Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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If we had a White country, this wouldn't be an issue.

Yeah, it's a damn shame you have to live in a free country instead of a white one, huh?

Please explain to us idiots why we couldn't have a white country and a free one at the same time? Its very easy actually. Once you rid the area of degenerates and non whites that won't leave voluntarily you enforce STRICT immigration laws. I suggest reading H.A. Covington's Northwest novels. I absolutely love his books.

In fact, we had such laws at the beginning of our American nation. Our first immigration law in 1790 restricted immigration to "free white persons". We were are far freer nation then than we are today.
Well the answer is clear then. Of course, you could have just said "white" and saved yourself the time of an explanation.
That's just silly. There are many good schools that don't have a majority white population.

South Valley Academy High School in Albuquerque, NM is a majority Hispanic school with a good curriculum and success rate. It received a gold ranking from U.S. News's best high schools.

South Valley Academy is majority Hispanic CHARTER SCHOOL. They get a rating of a 6 out of 10 and are below the state average in math while at state average in reading. South Valley Academy - Albuquerque, New Mexico - NM - School overview The best school in that district is La Cueva High School with a rating of 10 out of 10 and is probably among the few majority white schools in the district. La Cueva High School - Albuquerque, New Mexico - NM - School overview
For sure, La Cueva High School would be a good choice. However at times, depending where you live, you can't just drive halfway around the city to get to school. You need to be practical and pick a good school that is close by.

Although South Valley Academy is a charter school, it did receive a gold ranking from U.S. news's best high schools. It's strength is getting high school students ready for college.

South Valley Academy was ranked 2nd in NM by U.S. news:

Rankings of Top High Schools in New Mexico, USA | US Best High Schools 2013 - US News
I would prefer that my grandchildren go to schools with good academic records and reviews.

But, do remember that the parental involvement is most instrumental for a school's and its students achievements.

Statistically, that will always be a primarily white school. Thanks for participating.
That's just silly. There are many good schools that don't have a majority white population.

South Valley Academy High School in Albuquerque, NM is a majority Hispanic school with a good curriculum and success rate. It received a gold ranking from U.S. News's best high schools.

South Valley Academy is majority Hispanic CHARTER SCHOOL. They get a rating of a 6 out of 10 and are below the state average in math while at state average in reading. South Valley Academy - Albuquerque, New Mexico - NM - School overview The best school in that district is La Cueva High School with a rating of 10 out of 10 and is probably among the few majority white schools in the district. La Cueva High School - Albuquerque, New Mexico - NM - School overview
For sure, La Cueva High School would be a good choice. However at times, depending where you live, you can't just drive halfway around the city to get to school. You need to be practical and pick a good school that is close by.

Although South Valley Academy is a charter school, it did receive a gold ranking from U.S. news's best high schools. It's strength is getting high school students ready for college.

South Valley Academy was ranked 2nd in NM by U.S. news:

Rankings of Top High Schools in New Mexico, USA | US Best High Schools 2013 - US News

Having proved which school is better I will address only the first part of your post. Having gone to a 98% black school myself there is no feat I wont achieve by hook or by crook to avoid having my children attend the same type of school as I did.
1. The DNA tests are a scam. They vary depending on who does the test and slaves in the US from different tribes have interbred along with a few white slave owners. Narrowing down the location is at best an educated guess from a number of places confined to the results.

2. I'm sorry, I do not attribute the success of any given race or culture to myself. I can only learn from cultures and adopt what works for them, and perhaps, advance the concepts.

3. The reason why African History is largely from a European and Arab point of view is clear. As all histories, much of African history hasn't been written. In Sub-Saharan Africa little to no African history was documented by Africans. I would give my left testicle to be an archeologist in Nigeria though. In any case, parts of Africa had not discovered the wheel by the 18th century. Yet most all of Africa, with few exceptions, were conquered by those outside the continent. Anyway, got any good books for me of the academic sort? Any suggested YouTube videos of professional lecturers on the matter? It may be hard for you to understand but I love reading African History possibly as much as you do. Ever read Kevin Shillington? He's a white guy but I think you'll like him. Kevin Shillington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In fact, I know you would. Perhaps we should discuss African history in the History forum?

4. EEERRRRRRGHHHH.... And there is that word "we." I used to cringe in every history class when someone, no matter what their race, talked about a historical subject as "we" or "our." I don't even talk about the United States in that manner though I occasionally make a mistake. But talking about "we" in the context of enchant African civilization is like a white person doing the same in Roman, Greek, or Anglo-Saxon history, when in reality, it wasn't them at all. In every case the civilizations are long gone and as are the Egyptians, Mali, Ghana, Songhai, and Ife empires. They were taken over by more advanced, or in some cases, less advanced civilizations. To go back to the principles that made them great would be like going back to mercantilist economics for Great Britain.

A simple exploration of Kwanzaa in America will reveal that is an extension of the Black Power movement preached by Black Nationalists who wanted to replicate an East African culture when most blacks in America came from West Africa.

It doesn't get any more culturally conservative as this. And it also backs up my observations of black culture.

Kwanzaa - Discover the Networks
Maulana Karenga - Discover the Networks

Karenga postulated seven major principles to be emphasized during Kwanzaa, identifying each by its Swahili name:
•Unity (Umoja)
•Self-Determination (Kujichaguila)
•Collective Work and Responsibility (Ujima)
•Cooperative Economics (Ujamaa)
•Purpose (Nia)
•Creativity (Kuumba)
•Faith (Imani)

Ironically, these seven principles as a whole mirror precisely the principles that were embraced by the Symbionese Liberation Army, a pro-Marxist, revolutionary terrorist group of the 1970s.

