Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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Yea Publius, why should it be our responsibility to "improve" their culture?

Let Asclepias be. The more all black communities, and all white communities, the better.
Blacks actually established the first schools and centers of learning long before whites existed.

WARNING. Obvious attempt to hijack a thread. Wants to do with this thread as he has with all others: get everyone bogged down in an argument over ancient history so as to make up for the lack of black advancement today.

Are you talking about me or Tank? He is the one who said it. I know that messes up your inferiority theory something fierce but it cannot be avoided. Your basis is flawed beyond belief. How can Blacks be the beginning of formal education but now we are inferior? Answer that stat man.

Accepting your premise for the sake of argument and using that as the standard, blacks should be the most advanced culture today. Indeed they are not. The argument you pose comes from debunked African Nationalist propaganda so as to make modern blacks feel as they have achieved something through the perceived achievements of civilizations that were conquered by the Greeks, the Muslims, the Romans, and so on, long detached from the African American culture that resides in the USA. Once again, accepting your premise for the sake of argument, the question is not "How can Blacks be the beginning of formal education but now we are inferior," but, How can black culture be behind other cultures despite the non-fact that they were the beginning of formal education?" The answer is an easy one, they were conquered by more advanced civilizations who were obviously more educated/technologically advanced and ever since they, on the whole, have been stuck hundreds of years behind other cultures. EITHER WAY YOU LOOK AT IT you cannot make a connection to African American culture to civilizations of Africa's cultural past! Therefore, your argument has no place in this thread!
Having gone to a 98% black school myself
What school did you go too?

Too close to home for an internet forum. At GreatSchools - Public and Private School Ratings, Reviews and Parent Community the school was 98% black when I went there, 99% of the students received free or reduced lunch, and their performance was well below both the state and national averages. I was regularly targeted for "acting" and "talking" white and I was never attacked by anything less than three other students which happened about twice or more a year. Indeed, how many public schools can brag about a homicide rate as mine did?
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Yes it is.
Schools with better standards get rid of the teachers that should be fired and they should not be allowed to teach at all.
Instead, because of the teacher's union they get suspended and the inner city schools hire them.
The other problems with lower standard schools is, not so great Principles, the school board and lack of participation of parents.
It is a combination of problems and because of them, it makes it difficult to get poorer school districts to have the same standards as good schools systems who have higher standards.

You must compare apples to apples. If your going to talk about Unionized schools you must compare the majority white unionized schools against the majority black unionized schools. In many situations, there is nothing but majority black unionized schools in Northern municipalities. Washington DC comes to mind. Detroit is yet another example.

But you are right. Blacks are less likely to participate in their child's education. Therefore, when they get all of the bad teachers they are less likely to complain (This is a cultural matter). However, having a 72% birth rate of single parenthood increases this trend (This is a cultural matter). School is looked at as a welfare office and daycare center rather than a school and they just want to allow the state to raise their "oopsie" children anyway (A cultural matter). In any case, they get the highest paid teachers and the most money for education in municipalities like DC and it hasn't improved a damn thing. Having the government throw money at a welfare dependent population that refuses to advance reflects the cultural preference for dependency and government hand outs. Asians born in worse circumstances with dirt floor schools out perform both whites and blacks in any school you put them in. Why? Culture.

School vouchers in the D.C. area has improved high school graduation.
School vouchers work but the unions and Democrats are against them.
DC Vouchers Boost Graduation*Rate | Jay P. Greene's Blog

Notice in the report of math and reading not much of a difference.

All of our schools need improvement in math and science and reading.
Common core has made all schools including the charter and home schooling into a farce of actually really teaching our children.

Yes, when you create an environment that assumes that you will get no help from the parents with the education of a child graduation rates improve for black youth. Indeed, you must incentivize the school to raise their children for them. Vouchers do this. Note how vouchers are only being offered to any great extent to black students though? Lets compare apples to apples shall we? Oh, and what page am I looking for here on the pdf?
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Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?
No parent who cares about their kids would want them to go to a majority black school.

Yes, I enjoy hearing from those people who want to seem above the racial fray who have never set foot in a majority black school and tell everyone that they don't care what the demographics of a school are with the complete understanding that they live in a majority white district.

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Why are all you neo-cons arguing with Asclepias? You think you can civilize blacks or make them conservative or something? What kind of nonsense is that?

If Asclepias wants to be with his own kind, all the better.

