WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

This is all the Dems have. Their desperation is so obvious. The economy is doing great, no new stupid wars, America is becoming great again, and they can’t stand it.

Let the petulant children throw their hissy fits all the until Election Day.

Then they will vote Trump out.
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
naw, the congress doesn't trump the DOJ, no matter how many times you wish to write it.

Yes they do. They can close down the DOJ by defunding it.
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
i think most people have different versions of what they consider "patriotic" these days. we tend to apply our own version and say the rest are wrong because hey, we're patriotic.

we can't keep demonizing each other and expect anything good to come out in the end of it.

1. Barr specifically lobbied for AG position by writing a letter to Trump all about how he could not possibly commit Obstruction of Justice if he obstructed by using on-it's-face normal powers.

According to this crazy fucking theory of presidency, Trump could pocket money from someone (legal) interested in firing an FBI director, and fire FBI director (legal). To all of sane world that is a crime called bribery. But to Barr that is a nothing-to-see-here since you have to infer President's corrupt intent. :rolleyes:

2. BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE. Barr did not simply present Mueller point of view and then offered his disgreement, Barr MISREPRESENTED Mueller's position that it was up to Congress (NOT AG!!!) to hold Trump accountable for the obstructive episodes report documents.

If you read his 4 page summary you come away with an impression that Mueller could not come to prosecuratorial descision, when in reality his position was that he CAN'T make a negative prosecutorial descision about a sitting POTUS.

Mueller himself wrote a letter of concern to Barr over this.

3. Barr's last testimony full of evasive manuevering and deciet made it perfectly clear to anyone who was not yet convinced that Barr is not there to serve the country as much as he was there to Roy Cohn for Trump.
In other words, you haven't read Barr's memo but you have strong opinions about it anyway. That's a definition of bigotry. While Mueller may not have been able to indict Trump while he was in office,, nothing prevented him from concluding Trump was guilty of obstruction and should be indicted when he leaves office if the evidence supported such a conclusion; the fact that Mueller never reached that conclusion shows he did not believe the evidence supported it.

As for Mueller's position on allowing Congress to decide, it was improper for him to suggest it in his report, since his job ended when he turned in the report. The real reason Mueller didn't offer an opinion on obstruction is that as Barr's memo pointed out the expanded definition of obstruction Mueller was using had no precedent in law and no case law to support it.

this is EXACTLY the misrepresentation of Muller’s position I was talking about.

NO, him not reaching a conclusion WAS NOT due to lack of evidence but due to his belief that it is not proper for him, an unelected person, to make a negative prosecutorial judgement on a sitting president.

You can agree with that view, you can disagree with that view, but Barr very specifically mislead the country on Special Prosecutor’s position.

What a completely ass-backward load of horseshit. I can't decide if you're really that fucking stupid, or just pathetically willing to look that stupid in service of your masters.

Hope they at least give you a Snausage, Fido.

Ok retard, come back when you can put togather a constructive response.

Okay, retard. Come back when you can post something that deserves a more "constructive" response.

Deserves? If you got nothing substantive to add to the conversation just shut the fuck up.
This is all the Dems have. Their desperation is so obvious. The economy is doing great, no new stupid wars, America is becoming great again, and they can’t stand it.

Let the petulant children throw their hissy fits all the until Election Day.
In the end run we conservative are kind people and we will let them participate in the benefits of what Trump is doing even though they are kicking and screaming ingrates.

Doesn't knees news post graphs?
The con created fewer jobs than Obama. Obamas last 2 years, the cons first 2?
Stock market is following Obama trend.
Remember he inherited s & p 6500 and losing 750000 jobs a month?
Pity 3/4 of the cult are too dumb to own a 501k
Chanting white boy slogans is enough??
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
i think most people have different versions of what they consider "patriotic" these days. we tend to apply our own version and say the rest are wrong because hey, we're patriotic.

we can't keep demonizing each other and expect anything good to come out in the end of it.
Who said
"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundel?"
"Freedom" is hilarious too
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
naw, the congress doesn't trump the DOJ, no matter how many times you wish to write it.

Yes they do. They can close down the DOJ by defunding it.
yeah let's see that.
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
i think most people have different versions of what they consider "patriotic" these days. we tend to apply our own version and say the rest are wrong because hey, we're patriotic.

we can't keep demonizing each other and expect anything good to come out in the end of it.
my patriotism is actually quite simple. protect our border or you're anti america; burn the flag, anti america; defund our military, anti america; ask for free shit, anti america. Can't say the pledge of allegiance, anti america. it's really quite simple.
In other words, you haven't read Barr's memo but you have strong opinions about it anyway. That's a definition of bigotry. While Mueller may not have been able to indict Trump while he was in office,, nothing prevented him from concluding Trump was guilty of obstruction and should be indicted when he leaves office if the evidence supported such a conclusion; the fact that Mueller never reached that conclusion shows he did not believe the evidence supported it.

As for Mueller's position on allowing Congress to decide, it was improper for him to suggest it in his report, since his job ended when he turned in the report. The real reason Mueller didn't offer an opinion on obstruction is that as Barr's memo pointed out the expanded definition of obstruction Mueller was using had no precedent in law and no case law to support it.

this is EXACTLY the misrepresentation of Muller’s position I was talking about.

NO, him not reaching a conclusion WAS NOT due to lack of evidence but due to his belief that it is not proper for him, an unelected person, to make a negative prosecutorial judgement on a sitting president.

