Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

I wish these gays and lesbians could figure which way they swing. It bothers me and I keep thinking about it.

they are role players, both female but one plays the man and one the woman, then they switch roles. Its a sickness.

Chickenfish needs to update his notions. He's stuck in 50s Pulp Fiction.

It's simply her opinion and her experience alone obviously isn't evidence that every other child of a homosexual couple feels the same way. My sister is a lesbian and her two daughters are very happy, well rounded children as I would gather most children of homosexual couples are.
you're being 100% PC but not thinking at all. Children will have a huge genetic need to know and love their real parents.

You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
It's simply her opinion and her experience alone obviously isn't evidence that every other child of a homosexual couple feels the same way. My sister is a lesbian and her two daughters are very happy, well rounded children as I would gather most children of homosexual couples are.
you're being 100% PC but not thinking at all. Children will have a huge genetic need to know and love their real parents.

You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
Actually, you're the ignorant one. The studies done show that kids of homosexuals are as dysfunctional as their parents are.
It's simply her opinion and her experience alone obviously isn't evidence that every other child of a homosexual couple feels the same way. My sister is a lesbian and her two daughters are very happy, well rounded children as I would gather most children of homosexual couples are.
you're being 100% PC but not thinking at all. Children will have a huge genetic need to know and love their real parents.

You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
Actually, you're the ignorant one. The studies done show that kids of homosexuals are as dysfunctional as their parents are.

Children of heterosexuals also end up being as dysfunctional as their parents are.
It's simply her opinion and her experience alone obviously isn't evidence that every other child of a homosexual couple feels the same way. My sister is a lesbian and her two daughters are very happy, well rounded children as I would gather most children of homosexual couples are.
you're being 100% PC but not thinking at all. Children will have a huge genetic need to know and love their real parents.

You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
Actually, you're the ignorant one. The studies done show that kids of homosexuals are as dysfunctional as their parents are.

Children of heterosexuals also end up being as dysfunctional as their parents are.
Statistically speaking, homo kids suffer the same issues as the children of single parents.

Poverty, increased likelihood of sexual predation, learning and behavioral issues, criminality, mental illness.
It's simply her opinion and her experience alone obviously isn't evidence that every other child of a homosexual couple feels the same way. My sister is a lesbian and her two daughters are very happy, well rounded children as I would gather most children of homosexual couples are.
you're being 100% PC but not thinking at all. Children will have a huge genetic need to know and love their real parents.

You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
Actually, you're the ignorant one. The studies done show that kids of homosexuals are as dysfunctional as their parents are.

Children of heterosexuals also end up being as dysfunctional as their parents are.
Statistically speaking, homo kids suffer the same issues as the children of single parents.

Poverty, increased likelihood of sexual predation, learning and behavioral issues, criminality, mental illness.

It's simply her opinion and her experience alone obviously isn't evidence that every other child of a homosexual couple feels the same way. My sister is a lesbian and her two daughters are very happy, well rounded children as I would gather most children of homosexual couples are.
you're being 100% PC but not thinking at all. Children will have a huge genetic need to know and love their real parents.

You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.

Mmm, 2 or 3?

She knew her father. She always knew that he was here "real father" and the new parent was a step parent.

That's not a "real parent" scenario.

This girl was not raised by these women from birth.
you're being 100% PC but not thinking at all. Children will have a huge genetic need to know and love their real parents.

You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
Actually, you're the ignorant one. The studies done show that kids of homosexuals are as dysfunctional as their parents are.

Children of heterosexuals also end up being as dysfunctional as their parents are.
Statistically speaking, homo kids suffer the same issues as the children of single parents.

Poverty, increased likelihood of sexual predation, learning and behavioral issues, criminality, mental illness.


most importantly kids are created to love and be loved most by their real parents
You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
Actually, you're the ignorant one. The studies done show that kids of homosexuals are as dysfunctional as their parents are.

Children of heterosexuals also end up being as dysfunctional as their parents are.
Statistically speaking, homo kids suffer the same issues as the children of single parents.

Poverty, increased likelihood of sexual predation, learning and behavioral issues, criminality, mental illness.


most importantly kids are created to love and be loved most by their real parents

Kids are created to ensure survival of the species.
I find the idea that people have no control over their desire offensive.

People can and do modify their carnality. But they have to choose to actually do it.

The lefty thing is they don't think anyone should ever have to fly in the face of what they WANT. It's because they have zero character.

You cannot control your attractions, only whether or not act upon them. Why do you care as long as we choose to act on our natural or God given attractions with other non familial consenting adults?
KG's post had some rather strange phrasing and word choice, so I'm not sure responding is a proper direction. But more to the general concept of whether acting upon attractions is selfish or destructive. As you note, there's nothing wrong in people acting in their own interest. Even assuming a person foresees that his/her acting on an interest will hurt another emotionally, that does not make the action "selfish," necessarily. Assuming a parent is in a relationship he/she finds oppressive, it may not be healthy for the children to have a parent feeling that way. And, it's certainly not healthy for a child to have a parent who acts in any way as a martyr. I think Correll's posts tended to either gloss over, or ignore, those greyish (-: areas.

