Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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The fact remains, the "legacy of slavery and Jim Crow" did not lead to the degradation of the black community. For whatever reason, blacks did.

It certainly proves my point that African Americans (who celebrate Kwanzaa) created a counterculture so as to reject western civilization in favor of values that they have never had and that get them nowhere simply because of disdain for whites.

Your "point" is as obtuse as you yourself.

African Americans didn't reject the dominant culture. The dominant culture rejected them. Immediately following the Civil War many freed blacks began to integrate into the mainstream culture quite readily and quite successfully. Then the democrats started to impose ways of excluding, rejecting, segregating, and oppressing them (the democrats are still doing so today in more insidiously subtle ways). Blacks moving to Northern cities during the Great Migration were disappointed to find more exclusion and violence. Seeking a cultural identity has been a necessity more than a choice for most of African American history. Not disdain for whites but disdain FROM whites has been the driving force for the great majority of this history. If it's time to get past it all and move forward together, finger-pointing is unlikely to help and in any case there is plenty of blame to go around on all sides.

The fact remains, the "legacy of slavery and Jim Crow" did not lead to the degradation of the black community. For whatever reason, blacks did.

It certainly proves my point that African Americans (who celebrate Kwanzaa) created a counterculture so as to reject western civilization in favor of values that they have never had and that get them nowhere simply because of disdain for whites.

Your "point" is as obtuse as you yourself.

African Americans didn't reject the dominant culture. The dominant culture rejected them. Immediately following the Civil War many freed blacks began to integrate into the mainstream culture quite readily and quite successfully. Then the democrats started to impose ways of excluding, rejecting, segregating, and oppressing them (the democrats are still doing so today in more insidiously subtle ways). Blacks moving to Northern cities during the Great Migration were disappointed to find more exclusion and violence. Seeking a cultural identity has been a necessity more than a choice for most of African American history. Not disdain for whites but disdain FROM whites has been the driving force for the great majority of this history. If it's time to get past it all and move forward together, finger-pointing is unlikely to help and in any case there is plenty of blame to go around on all sides.


Oh, I've gave up on you days ago. Your behavior is clear. I will post something and you will edit my responses down to one sentence (out of context) and reply, ignoring everything else I've posted. I will then waste my time giving you full paragraph/multi paragraph replies and you will continue to ignore the facts and make snarky comments and claims that you don't even attempt to justify; but not before you attempt to make the thread about my person. Then when I get tired of the childishness and leave, you claim that I am running away. I then take the argument to others and you continue to pick out sentences from my replies to them as if you were a part of the discussion.

Let me make this clear. I know what's going to happen the moment I respond. Your past actions are indicator enough that I cannot get a serious conversation out of you. I do not value your input nor do I intend to respond so as to allow you to waste my time. Consider yourself ignored and I appreciate all the times you bumped my threads under the assumption that I am going to reply. Indeed, I hope you continue to do so.
Pay attention Asclepias! katsteve knows how to make an argument!

I agree with everything you said; it is possible. However, on the whole blacks have not bettered themselves since Jim Crow. The African American unwed single parent birth rate is 73%, African American unemployment has increased, and African American high school dropouts have increased to 53% since the end of Jim Crow. Now I'm not advocating Jim Crow, however, seeing as we are a much more tolerant and less racist society today than we were under Jim Crow, how are these numbers possible? Instead of getting better, they've gotten worse. Slavery and Jim Crow did not make these numbers. Racism did not make these numbers. I argue that it is the culture they've developed so as to distinguish themselves from the white population who many of them hold animus attitudes towards that drove these numbers up when they should have gone down. You disagree?

I think that Asclepias does a fine job of articulating his point of view. The following is just my opinion:

Plain and simple what has exacerbated the lack of progress within predominately black communitities has been a loss of the solidarity and hope manifested by the civil rights movement.

The movement was flawed at it's foundation which is directly attributed to there being no plan for self reliant economic growth within communitities after the rights of citizenship were secured.

Those who were at the forefront of the movement lost sight of the benefit of economic development by building and patronizing and growning one business at a time, over and over and thereby building a network of support to continue the growth. Asians use the same model for success when they immigrate to America.

In every major city that one goes to in America, you will see a Koreatown, a Chinatown, or a Little Saigon.

