Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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Clint Eastwood once said that " A man should know his limitations" why is it so terribly wrong to recognize the obvious shortcomings of blacks in the academic arena?
Clint Eastwood once said that " A man should know his limitations" why is it so terribly wrong to recognize the obvious shortcomings of blacks in the academic arena?

Their shortcomings are self imposed I assure you. The new slave driver for African Americans in the 21st century is black culture.
Accepting your premise for the sake of argument and using that as the standard, blacks should be the most advanced culture today. Indeed they are not. The argument you pose comes from debunked African Nationalist propaganda so as to make modern blacks feel as they have achieved something through the perceived achievements of civilizations that were conquered by the Greeks, the Muslims, the Romans, and so on, long detached from the African American culture that resides in the USA. Once again, accepting your premise for the sake of argument, the question is not "How can Blacks be the beginning of formal education but now we are inferior," but, How can black culture be behind other cultures despite the non-fact that they were the beginning of formal education?" The answer is an easy one, they were conquered by more advanced civilizations who were obviously more educated/technologically advanced and ever since they, on the whole, have been stuck hundreds of years behind other cultures. EITHER WAY YOU LOOK AT IT you cannot make a connection to African American culture to civilizations of Africa's cultural past! Therefore, your argument has no place in this thread!

Again your argument falls down and skins its knees. There is nothing inherently different between the ethnicities. The only difference is that we Blacks established formal education first. It makes sense that we would be more advanced if we horded that information to ourselves but we willingly shared it with other cultures. We taught the Greeks and later the whites in europe. You cant change that no matter how many times you attempt to claim it was debunked. Show me where it was debunked and you would at least be credible. You keep asking how test scores can be behind and I keep telling you racism, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Just because you dont want to accept it means little to me. Dont ask questions if you dont like the answer. You wont get the answer you are looking for from me. You will only get truth. Your last line is funny. I can make plenty of connections to the civilizations of Africas past. It permeates Black culture in our love for knowledge, science, math, music, art etc. If you dont want the past brought up tell your buddies to make sure there are no references I can use to rub it in your face.

I granted you all most all of that for the sake of argument in my previous post. Black people are not as stupid as you claim they are. They do not need to be reminded of achievements of long detached black people so as to feel good about themselves. There is not a problem of self confidence in the black community. They are in fact capable of advancement, higher learning, and a shot at bettering themselves without crediting it to a civilization 500 to 5000 years ago.

The problem is that the true legacy of slavery and Jim Crow is the idea that blacks must create a false counterculture so as to rebel against the western civilization that has done more to advance the human race than any other civilization in history. If you want to credit blacks for many of the advancements in western civilization then fine, but if this is the case, blacks are rebelling against it! This was the case during the Black Power movement and the Black Nationalist movement. Blacks were told by cultural Marxists, among others in leftist academia, that the white man is evil and they should create a culture of their own as to rebel against the white world. Indeed, the same white world that you claim was greatly influenced by blacks; and they ate it up! What sense does that make? Why trade a working model for a non working model? Why Ebonics, black names, gangster rap, sagging, and a rebellious attitude against those who succeed? Why is it that when a black child does well in school he is "acting white?" Why is it when a black child speaks proper English he is "talking white?" Why is it that when a black man speaks out against dependency culture he is an "uncle tom?" Why is it that when black people are murdering black/white people you can hear a pin drop from the modern "civil rights leaders," but when a white person murders a black man there are demonstrations in the streets?

The welfare rolls are for the first time in US history filled with more black people (12% of the population) than whites (70+% of the population). The single parent births make up 75% of those born to black parents. More black children fail to graduate high school than do graduate high school. This is not a racism problem, this is a cultural problem, and as long as black people view white people as evil, so as long as black people continue to create a destructive culture, and so as long as they continue to rebel against common sense, this trend will continue downward.

