Wow, Trump ripping Hillary a new one

^ there's plenty of evidence in the voters she still has yet to win over..

she has to talk.real.slow, dr seuss style! :itsok:
Well, I’m late in reporting in to my Mossad handlers so I’ll be brief.

I called it “reheated pablum”….did you hear anything new in this speech? The “Clinton Cash” book quotations seem as though he just discovered the book.

He's going to pull jobs out of a hat.

Ta Da!

Actually, he has. Thousands of them.

Hillary claims to be able to create jobs....yet she doesn't really know how....well...except to and hire people to build things at the cost of the taxpayer

But then again...a monkey can do that. You know. Take from Peter to pay paul and then say you created income for paul.

The chinese and mexicans making his branded shirts are well employed.

He says he is going to cut taxes and then rebuild infrastructure, the military, and triple the size of the INS JBT (Jack Booted Thug) contingent…. Any clue how your messiah will do that?
His vision will increase the debt. I never doubted it.

He was not my fist choice....but I am sorry.....Clinton has shown me that she sees the general electorate as a bunch of unintelligent, non thinking people with her inane explanations of some of her actions, I can never consider voting for her.

When I vote for Trump, I will be voting for the cabinet around him. Not for him.

Not much different from me…

Good Point.

I won’t be voting for Hillary…will be voting for the 4-5 Supreme Court justices she will appoint…that is my main motivation; center/left jurists.
and I wish to see center right.

And that is what this election is all about. The ideological direction of the country. And lets be will come down to the independents.
One of my favorite parts of Trump's speech. He nailed it!

“I only want to admit people who share our values and love our people, [but] Hillary Clinton wants to bring in people who believe women should be enslaved and gays put to death,” he said during a speech in N.Y. on Wednesday. “Maybe her motivation lies among the more than 1,000 foreign donations Hillary failed to disclose while at the State Department.”
One of my favorite parts of Trump's speech. He nailed it!

“I only want to admit people who share our values and love our people, [but] Hillary Clinton wants to bring in people who believe women should be enslaved and gays put to death,” he said during a speech in N.Y. on Wednesday. “Maybe her motivation lies among the more than 1,000 foreign donations Hillary failed to disclose while at the State Department.”
Something tells me we will be hearing that over and over for the next several months. It happens to be somewhat a spin sort of way......but accurate non the less.
Well, I’m late in reporting in to my Mossad handlers so I’ll be brief.

I called it “reheated pablum”….did you hear anything new in this speech? The “Clinton Cash” book quotations seem as though he just discovered the book.

He's going to pull jobs out of a hat.

Ta Da!

Actually, he has. Thousands of them.

Hillary claims to be able to create jobs....yet she doesn't really know how....well...except to and hire people to build things at the cost of the taxpayer

But then again...a monkey can do that. You know. Take from Peter to pay paul and then say you created income for paul.

The chinese and mexicans making his branded shirts are well employed.

He says he is going to cut taxes and then rebuild infrastructure, the military, and triple the size of the INS JBT (Jack Booted Thug) contingent…. Any clue how your messiah will do that?
His vision will increase the debt. I never doubted it.

He was not my fist choice....but I am sorry.....Clinton has shown me that she sees the general electorate as a bunch of unintelligent, non thinking people with her inane explanations of some of her actions, I can never consider voting for her.

When I vote for Trump, I will be voting for the cabinet around him. Not for him.

Not much different from me…

Good Point.

I won’t be voting for Hillary…will be voting for the 4-5 Supreme Court justices she will appoint…that is my main motivation; center/left jurists.

So basically every right you disagree with can be crushed via judicial action, and bypass the amendment process.

So, candycorn, your "job" is essentially

1. monitor message boards to shout down and censor 911 truth
2. promote Hillary
3. attack Trump
4. watch TV
5. report back to Tel Aviv on progress getting Hillary elected and hence preventing any new 911 investigation

While Candycorn is indeed a Hillary Shill, (paid or not is up to debate, i say not) Your reference to Trutherism (with bonus its teh JOOOOOOS flavor) makes me ask why aren't you slumming in the CT with the rest of the mouth breathers?

Well, I’m late in reporting in to my Mossad handlers so I’ll be brief.

I called it “reheated pablum”….did you hear anything new in this speech? The “Clinton Cash” book quotations seem as though he just discovered the book.

It may well be he just discovered that book. It's clear Trump's accusations relied heavily on it. What's also clear is that neither he nor his campaign staff followed the Reagan doctrine of "trust, but verify." That's a damn shame because so many others have and the book and its author has been discredited for well over a year now.
In typical Trump form, the man is pitifully and dereisorilly locked into a pattern of saying damn near anything without bothering to confirm whether it's true.

Trump has the nerve to have called Ted Cruz "Lyin' Ted." In his speech today, he asserted that Mrs. Clinton is a "world class liar." Excuse me? Since when does the pot get to call the kettle black? According to PolitiFact, 59% of Trump's checked claims have been deemed false or "Pants on Fire" false, versus 12% for Clinton.

