Wouldn't it have been easier...

We need the healthy to catch this sucker, so next season, they are less likely to catch it and spread.

If we quarantine the elderly and those with preexisting conditions that are at risk, we protect them...while the rest of the population that is healthy, gets it, and builds up immunity to it, so the following season with it coming back, will be less catastrophic?
Quarantine won’t protect them. Likely kills them.

Leaders Of Western Nations Misled Over Quarantine/Social Distancing
Spring equinox and rise in solar uv radiation will predictably bring mild epidemic to an abrupt halt (except for quarantined populations)
By Bill Sardi

March 21, 2020

Quarantines are counter-productive, as a chart below reveals. The full extent of a predicted spring “cure” that will predictably bring infectious disease to an abrupt halt will only become apparent in time, with the exception of the quarantined populations who now face indoor “urban lockdown” in the U.S., Italy and elsewhere.

A recently published analysis reveals influenza virus activity correlates with low-temperature/low UV radiation. That report states: “It is now becoming evident that meteorological factors are associated with seasonality of influenza virus epidemics.” Temperature and UV intensity are the No. 1 and No. 2 predictive factors for influenza activity. Crowding of populations in jails and other confined indoor quarters only prolongs the epidemic by virtue of the lack of sunlight indoors. Low temperature results in people wearing skin-covering clothes that completely blocks all skin exposure to the sun, the primary source for vitamin D in humans.

Destructive quarantines

The fact that onerous quarantines have now brought about economically destructive measures that will surely result in the collapse of western economies, all because of a massive misdirection. This is sure to have political consequences in nations where their population was mistakenly “locked indoors.” The public’s over reliance on government to solve its problems will be indelibly shaken. The failure of the news press to question health authorities by mindlessly repeating all the orders issued by government may cause the news press to cover for its own culpability.

The infectious disease epidemic will subside, but the economic consequences are so destructive as to demoralize the citizenry and irreversibly destroy the standard of living in western nations that unwittingly followed this doomsday prescription.

Spring Equinox and Rise in Solar UV Radiation Will Predictably Bring Mild Epidemic to an Aburpt Halt (Except for Quarantined Populations) - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
You ever heard of Vitamin D milk? Enriched flour? Like iodine added to table salt, we've taken care of that deficiency in our food products, even if people don't take a multiple vitamin. And Vitamin D isn't a lone crusader that will effectively stop this virus. No one is actually "quarantined" anyway unless they're diagnosed with the virus. People are out in the parks and walking their dogs and etc. These stay at home orders are partial--there is a long list of places to go.

It was 16 degrees at 7 a.m. here. We're not taking off our coats to soak up the sun, but in the north, we manage to stay healthy anyway. There is a reason for that. Do you think the cold/flu season is only where the temperatures drop? Ask a Floridian or a Texan if they have no flu season.

Well said. All of the people I know are actually getting outside more as there is nothing else to do.
And more prudent and effective if we had taken the steps to isolate all those that are at high risk of dying from the corona virus 19, than to shut the whole country down or to shutter the whole country?

Wow, you actually are very rational in this rare instance. Indeed, had fake doctor Fauci said the Kung Flu was like the homosexual/non-white disease called AIDS he would have said go about your business because it is homophobic and racist to suggest qu33rs and Blacks should be locked down to decrease the spread of their disease.
Unfortunately prudence is not a page in DJT's administration repertoire.

It's blue states with Democratic leaders that have the shelter in place law. If you think that about President Trump, then you must think Democrat's are stupid as shit.
Too many unknowns with this virus.

Can you get coronavirus twice or does it cause immunity?

"...those who have been infected with Covid-19 develop a protective antibody - but it isn’t clear how long the protection lasts.

"However, in certain individuals, the antibody cannot last that long," Li told USAToday. "For many patients who have been cured, there is a likelihood of relapse."

In children, it is currently believed that the virus causes the development of “at least short-term immunity”.

“No one knows for sure, but most children likely develop at least short-term immunity to the specific coronavirus that causes Covid-19,” Dr Peter Jung, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston told The Huffington Post. “But just as the flu can mutate, so could Covid-19, which would make an individual susceptible to reacquiring the infection.”
We need the healthy to catch this sucker, so next season, they are less likely to catch it and spread.

If we quarantine the elderly and those with preexisting conditions that are at risk, we protect them...while the rest of the population that is healthy, gets it, and builds up immunity to it, so the following season with it coming back, will be less catastrophic?
Quarantine won’t protect them. Likely kills them.

Leaders Of Western Nations Misled Over Quarantine/Social Distancing
Spring equinox and rise in solar uv radiation will predictably bring mild epidemic to an abrupt halt (except for quarantined populations)
By Bill Sardi

March 21, 2020

Quarantines are counter-productive, as a chart below reveals. The full extent of a predicted spring “cure” that will predictably bring infectious disease to an abrupt halt will only become apparent in time, with the exception of the quarantined populations who now face indoor “urban lockdown” in the U.S., Italy and elsewhere.