You can agree with that view, you can disagree with that view, but Barr very specifically mislead the country on Special Prosecutor’s position.

What a completely ass-backward load of horseshit. I can't decide if you're really that fucking stupid, or just pathetically willing to look that stupid in service of your masters.

Hope they at least give you a Snausage, Fido.

Ok retard, come back when you can put togather a constructive response.

Okay, retard. Come back when you can post something that deserves a more "constructive" response.

Deserves? If you got nothing substantive to add to the conversation just shut the fuck up.
or what?
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
i think most people have different versions of what they consider "patriotic" these days. we tend to apply our own version and say the rest are wrong because hey, we're patriotic.

we can't keep demonizing each other and expect anything good to come out in the end of it.
my patriotism is actually quite simple. protect our border or you're anti america; burn the flag, anti america; defund our military, anti america; ask for free shit, anti america. Can't say the pledge of allegiance, anti america. it's really quite simple.
nothing is ever that simple. but not going to get into it.
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
i think most people have different versions of what they consider "patriotic" these days. we tend to apply our own version and say the rest are wrong because hey, we're patriotic.

we can't keep demonizing each other and expect anything good to come out in the end of it.
my patriotism is actually quite simple. protect our border or you're anti america; burn the flag, anti america; defund our military, anti america; ask for free shit, anti america. Can't say the pledge of allegiance, anti america. it's really quite simple.
nothing is ever that simple. but not going to get into it.
that wasn't simple? I can at least define mine, can you? or do you avoid the discussion for fear of exposing yourself? just asking politely here.
It is hardly surprising that Trumpians would be adverse to a full and responsible investigation, hearings and decisions made about the aMueller Report. William Barr has told you and Trump that there is no evidence of collusion. Mueller said collusion is not a legal term. Conspiracy is. Obstruction of justice is. But collusion is not.

Trump has told you there is nothing to see there. Mueller didn't. He said he could not exonerate Trump on charges of obstruction.

So, reassured by two authoritative voices, Trumpians are content. But not curious. Not willing to see congress as a co-equal branch of government. Not with constitutionally mandated duties to seek full answers from the witnesses who testified and from the Special Counsel himself. Trumpians call this duty unnecessary, meddling, intrusive and harassment.

How did Trumpians stray so far from the high regard to the constitution they so loudly claim? The charm and charisma of a New York real estate developer and con man. An unrepentant liar and cheat. A reality TV game show host.
Trump asserts executive privilege to keep full Mueller report SECRET as Bill Barr held in CONTEMPT | Daily Mail Online

If anyone should be held in Contempt it should be Nadler for criminally demanding the US AG break the law and for affecting this criminal political theatrical performance of voting Barr in Contempt for refusing to break the law by handing over information Nadler knows he has no legal right to see!

There is a much less redacted version of the report Nadler could have seen by now, but he has refused to do so because he knows there is nothing in it. Only this continuous political theater of false accusations and bogus Contempt Charges can keep the traitor-supporting snowflakes holding on while they continue to undermine the US govt / this administration and attempt to continue their e posed coup.

Complying with a Congressional subpoena is breaking the law? Well, that would be standard reverse lunacy for the cult.
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
i think most people have different versions of what they consider "patriotic" these days. we tend to apply our own version and say the rest are wrong because hey, we're patriotic.

we can't keep demonizing each other and expect anything good to come out in the end of it.

Pretty tough considering Trumpybear is a demonizer in chief.
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
i think most people have different versions of what they consider "patriotic" these days. we tend to apply our own version and say the rest are wrong because hey, we're patriotic.

we can't keep demonizing each other and expect anything good to come out in the end of it.
my patriotism is actually quite simple. protect our border or you're anti america; burn the flag, anti america; defund our military, anti america; ask for free shit, anti america. Can't say the pledge of allegiance, anti america. it's really quite simple.
nothing is ever that simple. but not going to get into it.
that wasn't simple? I can at least define mine, can you? or do you avoid the discussion for fear of exposing yourself? just asking politely here.
you don't accuse someone of not wanting to expose themselves and then go "hey i'm just being polite" - that aside -

there simply isn't 1 definition and that's pretty much how it's always been. you can throw some apple pie and chevrolets at me all you want and say SEE I AM and i'll go great, but that definition you sure are.

but we're not limited to 1 mindset or way of doing things, by design. to say "you do it this way or you are NOT xyz" - well thats just as ignorant as when the left chooses to define limited ways of being in "the right" - each oddly enough the ways they support.

this country isn't for 1 mindset. that you seem to think it is, well that does explain why others are NOT agreeing with you. unfortunately it's usually done inside their own "Patriotic Silo".
Trump asserts executive privilege to keep full Mueller report SECRET as Bill Barr held in CONTEMPT | Daily Mail Online

If anyone should be held in Contempt it should be Nadler for criminally demanding the US AG break the law and for affecting this criminal political theatrical performance of voting Barr in Contempt for refusing to break the law by handing over information Nadler knows he has no legal right to see!

There is a much less redacted version of the report Nadler could have seen by now, but he has refused to do so because he knows there is nothing in it. Only this continuous political theater of false accusations and bogus Contempt Charges can keep the traitor-supporting snowflakes holding on while they continue to undermine the US govt / this administration and attempt to continue their e posed coup.

Complying with a Congressional subpoena is breaking the law? Well, that would be standard reverse lunacy for the cult.
does he or does he not have access to a much less redacted report?

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