Donald Trump:
  • True: 2%
  • Mostly True: 7%
  • Half True: 15%
  • Mostly False: 17%
  • False: 40%
  • Pants on Fire: 19%
Hillary Clinton:
  • True: 23%
  • Mostly True: 28%
  • Half True: 21%
  • Mostly False: 15%
  • False: 11%
  • Pants on Fire: 1%
I mean really: 9% true or mostly true compared to just over 50% true or mostly true. For cryin' out loud! The man has more false and "pants on fire" claims, at nearly 60%, than Mrs. Clinton has true or mostly true. I'm sorry, but that sort of thing doesn't happen by accident. If there's an inveterate liar in the campaign, it's Trump.
So, candycorn, your "job" is essentially

1. monitor message boards to shout down and censor 911 truth
2. promote Hillary
3. attack Trump
4. watch TV
5. report back to Tel Aviv on progress getting Hillary elected and hence preventing any new 911 investigation

While Candycorn is indeed a Hillary Shill, (paid or not is up to debate, i say not) Your reference to Trutherism (with bonus its teh JOOOOOOS flavor) makes me ask why aren't you slumming in the CT with the rest of the mouth breathers?

Well, I’m late in reporting in to my Mossad handlers so I’ll be brief.

I called it “reheated pablum”….did you hear anything new in this speech? The “Clinton Cash” book quotations seem as though he just discovered the book.

It may well be he just discovered that book. It's clear Trump's accusations relied heavily on it. What's also clear is that neither he nor his campaign staff followed the Reagan doctrine of "trust, but verify." That's a damn shame because so many others have and the book and its author has been discredited for well over a year now.
In typical Trump form, the man is pitifully and dereisorilly locked into a pattern of saying damn near anything without bothering to confirm whether it's true.

Trump has the nerve to have called Ted Cruz "Lyin' Ted." In his speech today, he asserted that Mrs. Clinton is a "world class liar." Excuse me? Since when does the pot get to call the kettle black? According to PolitiFact, 59% of Trump's checked claims have been deemed false or "Pants on Fire" false, versus 12% for Clinton.

Donald Trump:
  • True: 2%
  • Mostly True: 7%
  • Half True: 15%
  • Mostly False: 17%
  • False: 40%
  • Pants on Fire: 19%
Hillary Clinton:
  • True: 23%
  • Mostly True: 28%
  • Half True: 21%
  • Mostly False: 15%
  • False: 11%
  • Pants on Fire: 1%
I mean really: 9% true or mostly true compared to just over 50% true or mostly true. For cryin' out loud! The man has more false and "pants on fire" claims, at nearly 60%, than Mrs. Clinton has true or mostly true. I'm sorry, but that sort of thing doesn't happen by accident. If there's an inveterate liar in the campaign, it's Trump.

Politifact, LOL.
So, candycorn, your "job" is essentially

1. monitor message boards to shout down and censor 911 truth
2. promote Hillary
3. attack Trump
4. watch TV
5. report back to Tel Aviv on progress getting Hillary elected and hence preventing any new 911 investigation

While Candycorn is indeed a Hillary Shill, (paid or not is up to debate, i say not) Your reference to Trutherism (with bonus its teh JOOOOOOS flavor) makes me ask why aren't you slumming in the CT with the rest of the mouth breathers?

Well, I’m late in reporting in to my Mossad handlers so I’ll be brief.

I called it “reheated pablum”….did you hear anything new in this speech? The “Clinton Cash” book quotations seem as though he just discovered the book.

It may well be he just discovered that book. It's clear Trump's accusations relied heavily on it. What's also clear is that neither he nor his campaign staff followed the Reagan doctrine of "trust, but verify." That's a damn shame because so many others have and the book and its author has been discredited for well over a year now.
In typical Trump form, the man is pitifully and dereisorilly locked into a pattern of saying damn near anything without bothering to confirm whether it's true.

Trump has the nerve to have called Ted Cruz "Lyin' Ted." In his speech today, he asserted that Mrs. Clinton is a "world class liar." Excuse me? Since when does the pot get to call the kettle black? According to PolitiFact, 59% of Trump's checked claims have been deemed false or "Pants on Fire" false, versus 12% for Clinton.

Donald Trump:
  • True: 2%
  • Mostly True: 7%
  • Half True: 15%
  • Mostly False: 17%
  • False: 40%
  • Pants on Fire: 19%
Hillary Clinton:
  • True: 23%
  • Mostly True: 28%
  • Half True: 21%
  • Mostly False: 15%
  • False: 11%
  • Pants on Fire: 1%
I mean really: 9% true or mostly true compared to just over 50% true or mostly true. For cryin' out loud! The man has more false and "pants on fire" claims, at nearly 60%, than Mrs. Clinton has true or mostly true. I'm sorry, but that sort of thing doesn't happen by accident. If there's an inveterate liar in the campaign, it's Trump.
Correct the is a Hillary Superpac you know.

Nuff said.
They need to sell tickets to the Debates.

She has never had to face ANY hard questions.

She even lied about her Name - Really? Sir Hillary?
So, Hillary didn't land in Bosnia under sniper fire?

she actually did land in bosnia under the threat of sniper fire...

so that is yet another retarded talking point parroted by mental midgets.

squawk sniper fire squawk squawk sniper fire sniper fire... that's a good parrot! :itsok:

"Now let me tell you what I can remember, OK -- because what I was told was that we had to land a certain way and move quickly because of the threat of sniper fire. So I misspoke -- I didn't say that in my book or other times but if I said something that made it seem as though there was actual fire -- that's not what I was told," she told the newspaper.

"I was told we had to land a certain way, we had to have our bulletproof stuff on because of the threat of sniper fire. I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this 8-year-old girl and, I can't, I can't rush by her, I've got to at least greet her -- so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left. Now that's my memory of it."

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire -
So, candycorn, your "job" is essentially

1. monitor message boards to shout down and censor 911 truth
2. promote Hillary
3. attack Trump
4. watch TV
5. report back to Tel Aviv on progress getting Hillary elected and hence preventing any new 911 investigation
Candy gets paid by the word by Soros.
What are Candy's words worth? Three pennies per.

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