1. What makes you say the DNA tests are a scam? Do you have any credible proof of this?

2. Thats your problem that you don't have enough self awareness to know you attribute the successes of your ethnicity to yourself. What you are claiming is that you have successfully overcome the human instinct to identify with a given group. Pardon me if I think you are full of it.

3. Sorry but once again you are wrong. Just because you were taught that there was no written history doesnt mean you have a claim that is a fact. In any case there is also a oral tradition of passing down history on the African continent as well. Your belief in that oral history is not my concern. Your assertion that Africa did not discover the wheel is conjecture as would be my claim that they did discover it. No one knows who discovered the wheel. Europe did not know how to make carbonized steel until centuries after it was being produced by the Haya people.

Haya people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Haya people of Tanzania have been linked to one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of all time: the invention of steel. Archaeologist Peter Schmidt discovered through a literalist combination of archaeology and oral tradition that the Haya had been forging steel for around 2000 years.

I have read from several authors that probably do not meet your white mandated approval list. Dr. ivan Van Sertima and Dr Runoko Rashidi are 2 of my favorites. Leo Weiner is a white guy from back in the day that has had his work buried but was re-discovered by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima so in a way a white guy was the father of the Afrocentric movement.

4. I understand you detest collective awareness and prefer individualism which is your right. What is sad is you honestly think you have the correct answer. What is curious is that you believe that being savage is a virtue. It only requires a moron to destroy a work of art constructed by a skilled artist. Other nations violently invading and conquering others has always gone on throughout history. The fact that Europeans have been more successful at it recently seems to be a source of pride to you and in contradiction to your stated belief that you do not attribute the success of others to yourself.

I dont get what your exploration of the roots of Kwanzaa have to do with the discussion? I already know this information. I also forgot in my Afrocentric view to point out other non black examples of collectivism working out pretty well for its members. The Jewish and Chinese communities are a great example.

1. Yes 60 minutes did a piece on the African American DNA Scam. I wouldn't make a claim like that if I couldn't prove it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHjJJfhfRgs]DNA HOAX. African Americans Ain't African - YouTube[/ame]

2. I don't care if you think I am full of it. I'm glad you do because it is becoming awfully hard to find people who know what they're talking about, and yet, disagree with me. I welcome the challenge. But the most successful people rise above the tribe. Of course, many Africans would take issue with your choice of the word "tribe" as this is a Eurocentric view. Africa did in fact have kingdoms and empires as I am sure you are aware. Nevertheless, there are certainly more followers than leaders in life, this is true.

I can trace my family back to the early 1700's. They fought in every single war in this countries history including one before we could call ourselves anything but a colony. They owned massive amounts of land, though, I can assure you that the wealth did not transfer over to my generation. How do I see it? So what! I do not attribute my success to their success just as I don't attribute my failures to theirs. You remind me of my cousins who wanted me to join the Sons of the Confederacy. I gave them the same speech that I gave my college professor.

3. I am well aware of the steel that was being made in early African history (Sub Saharan no doubt). It seems that they were advanced enough to skip a step or two judging by the archeological evidence. My question is, so what?

4. I do not have pride in European conquest. This allows me to step back and assess why and how they pursued said conquest honestly away from the cultural/racial fray. I ask questions such as "why did this civilization prosper" and "why did the other fail?" By the late 18th century all African nations were relative failures, mostly because of their lack of dominant connection to the outside world.

My point about Kwanzaa is that 99.9% of all African Americans do not share Swahili genetics and the black power/ African nationalist movement made it up so as to ascribe to Africans Americans a history that is not theirs for no other reason than to make them feel good and resent whites.

Not going to recommend to me some good African history reading material?
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If we had a White country, this wouldn't be an issue.

Yeah, it's a damn shame you have to live in a free country instead of a white one, huh?

That is yet another huge difference between white an black cultures. Their concepts of "freedom." Although I don't exactly make the argument that we should segregate the schools. I do argue that white parents who want to keep their children out of predominantly black schools are making an honest conscious decision so that their children can get a better education. It has less to do with race than it does the way things are.
If we had a White country, this wouldn't be an issue.

Yeah, it's a damn shame you have to live in a free country instead of a white one, huh?

Please explain to us idiots why we couldn't have a white country and a free one at the same time? Its very easy actually. Once you rid the area of degenerates and non whites that won't leave voluntarily you enforce STRICT immigration laws. I suggest reading H.A. Covington's Northwest novels. I absolutely love his books.

Because the fantasy world you Tank and Matt want to live in does not exist.
1. The DNA tests are a scam. They vary depending on who does the test and slaves in the US from different tribes have interbred along with a few white slave owners. Narrowing down the location is at best an educated guess from a number of places confined to the results.

2. I'm sorry, I do not attribute the success of any given race or culture to myself. I can only learn from cultures and adopt what works for them, and perhaps, advance the concepts.

3. The reason why African History is largely from a European and Arab point of view is clear. As all histories, much of African history hasn't been written. In Sub-Saharan Africa little to no African history was documented by Africans. I would give my left testicle to be an archeologist in Nigeria though. In any case, parts of Africa had not discovered the wheel by the 18th century. Yet most all of Africa, with few exceptions, were conquered by those outside the continent. Anyway, got any good books for me of the academic sort? Any suggested YouTube videos of professional lecturers on the matter? It may be hard for you to understand but I love reading African History possibly as much as you do. Ever read Kevin Shillington? He's a white guy but I think you'll like him. Kevin Shillington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In fact, I know you would. Perhaps we should discuss African history in the History forum?

