Written for Donald Trump?

It was you who said that who you vote for is the reflection of you.

That is actually not what he said, he was referring to society in general not to specific individuals. There is a difference.

But you have now made it clear that you wish you were like Trump. That explains much.
It was you who said that who you vote for is the reflection of you.

That is actually not what he said, he was referring to society in general not to specific individuals. There is a difference.

But you have now made it clear that you wish you were like Trump. That explains much.

- Billion dollars
- Hot wife
. Smart beautiful kids
- Big tower
- Well liked
- Best president in American history.

I rather lived like him than the bitter Hillary voter voting for welfare bucks so she can abort her kids.
It was you who said that who you vote for is the reflection of you.

That is actually not what he said, he was referring to society in general not to specific individuals. There is a difference.

But you have now made it clear that you wish you were like Trump. That explains much.

- Billion dollars
- Hot wife
. Smart beautiful kids
- Big tower
- Well liked
- Best president in American history.

I rather lived like him than the bitter Hillary voter voting for welfare bucks so she can abort her kids.

I would rather live like me.

- Enough money to do whatever I like
- Hot wife...only one...never cheated on her. This is big deal in my view...you do not seem to agree.
- Smart beautiful kids
- Nice house
- Far more well liked than Trump. The majority of people do not Trump.

Once again, you claim you do not worship the man, yet you give him a title of best president in American history when he has not done much of anything.
It was you who said that who you vote for is the reflection of you.

That is actually not what he said, he was referring to society in general not to specific individuals. There is a difference.

But you have now made it clear that you wish you were like Trump. That explains much.

- Billion dollars
- Hot wife
. Smart beautiful kids
- Big tower
- Well liked
- Best president in American history.

I rather lived like him than the bitter Hillary voter voting for welfare bucks so she can abort her kids.

I would rather live like me.

- Enough money to do whatever I like
- Hot wife...only one...never cheated on her. This is big deal in my view...you do not seem to agree.
- Smart beautiful kids
- Nice house
- Far more well liked than Trump. The majority of people do not Trump.

Once again, you claim you do not worship the man, yet you give him a title of best president in American history when he has not done much of anything.

- Far more well liked than Trump?


And just minutes ago you were telling how people "worship" Trump. I have a newsflash, no one worships beta males.

At this rate I will be surprised if the Gator's will even be around in hundred years. Trump dynasty certainly will be, headed by men with balls who don't think invasion of their own country is a good idea.
- Far more well liked than Trump?


And just minutes ago you were telling how people "worship" Trump. I have a newsflash, no one worships beta males.

At this rate I will be surprised if the Gator's will even be around in hundred years. Trump dynasty certainly will be, headed by men with balls who don't think invasion of their own country is a good idea.

A small percent of the people worship him, that is true. But the majority of people do not even like the man. Besides, I have heard the statement from people they love their sibling, but do not really like them. Same thing could hold true for Trump worshipers.

I do not think the invasion of our own country is a good idea, not sure why this is so confusing for you. One can not worship Trump and still be against illegal immigration, but I doubt your little mind can conceive of such a thing.
"ours" Who do you speak for?

I speak for all who openly and proudly hate the Democrats guts.
That is Pathetic. Go to the ED and see what Republican is there to care for you.

Lib please the left hate us, we hate them right back plus we kick their ass.
Actually, I'm not a "Lib." All you do is forward hate comments. You are a USMB Orange Coward.

So you are a liberal collaborator, got it. Things are going great for the USA, what exactly is your beef with president Trump?
Your assessment is incorrect. Like a lot of things you post about on USMB. Plain wrong and dumb.
Where to even begin to answer your question...
A 73 year old bully, President Of The United States Of America deriding a 16 year old girl.
Yeah, defend that, blue.
It was you who said that who you vote for is the reflection of you.

That is actually not what he said, he was referring to society in general not to specific individuals. There is a difference.

But you have now made it clear that you wish you were like Trump. That explains much.

- Billion dollars
- Hot wife
. Smart beautiful kids
- Big tower
- Well liked
- Best president in American history.

I rather lived like him than the bitter Hillary voter voting for welfare bucks so she can abort her kids.
norm, you are so funny.
-Bankrupt how many times
-Porn wife, really classy
-Children that can't even hold their water in an interview, lol
-Towers he did not build and borrowed money to put his name on
-Well liked, LMFAO. You must not live in NY
-Worst President in American history, ever. Just ask W. He's thankful this Russian Goomba came along.
It was you who said that who you vote for is the reflection of you.

That is actually not what he said, he was referring to society in general not to specific individuals. There is a difference.

But you have now made it clear that you wish you were like Trump. That explains much.

- Billion dollars
- Hot wife
. Smart beautiful kids
- Big tower
- Well liked
- Best president in American history.