These microcosmic communities are not just tourist spots. They are self funded by wave after wave of immigrants and are in place to create an easier assimilation process for each new wave, offering employment opportunities, financial support and potential prosperity if one buys into the concept, as well as a support system that again is created by and for that community. In other words, "self reliance".

When the new immigrant builds enough capital they become a part of the system to facillitate the success of new immigrants.

When the civil rights movement of the 60's came to a close and was considered a "success", that really should have been the beginning of a similar process, instead what happened over time is that black citizens defected from supporting black owned businesses and flocked with their hard earned dollars to predominantly white establishments "because now they could", which began a downward spiral of the decline of black entrepreneurship.

Did you know that in predominately Hispanic and Asian communitities that they typically own in excess of 80% of the businesses in their communitities?

The sad fact is that in predominately black communitities that black owned businesses on average account for less than 2% of businesses in those communitities.

That in itself is an abysmal indicator of lack of ownership, which has a rippling affect of apathy on every level.

Since I have posted on this board, I have stated that consistently.

Until a community is empowered economically, it will remain powerless.

Just my opinion.

Do you believe dependence and entitlement mentality played a large role in this? There is a large market to be exploited in predominantly black areas, however it's the Asians, Indians, and Muslims who seem to be exploiting the market gap in the black community. Whites largely see too much risk in investing in a black area.

As for the Civil Rights movement, I think the black community got too caught up into following leaders and organizers. Once King died the leadership fought amongst themselves and played to the crowd so as to garner support. The pressure to produce results lead to race peddling and race blackmail toward large businesses/corporations who would simply pay off the race hustlers to go away. Then came the scandals and instances like Tawana Brawly. Furthermore, MLK was moving toward economic empowerment before he died, however, it was largely based on redistribution of wealth. He never really got that campaign going, however, his successors took it to an unrealistic level.

Nevertheless, black culture now tolerates a high rate of dependency, illegitimacy, lack of education, and violence. Indeed, the only violence they protest against today is the rare white on black violence while ignoring the relatively predominant black on black/white violence. Politically they support which ever person makes excuses for them and is willing to play to their sense of victimhood in an increasingly more tolerant and less racist country. In short, the civil rights movement led to a culture that has done them anything but justice. The fact remains, the "legacy of slavery and Jim Crow" did not lead to the degradation of the black community. For whatever reason, blacks did.

Just to circle back regarding out of wedlock birth rates. In 1965 for the black population the rate was 24%, so there is a direct correlation between that metric, the unemployment rate and the incarceration rate, which if I continue in this dialogue I will address. As an editorial comment, the rate for the white population was 3% and is now 18%. So there are factors impacting that number negatively in both demographics, and if one considers percentages or "rates" as they typically do in this forum, an increase from 3% which is practically non existent, to 18% is also cause for alarm.

On the subject of dependency/entitlement, looking back through history, the government has been present in every major legislative decision in improving the fair treatment of the black population. Abolishing slavery, Jim Crow, school desegregation etc.

Throughout those pivotal moments there have been lost opportunities to embrace self reliance. The bus boycott in Alabama is a perfect example. I can recall my Grandfather, who migrated fom Arkansas to Detroit and owned his own car repair business after working for GM as a mechanic stating verbatim:

"I never understood where the honor was in riding on a bus and sitting next to those who loathe you. They should have started their own G.D. bus company. I would have packed and moved tomorrow and helped keep the buses running for free".

Instead those of the day allowed themselves to be led in the direction of least resistance. When they held out and refused to ride the buses, they unknowingly impacted the city financially, which gave them leverage that they did not use properly.

It would have been a perfect time to start a small transit system by blacks, for blacks.

On the subject of black on black violence, I would recommend that if you have satellite radio, tune into channel 110 at 6 am weekdays, eastern time and listen to Joe Madison. Contrary to popular belief there is a rapidly growing contingent of those like him speaking out on this matter and seeking solutions. Those of us paying attention are not tolerant by any means. Speaking for myself, no one who I can control or is within my circle of influence fits that stereotype.

The institutions of slavery and Jim Crow, absolutely did have a negative impact on the black population. The prospect of hopelessness and more recently as I illustrated with Jim Crow, the end result being an ongoing cycle of generational poverty.

The only positive born out of those wretched systems, was the fact that the black population HAD to rely on one another, because most were equally affected. and at the end of the day, all represented the same subhuman value in this country, so there was no choice except to be united or the sake of safety. The unity brought about then, that was still present through the civil rights era has been lost by a younger and apathetic contingent.
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The fact remains, the "legacy of slavery and Jim Crow" did not lead to the degradation of the black community. For whatever reason, blacks did.