4. EEERRRRRRGHHHH.... And there is that word "we." I used to cringe in every history class when someone, no matter what their race, talked about a historical subject as "we" or "our." I don't even talk about the United States in that manner though I occasionally make a mistake. But talking about "we" in the context of enchant African civilization is like a white person doing the same in Roman, Greek, or Anglo-Saxon history, when in reality, it wasn't them at all. In every case the civilizations are long gone and as are the Egyptians, Mali, Ghana, Songhai, and Ife empires. They were taken over by more advanced, or in some cases, less advanced civilizations. To go back to the principles that made them great would be like going back to mercantilist economics for Great Britain.

A simple exploration of Kwanzaa in America will reveal that is an extension of the Black Power movement preached by Black Nationalists who wanted to replicate an East African culture when most blacks in America came from West Africa.

It doesn't get any more culturally conservative as this. And it also backs up my observations of black culture.

1. What makes you say the DNA tests are a scam? Do you have any credible proof of this?

2. Thats your problem that you don't have enough self awareness to know you attribute the successes of your ethnicity to yourself. What you are claiming is that you have successfully overcome the human instinct to identify with a given group. Pardon me if I think you are full of it.

3. Sorry but once again you are wrong. Just because you were taught that there was no written history doesnt mean you have a claim that is a fact. In any case there is also a oral tradition of passing down history on the African continent as well. Your belief in that oral history is not my concern. Your assertion that Africa did not discover the wheel is conjecture as would be my claim that they did discover it. No one knows who discovered the wheel. Europe did not know how to make carbonized steel until centuries after it was being produced by the Haya people.

Haya people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Haya people of Tanzania have been linked to one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of all time: the invention of steel. Archaeologist Peter Schmidt discovered through a literalist combination of archaeology and oral tradition that the Haya had been forging steel for around 2000 years.

I have read from several authors that probably do not meet your white mandated approval list. Dr. ivan Van Sertima and Dr Runoko Rashidi are 2 of my favorites. Leo Weiner is a white guy from back in the day that has had his work buried but was re-discovered by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima so in a way a white guy was the father of the Afrocentric movement.

4. I understand you detest collective awareness and prefer individualism which is your right. What is sad is you honestly think you have the correct answer. What is curious is that you believe that being savage is a virtue. It only requires a moron to destroy a work of art constructed by a skilled artist. Other nations violently invading and conquering others has always gone on throughout history. The fact that Europeans have been more successful at it recently seems to be a source of pride to you and in contradiction to your stated belief that you do not attribute the success of others to yourself.

I dont get what your exploration of the roots of Kwanzaa have to do with the discussion? I already know this information. I also forgot in my Afrocentric view to point out other non black examples of collectivism working out pretty well for its members. The Jewish and Chinese communities are a great example.

1. Yes 60 minutes did a piece on the African American DNA Scam. I wouldn't make a claim like that if I couldn't prove it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHjJJfhfRgs]DNA HOAX. African Americans Ain't African - YouTube[/ame]

2. I don't care if you think I am full of it. I'm glad you do because it is becoming awfully hard to find people who know what they're talking about, and yet, disagree with me. I welcome the challenge. But the most successful people rise above the tribe. Of course, many Africans would take issue with your choice of the word "tribe" as this is a Eurocentric view. Africa did in fact have kingdoms and empires as I am sure you are aware. Nevertheless, there are certainly more followers than leaders in life, this is true.

I can trace my family back to the early 1700's. They fought in every single war in this countries history including one before we could call ourselves anything but a colony. They owned massive amounts of land, though, I can assure you that the wealth did not transfer over to my generation. How do I see it? So what! I do not attribute my success to their success just as I don't attribute my failures to theirs. You remind me of my cousins who wanted me to join the Sons of the Confederacy. I gave them the same speech that I gave my college professor.

3. I am well aware of the steel that was being made in early African history (Sub Saharan no doubt). It seems that they were advanced enough to skip a step or two judging by the archeological evidence. My question is, so what?

4. I do not have pride in European conquest. This allows me to step back and assess why and how they pursued said conquest honestly away from the cultural/racial fray. I ask questions such as "why did this civilization prosper" and "why did the other fail?" By the late 18th century all African nations were relative failures, mostly because of their lack of dominant connection to the outside world.

My point about Kwanzaa is that 99.9% of all African Americans do not share Swahili genetics and the black power/ African nationalist movement made it up so as to ascribe to Africans Americans a history that is not theirs for no other reason than to make them feel good and resent whites.

Not going to recommend to me some good African history reading material?

1. You just did make the claim with no evidence. A scam would imply that someone is being defrauded. The 2 companies my family used made it plain it was not specific so we actually went to Senegal due to our results all being in that area. From there my uncle tracked down our relatives himself. There are people that get scattered results but you cannot grasp the importance of even knowing that for an African American. You wouldn't because you are white.

2. You may not attribute your success to your ancestors but that would be erroneous. At the very least you were passed down success techniques regardless of if you realized it or not. That being the case if you were not abandoned or separated from your family.

3. I hate to answer a question with a question but I'd have to ask "so what" about your erroneous comment about the wheel even if it were true? I assumed you said that to show the inferiority of Africans even though no one really knows where the wheel was invented. If I am in error let me know. i merely showed that steel was being produced centuries earlier in Africa than in Europe to show you technological advances in Africa preceded those in Europe. it is my belief that much has been lost or covered up and we have more surprises in store.

4. You have pointed to the Europeans war mentality and conquest several times as proof of superiority which is something I disagree is a sign of superiority. To me it just show a proclivity to be savages. If you are asking questions about why a civilization failed there are many reasons. You seem to jump to inferiority as your main answer when many times it is way more complex than that. By the 18th century Africa was overrun and colonized by Europeans that committed atrocities on that continent that would make the Jewish holocaust pale in comparison. That is the primary reason some parts of Africa are in a crisis.