I was hoping he would make a valid point for once that wouldn't be easy to answer as to sharpen my own arguments but he has yet to do so. I'm convinced he is an Afrocentric Black Nationalist who is running on the leftover fumes of the Black Power Movement.
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I've seen this story before. Police get accused of racially profiling black districts and then the black community demands that they patrol the violent black districts the same as they would any other district. Then black crime skyrockets! After that, the police get charged with racism for not patrolling the black districts more often. It's a lose lose situation and no matter what the cops do, including the black cops, they all get labeled as racists. Go figure.

The Cincinnati Option: What Happened (and will happen again) When Police Stopped Patrolling Black Neighborhoods Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: The Cincinnati Option: What Happened (and will happen again) When Police Stopped Patrolling Black Neighborhoods

Police Missing in Action: Cincinnati black-on-black crime soars as police withdraw
Ludington Daily News - Google News Archive Search

Let me know when you get racially profiled so we can debate this. If your police force is racist it is going to cause issues in the community. It actually encourages criminal activity due to people being po'd about being profiled. You should remove your head from your ass and comment on things you actually know for a fact.

See, no matter what the problem in the black community, according to Asclepias it's the white mans fault. This thread is about peoples choices of schools. Having gone to a 98% black school myself I can tell you that I was regularly targeted because of race. For anyone who truly thinks that whites are racists, try being another race in a black dominated area! Likewise, anyone who thinks it does not matter what the demographics of a school are have obviously never set foot in a majority black school!

I think you need a course in vocabulary. The conditions exist because of racism. If you dont see that then there is not much i care to do to convince you of that. The solution is on Black people in situations like that to rise above that racism. You keep diverging from the topic and then when you get blasted you start whining. Nobody buys your BS except other frightened racists. :lol:
Yea Publius, why should it be our responsibility to "improve" their culture?

Let Asclepias be. The more all black communities, and all white communities, the better.

Actually they should ship all the racist rejects somewhere so everyone else can actually move forward. In the past I would have agreed with you but I have learned the value of having diversity.
WARNING. Obvious attempt to hijack a thread. Wants to do with this thread as he has with all others: get everyone bogged down in an argument over ancient history so as to make up for the lack of black advancement today.

Are you talking about me or Tank? He is the one who said it. I know that messes up your inferiority theory something fierce but it cannot be avoided. Your basis is flawed beyond belief. How can Blacks be the beginning of formal education but now we are inferior? Answer that stat man.

Accepting your premise for the sake of argument and using that as the standard, blacks should be the most advanced culture today. Indeed they are not. The argument you pose comes from debunked African Nationalist propaganda so as to make modern blacks feel as they have achieved something through the perceived achievements of civilizations that were conquered by the Greeks, the Muslims, the Romans, and so on, long detached from the African American culture that resides in the USA. Once again, accepting your premise for the sake of argument, the question is not "How can Blacks be the beginning of formal education but now we are inferior," but, How can black culture be behind other cultures despite the non-fact that they were the beginning of formal education?" The answer is an easy one, they were conquered by more advanced civilizations who were obviously more educated/technologically advanced and ever since they, on the whole, have been stuck hundreds of years behind other cultures. EITHER WAY YOU LOOK AT IT you cannot make a connection to African American culture to civilizations of Africa's cultural past! Therefore, your argument has no place in this thread!

Again your argument falls down and skins its knees. There is nothing inherently different between the ethnicities. The only difference is that we Blacks established formal education first. It makes sense that we would be more advanced if we horded that information to ourselves but we willingly shared it with other cultures. We taught the Greeks and later the whites in europe. You cant change that no matter how many times you attempt to claim it was debunked. Show me where it was debunked and you would at least be credible. You keep asking how test scores can be behind and I keep telling you racism, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Just because you dont want to accept it means little to me. Dont ask questions if you dont like the answer. You wont get the answer you are looking for from me. You will only get truth. Your last line is funny. I can make plenty of connections to the civilizations of Africas past. It permeates Black culture in our love for knowledge, science, math, music, art etc. If you dont want the past brought up tell your buddies to make sure there are no references I can use to rub it in your face.
Let me know when you get racially profiled so we can debate this. If your police force is racist it is going to cause issues in the community. It actually encourages criminal activity due to people being po'd about being profiled. You should remove your head from your ass and comment on things you actually know for a fact.