You cant give me something you never had. Where did I say Black people were stupid? On the contrary I hold we are among the most intelligent on earth. We have to be in order to survive the racism which is a daily obstacle from people like you. You can type a entire encyclopedia and still not make a valid point. You cant face facts so you BS. Its ok. I'd be insecure trying to argue a point with someone like me that will call you on your BS. No matter how many stats you post or whining you do about the cold facts of history your argument is invalid. Only a moron can run around denying racism, slavery etc is the cause of the present conditions you are fixated on. You see we achieve inspite of all that and still keep on going. Your argument is pointless and has no value. My mere presence debunks your weak theory.
How do they exist because of racism. If racism was the factor keeping blacks from advancing then they should advance more in todays society than they did under Jim Crow. As it has turned out, 73% of black children are born into unwed mothers (A dramatic rise since Jim Crow), black unemployment is higher than it was at the end of Jim Crow, and more black people are dependent on the government today than at any other time in our history. Seeing as we are a dramatically less racist society today than we ever have been, why are these trends not moving in the opposite direction?

Thomas Sowell - Culture And Success - YouTube

Being a white person its probably hard for you to understand just how overwhelming and damaging centuries of racism can be. You getting beat up at school must have really done a number on your brain. i feel sorry for you.

I look on the bright side. It prepared me well for the military.

But you cannot blame the past for the failures of the present! You cant! The moment a black person realizes that he/she is an individual then the sky is the limit! The moment a black person recognizes himself as a part of a group then the group will ensure that he does not succeed.

I can blame what I want to. I agree that once a black person decides that they are not going to let racism hold them back they cannot be stopped. I embody that everyday along with many others. You are not teaching me anything because you have nothing of value to teach. Your comment about not recognizing themselves as part of a group is going to be the down fall of white culture. Historically, from ancient time Blacks have observed the collective is what is more important. You must be fool to think otherwise.
Clint Eastwood once said that " A man should know his limitations" why is it so terribly wrong to recognize the obvious shortcomings of blacks in the academic arena?

Thats because Clint is stupid for saying that. Are you sure that was not a movie script you are taking as life counsel? A man has no limitations. No wonder you guys are such losers. :lol:
Clint Eastwood once said that " A man should know his limitations" why is it so terribly wrong to recognize the obvious shortcomings of blacks in the academic arena?

Their shortcomings are self imposed I assure you. The new slave driver for African Americans in the 21st century is black culture.

Yet you have not a clue what Black culture is. I've asked you to tell me several times and you have run off and hid or deflected. Why dont you give it the old college try this time?
Again your argument falls down and skins its knees. There is nothing inherently different between the ethnicities. The only difference is that we Blacks established formal education first. It makes sense that we would be more advanced if we horded that information to ourselves but we willingly shared it with other cultures. We taught the Greeks and later the whites in europe. You cant change that no matter how many times you attempt to claim it was debunked. Show me where it was debunked and you would at least be credible. You keep asking how test scores can be behind and I keep telling you racism, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Just because you dont want to accept it means little to me. Dont ask questions if you dont like the answer. You wont get the answer you are looking for from me. You will only get truth. Your last line is funny. I can make plenty of connections to the civilizations of Africas past. It permeates Black culture in our love for knowledge, science, math, music, art etc. If you dont want the past brought up tell your buddies to make sure there are no references I can use to rub it in your face.

I granted you all most all of that for the sake of argument in my previous post. Black people are not as stupid as you claim they are. They do not need to be reminded of achievements of long detached black people so as to feel good about themselves. There is not a problem of self confidence in the black community. They are in fact capable of advancement, higher learning, and a shot at bettering themselves without crediting it to a civilization 500 to 5000 years ago.

The problem is that the true legacy of slavery and Jim Crow is the idea that blacks must create a false counterculture so as to rebel against the western civilization that has done more to advance the human race than any other civilization in history. If you want to credit blacks for many of the advancements in western civilization then fine, but if this is the case, blacks are rebelling against it! This was the case during the Black Power movement and the Black Nationalist movement. Blacks were told by cultural Marxists, among others in leftist academia, that the white man is evil and they should create a culture of their own as to rebel against the white world. Indeed, the same white world that you claim was greatly influenced by blacks; and they ate it up! What sense does that make? Why trade a working model for a non working model? Why Ebonics, black names, gangster rap, sagging, and a rebellious attitude against those who succeed? Why is it that when a black child does well in school he is "acting white?" Why is it when a black child speaks proper English he is "talking white?" Why is it that when a black man speaks out against dependency culture he is an "uncle tom?" Why is it that when black people are murdering black/white people you can hear a pin drop from the modern "civil rights leaders," but when a white person murders a black man there are demonstrations in the streets?