Your "point" is as obtuse as you yourself.

African Americans didn't reject the dominant culture. The dominant culture rejected them. Immediately following the Civil War many freed blacks began to integrate into the mainstream culture quite readily and quite successfully. Then the democrats started to impose ways of excluding, rejecting, segregating, and oppressing them (the democrats are still doing so today in more insidiously subtle ways). Blacks moving to Northern cities during the Great Migration were disappointed to find more exclusion and violence. Seeking a cultural identity has been a necessity more than a choice for most of African American history. Not disdain for whites but disdain FROM whites has been the driving force for the great majority of this history. If it's time to get past it all and move forward together, finger-pointing is unlikely to help and in any case there is plenty of blame to go around on all sides.


Oh, I've [sic] gave up on you days ago.

= you know you're wrong, you have nothing to say for yourself, and you're too much of a pussy to just own up to it
I think that Asclepias does a fine job of articulating his point of view. The following is just my opinion:

Plain and simple what has exacerbated the lack of progress within predominately black communitities has been a loss of the solidarity and hope manifested by the civil rights movement.

The movement was flawed at it's foundation which is directly attributed to there being no plan for self reliant economic growth within communitities after the rights of citizenship were secured.

Those who were at the forefront of the movement lost sight of the benefit of economic development by building and patronizing and growning one business at a time, over and over and thereby building a network of support to continue the growth. Asians use the same model for success when they immigrate to America.

In every major city that one goes to in America, you will see a Koreatown, a Chinatown, or a Little Saigon.

These microcosmic communities are not just tourist spots. They are self funded by wave after wave of immigrants and are in place to create an easier assimilation process for each new wave, offering employment opportunities, financial support and potential prosperity if one buys into the concept, as well as a support system that again is created by and for that community. In other words, "self reliance".

When the new immigrant builds enough capital they become a part of the system to facillitate the success of new immigrants.

When the civil rights movement of the 60's came to a close and was considered a "success", that really should have been the beginning of a similar process, instead what happened over time is that black citizens defected from supporting black owned businesses and flocked with their hard earned dollars to predominantly white establishments "because now they could", which began a downward spiral of the decline of black entrepreneurship.

Did you know that in predominately Hispanic and Asian communitities that they typically own in excess of 80% of the businesses in their communitities?

The sad fact is that in predominately black communitities that black owned businesses on average account for less than 2% of businesses in those communitities.

That in itself is an abysmal indicator of lack of ownership, which has a rippling affect of apathy on every level.

Since I have posted on this board, I have stated that consistently.

Until a community is empowered economically, it will remain powerless.

Just my opinion.

Do you believe dependence and entitlement mentality played a large role in this? There is a large market to be exploited in predominantly black areas, however it's the Asians, Indians, and Muslims who seem to be exploiting the market gap in the black community. Whites largely see too much risk in investing in a black area.

As for the Civil Rights movement, I think the black community got too caught up into following leaders and organizers. Once King died the leadership fought amongst themselves and played to the crowd so as to garner support. The pressure to produce results lead to race peddling and race blackmail toward large businesses/corporations who would simply pay off the race hustlers to go away. Then came the scandals and instances like Tawana Brawly. Furthermore, MLK was moving toward economic empowerment before he died, however, it was largely based on redistribution of wealth. He never really got that campaign going, however, his successors took it to an unrealistic level.

Nevertheless, black culture now tolerates a high rate of dependency, illegitimacy, lack of education, and violence. Indeed, the only violence they protest against today is the rare white on black violence while ignoring the relatively predominant black on black/white violence. Politically they support which ever person makes excuses for them and is willing to play to their sense of victimhood in an increasingly more tolerant and less racist country. In short, the civil rights movement led to a culture that has done them anything but justice. The fact remains, the "legacy of slavery and Jim Crow" did not lead to the degradation of the black community. For whatever reason, blacks did.

Just to circle back regarding out of wedlock birth rates. In 1965 for the black population the rate was 24%, so there is a direct correlation between that metric, the unemployment rate and the incarceration rate, which if I continue in this dialogue I will address. As an editorial comment, the rate for the white population was 3% and is now 18%. So there are factors impacting that number in all demographics.