Regarding Kwanzaa all I can really tell you since you don't seem to understand is that its a Black thing. It doesnt matter if most Black Americans dont have the genes which I wonder how you know if DNA testing is a scam? No they didnt make up the principles. Those existed in Africa long before Kwanzaa was created here. I have no problem with Kwanzaa being created as Christmas was also created and no one seems to have a problem with that. I listed 3 people that were authors on one of my previous posts.
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Yeah, it's a damn shame you have to live in a free country instead of a white one, huh?

Please explain to us idiots why we couldn't have a white country and a free one at the same time? Its very easy actually. Once you rid the area of degenerates and non whites that won't leave voluntarily you enforce STRICT immigration laws. I suggest reading H.A. Covington's Northwest novels. I absolutely love his books.

Because the fantasy world you Tank and Matt want to live in does not exist.

It did before and will again.
Please explain to us idiots why we couldn't have a white country and a free one at the same time? Its very easy actually. Once you rid the area of degenerates and non whites that won't leave voluntarily you enforce STRICT immigration laws. I suggest reading H.A. Covington's Northwest novels. I absolutely love his books.

Because the fantasy world you Tank and Matt want to live in does not exist.

It did before and will again.

So you are going to forcibly remove all blacks, whether they are criminals or educated members of society?

You plan to remove doctors, lawyers, and businessmen from this country for being black?? And you think that is a GOOD idea?
Please explain to us idiots why we couldn't have a white country and a free one at the same time? Its very easy actually. Once you rid the area of degenerates and non whites that won't leave voluntarily you enforce STRICT immigration laws. I suggest reading H.A. Covington's Northwest novels. I absolutely love his books.

Because the fantasy world you Tank and Matt want to live in does not exist.

It did before and will again.

That would be a neat trick you will never see in your lifetime. BTW it never existed here in the americas.
Because the fantasy world you Tank and Matt want to live in does not exist.

It did before and will again.

That would be a neat trick you will never see in your lifetime. BTW it never existed here in the americas.

Of course it will never happen. It is just the wet-dreams of the hate-mongers.

They might get some traction talking about the violent street gangs or the ghetto types. But when they talk about the removal of an entire race, they are talking about removing productive citizens in favor of some rednecks who can't compete so they want to ride the coattails of successful white folks. There would be no backing for removing law-abiding, educated citizens based solely on skin color. In fact, there would be a huge support from white people for the blacks then.
1. What makes you say the DNA tests are a scam? Do you have any credible proof of this?

2. Thats your problem that you don't have enough self awareness to know you attribute the successes of your ethnicity to yourself. What you are claiming is that you have successfully overcome the human instinct to identify with a given group. Pardon me if I think you are full of it.

3. Sorry but once again you are wrong. Just because you were taught that there was no written history doesnt mean you have a claim that is a fact. In any case there is also a oral tradition of passing down history on the African continent as well. Your belief in that oral history is not my concern. Your assertion that Africa did not discover the wheel is conjecture as would be my claim that they did discover it. No one knows who discovered the wheel. Europe did not know how to make carbonized steel until centuries after it was being produced by the Haya people.

Haya people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have read from several authors that probably do not meet your white mandated approval list. Dr. ivan Van Sertima and Dr Runoko Rashidi are 2 of my favorites. Leo Weiner is a white guy from back in the day that has had his work buried but was re-discovered by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima so in a way a white guy was the father of the Afrocentric movement.

4. I understand you detest collective awareness and prefer individualism which is your right. What is sad is you honestly think you have the correct answer. What is curious is that you believe that being savage is a virtue. It only requires a moron to destroy a work of art constructed by a skilled artist. Other nations violently invading and conquering others has always gone on throughout history. The fact that Europeans have been more successful at it recently seems to be a source of pride to you and in contradiction to your stated belief that you do not attribute the success of others to yourself.

I dont get what your exploration of the roots of Kwanzaa have to do with the discussion? I already know this information. I also forgot in my Afrocentric view to point out other non black examples of collectivism working out pretty well for its members. The Jewish and Chinese communities are a great example.

1. Yes 60 minutes did a piece on the African American DNA Scam. I wouldn't make a claim like that if I couldn't prove it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHjJJfhfRgs]DNA HOAX. African Americans Ain't African - YouTube[/ame]

2. I don't care if you think I am full of it. I'm glad you do because it is becoming awfully hard to find people who know what they're talking about, and yet, disagree with me. I welcome the challenge. But the most successful people rise above the tribe. Of course, many Africans would take issue with your choice of the word "tribe" as this is a Eurocentric view. Africa did in fact have kingdoms and empires as I am sure you are aware. Nevertheless, there are certainly more followers than leaders in life, this is true.

I can trace my family back to the early 1700's. They fought in every single war in this countries history including one before we could call ourselves anything but a colony. They owned massive amounts of land, though, I can assure you that the wealth did not transfer over to my generation. How do I see it? So what! I do not attribute my success to their success just as I don't attribute my failures to theirs. You remind me of my cousins who wanted me to join the Sons of the Confederacy. I gave them the same speech that I gave my college professor.

3. I am well aware of the steel that was being made in early African history (Sub Saharan no doubt). It seems that they were advanced enough to skip a step or two judging by the archeological evidence. My question is, so what?