The welfare rolls are for the first time in US history filled with more black people (12% of the population) than whites (70+% of the population). The single parent births make up 75% of those born to black parents. More black children fail to graduate high school than do graduate high school. This is not a racism problem, this is a cultural problem, and as long as black people view white people as evil, so as long as black people continue to create a destructive culture, and so as long as they continue to rebel against common sense, this trend will continue downward.

You cant give me something you never had. Where did I say Black people were stupid? On the contrary I hold we are among the most intelligent on earth. We have to be in order to survive the racism which is a daily obstacle from people like you. You can type a entire encyclopedia and still not make a valid point. You cant face facts so you BS. Its ok. I'd be insecure trying to argue a point with someone like me that will call you on your BS. No matter how many stats you post or whining you do about the cold facts of history your argument is invalid. Only a moron can run around denying racism, slavery etc is the cause of the present conditions you are fixated on. You see we achieve inspite of all that and still keep on going. Your argument is pointless and has no value. My mere presence debunks your weak theory.

Why do you do this? Why do you refuse to address a single point I have made? Why do you make claims that aren't supported by facts? Why wont you tell me how you come to such conclusions? You are not arguing, you're contradicting. I tell you what I assess, and you simply say that it isn't true without giving any input of your own.

You did say black people are stupid. You do it by repeatedly reminding them of an Afrocentric version of ancient black civilization in the hopes they will be inspired to better themselves today. Ergo, you feel that they aren't achieving and they need propaganda for inspiration to succeed. What you are actually doing in pitting them into a cultural box of degradation whereas they will rest on the laurels of the Afrocentric view of history, become embolden to rebel against more advanced cultures, and continue to drag themselves down the hole of the trash heap of history. You will continue to tell them whites are evil racists and everything western culture has created reflects the white racist value system and blacks should avoid the working model of western culture at all costs. It is a recipe for disaster and people are getting killed because of it.
Clint Eastwood once said that " A man should know his limitations" why is it so terribly wrong to recognize the obvious shortcomings of blacks in the academic arena?

Their shortcomings are self imposed I assure you. The new slave driver for African Americans in the 21st century is black culture.

Yet you have not a clue what Black culture is. I've asked you to tell me several times and you have run off and hid or deflected. Why dont you give it the old college try this time?

What? You didn't read this >>>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/8408446-post158.html
Being a white person its probably hard for you to understand just how overwhelming and damaging centuries of racism can be. You getting beat up at school must have really done a number on your brain. i feel sorry for you.

I look on the bright side. It prepared me well for the military.

But you cannot blame the past for the failures of the present! You cant! The moment a black person realizes that he/she is an individual then the sky is the limit! The moment a black person recognizes himself as a part of a group then the group will ensure that he does not succeed.

I can blame what I want to. I agree that once a black person decides that they are not going to let racism hold them back they cannot be stopped. I embody that everyday along with many others. You are not teaching me anything because you have nothing of value to teach. Your comment about not recognizing themselves as part of a group is going to be the down fall of white culture. Historically, from ancient time Blacks have observed the collective is what is more important. You must be fool to think otherwise.

Collectivist vs. individualist cultures. You claim that blacks represent a collectivist culture and whites in America represent an individualist culture? Yes we are in agreement. But that does not mean these cultures are not groups of their own. It simply means that one is more liberal than the other.
Again your argument falls down and skins its knees. There is nothing inherently different between the ethnicities. The only difference is that we Blacks established formal education first. It makes sense that we would be more advanced if we horded that information to ourselves but we willingly shared it with other cultures. We taught the Greeks and later the whites in europe. You cant change that no matter how many times you attempt to claim it was debunked. Show me where it was debunked and you would at least be credible. You keep asking how test scores can be behind and I keep telling you racism, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Just because you dont want to accept it means little to me. Dont ask questions if you dont like the answer. You wont get the answer you are looking for from me. You will only get truth. Your last line is funny. I can make plenty of connections to the civilizations of Africas past. It permeates Black culture in our love for knowledge, science, math, music, art etc. If you dont want the past brought up tell your buddies to make sure there are no references I can use to rub it in your face.

