Wow..what if Hillary had done this

If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

So . . . you're outraged to discover that the laws are what they were written, rather than what you ASSumed and really, really, REALLY wished?

You leftists spend an awful lot of time being "outraged" by the "nefarious schemes" of working with the rules as they exist. And it's ridiculously hypocritical, given that your own leaders spend all their time trying to ignore or outright break the rules.
The point is why even have Trump and Biden on the ballot in those states since they can give Trump the states electors regardless of who wins..and your fine with that..I get it.

No, the point is, that's how the Electoral College was set up from the start, and Arizona could have chosen to change it when the other 32 states did so. It didn't. So yeah, I'm fine with the people of Arizona making their own choices about their state's laws for themselves. And you're fine with taking that choice away from them because you've decided you know better. I get it.
So we agree..your fine with a state ignoring its election results and just automatically giving Trump its electoral votes.

So we agree: you're fine with taking people's choice and freedom if it doesn't suit your agenda.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...
Hillary did plenty so no need to use your vivid imagination.

Got Americans killed in Benghazi to cover up her gun running to terrorists is the worse of course.

Laughed about getting a child molester off the hook.

Destroyed emails that were under subpoena.

Destroyed hard drives and phones that belonged to the government.

Called blacks super predators.

Allowed her husband to publicly humiliate her for political gain.

Was stupid enough to personally insult half the voters in 2016

Bitch is a total disaster
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day
Again UNLESS the law is already on the books they can not do that. If it IS on the books then they are legally allowed to do it. Funny how you liberals game laws all the time shop for judges to rule your way and that is fine, BUT let a conservative use the law, damn that is cheating.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

Its a fake story

If a state's citizens have elected a republican statehouse and Governor, that means that its a republican state and will vote for the republican

Unless there is massive voter fraud.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.
And you dont mind if a State gives all its electors to someone that did not win the state also, UNLESS you disagree with the compact and you should say so now or shut the hell up.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.
And you dont mind if a State gives all its electors to someone that did not win the state also, UNLESS you disagree with the compact and you should say so now or shut the hell up.
I say one man/one vote and disband the Electoral College..problem solved
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.

AGAIN, we get it. You're fine with passing laws forcing states to give Democrats all their electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state, but you want to pretend that you're "outraged" and have your panties all in a ruffle right now. Oh, and you somehow think that if you keep trying to fling accusations at me, you will somehow acquire the moral authority for accusing me, and deflect attention away from the truth.

I don't have to ask why you keep repeating yourself. It's because you're an ignorant moral pygmy with delusions of adequacy.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.

AGAIN, we get it. You're fine with passing laws forcing states to give Democrats all their electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state, but you want to pretend that you're "outraged" and have your panties all in a ruffle right now. Oh, and you somehow think that if you keep trying to fling accusations at me, you will somehow acquire the moral authority for accusing me, and deflect attention away from the truth.

I don't have to ask why you keep repeating yourself. It's because you're an ignorant moral pygmy with delusions of adequacy.
'AGAIN, we get it. You're fine with passing laws forcing states to give Democrats all their electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state,'..good lord. I favor one man/one vote and the hell with had comprehension problems in school didn't you?
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.

AGAIN, we get it. You're fine with passing laws forcing states to give Democrats all their electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state, but you want to pretend that you're "outraged" and have your panties all in a ruffle right now. Oh, and you somehow think that if you keep trying to fling accusations at me, you will somehow acquire the moral authority for accusing me, and deflect attention away from the truth.

I don't have to ask why you keep repeating yourself. It's because you're an ignorant moral pygmy with delusions of adequacy.
'AGAIN, we get it. You're fine with passing laws forcing states to give Democrats all their electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state,'..good lord. I favor one man/one vote and the hell with had comprehension problems in school didn't you?
We are NOT a democracy we are a Republic, you want that to change? Change the Constitution. Popular vote means only the big cities matter and that is NOT fair nor right.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.
And you dont mind if a State gives all its electors to someone that did not win the state also, UNLESS you disagree with the compact and you should say so now or shut the hell up.
I say one man/one vote and disband the Electoral College..problem solved

I say we don't agree on what the problem to be solved is, and no one values the opinion of someone who only wants to "solve the problem" of how to give the Democrat Party an unbreakable dictatorship.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.

AGAIN, we get it. You're fine with passing laws forcing states to give Democrats all their electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state, but you want to pretend that you're "outraged" and have your panties all in a ruffle right now. Oh, and you somehow think that if you keep trying to fling accusations at me, you will somehow acquire the moral authority for accusing me, and deflect attention away from the truth.

I don't have to ask why you keep repeating yourself. It's because you're an ignorant moral pygmy with delusions of adequacy.
'AGAIN, we get it. You're fine with passing laws forcing states to give Democrats all their electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state,'..good lord. I favor one man/one vote and the hell with had comprehension problems in school didn't you?

AGAIN, we get it. You're fine with ignoring laws that states have already passed because you've decided you know what's best for those voters better than they do. You also think we're all as stupid as you are and won't notice that you're playacting "outrage" over something the Democrats have been proudly trying to do out in the open for a long time now, without a single peep out of your hypocritical mouth.

