Wow: JD Just Took Dana Bash To The Woodshed On Live TV


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
And yes. I'm obviously being figurative - just like when Joe Biden* said he would take Trump behind the gym.

This has got to be the best struggle session...I mean "interview" I've seen all campaign season.

JD Vance is a fucking legend, and kudos to Trump for picking him.

*Remember him?
And yes. I'm obviously being figurative - just like when Joe Biden* said he would take Trump behind the gym.

This has got to be the best struggle session...I mean "interview" I've seen all campaign season.

JD Vance is a fucking legend, and kudos to Trump for picking him.

*Remember him?

You probably think Trump "won" the debate too LOL
Yeah in that same interview, he admits he makes crap up. You Trumpers certainly love falling for lies.
Here the transcript, you stupid motherfucker.


Yeah, he meant he created the momentum for the media to finally pay attention to the people in OH who are suffering.

And he explicitly said that.

Ya know, in the part of the dialogue that you truncated before posting.

You disingenuous person you.

But hey, anyone can watch the video.

The truth is the truth, and it's right there for those who possess an adequate attention span.
He actually SAID to Dana ON THE AIR what I’ve been wondering why most republicans and conservatives fail to say other liberal propagandist interviewers.

He explicitly called her out for constantly interrupting him as he tried to answer several questions.

Dana Bash is an unmitigated hack as a reporter.

Vance roasted her. Like a cat over a high flame.
Fucking mods deleted the thread I just made, no message, nothing. It was a mistake to come back here, I'm thinking. Shitty mods, shitty rightwingers who can't discuss anything intelligently. I'll just post more at Political Forum. Stricter rules, but only a few morons like Rowdy Patriot, and they are mostly ignored.
Fucking mods deleted the thread I just made, no message, nothing. It was a mistake to come back here, I'm thinking. Shitty mods, shitty rightwingers who can't discuss anything intelligently. I'll just post more at Political Forum. Stricter rules, but only a few morons like Rowdy Patriot, and they are mostly ignored.

No, he said "If I have to create stories...I will"

Yes, before he then explained it.

Anyone can see the video, genius.

Now, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Don't worry, we won't be longing for your return.

And after November?

You'll probably be forgoing ALL message boards for quite a while.
Fucking mods deleted the thread I just made, no message, nothing. It was a mistake to come back here, I'm thinking. Shitty mods, shitty rightwingers who can't discuss anything intelligently. I'll just post more at Political Forum. Stricter rules, but only a few morons like Rowdy Patriot, and they are mostly ignored.
Don’t complain about moderation on the open boards, you rule violating libturd.

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