There's nothing whatever strange about my phrasing or word choice. People can of course control their attractions.

Of course depraved hos like wytch will never admit that, because it would mean she would have to admit she can modify her behavior..but just doesn't want to, because it's not easy.

These people have never been told no in their entire lives, and they've bought the myth that if anyone tells them *no*, it's a hate crime. It's utter nonsense.

No you can't. You can choose not to act upon your attractions, you cannot make yourself stop having them. (Hence the low success rate for reparative therapy)
Holy Hell. Imagine. Some people living in a situation they don't agree with it. So this makes all the others null and void.
Nice try!

Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
It's simply her opinion and her experience alone obviously isn't evidence that every other child of a homosexual couple feels the same way. My sister is a lesbian and her two daughters are very happy, well rounded children as I would gather most children of homosexual couples are.
you're being 100% PC but not thinking at all. Children will have a huge genetic need to know and love their real parents.

You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
Actually, you're the ignorant one. The studies done show that kids of homosexuals are as dysfunctional as their parents are.

No they don't. What studies actually show is that our children are at no disadvantage to the children of heterosexuals.
you're being 100% PC but not thinking at all. Children will have a huge genetic need to know and love their real parents.

You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
Actually, you're the ignorant one. The studies done show that kids of homosexuals are as dysfunctional as their parents are.

Children of heterosexuals also end up being as dysfunctional as their parents are.
Statistically speaking, homo kids suffer the same issues as the children of single parents.

Poverty, increased likelihood of sexual predation, learning and behavioral issues, criminality, mental illness.

" Married or partnered LGBT individuals living in two-adult households with children are twice as likely as comparable non-LGBT individuals to report household incomes near the poverty threshold."
LGBT Parenting in the United States Williams Institute

Kids of gay parents fare worse study finds but research draws fire from experts - CBS News
It's simply her opinion and her experience alone obviously isn't evidence that every other child of a homosexual couple feels the same way. My sister is a lesbian and her two daughters are very happy, well rounded children as I would gather most children of homosexual couples are.
you're being 100% PC but not thinking at all. Children will have a huge genetic need to know and love their real parents.

You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
Actually, you're the ignorant one. The studies done show that kids of homosexuals are as dysfunctional as their parents are.

No they don't. What studies actually show is that our children are at no disadvantage to the children of heterosexuals.
of course thats absurd. As if kids don't want to love and be loved by their real biological parents!!
"children raised by homosexual parents are dramatically more likely than peers raised by married heterosexual parents to suffer from a host of social problems. Among them are strong tendencies, as adults, to exhibit poor impulse control; suffer from depression and thoughts of suicide; need mental health therapy; identify themselves as homosexual; choose cohabitation; be unfaithful to partners; contract sexually transmitted diseases; be sexually molested; have lower income levels; drink to get drunk; and smoke tobacco and marijuana."

" In all, children raised by parents in same-sex relationships fared more poorly than their peers on 24 of those measures.
“All the other studies that have come out on how kids do in same-sex homes are all done by lesbian activist scholars,” Stanton noted. “They have found either there’s no difference between the two kinds of homes, or that the kids actually do better (in homosexual-led households).
“Regnerus’s study shows nothing could be further from the truth. It compares not just homosexual and heterosexual homes, but married intact biological families, divorced, single-parent and cohabiting families,” he added. “All the other studies have just lumped those together.”

"According to Regnerus’s analysis, “there’s only one thing where gay homes did better: Their kids are more likely to vote.”

It figures.
Study Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Face Greater Risks CitizenLink
You're being 100% ignorant and not thinking at all. She is their real parent.
Actually, you're the ignorant one. The studies done show that kids of homosexuals are as dysfunctional as their parents are.

Children of heterosexuals also end up being as dysfunctional as their parents are.
Statistically speaking, homo kids suffer the same issues as the children of single parents.

Poverty, increased likelihood of sexual predation, learning and behavioral issues, criminality, mental illness.

" Married or partnered LGBT individuals living in two-adult households with children are twice as likely as comparable non-LGBT individuals to report household incomes near the poverty threshold."
LGBT Parenting in the United States Williams Institute

Kids of gay parents fare worse study finds but research draws fire from experts - CBS News

:lol: You actually posted the part where the "study" was panned by real experts.

Regenerus's study was laughed out of court.
Poor impulse control.

Go figure. Probably has to do with the fact they're taught from the cradle that they *can't* control themselves, sexually.
"How many children were raised by two women staying together from the child’s first birthday to his or her eighteenth? Just two. And how many such cases were there in the FGR category—of children raised by two men together for their whole childhood? Zero. This, out of an initial population of 15,000.
" instability is the characteristic experience of those whose parents have same-sex relationships."

The Vindication of Mark Regnerus Public Discourse
"On multiple outcomes, the children of mothers who had lesbian relationships fared poorly, whether those mothers had a partner in the household with their children or not, and these two groups were more like each other than like the intact biological family (IBF) category. As Regnerus notes, “adult children who report a maternal same-sex relationship—regardless of whether their mother ever resided with her same-sex partner—look far more similar to adult children of other types of household than they do to those from stably-intact biological families.”

The Vindication of Mark Regnerus Public Discourse

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