On the subject of dependency/entitlement, looking back through history, the government has been present in every major legislative decision in improving the fair treatment of the black population. Abolishing slavery, Jim Crow, school desegregation etc.

Throughout those pivotal moments there have been lost opportunities to embrace self reliance. The bus boycott in Alabama is a perfect example. I can recall my Grandfather, who migrated fom Arkansas to Detroit and owned his own car repair business after working for GM as a mechanic stating verbatim:

"I never understood where the honor was in riding on a bus and sitting next to those who loathe you. They should have started their own G.D. bus company. I would have packed and moved tomorrow and helped keep the buses running for free".

Instead those of the day allowed themselves to be led in the direction of least resistance. When they held out and refused to ride the buses, they unknowingly impacted the city financially, which gave them leverage that they did not use properly.

It would have been a perfect time to start a small transit system by blacks, for blacks.

On the subject of black on black violence, I would recommend that if you have satellite radio, tune into channel 110 at 6 am weekdays, eastern time and listen to Joe Madison. Contrary to popular belief there is a rapidly growing contingent of those like him speaking out on this matter and seeking solutions. Those of us paying attention are not tolerant by any means. Speaking for myself, no one who I can control or is within my circle of influence fits that stereotype.

The institutions of slavery and Jim Crow, absolutely did have a negative impact on the black population. The prospect of hopelessness and more recently as I illustrated with Jim Crow, the end result being an ongoing cycle of generational poverty.

The only positive born out of those wretched systems, was the fact that the black population HAD to rely on one another, because most were equally affected. and at the end of the day, all represented the same subhuman value in this country, so there was no choice except to be united or the sake of safety. The unity brought about then, that was still present through the civil rights era has been lost by a younger and apathetic contingent.

I had a very well thought out reply and it timed out on me. I will respond later.

Oh, I've gave up on you days ago. Your behavior is clear. I will post something and you will edit my responses down to one sentence (out of context) and reply, ignoring everything else I've posted. I will then waste my time giving you full paragraph/multi paragraph replies and you will continue to ignore the facts and make snarky comments and claims that you don't even attempt to justify; but not before you attempt to make the thread about my person. Then when I get tired of the childishness and leave, you claim that I am running away. I then take the argument to others and you continue to pick out sentences from my replies to them as if you were a part of the discussion.

Let me make this clear. I know what's going to happen the moment I respond. Your past actions are indicator enough that I cannot get a serious conversation out of you. I do not value your input nor do I intend to respond so as to allow you to waste my time. Consider yourself ignored and I appreciate all the times you bumped my threads under the assumption that I am going to reply. Indeed, I hope you continue to do so.

= you know you're wrong, you have nothing to say for yourself, and you're too much of a pussy to just own up to it

I rest my case
Both of my children attended majority black public schools from kindergarten through high school. Both received superior educations, as evidenced by their college work. Both were active in school activities including sports (football, soccer, track, swimming), music (marching band, string orchestra, chorus, Madrigal singers), and opportunities including medical research.

I suggest that a question laden with racial stereotypes of both white and black students as this is an insult to all who believe in America. But by all means, burn your cross and go home. You sicken me.
Both of my children attended majority black public schools from kindergarten through high school. Both received superior educations, as evidenced by their college work. Both were active in school activities including sports (football, soccer, track, swimming), music (marching band, string orchestra, chorus, Madrigal singers), and opportunities including medical research.

I suggest that a question laden with racial stereotypes of both white and black students as this is an insult to all who believe in America. But by all means, burn your cross and go home. You sicken me.

Statistics aren't racial stereotypes. And I also attended a majority black intercity school. You aren't going to pull the wool down over my eyes. Furthermore, I've made no argument based on race. If you don't mind, because I know it gets kinda close to home to ask in a forum, which schools were these?
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If there was a majority black school that had high test scores and low violence, it would be bigger news then 911
Oh, I've gave up on you days ago. Your behavior is clear. I will post something and you will edit my responses down to one sentence (out of context) and reply, ignoring everything else I've posted. I will then waste my time giving you full paragraph/multi paragraph replies and you will continue to ignore the facts and make snarky comments and claims that you don't even attempt to justify; but not before you attempt to make the thread about my person. Then when I get tired of the childishness and leave, you claim that I am running away. I then take the argument to others and you continue to pick out sentences from my replies to them as if you were a part of the discussion.

