Wow, Trump ripping Hillary a new one

Nothing new about any of it. People have been pointing out these facts about Hillary for years.

Only "new" thing, is that someone's finally doing it on a national forum.... and the media is now forced to report on it, on pain of being "the only news outlet that's not covering the Presidential race".

Of course, the fact that they're now reporting on it, is a huge change.

Loved the “blackmail file” BS.
So, candycorn, your "job" is essentially

1. monitor message boards to shout down and censor 911 truth
2. promote Hillary
3. attack Trump
4. watch TV
5. report back to Tel Aviv on progress getting Hillary elected and hence preventing any new 911 investigation

While Candycorn is indeed a Hillary Shill, (paid or not is up to debate, i say not) Your reference to Trutherism (with bonus its teh JOOOOOOS flavor) makes me ask why aren't you slumming in the CT with the rest of the mouth breathers?

Well, I’m late in reporting in to my Mossad handlers so I’ll be brief.

I called it “reheated pablum”….did you hear anything new in this speech? The “Clinton Cash” book quotations seem as though he just discovered the book.

He's going to pull jobs out of a hat.

Ta Da!

Actually, he has. Thousands of them.

Hillary claims to be able to create jobs....yet she doesn't really know how....well...except to and hire people to build things at the cost of the taxpayer

But then again...a monkey can do that. You know. Take from Peter to pay paul and then say you created income for paul.
Speeches like this can help Trump. Enough ? No, but he's got to get new voters excited enough to come over to his side.
So, candycorn, your "job" is essentially

1. monitor message boards to shout down and censor 911 truth
2. promote Hillary
3. attack Trump
4. watch TV
5. report back to Tel Aviv on progress getting Hillary elected and hence preventing any new 911 investigation

While Candycorn is indeed a Hillary Shill, (paid or not is up to debate, i say not) Your reference to Trutherism (with bonus its teh JOOOOOOS flavor) makes me ask why aren't you slumming in the CT with the rest of the mouth breathers?

Well, I’m late in reporting in to my Mossad handlers so I’ll be brief.

I called it “reheated pablum”….did you hear anything new in this speech? The “Clinton Cash” book quotations seem as though he just discovered the book.

He's going to pull jobs out of a hat.

Ta Da!

Actually, he has. Thousands of them.

Hillary claims to be able to create jobs....yet she doesn't really know how....well...except to and hire people to build things at the cost of the taxpayer

But then again...a monkey can do that. You know. Take from Peter to pay paul and then say you created income for paul.

The chinese and mexicans making his branded shirts are well employed.

He says he is going to cut taxes and then rebuild infrastructure, the military, and triple the size of the INS JBT (Jack Booted Thug) contingent…. Any clue how your messiah will do that?
Watched the whole speech.

reheated pablum
But Hillary saying "I want to see America move forward" is pure substance.


And when all cable news networks interrupt their normal programming to simply cover her saying it, I’ll call it “reheated pablum” also
Oh. I see. So you insult his words because of the actions of the media.

Got it.

Christ alive…are you this dense?

Does the media interrupt programming for every speech by him or Hillary? No. They are “fed” by the campaigns that this speech will be different, something new will be announced, or there will be a big carrot for the networks…

If HRC does that (as Trump’s campaign did) then just trotted out the same old stuff…I’d call it reheated pablum too.

Got it?

Likely not. But that’s your problem.
So, candycorn, your "job" is essentially

1. monitor message boards to shout down and censor 911 truth
2. promote Hillary
3. attack Trump
4. watch TV
5. report back to Tel Aviv on progress getting Hillary elected and hence preventing any new 911 investigation

While Candycorn is indeed a Hillary Shill, (paid or not is up to debate, i say not) Your reference to Trutherism (with bonus its teh JOOOOOOS flavor) makes me ask why aren't you slumming in the CT with the rest of the mouth breathers?

Well, I’m late in reporting in to my Mossad handlers so I’ll be brief.

I called it “reheated pablum”….did you hear anything new in this speech? The “Clinton Cash” book quotations seem as though he just discovered the book.

He's going to pull jobs out of a hat.

Ta Da!

Actually, he has. Thousands of them.

Hillary claims to be able to create jobs....yet she doesn't really know how....well...except to and hire people to build things at the cost of the taxpayer

But then again...a monkey can do that. You know. Take from Peter to pay paul and then say you created income for paul.

The chinese and mexicans making his branded shirts are well employed.

He says he is going to cut taxes and then rebuild infrastructure, the military, and triple the size of the INS JBT (Jack Booted Thug) contingent…. Any clue how your messiah will do that?
His vision will increase the debt. I never doubted it.

He was not my fist choice....but I am sorry.....Clinton has shown me that she sees the general electorate as a bunch of unintelligent, non thinking people with her inane explanations of some of her actions, I can never consider voting for her.

When I vote for Trump, I will be voting for the cabinet around him. Not for him.
Watched the whole speech.

reheated pablum
But Hillary saying "I want to see America move forward" is pure substance.