See, no matter what the problem in the black community, according to Asclepias it's the white mans fault. This thread is about peoples choices of schools. Having gone to a 98% black school myself I can tell you that I was regularly targeted because of race. For anyone who truly thinks that whites are racists, try being another race in a black dominated area! Likewise, anyone who thinks it does not matter what the demographics of a school are have obviously never set foot in a majority black school!

I think you need a course in vocabulary. The conditions exist because of racism. If you dont see that then there is not much i care to do to convince you of that. The solution is on Black people in situations like that to rise above that racism. You keep diverging from the topic and then when you get blasted you start whining. Nobody buys your BS except other frightened racists. :lol:

How do they exist because of racism. If racism was the factor keeping blacks from advancing then they should advance more in todays society than they did under Jim Crow. As it has turned out, 73% of black children are born into unwed mothers (A dramatic rise since Jim Crow), black unemployment is higher than it was at the end of Jim Crow, and more black people are dependent on the government today than at any other time in our history. Seeing as we are a dramatically less racist society today than we ever have been, why are these trends not moving in the opposite direction?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0auoC2wOsI]Thomas Sowell - Culture And Success - YouTube[/ame]
See, no matter what the problem in the black community, according to Asclepias it's the white mans fault. This thread is about peoples choices of schools. Having gone to a 98% black school myself I can tell you that I was regularly targeted because of race. For anyone who truly thinks that whites are racists, try being another race in a black dominated area! Likewise, anyone who thinks it does not matter what the demographics of a school are have obviously never set foot in a majority black school!

I think you need a course in vocabulary. The conditions exist because of racism. If you dont see that then there is not much i care to do to convince you of that. The solution is on Black people in situations like that to rise above that racism. You keep diverging from the topic and then when you get blasted you start whining. Nobody buys your BS except other frightened racists. :lol:

How do they exist because of racism. If racism was the factor keeping blacks from advancing then they should advance more in todays society than they did under Jim Crow. As it has turned out, 73% of black children are born into unwed mothers (A dramatic rise since Jim Crow), black unemployment is higher than it was at the end of Jim Crow, and more black people are dependent on the government today than at any other time in our history. Seeing as we are a dramatically less racist society today than we ever have been, why are these trends not moving in the opposite direction?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0auoC2wOsI]Thomas Sowell - Culture And Success - YouTube[/ame]

Being a white person its probably hard for you to understand just how overwhelming and damaging centuries of racism can be. You getting beat up at school must have really done a number on your brain. i feel sorry for you.
But the blacks who live outside America are even less educated
But the blacks who live outside America are even less educated

Everyone is less educated according to white boys. Education is not what white people mandate it to be. Sorry to burst you white guys bubbles. Stick to talking about your definition of what educated is when you are talking about other white people.
Are you talking about me or Tank? He is the one who said it. I know that messes up your inferiority theory something fierce but it cannot be avoided. Your basis is flawed beyond belief. How can Blacks be the beginning of formal education but now we are inferior? Answer that stat man.

Accepting your premise for the sake of argument and using that as the standard, blacks should be the most advanced culture today. Indeed they are not. The argument you pose comes from debunked African Nationalist propaganda so as to make modern blacks feel as they have achieved something through the perceived achievements of civilizations that were conquered by the Greeks, the Muslims, the Romans, and so on, long detached from the African American culture that resides in the USA. Once again, accepting your premise for the sake of argument, the question is not "How can Blacks be the beginning of formal education but now we are inferior," but, How can black culture be behind other cultures despite the non-fact that they were the beginning of formal education?" The answer is an easy one, they were conquered by more advanced civilizations who were obviously more educated/technologically advanced and ever since they, on the whole, have been stuck hundreds of years behind other cultures. EITHER WAY YOU LOOK AT IT you cannot make a connection to African American culture to civilizations of Africa's cultural past! Therefore, your argument has no place in this thread!

Again your argument falls down and skins its knees. There is nothing inherently different between the ethnicities. The only difference is that we Blacks established formal education first. It makes sense that we would be more advanced if we horded that information to ourselves but we willingly shared it with other cultures. We taught the Greeks and later the whites in europe. You cant change that no matter how many times you attempt to claim it was debunked. Show me where it was debunked and you would at least be credible. You keep asking how test scores can be behind and I keep telling you racism, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Just because you dont want to accept it means little to me. Dont ask questions if you dont like the answer. You wont get the answer you are looking for from me. You will only get truth. Your last line is funny. I can make plenty of connections to the civilizations of Africas past. It permeates Black culture in our love for knowledge, science, math, music, art etc. If you dont want the past brought up tell your buddies to make sure there are no references I can use to rub it in your face.

