WOW! Trump Invites Supporters On Stage for Handling Protester-CROWD ERUPTS WHEN ONE SAYS HE’S A VET

WOW! Trump Invites Supporters On Stage for Handling Protester– CROWD ERUPTS WHEN ONE SAYS HE’S A VETERAN! (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Feb 16th, 2016 6:32 pm 1303 Comments

You can’t plan something like this…
At a Trump campaign rally in North Augusta, South Carolina on Tuesday, Donald Trump was interrupted by a protester who was screaming profanities and raising his middle finger to the crowd.

Two Trump supporters “took action” against the radical obscene protester – and Mr. Trump called them up to the stage to share a few words.

The crowd ERUPTED after one of the men told the audience he was an Iraq War veteran.

Video - Cool!

Love him or hate him, he knows how to make a crowd go crazy! There was a protester in the arena and someone (actually two people) took him outside, not to return. Rather than having a stump speech, Trump called the gentlemen up and the both spoke to the crowd! Fun to watch!

I'm not sure, but I don't think Trump has a speech he says over and over or changes the content for the crowd he is addressing. He may be an embarrassment, but I think he's honest. How many candidates can you say that about??

I'm glad Trump gives you the warm and fuzzies. Apparently that's all he can give you.

Meanwhile back in reality, the rest of us know he would be an incompetent president.

I don't think he will. I think he will get along very well with Putin and those two might gang bang the fuck out of ISIS or anyone else that want to be head honchos over two very competent countries...Russia and the USA. Y'all keep forgetting how savvy Trump is. His cabinet will have some very bright minds. He wouldn't have it any other way. HE might be too mouthy, but he will have people that will be speakers for him.

The question you want the same o same o of what we have been getting for such a long time...or do you want someone in there that will fly around in AirForce 1 on his own dime, wining and dining those who are currently laughing at us with who we have now? Personally speaking..I prefer the rich business man.

Any idiot can say they will destroy ISIS and then not explain HOW exactly they would do it. Is that really enough for you people? I mean seriously. How do you separate Trump from some dimwitted nut job in a trailer park who could easily say the exact same thing?

Where do you even get this assumption his cabinet will have bright minds? What possible indication is there for that? It's amazing how you people delude yourself over this guy.

He didn't get where he is by surrounding himself with idiots, now did he? It's amazing how you people delude yourselves that what we have and have had has done nothing for anyone. If it ain't working, it's time to change the machinery.

Oh right his daddy gave him a million dollars to start his business. We can't all be that smart I guess. Of course he also went bankrupt twice.
WOW! Trump Invites Supporters On Stage for Handling Protester– CROWD ERUPTS WHEN ONE SAYS HE’S A VETERAN! (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Feb 16th, 2016 6:32 pm 1303 Comments

Video - Cool!

Love him or hate him, he knows how to make a crowd go crazy! There was a protester in the arena and someone (actually two people) took him outside, not to return. Rather than having a stump speech, Trump called the gentlemen up and the both spoke to the crowd! Fun to watch!

I'm not sure, but I don't think Trump has a speech he says over and over or changes the content for the crowd he is addressing. He may be an embarrassment, but I think he's honest. How many candidates can you say that about??

I'm glad Trump gives you the warm and fuzzies. Apparently that's all he can give you.

Meanwhile back in reality, the rest of us know he would be an incompetent president.

I don't think he will. I think he will get along very well with Putin and those two might gang bang the fuck out of ISIS or anyone else that want to be head honchos over two very competent countries...Russia and the USA. Y'all keep forgetting how savvy Trump is. His cabinet will have some very bright minds. He wouldn't have it any other way. HE might be too mouthy, but he will have people that will be speakers for him.

The question you want the same o same o of what we have been getting for such a long time...or do you want someone in there that will fly around in AirForce 1 on his own dime, wining and dining those who are currently laughing at us with who we have now? Personally speaking..I prefer the rich business man.

Any idiot can say they will destroy ISIS and then not explain HOW exactly they would do it. Is that really enough for you people? I mean seriously. How do you separate Trump from some dimwitted nut job in a trailer park who could easily say the exact same thing?

Where do you even get this assumption his cabinet will have bright minds? What possible indication is there for that? It's amazing how you people delude yourself over this guy.

He didn't get where he is by surrounding himself with idiots, now did he? It's amazing how you people delude yourselves that what we have and have had has done nothing for anyone. If it ain't working, it's time to change the machinery.

Oh right his daddy gave him a million dollars to start his business. We can't all be that smart I guess. Of course he also went bankrupt twice.

His daddy died a long time ago. HE didn't file bankruptcy. It was his company. I think it was 3 times wasn't it? I'd say he now has more than made up for it. *wink wink*
Whatever. Not in the mood to argue about it. Right now, as of this moment....I'm with Trump. Depending. If he drags that bimbo Palin back into it....I'm done with him. I just won't vote.
While I have advocated for Trump in the past, I still have some troubling issues with him. I wish he was more presidential and we could knock that chip off his shoulder. But, you still can't take the positives away from him. Standing back while we see how all of the candidates deal with a difficult campaign issues coming up.
WOW! Trump Invites Supporters On Stage for Handling Protester– CROWD ERUPTS WHEN ONE SAYS HE’S A VETERAN! (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Feb 16th, 2016 6:32 pm 1303 Comments

You can’t plan something like this…
At a Trump campaign rally in North Augusta, South Carolina on Tuesday, Donald Trump was interrupted by a protester who was screaming profanities and raising his middle finger to the crowd.

Two Trump supporters “took action” against the radical obscene protester – and Mr. Trump called them up to the stage to share a few words.

The crowd ERUPTED after one of the men told the audience he was an Iraq War veteran.

Video - Cool!

Love him or hate him, he knows how to make a crowd go crazy! There was a protester in the arena and someone (actually two people) took him outside, not to return. Rather than having a stump speech, Trump called the gentlemen up and the both spoke to the crowd! Fun to watch!

I'm not sure, but I don't think Trump has a speech he says over and over or changes the content for the crowd he is addressing. He may be an embarrassment, but I think he's honest. How many candidates can you say that about??

Yeah! Brilliant! What an innovative move!

Trump has been repeating the same things at every speech. You are mistaken.

As to his you believe that his favorite book is the bible?
Trump "Better Call Saul'd" the audience lol.

Hey look everyone! It's a Vet! Let's cheer and applaud because....that's what we do with Vets! Very cool!


It's a Vet, Vetting! Protester bad. Vet better than Protester! Huur Duur
WOW! Trump Invites Supporters On Stage for Handling Protester– CROWD ERUPTS WHEN ONE SAYS HE’S A VETERAN! (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Feb 16th, 2016 6:32 pm 1303 Comments

You can’t plan something like this…
At a Trump campaign rally in North Augusta, South Carolina on Tuesday, Donald Trump was interrupted by a protester who was screaming profanities and raising his middle finger to the crowd.

Two Trump supporters “took action” against the radical obscene protester – and Mr. Trump called them up to the stage to share a few words.

The crowd ERUPTED after one of the men told the audience he was an Iraq War veteran.

Video - Cool!

Love him or hate him, he knows how to make a crowd go crazy! There was a protester in the arena and someone (actually two people) took him outside, not to return. Rather than having a stump speech, Trump called the gentlemen up and the both spoke to the crowd! Fun to watch!

I'm not sure, but I don't think Trump has a speech he says over and over or changes the content for the crowd he is addressing. He may be an embarrassment, but I think he's honest. How many candidates can you say that about??

I hope something like that happens on Sunday! Got my tickets! :D

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