Let me make this clear. I know what's going to happen the moment I respond. Your past actions are indicator enough that I cannot get a serious conversation out of you. I do not value your input nor do I intend to respond so as to allow you to waste my time. Consider yourself ignored and I appreciate all the times you bumped my threads under the assumption that I am going to reply. Indeed, I hope you continue to do so.

= you know you're wrong, you have nothing to say for yourself, and you're too much of a pussy to just own up to it

I rest my case
Publius, your leg has been chosen to be the object of Unkie's affection. Several of us are still having to put peroxide on the claw marks on our calves. He even tore my jeans once, I had to kick him in the snout. He's a nasty little canine. Gruff, gruff, arrrk, arrrk.
Do you believe dependence and entitlement mentality played a large role in this? There is a large market to be exploited in predominantly black areas, however it's the Asians, Indians, and Muslims who seem to be exploiting the market gap in the black community. Whites largely see too much risk in investing in a black area.

As for the Civil Rights movement, I think the black community got too caught up into following leaders and organizers. Once King died the leadership fought amongst themselves and played to the crowd so as to garner support. The pressure to produce results lead to race peddling and race blackmail toward large businesses/corporations who would simply pay off the race hustlers to go away. Then came the scandals and instances like Tawana Brawly. Furthermore, MLK was moving toward economic empowerment before he died, however, it was largely based on redistribution of wealth. He never really got that campaign going, however, his successors took it to an unrealistic level.

Nevertheless, black culture now tolerates a high rate of dependency, illegitimacy, lack of education, and violence. Indeed, the only violence they protest against today is the rare white on black violence while ignoring the relatively predominant black on black/white violence. Politically they support which ever person makes excuses for them and is willing to play to their sense of victimhood in an increasingly more tolerant and less racist country. In short, the civil rights movement led to a culture that has done them anything but justice. The fact remains, the "legacy of slavery and Jim Crow" did not lead to the degradation of the black community. For whatever reason, blacks did.

Just to circle back regarding out of wedlock birth rates. In 1965 for the black population the rate was 24%, so there is a direct correlation between that metric, the unemployment rate and the incarceration rate, which if I continue in this dialogue I will address. As an editorial comment, the rate for the white population was 3% and is now 18%. So there are factors impacting that number in all demographics.

On the subject of dependency/entitlement, looking back through history, the government has been present in every major legislative decision in improving the fair treatment of the black population. Abolishing slavery, Jim Crow, school desegregation etc.

Throughout those pivotal moments there have been lost opportunities to embrace self reliance. The bus boycott in Alabama is a perfect example. I can recall my Grandfather, who migrated fom Arkansas to Detroit and owned his own car repair business after working for GM as a mechanic stating verbatim:

"I never understood where the honor was in riding on a bus and sitting next to those who loathe you. They should have started their own G.D. bus company. I would have packed and moved tomorrow and helped keep the buses running for free".

Instead those of the day allowed themselves to be led in the direction of least resistance. When they held out and refused to ride the buses, they unknowingly impacted the city financially, which gave them leverage that they did not use properly.

It would have been a perfect time to start a small transit system by blacks, for blacks.

On the subject of black on black violence, I would recommend that if you have satellite radio, tune into channel 110 at 6 am weekdays, eastern time and listen to Joe Madison. Contrary to popular belief there is a rapidly growing contingent of those like him speaking out on this matter and seeking solutions. Those of us paying attention are not tolerant by any means. Speaking for myself, no one who I can control or is within my circle of influence fits that stereotype.

The institutions of slavery and Jim Crow, absolutely did have a negative impact on the black population. The prospect of hopelessness and more recently as I illustrated with Jim Crow, the end result being an ongoing cycle of generational poverty.

The only positive born out of those wretched systems, was the fact that the black population HAD to rely on one another, because most were equally affected. and at the end of the day, all represented the same subhuman value in this country, so there was no choice except to be united or the sake of safety. The unity brought about then, that was still present through the civil rights era has been lost by a younger and apathetic contingent.

I had a very well thought out reply and it timed out on me. I will respond later.

Just to circle back regarding out of wedlock birth rates. In 1965 for the black population the rate was 24%, so there is a direct correlation between that metric, the unemployment rate and the incarceration rate, which if I continue in this dialogue I will address. As an editorial comment, the rate for the white population was 3% and is now 18%. So there are factors impacting that number in all demographics.