I granted you all most all of that for the sake of argument in my previous post. Black people are not as stupid as you claim they are. They do not need to be reminded of achievements of long detached black people so as to feel good about themselves. There is not a problem of self confidence in the black community. They are in fact capable of advancement, higher learning, and a shot at bettering themselves without crediting it to a civilization 500 to 5000 years ago.

The problem is that the true legacy of slavery and Jim Crow is the idea that blacks must create a false counterculture so as to rebel against the western civilization that has done more to advance the human race than any other civilization in history. If you want to credit blacks for many of the advancements in western civilization then fine, but if this is the case, blacks are rebelling against it! This was the case during the Black Power movement and the Black Nationalist movement. Blacks were told by cultural Marxists, among others in leftist academia, that the white man is evil and they should create a culture of their own as to rebel against the white world. Indeed, the same white world that you claim was greatly influenced by blacks; and they ate it up! What sense does that make? Why trade a working model for a non working model? Why Ebonics, black names, gangster rap, sagging, and a rebellious attitude against those who succeed? Why is it that when a black child does well in school he is "acting white?" Why is it when a black child speaks proper English he is "talking white?" Why is it that when a black man speaks out against dependency culture he is an "uncle tom?" Why is it that when black people are murdering black/white people you can hear a pin drop from the modern "civil rights leaders," but when a white person murders a black man there are demonstrations in the streets?

The welfare rolls are for the first time in US history filled with more black people (12% of the population) than whites (70+% of the population). The single parent births make up 75% of those born to black parents. More black children fail to graduate high school than do graduate high school. This is not a racism problem, this is a cultural problem, and as long as black people view white people as evil, so as long as black people continue to create a destructive culture, and so as long as they continue to rebel against common sense, this trend will continue downward.
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I think you need a course in vocabulary. The conditions exist because of racism. If you dont see that then there is not much i care to do to convince you of that. The solution is on Black people in situations like that to rise above that racism. You keep diverging from the topic and then when you get blasted you start whining. Nobody buys your BS except other frightened racists. :lol:

How do they exist because of racism. If racism was the factor keeping blacks from advancing then they should advance more in todays society than they did under Jim Crow. As it has turned out, 73% of black children are born into unwed mothers (A dramatic rise since Jim Crow), black unemployment is higher than it was at the end of Jim Crow, and more black people are dependent on the government today than at any other time in our history. Seeing as we are a dramatically less racist society today than we ever have been, why are these trends not moving in the opposite direction?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0auoC2wOsI]Thomas Sowell - Culture And Success - YouTube[/ame]

Being a white person its probably hard for you to understand just how overwhelming and damaging centuries of racism can be. You getting beat up at school must have really done a number on your brain. i feel sorry for you.

Oh look, Asslickias found another fellow idiot to have a dumb-off with. How nice for them both.
I think you need a course in vocabulary. The conditions exist because of racism. If you dont see that then there is not much i care to do to convince you of that. The solution is on Black people in situations like that to rise above that racism. You keep diverging from the topic and then when you get blasted you start whining. Nobody buys your BS except other frightened racists. :lol:

How do they exist because of racism. If racism was the factor keeping blacks from advancing then they should advance more in todays society than they did under Jim Crow. As it has turned out, 73% of black children are born into unwed mothers (A dramatic rise since Jim Crow), black unemployment is higher than it was at the end of Jim Crow, and more black people are dependent on the government today than at any other time in our history. Seeing as we are a dramatically less racist society today than we ever have been, why are these trends not moving in the opposite direction?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0auoC2wOsI]Thomas Sowell - Culture And Success - YouTube[/ame]

Being a white person its probably hard for you to understand just how overwhelming and damaging centuries of racism can be. You getting beat up at school must have really done a number on your brain. i feel sorry for you.

I look on the bright side. It prepared me well for the military.

But you cannot blame the past for the failures of the present! You cant! The moment a black person realizes that he/she is an individual then the sky is the limit! The moment a black person recognizes himself as a part of a group then the group will ensure that he does not succeed.
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