument that there are people who were affected by the same laws who escaped the impact of them, but those same individuals took serious safety risks by fighting the staus quo and payed a serious emotional toll in the process as well.

In spite of that fact there are still those whose lives probably would have turned out differently had there been no Jim Crow laws in the first place.

Now before your "cheerleaders" turn out with their "get over it" mantra, I am not stating that these laws have played a negative part in my own life story, nor do I hold any grudge against anyone here, however you asked the question, and I gave you an answer based on first hand knowledge of some people who I know personally and some that I know of.

Pay attention Asclepias! katsteve knows how to make an argument!

I agree with everything you said; it is possible. However, on the whole blacks have not bettered themselves since Jim Crow. The African American unwed single parent birth rate is 73%, African American unemployment has increased, and African American high school dropouts have increased to 53% since the end of Jim Crow. Now I'm not advocating Jim Crow, however, seeing as we are a much more tolerant and less racist society today than we were under Jim Crow, how are these numbers possible? Instead of getting better, they've gotten worse. Slavery and Jim Crow did not make these numbers. Racism did not make these numbers. I argue that it is the culture they've developed so as to distinguish themselves from the white population who many of them hold animus attitudes towards that drove these numbers up when they should have gone down. You disagree?

I think that Asclepias does a fine job of articulating his point of view. The following is just my opinion:

Plain and simple what has exacerbated the lack of progress within predominately black communitities has been a loss of the solidarity and hope manifested by the civil rights movement.

The movement was flawed at it's foundation which is directly attributed to there being no plan for self reliant economic growth within communitities after the rights of citizenship were secured.

Those who were at the forefront of the movement lost sight of the benefit of economic development by building and patronizing and growning one business at a time, over and over and thereby building a network of support to continue the growth. Asians use the same model for success when they immigrate to America.

In every major city that one goes to in America, you will see a Koreatown, a Chinatown, or a Little Saigon.

These microcosmic communities are not just tourist spots. They are self funded by wave after wave of immigrants and are in place to create an easier assimilation process for each new wave, offering employment opportunities, financial support and potential prosperity if one buys into the concept, as well as a support system that again is created by and for that community. In other words, "self reliance".

When the new immigrant builds enough capital they become a part of the system to facillitate the success of new immigrants.

When the civil rights movement of the 60's came to a close and was considered a "success", that really should have been the beginning of a similar process, instead what happened over time is that black citizens defected from supporting black owned businesses and flocked with their hard earned dollars to predominantly white establishments "because now they could", which began a downward spiral of the decline of black entrepreneurship.

Did you know that in predominately Hispanic and Asian communitities that they typically own in excess of 80% of the businesses in their communitities?

The sad fact is that in predominately black communitities that black owned businesses on average account for less than 2% of businesses in those communitities.

That in itself is an abysmal indicator of lack of ownership, which has a rippling affect of apathy on every level.

Since I have posted on this board, I have stated that consistently.

Until a community is empowered economically, it will remain powerless.

Just my opinion.

Do you believe dependence and entitlement mentality played a large role in this? There is a large market to be exploited in predominantly black areas, however it's the Asians, Indians, and Muslims who seem to be exploiting the market gap in the black community. Whites largely see too much risk in investing in a black area.

As for the Civil Rights movement, I think the black community got too caught up into following leaders and organizers. Once King died the leadership fought amongst themselves and played to the crowd so as to garner support. The pressure to produce results lead to race peddling and race blackmail toward large businesses/corporations who would simply pay off the race hustlers to go away. Then came the scandals and instances like Tawana Brawly. Furthermore, MLK was moving toward economic empowerment before he died, however, it was largely based on redistribution of wealth. He never really got that campaign going, however, his successors took it to an unrealistic level.

Nevertheless, black culture now tolerates a high rate of dependency, illegitimacy, lack of education, and violence. Indeed, the only violence they protest against today is the rare white on black violence while ignoring the relatively predominant black on black/white violence. Politically they support which ever person makes excuses for them and is willing to play to their sense of victimhood in an increasingly more tolerant and less racist country. In short, the civil rights movement led to a culture that has done them anything but justice. The fact remains, the "legacy of slavery and Jim Crow" did not lead to the degradation of the black community. For whatever reason, blacks did.
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