A recently published analysis reveals influenza virus activity correlates with low-temperature/low UV radiation. That report states: “It is now becoming evident that meteorological factors are associated with seasonality of influenza virus epidemics.” Temperature and UV intensity are the No. 1 and No. 2 predictive factors for influenza activity. Crowding of populations in jails and other confined indoor quarters only prolongs the epidemic by virtue of the lack of sunlight indoors. Low temperature results in people wearing skin-covering clothes that completely blocks all skin exposure to the sun, the primary source for vitamin D in humans.

Destructive quarantines

The fact that onerous quarantines have now brought about economically destructive measures that will surely result in the collapse of western economies, all because of a massive misdirection. This is sure to have political consequences in nations where their population was mistakenly “locked indoors.” The public’s over reliance on government to solve its problems will be indelibly shaken. The failure of the news press to question health authorities by mindlessly repeating all the orders issued by government may cause the news press to cover for its own culpability.

The infectious disease epidemic will subside, but the economic consequences are so destructive as to demoralize the citizenry and irreversibly destroy the standard of living in western nations that unwittingly followed this doomsday prescription.

Spring Equinox and Rise in Solar UV Radiation Will Predictably Bring Mild Epidemic to an Aburpt Halt (Except for Quarantined Populations) - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
You ever heard of Vitamin D milk? Enriched flour? Like iodine added to table salt, we've taken care of that deficiency in our food products, even if people don't take a multiple vitamin. And Vitamin D isn't a lone crusader that will effectively stop this virus. No one is actually "quarantined" anyway unless they're diagnosed with the virus. People are out in the parks and walking their dogs and etc. These stay at home orders are partial--there is a long list of places to go.

It was 16 degrees at 7 a.m. here. We're not taking off our coats to soak up the sun, but in the north, we manage to stay healthy anyway. There is a reason for that. Do you think the cold/flu season is only where the temperatures drop? Ask a Floridian or a Texan if they have no flu season.
Means nothing as relates to my post. Thanks for posting things we all know though.
Thank You Doctor Know Nothing.
stfu........Do you know what vaccines do......hmmm.......

This dang thing is gonna cause a danged worldwide DEPRESSION you idiot.......so.......yeah...the OP has a dang good point......stop being a moron.....thanks.
Jesus Christ, I had no idea that there are so many stupid people on this earth.. "This dang thing is gonna cause a danged worldwide DEPRESSION "

In case you have not noticed. It is here.
You need to get the mods to change your name to DOOM AND GLOOM......

That is all you have to offer the world.
...and his very low intellect.
"This dang thing is gonna cause a danged worldwide DEPRESSION "

It is his quote. Man, you are pathetic.
??? Are you crazy?
stfu........Do you know what vaccines do......hmmm.......

This dang thing is gonna cause a danged worldwide DEPRESSION you idiot.......so.......yeah...the OP has a dang good point......stop being a moron.....thanks.
Jesus Christ, I had no idea that there are so many stupid people on this earth.. "This dang thing is gonna cause a danged worldwide DEPRESSION "

In case you have not noticed. It is here.
You need to get the mods to change your name to DOOM AND GLOOM......

That is all you have to offer the world.
...and his very low intellect.
"This dang thing is gonna cause a danged worldwide DEPRESSION "

It is his quote. Man, you are pathetic.
??? Are you crazy?
Nope. This is wasted time.
And more prudent and effective if we had taken the steps to isolate all those that are at high risk of dying from the corona virus 19, than to shut the whole country down or to shutter the whole country?

Also, I understand that it is important that As many healthy people that could get it, get it....the better.... because they build up antigens...much like a vaccination, that helps prevent them from getting it again in the fall.... it's part of the reason we've been able to subdue other deadly viruses.

Plus, most of the at risk, are older and not working...

The economy would have gone on as usual, no shut downs, no market crashes....

Why didn't we take that approach?


People are stupid no matter if running the country to panic buying...

Yes, we could have done what you suggested but then why do something actually that might make more sense?
And more prudent and effective if we had taken the steps to isolate all those that are at high risk of dying from the corona virus 19, than to shut the whole country down or to shutter the whole country.

Also, I understand that it is important that As many healthy people that could get it, get it....the better.... because they build up antigens...much like a vaccination, that helps prevent them from getting it again in the fall.... it's part of the reason we've been able to subdue other deadly viruses.

Plus, most of the at risk, are older and not working...

The economy would have gone on as usual, no shut downs, no market crashes....

Why didn't we take that approach?
That would have required that Donald be honest and give a damn.

Why didn't Nancy Pelosi, Micth McConnell or the countless other political leaders mention this?
And more prudent and effective if we had taken the steps to isolate all those that are at high risk of dying from the corona virus 19, than to shut the whole country down or to shutter the whole country.

Also, I understand that it is important that As many healthy people that could get it, get it....the better.... because they build up antigens...much like a vaccination, that helps prevent them from getting it again in the fall.... it's part of the reason we've been able to subdue other deadly viruses.

Plus, most of the at risk, are older and not working...

The economy would have gone on as usual, no shut downs, no market crashes....

Why didn't we take that approach?
Interesting thought, and the data on the age bands was there pretty early.