And when all cable news networks interrupt their normal programming to simply cover her saying it, I’ll call it “reheated pablum” also
Oh. I see. So you insult his words because of the actions of the media.

Got it.

Christ alive…are you this dense?

Does the media interrupt programming for every speech by him or Hillary? No. They are “fed” by the campaigns that this speech will be different, something new will be announced, or there will be a big carrot for the networks…

If HRC does that (as Trump’s campaign did) then just trotted out the same old stuff…I’d call it reheated pablum too.

Got it?

Likely not. But that’s your problem.

Just relax.
It's funny, if it weren't so boring now, to see this kind of delusional thread automatically appear on the board, always by the usual knee-jerk suspects after every event such as Trump's dreadful speech.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything Trump said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll call it names instead, and call his supporters names, and slime and smear them, and hope I can somehow persuade somebody that there's something wrong with what he said even though I can't name it.
listen to the news, fact checking his lies in his speech is keeping them all busy!!!!
Notice how BUILDING A WALL, AND having MEXICO PAY FOR THE WALL and BANNING ALL MUSLIMS from entry to the USA, EVICTING ALL ILLEGALS is NOT even mentioned as ANY of his policy priorities?
Trump brutalized Hillary, and some points have and will hit very hard:

"Hillary also wants to spend hundreds of billions to resettle Middle Eastern refugees in the United States, on top of the current record level of immigration. For the amount of money Hillary Clinton would like to spend on refugees, we could rebuild every inner city in America."

After STEALING / WASTING $6 BILLION Tax Payer Dollars form the American people while they WEREN'T watching as Secretary of State while, Hillary wants to 'steal' BILLIONS and BILLIONS more to re-settle Middle Eastern 'refugees' (like the Islamic terrorist to whom Obama gave a visa and allowed her to come into the US to kill 12 Americans in California) while millions of Americans / Vets go hungry, without proper health care, and without shelter. She (and Obama) want to give these people homes while Americans sleep on the street!

I want to see Hillary Clinton sit across from a homeless vet, who served his / her country and defended our Constitution, and explain to him / her why she is going to ignore his plight to bring in and totally care for a Muslim who wants Sharia Law - which is a direct threat to our Constitution - here in the US.

I want her to stand in front of a host of American citizens and tell them why she is going to completely ignore our decaying infrastructure and our outdated and vulnerable electrical grid to spend money on Illegals and 'refugees' who have no respect for this nation, no respect for our Constitution, no respect for our laws, and no respect for our hard-working citizens who - while trying to make enough to take care of their families - will be paying for their food / clothing / shelter / medical care / etc...

The FACT is you will NEVER see Hillary (or Obama) stand before the American people and try to make that case before them! The FACT is the American people would not buy that shite, which is why Obama and Hillary have to do it without the consent of the American people, just like with his war in Libya conducted without Congressional approval to do so. They KNOW the American people would not let them get away with it.

America rots, decays, and falls down around us in Chaos while these 2 can't spend our money fast enough to help Illegals and 'refugees' before Americans.
Notice how BUILDING A WALL and BANNING ALL MUSLIMS from entry to the USA is NOT even mentioned as one of his policy priorities?
Did you notice that Hillary's "policy" speech of yesterday covered about 5 minutes of policy and the rest of the time bashing Trump?

She feels "policy" plans for the next 8 years can be covered in 5 minutes?

Or did she maybe feel that she has plenty of time to go over all of her policy ideas over the next several months....maybe like Trump did?

In other words....come up with better criticism than that. It makes you look petty.
While Candycorn is indeed a Hillary Shill, (paid or not is up to debate, i say not) Your reference to Trutherism (with bonus its teh JOOOOOOS flavor) makes me ask why aren't you slumming in the CT with the rest of the mouth breathers?

Well, I’m late in reporting in to my Mossad handlers so I’ll be brief.

I called it “reheated pablum”….did you hear anything new in this speech? The “Clinton Cash” book quotations seem as though he just discovered the book.

He's going to pull jobs out of a hat.

Ta Da!

Actually, he has. Thousands of them.

Hillary claims to be able to create jobs....yet she doesn't really know how....well...except to and hire people to build things at the cost of the taxpayer

But then again...a monkey can do that. You know. Take from Peter to pay paul and then say you created income for paul.

The chinese and mexicans making his branded shirts are well employed.

He says he is going to cut taxes and then rebuild infrastructure, the military, and triple the size of the INS JBT (Jack Booted Thug) contingent…. Any clue how your messiah will do that?
His vision will increase the debt. I never doubted it.

He was not my fist choice....but I am sorry.....Clinton has shown me that she sees the general electorate as a bunch of unintelligent, non thinking people with her inane explanations of some of her actions, I can never consider voting for her.

When I vote for Trump, I will be voting for the cabinet around him. Not for him.

Not much different from me…

Good Point.

I won’t be voting for Hillary…will be voting for the 4-5 Supreme Court justices she will appoint…that is my main motivation; center/left jurists.

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