On the subject of dependency/entitlement, looking back through history, the government has been present in every major legislative decision in improving the fair treatment of the black population. Abolishing slavery, Jim Crow, school desegregation etc.

Throughout those pivotal moments there have been lost opportunities to embrace self reliance. The bus boycott in Alabama is a perfect example. I can recall my Grandfather, who migrated fom Arkansas to Detroit and owned his own car repair business after working for GM as a mechanic stating verbatim:

"I never understood where the honor was in riding on a bus and sitting next to those who loathe you. They should have started their own G.D. bus company. I would have packed and moved tomorrow and helped keep the buses running for free".

Instead those of the day allowed themselves to be led in the direction of least resistance. When they held out and refused to ride the buses, they unknowingly impacted the city financially, which gave them leverage that they did not use properly.

It would have been a perfect time to start a small transit system by blacks, for blacks.

On the subject of black on black violence, I would recommend that if you have satellite radio, tune into channel 110 at 6 am weekdays, eastern time and listen to Joe Madison. Contrary to popular belief there is a rapidly growing contingent of those like him speaking out on this matter and seeking solutions. Those of us paying attention are not tolerant by any means. Speaking for myself, no one who I can control or is within my circle of influence fits that stereotype.

The institutions of slavery and Jim Crow, absolutely did have a negative impact on the black population. The prospect of hopelessness and more recently as I illustrated with Jim Crow, the end result being an ongoing cycle of generational poverty.

The only positive born out of those wretched systems, was the fact that the black population HAD to rely on one another, because most were equally affected. and at the end of the day, all represented the same subhuman value in this country, so there was no choice except to be united or the sake of safety. The unity brought about then, that was still present through the civil rights era has been lost by a younger and apathetic contingent.

I had a very well thought out reply and it timed out on me. I will respond later.


Sorry, I never got the motivation to retype my response. Black problems lie in hypersensitivity toward a perception of racism and a black culture that has rejected western values as vengeance for the past. This was not the response I wanted to give but I'm not in the mood to spend another hour or so typing up what I formally had.
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I had a very well thought out reply and it timed out on me. I will respond later.


Sorry, I never got the motivation to retype my response. Black problems lie in hypersensitivity toward a perception of racism and a black culture that has rejected western values as vengeance for the past. This was not the response I wanted to give but I'm not in the mood to spend another hour or so typing up what I formally had.

No apology is necessary. This is a forum where people are free to speak or not to speak by choice. Your personal summation of so called "black problems", is an opinion that you are certainly entitled to, and being that it is just an opinion does not ensure it's accuracy.

What I find interesting is that the "black population" is approximately 13% of the total population, yet represents in excess of at least 80% of this forum and similar forums dialogue involving topics regarding race relations.

As I have often stated here, the fastest growing demographic in this country would be Hispanics, but there is little or no discussion about their history, culture, their current state of economic growth and development or even the rate that they have grown at for decades, quietly inching their way towards becoming the majority.

Speaking for myself, the majority of the dialogue regarding race and culture that I have with the younger black people within my circle of influence is stressing the importance to them of understanding living wihin a culturally diverse nation, and respect for other cultures, and not being influenced by negative stereotypes that are given life by ignorant, cowardly people who sum up entire races through statistical data as opposed learning through personal experience with individuals.

Even though my grandchildren are only 10 years old, they speak fluent Spanish, and are now in the advanced stages of speaking Mandarin, which will equip them to be able to communicate all over the world to different types of people, which will make them more marketable in the workforce as adults and more effective in the classroom as te work towards becoming adults and most importantly, it will make them more comfortable socially.

As far as a "perception of racism" and a "rejection of western culture", if this message board could be characterized as a microcosm of society, it is not the few black posters that I see here surfacing the majority of complaints of racism being leveled at them, and as far a rejection of western culture, for those of us posting here who are 55 years of age or older, we were quetly and subversively taught from an early age, through what was portrayed in the media and taught in schools that having pride in our own heritage and history, was essentially a "disparagement of western culture".
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Sorry, I never got the motivation to retype my response. Black problems lie in hypersensitivity toward a perception of racism and a black culture that has rejected western values as vengeance for the past. This was not the response I wanted to give but I'm not in the mood to spend another hour or so typing up what I formally had.

As far as a "perception of racism" and a "rejection of western culture", if this message board could be characterized as a microcosm of society, it is not the few black posters that I see here surfacing the majority of complaints of racism being leveled at them, and as far a rejection of western culture, for those of us posting here who are 55 years of age or older, we were quetly and subversively taught from an early age, through what was portrayed in the media and taught in schools that having pride in our own heritage and history, was essentially a "disparagement of western culture".