I granted you all most all of that for the sake of argument in my previous post. Black people are not as stupid as you claim they are. They do not need to be reminded of achievements of long detached black people so as to feel good about themselves. There is not a problem of self confidence in the black community. They are in fact capable of advancement, higher learning, and a shot at bettering themselves without crediting it to a civilization 500 to 5000 years ago.

The problem is that the true legacy of slavery and Jim Crow is the idea that blacks must create a false counterculture so as to rebel against the western civilization that has done more to advance the human race than any other civilization in history. If you want to credit blacks for many of the advancements in western civilization then fine, but if this is the case, blacks are rebelling against it! This was the case during the Black Power movement and the Black Nationalist movement. Blacks were told by cultural Marxists, among others in leftist academia, that the white man is evil and they should create a culture of their own as to rebel against the white world. Indeed, the same white world that you claim was greatly influenced by blacks; and they ate it up! What sense does that make? Why trade a working model for a non working model? Why Ebonics, black names, gangster rap, sagging, and a rebellious attitude against those who succeed? Why is it that when a black child does well in school he is "acting white?" Why is it when a black child speaks proper English he is "talking white?" Why is it that when a black man speaks out against dependency culture he is an "uncle tom?" Why is it that when black people are murdering black/white people you can hear a pin drop from the modern "civil rights leaders," but when a white person murders a black man there are demonstrations in the streets?

The welfare rolls are for the first time in US history filled with more black people (12% of the population) than whites (70+% of the population). The single parent births make up 75% of those born to black parents. More black children fail to graduate high school than do graduate high school. This is not a racism problem, this is a cultural problem, and as long as black people view white people as evil, so as long as black people continue to create a destructive culture, and so as long as they continue to rebel against common sense, this trend will continue downward.

You cant give me something you never had. Where did I say Black people were stupid? On the contrary I hold we are among the most intelligent on earth. We have to be in order to survive the racism which is a daily obstacle from people like you. You can type a entire encyclopedia and still not make a valid point. You cant face facts so you BS. Its ok. I'd be insecure trying to argue a point with someone like me that will call you on your BS. No matter how many stats you post or whining you do about the cold facts of history your argument is invalid. Only a moron can run around denying racism, slavery etc is the cause of the present conditions you are fixated on. You see we achieve inspite of all that and still keep on going. Your argument is pointless and has no value. My mere presence debunks your weak theory.
Then why are countries with the highest concentration of blacks (with black governments) the most primitive?
I granted you all most all of that for the sake of argument in my previous post. Black people are not as stupid as you claim they are. They do not need to be reminded of achievements of long detached black people so as to feel good about themselves. There is not a problem of self confidence in the black community. They are in fact capable of advancement, higher learning, and a shot at bettering themselves without crediting it to a civilization 500 to 5000 years ago.

The problem is that the true legacy of slavery and Jim Crow is the idea that blacks must create a false counterculture so as to rebel against the western civilization that has done more to advance the human race than any other civilization in history. If you want to credit blacks for many of the advancements in western civilization then fine, but if this is the case, blacks are rebelling against it! This was the case during the Black Power movement and the Black Nationalist movement. Blacks were told by cultural Marxists, among others in leftist academia, that the white man is evil and they should create a culture of their own as to rebel against the white world. Indeed, the same white world that you claim was greatly influenced by blacks; and they ate it up! What sense does that make? Why trade a working model for a non working model? Why Ebonics, black names, gangster rap, sagging, and a rebellious attitude against those who succeed? Why is it that when a black child does well in school he is "acting white?" Why is it when a black child speaks proper English he is "talking white?" Why is it that when a black man speaks out against dependency culture he is an "uncle tom?" Why is it that when black people are murdering black/white people you can hear a pin drop from the modern "civil rights leaders," but when a white person murders a black man there are demonstrations in the streets?

The welfare rolls are for the first time in US history filled with more black people (12% of the population) than whites (70+% of the population). The single parent births make up 75% of those born to black parents. More black children fail to graduate high school than do graduate high school. This is not a racism problem, this is a cultural problem, and as long as black people view white people as evil, so as long as black people continue to create a destructive culture, and so as long as they continue to rebel against common sense, this trend will continue downward.