You spent a lot of time in school smacking your head against walls, didn't you?
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...
Salon as a credible source? Sorry, you lose all credibility. Let me know when you want to have a serious conversation about a real subject.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.
We're also fine with a Democrat-controlled state giving all its electoral votes to Biden even if he loses the popular vote...if allowed by law.

You can't say you're okay with both scenarios. You only want the one

So shaddap, boy..
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.
We're also fine with a Democrat-controlled state giving all its electoral votes to Biden even if he loses the popular vote...if allowed by law.

You can't say you're okay with both scenarios. You only want the one

So shaddap, boy..
Once again..My 'scenario' is one man/one vote and get rid of the Electoral College. It will sink in for you eventually.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.
We're also fine with a Democrat-controlled state giving all its electoral votes to Biden even if he loses the popular vote...if allowed by law.

You can't say you're okay with both scenarios. You only want the one

So shaddap, boy..
Once again..My 'scenario' is one man/one vote and get rid of the Electoral College. It will sink in for you eventually.
There are more people in LA Country than in my entire state. They don't know shit about living in the rural south. They're not qualified to tell my how to live my life.

But it's obvious why you want to do away with the EC. Democrats never had a problem with it when Democrats won the electoral vote, regardless of the popular vote.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.
We're also fine with a Democrat-controlled state giving all its electoral votes to Biden even if he loses the popular vote...if allowed by law.

You can't say you're okay with both scenarios. You only want the one

So shaddap, boy..
Once again..My 'scenario' is one man/one vote and get rid of the Electoral College. It will sink in for you eventually.
Never gonna happen NO small state will EVER vote for an amendment like that and I doubt most mid sized states would either. It would allow the large cities and the largest states to control the Presidency with no real input from MOST States.
If Trump gets his way it will not matter who wins the popular vote in six key states, they will be obligated to have its electors vote for Trump...

That is TOTALLY LEGAL under The United States Constitution.
"Every state has allowed its voters to make the call in every election since the late 1800s. But in 2000, the Supreme Court held in Bush v. Gore that the states "can take back the power to appoint electors."...I think that means a republican controlled state can ignore the popular vote in that state if it goes Biden's way. Might as well not even have Trump and Biden on those state ballots.

Well, that'll teach you to try to think when you're obviously unequipped for it.

Most states have state laws requiring their electors to follow the popular vote for that state. And the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that electors do have to follow those laws if their state has them.
We are not talking about 'most states' we are talking six. Trump's people think their legislatures/governor can tell the electors to vote for Trump regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in that state, as per the 2000 SCOTUS ruling in Bush vs. Gore.

You're an idiot.
You do realize 2000 is a year right? in 'Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election. The ruling was issued on December 12, 2000. On December 9, the Court had preliminarily halted the Florida recount that was occurring.

Nothing to do with what you're talking about though.
It's the year the Bush vs. Gore ruling gave back the states right to use their electors anyway they wanted. 'States' being the operative word for governor or legislature. The fear is that say..Biden wins Arizona by 100,000 votes but the states electors are instructed to give all their votes to Trump anyway.

Well, that's certainly the fear your masters have ordered you to cringe and rant about, anyway. It's far more likely that Trump's campaign is looking at what to do in the event of unclear results that drag on too long. Did you really expect that you leftists were going to be able to brazenly upend the entire election process in full view of everyone, and no one would consider strategies to counteract you?

It really bugs you when people choose to have laws that operate differently from the way you want them to, doesn't it? Arizona could have passed a law binding its electors to the state's popular vote, the same way those other 32 states did. We chose not to. Who the fuck are you to come along now and remake our choice for us to suit your sensibilities?
Again Trump's base is fine with a state like Arizona telling it's you voted for Biden, well were going to give Trump all our electoral votes anyway...have a nice day

Again, you're fine with telling the voters of Arizona, "So you set these laws, but I know better than you, so we're going to do what I want instead of what you decided."

Also, may I point out that your hypocritical ass is supporting a party that has been clamoring for a while now for the "Popular Vote Compact", where the voters of Arizona would have their electors decided by other states regardless of Arizona's popular vote, so spare me your lies about how you're concerned about the will of Arizonans. The truth is that you want a world where your candidate wins no matter what, and people have no choice about the matter. Don't try to piss down my leg and then swear that it's raining, and don't try to tell me that your desperate fight for tyranny is anything but the evil that it is.
Jeezus!..AGAIN. we get it..we get it..your fine with a republican controlled state deciding to give Trump all it's electoral votes even if he loses the popular vote in that state 'because the law says so'. Why do you keep repeating yourself.
We're also fine with a Democrat-controlled state giving all its electoral votes to Biden even if he loses the popular vote...if allowed by law.

You can't say you're okay with both scenarios. You only want the one

So shaddap, boy..
Once again..My 'scenario' is one man/one vote and get rid of the Electoral College. It will sink in for you eventually.
The tyranny of the majority, eh? That's a recipe for disaster..and the Founders knew it. The EC is a good just needs to be law that the electors are bound by the popular vote. It helps to look 'big picture' with the Electoral College.

I think that more members on the SCOTUS would be more responsive to the public weal--and more inclined to activism. Better King Log than King Stork, as Aesop would have it

I'd leave the court alone...but I doubt the Democrats will.

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