Your heritage and culture? Modern black culture in America is a fictional culture made out of thin air as a rebellion against western/white culture. Although every culture has its faults and vices, the rebellion against white culture by blacks was largely rebellion for rebellions sake. This was especially true in the 60's and 70's whereas more and more blacks were turning to radicalism and Marxism not because of the practicality of it all, but because of there disdain for whites. And although much of that disdain was warranted, what was not was the rejection of the model that worked away from the segregation. What brought about modern black culture was in fact the trashing of the successful parts of white culture simply because they did not appreciate the negative aspects of discrimination then inherent among whites. Indeed, they threw the baby out with the bath water and filled the tub up with a flawed culture founded on whatever they viewed as a means to reject white culture. This encouragement of rejection is what ails the black community today and the result is a rejection of lawful behavior and a continuance of promoting thuggery/drug culture.
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Sorry, I never got the motivation to retype my response. Black problems lie in hypersensitivity toward a perception of racism and a black culture that has rejected western values as vengeance for the past. This was not the response I wanted to give but I'm not in the mood to spend another hour or so typing up what I formally had.

As far as a "perception of racism" and a "rejection of western culture", if this message board could be characterized as a microcosm of society, it is not the few black posters that I see here surfacing the majority of complaints of racism being leveled at them, and as far a rejection of western culture, for those of us posting here who are 55 years of age or older, we were quetly and subversively taught from an early age, through what was portrayed in the media and taught in schools that having pride in our own heritage and history, was essentially a "disparagement of western culture".

Your heritage and culture? Modern black culture in America is a fictional culture made out of thin air as a rebellion against western/white culture. Although every culture has its faults and vices, the rebellion against white culture by blacks was largely rebellion for rebellions sake. This was especially true in the 60's and 70's whereas more and more blacks were turning to radicalism and Marxism not because of the practicality of it all, but because of there disdain for whites. And although much of that disdain was warranted, what was not was the rejection of the model that worked away from the segregation. What brought about modern black culture was in fact the trashing of the successful parts of white culture simply because they did not appreciate the negative aspects of discrimination then inherent among whites. Indeed, they threw the baby out with the bath water and filled the tub up with a flawed culture founded on whatever they viewed as a means to reject white culture. This encouragement of rejection is what ails the black community today and the result is a rejection of lawful behavior and a continuance of promoting thuggery/drug culture.

Well, I guess that taking three months later to come up with a response is better than none at all.

Anyway to address your "response", I grew up in the late 50's and early 60's so the "culture" that I speak of is vastly different than what you imply.

If you actually think that the cultural revolution in the 1960's was based in a "disdain" for whites, you are seriously mistaken. If anything what prevailed during those decades was a well documented disdain for the rights of black people as citizens of this country.

In the 1960's there were two dominant black organizations. One was the Original Black Panthers which was a politically based organization that actually had support and partnership with many whites. Although the Party emerged from black nationalist movements, ultimately, the Panthers condemned black nationalism as "black racism" and became more ideologically focused on socialist revolution without racial exclusivity.

They instituted a variety of community social programs designed to alleviate poverty, improve health among inner city black communities, and soften the Party's public image

The Black Panther Party's most widely known programs were its armed citizens' patrols to evaluate behavior of police officers and its Free Breakfast for Children program.

The other organization that was present at the time was the US Organization, which I personally belonged to, and it's mission was "The creation, re recreation, and circulation of African American culture".

They hosted cultural shows recreating ancient African dance routines, taught cooking of African recipies, did exhibits of African artwork, taught African languages, and made, wore and sold African attire and jewelry, and taught African self defense techniques.

In every daily meeting that I attended with the US Organization from 1968 until 1975, there was never a minute spent on "disdain" for the white population. That was considered an unproductive waste of time.

They chose to teach us to work within our circle of influence and encourage a revolution within those circles that was cerebral, not violent, and in between all of that we were all required to to pursue higher education, if anything, to be equipped to effectively navigate the "culture" of a then hostile country, that actually hated our presence.

What was taught was appreciation for a culture that was lost when Africans arrived in America, as well as preparing youth with a skill set for existing and making a difference in a new land.

It is obvious that you have not read much over the past few months.

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