4. I do not have pride in European conquest. This allows me to step back and assess why and how they pursued said conquest honestly away from the cultural/racial fray. I ask questions such as "why did this civilization prosper" and "why did the other fail?" By the late 18th century all African nations were relative failures, mostly because of their lack of dominant connection to the outside world.

My point about Kwanzaa is that 99.9% of all African Americans do not share Swahili genetics and the black power/ African nationalist movement made it up so as to ascribe to Africans Americans a history that is not theirs for no other reason than to make them feel good and resent whites.

Not going to recommend to me some good African history reading material?

1. You just did make the claim with no evidence. A scam would imply that someone is being defrauded. The 2 companies my family used made it plain it was not specific so we actually went to Senegal due to our results all being in that area. From there my uncle tracked down our relatives himself. There are people that get scattered results but you cannot grasp the importance of even knowing that for an African American. You wouldn't because you are white.

2. You may not attribute your success to your ancestors but that would be erroneous. At the very least you were passed down success techniques regardless of if you realized it or not. That being the case if you were not abandoned or separated from your family.

3. I hate to answer a question with a question but I'd have to ask "so what" about your erroneous comment about the wheel even if it were true? I assumed you said that to show the inferiority of Africans even though no one really knows where the wheel was invented. If I am in error let me know. i merely showed that steel was being produced centuries earlier in Africa than in Europe to show you technological advances in Africa preceded those in Europe. it is my belief that much has been lost or covered up and we have more surprises in store.

4. You have pointed to the Europeans war mentality and conquest several times as proof of superiority which is something I disagree is a sign of superiority. To me it just show a proclivity to be savages. If you are asking questions about why a civilization failed there are many reasons. You seem to jump to inferiority as your main answer when many times it is way more complex than that. By the 18th century Africa was overrun and colonized by Europeans that committed atrocities on that continent that would make the Jewish holocaust pale in comparison. That is the primary reason some parts of Africa are in a crisis.

Regarding Kwanzaa all I can really tell you since you don't seem to understand is that its a Black thing. It doesnt matter if most Black Americans dont have the genes which I wonder how you know if DNA testing is a scam? No they didnt make up the principles. Those existed in Africa long before Kwanzaa was created here. I have no problem with Kwanzaa being created as Christmas was also created and no one seems to have a problem with that. I listed 3 people that were authors on one of my previous posts.

1. African Americans have bred with other African Americans for well over 250 years. The slave ports that existed along the west African coast are numerous. If you are related to any of them, chances are you're related to many of them. There is not one single African American slave descendant who does not have relatives up and down the West African coast. The DNA tests are a scam because it is impossible to single out any one area of which modern African Americans descended from. That's why the results of the tests will vary depending on how many tests you take and who you go to have them administered. I guarantee you that if you were to choose a different company you will receive a different result with different probabilities.

2. The argument you make has to deal with critical race theory and white privilege. It falls on its face once we understand that blacks in America are more successful than those in Africa and while their slave ancestors did not benefit from slavery their free descendants certainly did as compared to those in modern Africa from the same bloodline. You cannot claim that any one descended from a slave suffers because they were separated from their family 200 years ago, 2/3rds of which were captured by warring African tribes, while the others, paid African born slave catchers. Indeed, how are you any worse off today because of slavery as you would have been under European colonial rule? The argument is laughable!

3. There is no white cover-up. Archeologists could make millions discovering lost civilizations in Africa of which I am sure there are many. To demonstrate that the wheel had not been invented in parts of Africa by the late 1800's was not to assert white superiority, but to demonstrate that the majority (probably all) of Africa, some more than others, were ripe for being conquered. Having been conquered by Europeans, this was not the case because Europeans hated blacks, but in fact they were in competition with each other in a mercantilist economy. Indeed, African suffered by a natural imperialism, however, they suffered the most because they were weak. These are the facts. I take no pride in presenting them to you.

4. Africa is in crisis because of European colonialism? So what was Africa before European colonialism? How about after independence? Colonialism may have had bad results for Africans BUT YOU CAN NOT tell me that European colonialism did not advance Africa in trade, technology, education, and so on. The problem with Africa is when they gained independence they looked at the model of western civilization, deemed it evil, and adopted socialism/communism out of their ignorance. Indeed, after independence they found themselves in a MUCH WORSE situation than immediately before independence. European civilization was much more advanced, and/or superior to African civilization and to deny otherwise would be to exercise the insane leftist theory of cultural relativism. I do not take pleasure in presenting this to you but it is a fact. It seems that you revert to contentions of racial superiority every time I make my case and this cannot be further from the truth. Facts are facts.

The creators of Kwanzaa in the US were radical Marxists Leninists/Stalinists who sought to make up a culture that no African American had any attachment to. It certainly proves my point that African Americans (who celebrate Kwanzaa) created a counterculture so as to reject western civilization in favor of values that they have never had and that get them nowhere simply because of disdain for whites.
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It certainly proves my point that African Americans (who celebrate Kwanzaa) created a counterculture so as to reject western civilization in favor of values that they have never had and that get them nowhere simply because of disdain for whites.

Your "point" is as obtuse as you yourself.

African Americans didn't reject the dominant culture. The dominant culture rejected them. Immediately following the Civil War many freed blacks began to integrate into the mainstream culture quite readily and quite successfully. Then the democrats started to impose ways of excluding, rejecting, segregating, and oppressing them (the democrats are still doing so today in more insidiously subtle ways). Blacks moving to Northern cities during the Great Migration were disappointed to find more exclusion and violence. Seeking a cultural identity has been a necessity more than a choice for most of African American history. Not disdain for whites but disdain FROM whites has been the driving force for the great majority of this history. If it's time to get past it all and move forward together, finger-pointing is unlikely to help and in any case there is plenty of blame to go around on all sides.
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It certainly proves my point that African Americans (who celebrate Kwanzaa) created a counterculture so as to reject western civilization in favor of values that they have never had and that get them nowhere simply because of disdain for whites.