You cant give me something you never had. Where did I say Black people were stupid? On the contrary I hold we are among the most intelligent on earth. We have to be in order to survive the racism which is a daily obstacle from people like you. You can type a entire encyclopedia and still not make a valid point. You cant face facts so you BS. Its ok. I'd be insecure trying to argue a point with someone like me that will call you on your BS. No matter how many stats you post or whining you do about the cold facts of history your argument is invalid. Only a moron can run around denying racism, slavery etc is the cause of the present conditions you are fixated on. You see we achieve inspite of all that and still keep on going. Your argument is pointless and has no value. My mere presence debunks your weak theory.

Why do you do this? Why do you refuse to address a single point I have made? Why do you make claims that aren't supported by facts? Why wont you tell me how you come to such conclusions? You are not arguing, you're contradicting. I tell you what I assess, and you simply say that it isn't true without giving any input of your own.

You did say black people are stupid. You do it by repeatedly reminding them of an Afrocentric version of ancient black civilization in the hopes they will be inspired to better themselves today. Ergo, you feel that they aren't achieving and they need propaganda for inspiration to succeed. What you are actually doing in pitting them into a cultural box of degradation whereas they will rest on the laurels of the Afrocentric view of history, become embolden to rebel against more advanced cultures, and continue to drag themselves down the hole of the trash heap of history. You will continue to tell them whites are evil racists and everything western culture has created reflects the white racist value system and blacks should avoid the working model of western culture at all costs. It is a recipe for disaster and people are getting killed because of it.

Why do I not address your silly points? Because they are silly and untrue. Why waste time addressing them. If you want to have straight talk stop hiding and address the issue. Dont lie because you dont like my response. You cant quote where i ever said Black people where stupid. You cant show me where my points your refer to as Afrocentrism are debunked. They are the truth backed up by your fellow white people that are truthful. Just because you have a theory history is not important only tells me you are really very ignorant and lacking in the knowledge that a man is nothing without his...story. You have to know who you are and what you are about. I myself have already proven your theory wrong yet you continue to argue. Please explain why I am successful if not for the knowledge of what I come from? where did I say I teach people that whites are evil? Your assumptions are showing again clown. :lol:
I granted you all most all of that for the sake of argument in my previous post. Black people are not as stupid as you claim they are. They do not need to be reminded of achievements of long detached black people so as to feel good about themselves. There is not a problem of self confidence in the black community. They are in fact capable of advancement, higher learning, and a shot at bettering themselves without crediting it to a civilization 500 to 5000 years ago.

The problem is that the true legacy of slavery and Jim Crow is the idea that blacks must create a false counterculture so as to rebel against the western civilization that has done more to advance the human race than any other civilization in history. If you want to credit blacks for many of the advancements in western civilization then fine, but if this is the case, blacks are rebelling against it! This was the case during the Black Power movement and the Black Nationalist movement. Blacks were told by cultural Marxists, among others in leftist academia, that the white man is evil and they should create a culture of their own as to rebel against the white world. Indeed, the same white world that you claim was greatly influenced by blacks; and they ate it up! What sense does that make? Why trade a working model for a non working model? Why Ebonics, black names, gangster rap, sagging, and a rebellious attitude against those who succeed? Why is it that when a black child does well in school he is "acting white?" Why is it when a black child speaks proper English he is "talking white?" Why is it that when a black man speaks out against dependency culture he is an "uncle tom?" Why is it that when black people are murdering black/white people you can hear a pin drop from the modern "civil rights leaders," but when a white person murders a black man there are demonstrations in the streets?

The welfare rolls are for the first time in US history filled with more black people (12% of the population) than whites (70+% of the population). The single parent births make up 75% of those born to black parents. More black children fail to graduate high school than do graduate high school. This is not a racism problem, this is a cultural problem, and as long as black people view white people as evil, so as long as black people continue to create a destructive culture, and so as long as they continue to rebel against common sense, this trend will continue downward.

