Written for Donald Trump?

Wall won't last long Mexicans have saws and ladders

We have helicopter gunships and about 80 billion bullets.
How long is that wall?? AND ONE thing your moron doesn't get The biggest part of the drugs coming into our country come thru our ports

Illegals are RAPING and KILLING Americans. Why don't you traitors on the left pick a number, how many Americans have to be RAPED and KILLED before you people stop siding, defending, and giving sanctuary to the illegals? Your ancestors felt that beat down. :auiqs.jpg:
That's 100% bullshit Blues nobody is defending rapists and killers ,foreign or home bred OOOOPS I forgot Trump pardoned a filthy murderer in the seals Guess Trump like murderers

You are not only defending them, you are giving them sanctuary in your cities and oppose every effort to keep them the hell out of OUR country in the first place. Hell YOU PEOPLE are promising them free healthcare for Christ sake.

Listen to me, you can't defend your position on this issue it will be the undoing of your whole damn party.
Like him or not, Donald Trump embodies this poem more than any President since George Washington.


By Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Give me a fucking break.

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
"I've been treated unfairly! (whine, whine, whine)

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
President Trump has made 13,435 false or misleading claims over 993 days

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
Bullshit, Trump calls it "counter-punching"

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
LOL, he's never come across as wise.

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
You've obviously never been to Trump's Twitter account

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
That he never pays for.

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
Then file bankruptcy 6 times and let the taxpayers bail your sorry ass out!

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
You've obviously never watched one of his rallies.

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
He's an elitist, you stupid azzhat.

Go crawl back up Trump's ass. You must be getting cold.
NOW the POS is trying to take over private land to build his BS wall

Just land Democrats own, he's building around Trump voter land. :muahaha:
Wall won't last long Mexicans have saws and ladders
They also have tunnels.

And traitors in the Dem party who defend illegals and give them sanctuary. Anti-Americans who side with foreign invaders who rape and kill Americans.
NOW the POS is trying to take over private land to build his BS wall

Just land Democrats own, he's building around Trump voter land. :muahaha:
Wall won't last long Mexicans have saws and ladders
They also have tunnels.

And traitors in the Dem party who defend illegals and give them sanctuary. Anti-Americans who side with foreign invaders who rape and kill Americans.

You're a fucking idiot who buys into propaganda DESPITE the facts of immigration and immigrants and our agriculture industry.

Immigrants Keep an Iowa Meatpacking Town Alive and Growing ...
Breaking News, World News & Multimedia › economy › storm-lake-iowa-immigrant-workers
May 29, 2017 - Had his wages kept up with inflation, he would be earning about $47 an hour ... Yet Storm Lake, hustled along by the relentless drive of manufacturers to cut labor costs and by the ... Storm Lake, with a population of roughly 11,000, is in no way ... His wife, Mayela, works from 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the pork plant, ...

Wisconsin's dairy industry would collapse without the work of Latino immigrants — many of them undocumented
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Milwaukee and Wisconsin breaking news and investigations › special-reports › dairy-crisis › 2019/11/12 › wi...
Nov 12, 2019 - The immigrants may have to work nights, milk hundreds of cows ... When Manuel left, Rosenow hired two more Mexican workers. .... Peck says consumers may fail to connect inexpensive milk at the ..... But dairy farmers cannot ignore the lessons of poultry and pork farms, Ikerd said, where small producers ...

These U.S. industries can't work without illegal immigrants ...
Jun 25, 2018 - Some 8 million undocumented workers pick American fruit, construct American buildings, raise American babies – and pay American taxes.
https://www.cbsnews.com › news › illegal-immigrants-us-jobs-economy-fa...

What do you think happens when unemployment drops below 3.5%????
Think! There are jobs that go unfilled.
These people are filling them because jerk offs like you will never take a job cutting the assholes out of dead pigs every day, right?
But I bet you like bacon with your eggs, right?
Last edited:
You're a fucking idiot who buys into propaganda DESPITE the facts of immigration and immigrants and our agriculture industry.

Watch me destroy this ^^^ Dem traitor who sides with illegals over Americans. An illegal in a Dem sanctuary city broke into a house and raped a 6 year old American girl in her own bed. YOU PEOPLE are partially responsible. The lot of you belong in prison as accessories to the illegal's millions of crimes against Americans. Thousands of Americans have been raped and killed by illegals. None of that would have occurred if we secured our borders and deported their asses back to their own countries.
You're a fucking idiot who buys into propaganda DESPITE the facts of immigration and immigrants and our agriculture industry.

Watch me destroy this ^^^ Dem traitor who sides with illegals over Americans. An illegal in a Dem sanctuary city broke into a house and raped a 6 year old American girl in her own bed. YOU PEOPLE are partially responsible. The lot of you belong in prison as accessories to the illegal's millions of crimes against Americans. Thousands of Americans have been raped and killed by illegals. None of that would have occurred if we secured our borders and deported their asses back to their own countries.
Got a link???
You're a fucking idiot who buys into propaganda DESPITE the facts of immigration and immigrants and our agriculture industry.