Your "point" is as obtuse as you yourself.

Our favorite un-substantive drive by spammer is back I see. Yet another claim without anything to back it up and he will insist that he has proven someone wrong.
1. Yes 60 minutes did a piece on the African American DNA Scam. I wouldn't make a claim like that if I couldn't prove it.

DNA HOAX. African Americans Ain't African - YouTube

2. I don't care if you think I am full of it. I'm glad you do because it is becoming awfully hard to find people who know what they're talking about, and yet, disagree with me. I welcome the challenge. But the most successful people rise above the tribe. Of course, many Africans would take issue with your choice of the word "tribe" as this is a Eurocentric view. Africa did in fact have kingdoms and empires as I am sure you are aware. Nevertheless, there are certainly more followers than leaders in life, this is true.

I can trace my family back to the early 1700's. They fought in every single war in this countries history including one before we could call ourselves anything but a colony. They owned massive amounts of land, though, I can assure you that the wealth did not transfer over to my generation. How do I see it? So what! I do not attribute my success to their success just as I don't attribute my failures to theirs. You remind me of my cousins who wanted me to join the Sons of the Confederacy. I gave them the same speech that I gave my college professor.

3. I am well aware of the steel that was being made in early African history (Sub Saharan no doubt). It seems that they were advanced enough to skip a step or two judging by the archeological evidence. My question is, so what?

4. I do not have pride in European conquest. This allows me to step back and assess why and how they pursued said conquest honestly away from the cultural/racial fray. I ask questions such as "why did this civilization prosper" and "why did the other fail?" By the late 18th century all African nations were relative failures, mostly because of their lack of dominant connection to the outside world.

My point about Kwanzaa is that 99.9% of all African Americans do not share Swahili genetics and the black power/ African nationalist movement made it up so as to ascribe to Africans Americans a history that is not theirs for no other reason than to make them feel good and resent whites.

Not going to recommend to me some good African history reading material?

1. You just did make the claim with no evidence. A scam would imply that someone is being defrauded. The 2 companies my family used made it plain it was not specific so we actually went to Senegal due to our results all being in that area. From there my uncle tracked down our relatives himself. There are people that get scattered results but you cannot grasp the importance of even knowing that for an African American. You wouldn't because you are white.

2. You may not attribute your success to your ancestors but that would be erroneous. At the very least you were passed down success techniques regardless of if you realized it or not. That being the case if you were not abandoned or separated from your family.

3. I hate to answer a question with a question but I'd have to ask "so what" about your erroneous comment about the wheel even if it were true? I assumed you said that to show the inferiority of Africans even though no one really knows where the wheel was invented. If I am in error let me know. i merely showed that steel was being produced centuries earlier in Africa than in Europe to show you technological advances in Africa preceded those in Europe. it is my belief that much has been lost or covered up and we have more surprises in store.

4. You have pointed to the Europeans war mentality and conquest several times as proof of superiority which is something I disagree is a sign of superiority. To me it just show a proclivity to be savages. If you are asking questions about why a civilization failed there are many reasons. You seem to jump to inferiority as your main answer when many times it is way more complex than that. By the 18th century Africa was overrun and colonized by Europeans that committed atrocities on that continent that would make the Jewish holocaust pale in comparison. That is the primary reason some parts of Africa are in a crisis.

Regarding Kwanzaa all I can really tell you since you don't seem to understand is that its a Black thing. It doesnt matter if most Black Americans dont have the genes which I wonder how you know if DNA testing is a scam? No they didnt make up the principles. Those existed in Africa long before Kwanzaa was created here. I have no problem with Kwanzaa being created as Christmas was also created and no one seems to have a problem with that. I listed 3 people that were authors on one of my previous posts.

1. African Americans have bred with other African Americans for well over 250 years. The slave ports that existed along the west African coast are numerous. If you are related to any of them, chances are you're related to many of them. There is not one single African American slave descendant who does not have relatives up and down the West African coast. The DNA tests are a scam because it is impossible to single out any one area of which modern African Americans descended from. That's why the results of the tests will vary depending on how many tests you take and who you go to have them administered. I guarantee you that if you were to choose a different company you will receive a different result with different probabilities.

2. The argument you make has to deal with critical race theory and white privilege. It falls on its face once we understand that blacks in America are more successful than those in Africa and while their slave ancestors did not benefit from slavery their free descendants certainly did as compared to those in modern Africa from the same bloodline. You cannot claim that any one descended from a slave suffers because they were separated from their family 200 years ago, 2/3rds of which were captured by warring African tribes, while the others, paid African born slave catchers. Indeed, how are you any worse off today because of slavery as you would have been under European colonial rule? The argument is laughable!

3. There is no white cover-up. Archeologists could make millions discovering lost civilizations in Africa of which I am sure there are many. To demonstrate that the wheel had not been invented in parts of Africa by the late 1800's was not to assert white superiority, but to demonstrate that the majority (probably all) of Africa, some more than others, were ripe for being conquered. Having been conquered by Europeans, this was not the case because Europeans hated blacks, but in fact they were in competition with each other in a mercantilist economy. Indeed, African suffered by a natural imperialism, however, they suffered the most because they were weak. These are the facts. I take no pride in presenting them to you.