On the other hand, we love to lose our shit, panic, politicize everything and point the finger, and we wouldn't have been able to do that.

Priorities. Priorities.

The evidence is growing that even though the virus doesn’t kill younger people, it is leaving them with reduced cardio/pulmonary function. Whether this is permanent or temporary it’s too soon to tell.

AND you still would have to do these shut downs because you don’t have enough hospital beds or ventilators to handle more than 1.5 million cases nationwide. CDC officials estimate that up to half the American people will get the virus. That’s 150 million people. 20% of those people will needs to be hospitalized. That’s 30 million people. How do you fit 30 million people into 1 million hospital beds. You make sure they don’t all get sick at the same time.
And more prudent and effective if we had taken the steps to isolate all those that are at high risk of dying from the corona virus 19, than to shut the whole country down or to shutter the whole country.

Also, I understand that it is important that As many healthy people that could get it, get it....the better.... because they build up antigens...much like a vaccination, that helps prevent them from getting it again in the fall.... it's part of the reason we've been able to subdue other deadly viruses.

Plus, most of the at risk, are older and not working...

The economy would have gone on as usual, no shut downs, no market crashes....

Why didn't we take that approach?
That would have required that Donald be honest and give a damn.

Why didn't Nancy Pelosi, Micth McConnell or the countless other political leaders mention this?

Because none of those people are the President of the United States, whose job it is to lead the country effectively, in times of crisis.

And Trump won’t talk to Pelosi because she impeached him. Politics before country, always.
And more prudent and effective if we had taken the steps to isolate all those that are at high risk of dying from the corona virus 19, than to shut the whole country down or to shutter the whole country.

Also, I understand that it is important that As many healthy people that could get it, get it....the better.... because they build up antigens...much like a vaccination, that helps prevent them from getting it again in the fall.... it's part of the reason we've been able to subdue other deadly viruses.

Plus, most of the at risk, are older and not working...

The economy would have gone on as usual, no shut downs, no market crashes....

Why didn't we take that approach?
That would have required that Donald be honest and give a damn.

Why didn't Nancy Pelosi, Micth McConnell or the countless other political leaders mention this?

Because none of those people are the President of the United States, whose job it is to lead the country effectively, in times of crisis.

And Trump won’t talk to Pelosi because she impeached him. Politics before country, always.

You just lied in your own response because Trump and his administration have been talking to Nancy Pelosi during this Pandemic, so why must you keep on lying and should I point to the Bill's that have been passed in the House and Senate that have been signed by Trump to prove you wrong?

Also America is not a dictatorship like you believe it is and Pelosi is after Pence to become President if Tump and Pence go down, so her leadership matters as much as Trump and Pence seeing she is the Speaker of the House!

Also why hasn't Governors like Gavin Newsom taken the action that the OP wrote about?

He is the leader of his own State and could have done this, so why have you not questioned his leadership?

Simple, you have no clue how America is built or how the country has many leaders that can speak up and you believe Trump is a dictator like that piece of crap in China!
Be interesting to see if the people whose lives are being destroyed by govt say thank you and re-elect the idiots...if so....I would look for more and bigger abuse
And more prudent and effective if we had taken the steps to isolate all those that are at high risk of dying from the corona virus 19, than to shut the whole country down or to shutter the whole country.

Also, I understand that it is important that As many healthy people that could get it, get it....the better.... because they build up antigens...much like a vaccination, that helps prevent them from getting it again in the fall.... it's part of the reason we've been able to subdue other deadly viruses.

Plus, most of the at risk, are older and not working...

The economy would have gone on as usual, no shut downs, no market crashes....

Why didn't we take that approach?
That would have required that Donald be honest and give a damn.

Why didn't Nancy Pelosi, Micth McConnell or the countless other political leaders mention this?

Because none of those people are the President of the United States, whose job it is to lead the country effectively, in times of crisis.

And Trump won’t talk to Pelosi because she impeached him. Politics before country, always.
Good to see you Dragonlady.
And more prudent and effective if we had taken the steps to isolate all those that are at high risk of dying from the corona virus 19, than to shut the whole country down or to shutter the whole country?

Also, I understand that it is important that As many healthy people that could get it, get it....the better.... because they build up antigens...much like a vaccination, that helps prevent them from getting it again in the fall.... it's part of the reason we've been able to subdue other deadly viruses.

Plus, most of the at risk, are older and not working...

The economy would have gone on as usual, no shut downs, no market crashes....

Why didn't we take that approach?

Hold on...I thought the LefTarded hate DISCRIMINATION?
Wouldn’t the Left have lost whatever shit they have left had Donny proposed such discriminatory action?
Jesus Christ, I had no idea that there are so many stupid people on this earth.. "This dang thing is gonna cause a danged worldwide DEPRESSION "

In case you have not noticed. It is here.
You need to get the mods to change your name to DOOM AND GLOOM......

That is all you have to offer the world.
...and his very low intellect.
"This dang thing is gonna cause a danged worldwide DEPRESSION "

It is his quote. Man, you are pathetic.
??? Are you crazy?
Nope. This is wasted time.
It sure is.

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