Watch me destroy this ^^^ Dem traitor who sides with illegals over Americans. An illegal in a Dem sanctuary city broke into a house and raped a 6 year old American girl in her own bed. YOU PEOPLE are partially responsible. The lot of you belong in prison as accessories to the illegal's millions of crimes against Americans. Thousands of Americans have been raped and killed by illegals. None of that would have occurred if we secured our borders and deported their asses back to their own countries.
Got a link???

This briefly made the news in 2017, it was so horrifying even the fake news reported on it. In Texas alone illegals have committed hundreds of thousands of crimes including thousands of sex crimes, murder, assault.

Look, I'm in favor of immigration I mean who wouldn't want to become an American. But we can't throw the goddamn borders open and allow animals to invade unchecked just so dickhead Democrats can rig elections.
NOW the POS is trying to take over private land to build his BS wall

Just land Democrats own, he's building around Trump voter land. :muahaha:
Wall won't last long Mexicans have saws and ladders
They also have tunnels.

And traitors in the Dem party who defend illegals and give them sanctuary. Anti-Americans who side with foreign invaders who rape and kill Americans.
Trumpy got you got and well. Keep on Trumpin!
Wall won't last long Mexicans have saws and ladders

We have helicopter gunships and about 80 billion bullets.
Jebuz Fucking Baby Krist. You Just make up the most idiotic Shit. Just like your Orange Over Lord.

I think you ae more stupid than DJT.

You liberal snowflakes really need to work on your sense of humor. :auiqs.jpg:
Sure, whatever you say, Spank Meister. You weren't kidding. And I'm not a liberal, certainly not a snowflake.
Wall won't last long Mexicans have saws and ladders

We have helicopter gunships and about 80 billion bullets.
Jebuz Fucking Baby Krist. You Just make up the most idiotic Shit. Just like your Orange Over Lord.

I think you ae more stupid than DJT.

You liberal snowflakes really need to work on your sense of humor. :auiqs.jpg:
Sure, whatever you say, Spank Meister. You weren't kidding. And I'm not a liberal, certainly not a snowflake.

Illegals RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans, pick a side.
Wall won't last long Mexicans have saws and ladders

We have helicopter gunships and about 80 billion bullets.
Jebuz Fucking Baby Krist. You Just make up the most idiotic Shit. Just like your Orange Over Lord.

I think you ae more stupid than DJT.

You liberal snowflakes really need to work on your sense of humor. :auiqs.jpg:
Sure, whatever you say, Spank Meister. You weren't kidding. And I'm not a liberal, certainly not a snowflake.

Illegals RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans, pick a side.
I don't picks sides based on hystericalism.

"RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans"

Jezuz, Dude, just go to fucking bed.
You're a fucking idiot who buys into propaganda DESPITE the facts of immigration and immigrants and our agriculture industry.

Watch me destroy this ^^^ Dem traitor who sides with illegals over Americans. An illegal in a Dem sanctuary city broke into a house and raped a 6 year old American girl in her own bed. YOU PEOPLE are partially responsible. The lot of you belong in prison as accessories to the illegal's millions of crimes against Americans. Thousands of Americans have been raped and killed by illegals. None of that would have occurred if we secured our borders and deported their asses back to their own countries.
Got a link???
He ain't got no link. He's just posting a bunch of negative, hate, ugly, nasty, Orangeness.
We have helicopter gunships and about 80 billion bullets.
Jebuz Fucking Baby Krist. You Just make up the most idiotic Shit. Just like your Orange Over Lord.

I think you ae more stupid than DJT.

You liberal snowflakes really need to work on your sense of humor. :auiqs.jpg:
Sure, whatever you say, Spank Meister. You weren't kidding. And I'm not a liberal, certainly not a snowflake.

Illegals RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans, pick a side.
I don't picks sides based on hystericalism.

"RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans"

Jezuz, Dude, just go to fucking bed.

Yes illegals RAPE and KILL thousand of Americans wake the fuck up, and stop voting until you do.
You're a fucking idiot who buys into propaganda DESPITE the facts of immigration and immigrants and our agriculture industry.

Watch me destroy this ^^^ Dem traitor who sides with illegals over Americans. An illegal in a Dem sanctuary city broke into a house and raped a 6 year old American girl in her own bed. YOU PEOPLE are partially responsible. The lot of you belong in prison as accessories to the illegal's millions of crimes against Americans. Thousands of Americans have been raped and killed by illegals. None of that would have occurred if we secured our borders and deported their asses back to their own countries.
Got a link???
He ain't got no link. He's just posting a bunch of negative, hate, ugly, nasty, Orangeness.

Your ignorance of events doesn't mean these things never happened. Wow this one ^^^ is a card carrying snowflake.
Occupy Democrats

Trump in 2011: "The president will start a war with Iran because he's weak and desperate to be re-elected"
UGH! EXACTLY WHAT HE'S DOING NOW! "Our president will start a war with Iran becaus… See More



Rob Spafford and 21K others
Does Trump not understand how video works ? How all the bashing he's done in the past comes back to hit the moron in the face?

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