4. Africa is in crisis because of European colonialism? So what was Africa before European colonialism? How about after independence? Colonialism may have had bad results for Africans BUT YOU CAN NOT tell me that European colonialism did not advance Africa in trade, technology, education, and so on. The problem with Africa is when they gained independence they looked at the model of western civilization, deemed it evil, and adopted socialism/communism out of their ignorance. Indeed, after independence they found themselves in a MUCH WORSE situation than immediately before independence. European civilization was much more advanced, and/or superior to African civilization and to deny otherwise would be to exercise the insane leftist theory of cultural relativism. I do not take pleasure in presenting this to you but it is a fact. It seems that you revert to contentions of racial superiority every time I make my case and this cannot be further from the truth. Facts are facts.

The creators of Kwanzaa in the US were radical Marxists Leninists/Stalinists who sought to make up a culture that no African American had any attachment to. It certainly proves my point that African Americans (who celebrate Kwanzaa) created a counterculture so as to reject western civilization in favor of values that they have never had and that get them nowhere simply because of disdain for whites.

You are avoiding the point. You said it was a scam. A scam would be lying and then taking money under false pretenses. The DNA companies disclose that your results may be scattered. You are simply wrong in calling it scam. Admit and deal with that. Lets see how far you would get trying to sue one of the companies for fraud?

Where did I claim that someone was worse off due to being separated from their family 200 years ago? Even if I did make the claim what makes you think you determine whether its valid or not? :lol: You dont know what affects slavery had on people. No one really knows. If war veterans can have PTSD what do you think slaves and the survivors of Jim Crow could of had? What do you think was the cost in terms of mental illness amongst people subjected to slavery in the US for generations? Open your eyes son and think.

Sorry guy but yes there is and was a white cover-up. It was extremely profitable to reduce the Black race to the level of an animal in the publics eyes in order to justify slavery. How do you think the US rose to a world power? Are you really attempting to deny this? You claim millions can be made discovering. Try billions and billions to keep it covered up. There is a reason Africa is the least explored and findings suppressed. Political pressure and money. Why are African and African American scholars and PHD's shunned by mainstream academia the moment they present findings even if peer reviewed? I honestly thought you were more intelligent than that.

Once again you expose your simplistic view of things while attempting to sound as if you know what you are talking about. First lets examine some things and set them straight so you and I understand each other. Your definition of what constitutes development and advancement has no bearing on what I believe it to be. I dont mind if you take pleasure in telling me something or not. I know your view to be amusingly false so no worries. Africa was doing fine before colonization. After overt colonization was deemed to be savage they switched to monetary colonization which is invisible to the poorly educated. Europe and the US loan money to the now westernized countries which are the equivalent of payday loans. This buys influence especially when given to corrupt dictators. This is the same dirty stuff they do across the globe in South America as well. You really need to expand your education and understand how money controls everything and is wielded as a political control remotely. The countries that dont play the game and borrow the money get plowed under via propaganda and eventually invasion in order to temporarily take over and set up a friendly government that will play the game i cant believe you don't know this already.

Sorry but you keep striking out. Kwanzaa embodies the principles that abound in most if not all African civilizations. All African-Americans have an attachment to it via ancestry. How do you keep missing that? Your fear of the holiday is unfounded. I dont think about how I am sticking it to whitey when I celebrate Kwanzaa. Thats the last thing on my mind. Your people are not in my thoughts in that regard. Some of my family members are white and they celebrate it with me because they actually have some knowledge about it. You evidently have missed the boat on this. Those principle you claim hold us back actually have caused my family to prosper. How could you be so backwards in your assessment of those values when Jewish people have demonstrated adherence to basically the same ones and become successful? It really boggles the mind how far off base you are.
1. You just did make the claim with no evidence. A scam would imply that someone is being defrauded. The 2 companies my family used made it plain it was not specific so we actually went to Senegal due to our results all being in that area. From there my uncle tracked down our relatives himself. There are people that get scattered results but you cannot grasp the importance of even knowing that for an African American. You wouldn't because you are white.

2. You may not attribute your success to your ancestors but that would be erroneous. At the very least you were passed down success techniques regardless of if you realized it or not. That being the case if you were not abandoned or separated from your family.

3. I hate to answer a question with a question but I'd have to ask "so what" about your erroneous comment about the wheel even if it were true? I assumed you said that to show the inferiority of Africans even though no one really knows where the wheel was invented. If I am in error let me know. i merely showed that steel was being produced centuries earlier in Africa than in Europe to show you technological advances in Africa preceded those in Europe. it is my belief that much has been lost or covered up and we have more surprises in store.

4. You have pointed to the Europeans war mentality and conquest several times as proof of superiority which is something I disagree is a sign of superiority. To me it just show a proclivity to be savages. If you are asking questions about why a civilization failed there are many reasons. You seem to jump to inferiority as your main answer when many times it is way more complex than that. By the 18th century Africa was overrun and colonized by Europeans that committed atrocities on that continent that would make the Jewish holocaust pale in comparison. That is the primary reason some parts of Africa are in a crisis.

Regarding Kwanzaa all I can really tell you since you don't seem to understand is that its a Black thing. It doesnt matter if most Black Americans dont have the genes which I wonder how you know if DNA testing is a scam? No they didnt make up the principles. Those existed in Africa long before Kwanzaa was created here. I have no problem with Kwanzaa being created as Christmas was also created and no one seems to have a problem with that. I listed 3 people that were authors on one of my previous posts.

1. African Americans have bred with other African Americans for well over 250 years. The slave ports that existed along the west African coast are numerous. If you are related to any of them, chances are you're related to many of them. There is not one single African American slave descendant who does not have relatives up and down the West African coast. The DNA tests are a scam because it is impossible to single out any one area of which modern African Americans descended from. That's why the results of the tests will vary depending on how many tests you take and who you go to have them administered. I guarantee you that if you were to choose a different company you will receive a different result with different probabilities.