You cant give me something you never had. Where did I say Black people were stupid? On the contrary I hold we are among the most intelligent on earth. We have to be in order to survive the racism which is a daily obstacle from people like you. You can type a entire encyclopedia and still not make a valid point. You cant face facts so you BS. Its ok. I'd be insecure trying to argue a point with someone like me that will call you on your BS. No matter how many stats you post or whining you do about the cold facts of history your argument is invalid. Only a moron can run around denying racism, slavery etc is the cause of the present conditions you are fixated on. You see we achieve inspite of all that and still keep on going. Your argument is pointless and has no value. My mere presence debunks your weak theory.
Then why are countries with the highest concentration of blacks (with black governments) the most primitive?

Are you moving the goal posts? :lol:

I thought the discussion was about here in the US? I can address this too but please stay on point.
Clint Eastwood once said that " A man should know his limitations" why is it so terribly wrong to recognize the obvious shortcomings of blacks in the academic arena?

Their shortcomings are self imposed I assure you. The new slave driver for African Americans in the 21st century is black culture.

Yet you have not a clue what Black culture is. I've asked you to tell me several times and you have run off and hid or deflected. Why dont you give it the old college try this time?

The only black "culture" I've seen is one driven by violence. If they're not expressing a bloodlust for violence, then it's one of rape and degradation. Please sir, enlighten me, tell me how blacks have enriched America.
Their shortcomings are self imposed I assure you. The new slave driver for African Americans in the 21st century is black culture.

Yet you have not a clue what Black culture is. I've asked you to tell me several times and you have run off and hid or deflected. Why dont you give it the old college try this time?

What? You didn't read this >>>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/8408446-post158.html

No. I'm only going to read a response to my post. Your links mean nothing. Answer the question or stop whining.
Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?
I base my decision on the school's curriculum and success rate, regardless if the school is majority Black, Hispanic or Caucasian.
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You cant give me something you never had. Where did I say Black people were stupid? On the contrary I hold we are among the most intelligent on earth. We have to be in order to survive the racism which is a daily obstacle from people like you. You can type a entire encyclopedia and still not make a valid point. You cant face facts so you BS. Its ok. I'd be insecure trying to argue a point with someone like me that will call you on your BS. No matter how many stats you post or whining you do about the cold facts of history your argument is invalid. Only a moron can run around denying racism, slavery etc is the cause of the present conditions you are fixated on. You see we achieve inspite of all that and still keep on going. Your argument is pointless and has no value. My mere presence debunks your weak theory.
Then why are countries with the highest concentration of blacks (with black governments) the most primitive?

Are you moving the goal posts? :lol:

I thought the discussion was about here in the US? I can address this too but please stay on point.
You're the one who started talking about ancient blacks educating Europeans. What did that have to do with schools in America?
Their shortcomings are self imposed I assure you. The new slave driver for African Americans in the 21st century is black culture.

Yet you have not a clue what Black culture is. I've asked you to tell me several times and you have run off and hid or deflected. Why dont you give it the old college try this time?

The only black "culture" I've seen is one driven by violence. If they're not expressing a bloodlust for violence, then it's one of rape and degradation. Please sir, enlighten me, tell me how blacks have enriched America.

It sounds as if you are too ignorant to comprehend much of an explanation. Just suffice that pretty much everything now existing has the fingerprints of Blacks either historically or presently.
I would prefer my kids went to either an all white or some combination of White/Asian/Jewish population. Such should provide them the best learning environment.
Then why are countries with the highest concentration of blacks (with black governments) the most primitive?

Are you moving the goal posts? :lol:

I thought the discussion was about here in the US? I can address this too but please stay on point.
You're the one who started talking about ancient blacks educating Europeans. What did that have to do with schools in America?

No Tank started that. I just replied. Since that is off base in this thread you need to ask the OPs permission to change up since you are completely outclassed on US soil.
Yet you have not a clue what Black culture is. I've asked you to tell me several times and you have run off and hid or deflected. Why dont you give it the old college try this time?

What? You didn't read this >>>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/8408446-post158.html

No. I'm only going to read a response to my post. Your links mean nothing. Answer the question or stop whining.

Are you reading anything I write or are you simply ignoring it? Is there anyone in this damn forum that actually wants to honestly debate something?
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