I rather lived like him than the bitter Hillary voter voting for welfare bucks so she can abort her kids.
norm, you are so funny.
-Bankrupt how many times
-Porn wife, really classy
-Children that can't even hold their water in an interview, lol
-Towers he did not build and borrowed money to put his name on
-Well liked, LMFAO. You must not live in NY
-Worst President in American history, ever. Just ask W. He's thankful this Russian Goomba came along.

President Trump has been bankrupt exactly zero times. Not surprising that someone relying on welfare mooching has confusion regarding the matter.

Best president ever.
Who watches videos of a rock concert? That's loser talk.

I can imagine, Gator with in-ears and small crappy monitor thinking that's the real thing. How sad... must be jealous...

It is not a rock concert, it is a worship service. Do try and keep up.


You look at that picture and tell me it's a religious ceremony and not a rock concert. Is that a mosh pit forming in the back? Even Gator can't self-delude this well. People loving making America great again. #MAGA

Looks a lot like this...

View attachment 297065

It looks a lot like this:

With the exception that they have many more AMERICAN flags. Many, many more...

The left hate that Trump is popular with the people and there's more people waiting outside of Trump rallies than even show up for their candidates. :21:

Sure thing, Spanky. Talk to a farmer.
Written for Trump
The Night Before Trumpmas:

'Twas the night before Trumpmas, and down in Palm Beach
An old fashioned holiday seemed out of reach

The guests all stood silent, not touching the food

As their host stormed around in a terrible mood

He ranted and raged and he made quite a scene

As he screamed how “The whole damn impeachment’s obscene!”

The Chinese intruders all scurried like mice

Each hand held a camera, and listening device

They planted their spyware and scurried away

And flew back to China the very next day

Then out in the driveway there came such a sound

That everyone’s heads started snapping around

The sound was so loud that the whole building shook

And Trump ran outside just to take a quick look

And what to his wondering eyes should appear

But a shiny Zil limo, red flags front and rear

The limo pulled in, and then moved up a tad

And out of the back seat popped good old Saint Vlad

He marched to the porch with a sly, knowing peek

And then he kissed Trump on each fat, orange cheek

He said to him, “Donald, I’ll fix all your pain

But just you remember, the culprit’s Ukraine!”

Then he sat on a desk like a bird on a perch

And he gave Trump his present, some oppo research

“Our software’s upgraded and the boys got the note

Next November you win in the popular vote”

Then he hopped off his perch and went back to his ride

But before getting in he pulled Donald aside

“Merry Christmas” he said, :Now you listen and hear

Those sanctions had better be gone by next year.”
"And out of the back seat popped good old Saint Vlad"

I knew that was coming! LOL!
It was you who said that who you vote for is the reflection of you.

That is actually not what he said, he was referring to society in general not to specific individuals. There is a difference.

But you have now made it clear that you wish you were like Trump. That explains much.

- Billion dollars
- Hot wife
. Smart beautiful kids
- Big tower
- Well liked
- Best president in American history.

I rather lived like him than the bitter Hillary voter voting for welfare bucks so she can abort her kids.
norm, you are so funny.
-Bankrupt how many times
-Porn wife, really classy
-Children that can't even hold their water in an interview, lol
-Towers he did not build and borrowed money to put his name on
-Well liked, LMFAO. You must not live in NY
-Worst President in American history, ever. Just ask W. He's thankful this Russian Goomba came along.

President Trump has been bankrupt exactly zero times. Not surprising that someone relying on welfare mooching has confusion regarding the matter.

Best president ever.
LOL! Wrong.

It was you who said that who you vote for is the reflection of you.

That is actually not what he said, he was referring to society in general not to specific individuals. There is a difference.

But you have now made it clear that you wish you were like Trump. That explains much.

- Billion dollars
- Hot wife
. Smart beautiful kids
- Big tower
- Well liked
- Best president in American history.

I rather lived like him than the bitter Hillary voter voting for welfare bucks so she can abort her kids.
norm, you are so funny.
-Bankrupt how many times
-Porn wife, really classy
-Children that can't even hold their water in an interview, lol
-Towers he did not build and borrowed money to put his name on
-Well liked, LMFAO. You must not live in NY
-Worst President in American history, ever. Just ask W. He's thankful this Russian Goomba came along.

President Trump has been bankrupt exactly zero times. Not surprising that someone relying on welfare mooching has confusion regarding the matter.

Best president ever.
LOL! Wrong.


Trump has NEVER filed a personal bankruptcy you moron.

I love these idiots who believe they are smarter than a billionaire. You could not run a lemonade stand. Stop lecturing people who actually get shit done. You are a worthless welfare moocher, remember?
That is actually not what he said, he was referring to society in general not to specific individuals. There is a difference.