2. The argument you make has to deal with critical race theory and white privilege. It falls on its face once we understand that blacks in America are more successful than those in Africa and while their slave ancestors did not benefit from slavery their free descendants certainly did as compared to those in modern Africa from the same bloodline. You cannot claim that any one descended from a slave suffers because they were separated from their family 200 years ago, 2/3rds of which were captured by warring African tribes, while the others, paid African born slave catchers. Indeed, how are you any worse off today because of slavery as you would have been under European colonial rule? The argument is laughable!

3. There is no white cover-up. Archeologists could make millions discovering lost civilizations in Africa of which I am sure there are many. To demonstrate that the wheel had not been invented in parts of Africa by the late 1800's was not to assert white superiority, but to demonstrate that the majority (probably all) of Africa, some more than others, were ripe for being conquered. Having been conquered by Europeans, this was not the case because Europeans hated blacks, but in fact they were in competition with each other in a mercantilist economy. Indeed, African suffered by a natural imperialism, however, they suffered the most because they were weak. These are the facts. I take no pride in presenting them to you.

4. Africa is in crisis because of European colonialism? So what was Africa before European colonialism? How about after independence? Colonialism may have had bad results for Africans BUT YOU CAN NOT tell me that European colonialism did not advance Africa in trade, technology, education, and so on. The problem with Africa is when they gained independence they looked at the model of western civilization, deemed it evil, and adopted socialism/communism out of their ignorance. Indeed, after independence they found themselves in a MUCH WORSE situation than immediately before independence. European civilization was much more advanced, and/or superior to African civilization and to deny otherwise would be to exercise the insane leftist theory of cultural relativism. I do not take pleasure in presenting this to you but it is a fact. It seems that you revert to contentions of racial superiority every time I make my case and this cannot be further from the truth. Facts are facts.

The creators of Kwanzaa in the US were radical Marxists Leninists/Stalinists who sought to make up a culture that no African American had any attachment to. It certainly proves my point that African Americans (who celebrate Kwanzaa) created a counterculture so as to reject western civilization in favor of values that they have never had and that get them nowhere simply because of disdain for whites.

You are avoiding the point. You said it was a scam. A scam would be lying and then taking money under false pretenses. The DNA companies disclose that your results may be scattered. You are simply wrong in calling it scam. Admit and deal with that. Lets see how far you would get trying to sue one of the companies for fraud?

Where did I claim that someone was worse off due to being separated from their family 200 years ago? Even if I did make the claim what makes you think you determine whether its valid or not? :lol: You dont know what affects slavery had on people. No one really knows. If war veterans can have PTSD what do you think slaves and the survivors of Jim Crow could of had? What do you think was the cost in terms of mental illness amongst people subjected to slavery in the US for generations? Open your eyes son and think.

Sorry guy but yes there is and was a white cover-up. It was extremely profitable to reduce the Black race to the level of an animal in the publics eyes in order to justify slavery. How do you think the US rose to a world power? Are you really attempting to deny this? You claim millions can be made discovering. Try billions and billions to keep it covered up. There is a reason Africa is the least explored and findings suppressed. Political pressure and money. Why are African and African American scholars and PHD's shunned by mainstream academia the moment they present findings even if peer reviewed? I honestly thought you were more intelligent than that.

Once again you expose your simplistic view of things while attempting to sound as if you know what you are talking about. First lets examine some things and set them straight so you and I understand each other. Your definition of what constitutes development and advancement has no bearing on what I believe it to be. I dont mind if you take pleasure in telling me something or not. I know your view to be amusingly false so no worries. Africa was doing fine before colonization. After overt colonization was deemed to be savage they switched to monetary colonization which is invisible to the poorly educated. Europe and the US loan money to the now westernized countries which are the equivalent of payday loans. This buys influence especially when given to corrupt dictators. This is the same dirty stuff they do across the globe in South America as well. You really need to expand your education and understand how money controls everything and is wielded as a political control remotely. The countries that dont play the game and borrow the money get plowed under via propaganda and eventually invasion in order to temporarily take over and set up a friendly government that will play the game i cant believe you don't know this already.

Sorry but you keep striking out. Kwanzaa embodies the principles that abound in most if not all African civilizations. All African-Americans have an attachment to it via ancestry. How do you keep missing that? Your fear of the holiday is unfounded. I dont think about how I am sticking it to whitey when I celebrate Kwanzaa. Thats the last thing on my mind. Your people are not in my thoughts in that regard. Some of my family members are white and they celebrate it with me because they actually have some knowledge about it. You evidently have missed the boat on this. Those principle you claim hold us back actually have caused my family to prosper. How could you be so backwards in your assessment of those values when Jewish people have demonstrated adherence to basically the same ones and become successful? It really boggles the mind how far off base you are.

1. Yes, it is a scam. They take your money, give you an estimate, and the estimate is deferent in each place you go. The technology to determine genetic linkage that far back is not advanced enough to be anything other than a scam.

2. The effects of slavery on todays African American population are imaginary and used to achieve a political objective.

3. You have zero evidence that a cover up exists. And once again you speak of cultural relativism. Cultural relativism is garbage rapped up in an academic bow. In any case, my standard of civilization will always historically prosper over yours because the strong will do what they will and the weak will suffer what they must.

4. Kwanzaa has zero attachment to the African American population in the United States. It was made up so as to give blacks an false countercultural identity that has never existed for them or any of their forefathers.
I went to a majority black high school in the South Bronx in 1973.

It was not as much fun as it was cracked up to be
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