But you have now made it clear that you wish you were like Trump. That explains much.

- Billion dollars
- Hot wife
. Smart beautiful kids
- Big tower
- Well liked
- Best president in American history.

I rather lived like him than the bitter Hillary voter voting for welfare bucks so she can abort her kids.
norm, you are so funny.
-Bankrupt how many times
-Porn wife, really classy
-Children that can't even hold their water in an interview, lol
-Towers he did not build and borrowed money to put his name on
-Well liked, LMFAO. You must not live in NY
-Worst President in American history, ever. Just ask W. He's thankful this Russian Goomba came along.

President Trump has been bankrupt exactly zero times. Not surprising that someone relying on welfare mooching has confusion regarding the matter.

Best president ever.
LOL! Wrong.


Trump has NEVER filed a personal bankruptcy you moron.

I love these idiots who believe they are smarter than a billionaire. You could not run a lemonade stand. Stop lecturing people who actually get shit done. You are a worthless welfare moocher, remember?
LOL! Personal. Corporate. Bankrupt. Here you go. Beotch. You really are dumb.

Donald Trump’s Business Failures Were Very Real
- Billion dollars
- Hot wife
. Smart beautiful kids
- Big tower
- Well liked
- Best president in American history.

I rather lived like him than the bitter Hillary voter voting for welfare bucks so she can abort her kids.
norm, you are so funny.
-Bankrupt how many times
-Porn wife, really classy
-Children that can't even hold their water in an interview, lol
-Towers he did not build and borrowed money to put his name on
-Well liked, LMFAO. You must not live in NY
-Worst President in American history, ever. Just ask W. He's thankful this Russian Goomba came along.

President Trump has been bankrupt exactly zero times. Not surprising that someone relying on welfare mooching has confusion regarding the matter.

Best president ever.
LOL! Wrong.


Trump has NEVER filed a personal bankruptcy you moron.

I love these idiots who believe they are smarter than a billionaire. You could not run a lemonade stand. Stop lecturing people who actually get shit done. You are a worthless welfare moocher, remember?
LOL! Personal. Corporate. Bankrupt. Here you go. Beotch. You really are dumb.

Donald Trump’s Business Failures Were Very Real

He has never filed for personal bankruptcy and never gone bankrupt.

We have yet a other loser who thinks he is better at running business than a billionaire, yet undoubtedly has trouble filling the welfare forms correctly. Rich...
Like him or not, Donald Trump embodies this poem more than any President since George Washington.


By Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
Wow, this DOES describe President Trump. Thanks for the post!
norm, you are so funny.
-Bankrupt how many times
-Porn wife, really classy
-Children that can't even hold their water in an interview, lol
-Towers he did not build and borrowed money to put his name on
-Well liked, LMFAO. You must not live in NY
-Worst President in American history, ever. Just ask W. He's thankful this Russian Goomba came along.

President Trump has been bankrupt exactly zero times. Not surprising that someone relying on welfare mooching has confusion regarding the matter.

Best president ever.
LOL! Wrong.


Trump has NEVER filed a personal bankruptcy you moron.

I love these idiots who believe they are smarter than a billionaire. You could not run a lemonade stand. Stop lecturing people who actually get shit done. You are a worthless welfare moocher, remember?
LOL! Personal. Corporate. Bankrupt. Here you go. Beotch. You really are dumb.

Donald Trump’s Business Failures Were Very Real

He has never filed for personal bankruptcy and never gone bankrupt.

We have yet a other loser who thinks he is better at running business than a billionaire, yet undoubtedly has trouble filling the welfare forms correctly. Rich...
Read it again. LOL!

norm, you are so funny.
-Bankrupt how many times
-Porn wife, really classy
-Children that can't even hold their water in an interview, lol
-Towers he did not build and borrowed money to put his name on
-Well liked, LMFAO. You must not live in NY
-Worst President in American history, ever. Just ask W. He's thankful this Russian Goomba came along.

President Trump has been bankrupt exactly zero times. Not surprising that someone relying on welfare mooching has confusion regarding the matter.

Best president ever.
LOL! Wrong.


Trump has NEVER filed a personal bankruptcy you moron.

I love these idiots who believe they are smarter than a billionaire. You could not run a lemonade stand. Stop lecturing people who actually get shit done. You are a worthless welfare moocher, remember?
LOL! Personal. Corporate. Bankrupt. Here you go. Beotch. You really are dumb.

Donald Trump’s Business Failures Were Very Real

He has never filed for personal bankruptcy and never gone bankrupt.

We have yet a other loser who thinks he is better at running business than a billionaire, yet undoubtedly has trouble filling the welfare forms correctly. Rich...

DJT just loves Cry Babbies! Beotch!

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