WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
i think most people have different versions of what they consider "patriotic" these days. we tend to apply our own version and say the rest are wrong because hey, we're patriotic.

we can't keep demonizing each other and expect anything good to come out in the end of it.

Pretty tough considering Trumpybear is a demonizer in chief.
Do you remember when Trump gave his first speech in Congress just after being sworn in and had his palms out in working with the Progs? All of the sorority girls in their mono colored outfits acting like children along with the black caucus and the self hating white guys with Nancy chewing the cud in her mouth was about as low as you can get. It was bad enough that Paul Ryan and the RINO frauds were on their way to reduce the signature agendas of this President. So much could have gotten done. And a lot of bipartisan legislation was possible. Yeah...Trump came bearing an olive branch. All he got back was hate.
In other words, you haven't read Barr's memo but you have strong opinions about it anyway. That's a definition of bigotry. While Mueller may not have been able to indict Trump while he was in office,, nothing prevented him from concluding Trump was guilty of obstruction and should be indicted when he leaves office if the evidence supported such a conclusion; the fact that Mueller never reached that conclusion shows he did not believe the evidence supported it.

As for Mueller's position on allowing Congress to decide, it was improper for him to suggest it in his report, since his job ended when he turned in the report. The real reason Mueller didn't offer an opinion on obstruction is that as Barr's memo pointed out the expanded definition of obstruction Mueller was using had no precedent in law and no case law to support it.

this is EXACTLY the misrepresentation of Muller’s position I was talking about.

NO, him not reaching a conclusion WAS NOT due to lack of evidence but due to his belief that it is not proper for him, an unelected person, to make a negative prosecutorial judgement on a sitting president.

You can agree with that view, you can disagree with that view, but Barr very specifically mislead the country on Special Prosecutor’s position.

What a completely ass-backward load of horseshit. I can't decide if you're really that fucking stupid, or just pathetically willing to look that stupid in service of your masters.

Hope they at least give you a Snausage, Fido.

Ok retard, come back when you can put togather a constructive response.

Okay, retard. Come back when you can post something that deserves a more "constructive" response.

Deserves? If you got nothing substantive to add to the conversation just shut the fuck up.

Hold your breath waiting until your impotent ass has the ability to make me do anything, Junkless. Not let you talk unopposed, and not treat your lies as serious, legitimate points worthy of debate.

If you're going to continue asserting talking points as fact without regard to whether they match the facts or even make any sense, then I'm going to continue pointing out that you're a mindless drone groveling for the pleasure of your political masters. And there's not a damned thing you can do to stop me. I guess you're welcome to run away and make it obvious to everyone that you can't handle dissent. After all, I doubt you have enough self-respect mustered to care about looking like a coward.
Trump asserts executive privilege to keep full Mueller report SECRET as Bill Barr held in CONTEMPT | Daily Mail Online

If anyone should be held in Contempt it should be Nadler for criminally demanding the US AG break the law and for affecting this criminal political theatrical performance of voting Barr in Contempt for refusing to break the law by handing over information Nadler knows he has no legal right to see!

There is a much less redacted version of the report Nadler could have seen by now, but he has refused to do so because he knows there is nothing in it. Only this continuous political theater of false accusations and bogus Contempt Charges can keep the traitor-supporting snowflakes holding on while they continue to undermine the US govt / this administration and attempt to continue their e posed coup.
Vlad is Proud of you, bot
vlad "the impaler" was romanian, not russian.

you can't even get your insults correct, why should people give you any credit for your "opinions"?
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
i think most people have different versions of what they consider "patriotic" these days. we tend to apply our own version and say the rest are wrong because hey, we're patriotic.

we can't keep demonizing each other and expect anything good to come out in the end of it.

Pretty tough considering Trumpybear is a demonizer in chief.
Do you remember when Trump gave his first speech in Congress just after being sworn in and had his palms out in working with the Progs? All of the sorority girls in their mono colored outfits acting like children along with the black caucus and the self hating white guys with Nancy chewing the cud in her mouth was about as low as you can get. It was bad enough that Paul Ryan and the RINO frauds were on their way to reduce the signature agendas of this President. So much could have gotten done. And a lot of bipartisan legislation was possible. Yeah...Trump came bearing an olive branch. All he got back was hate.
blindboo is someone i have to keep on ignore. everything is a one way street with him, like many on both sides these days.

one way streets lead to our own destruction.
Earlier today the House Judiciary Committee voted to recommend holding Attorney General William Barr in contempt for refusing to break the law and release classified information. The Democrats are looking for a new target after the Mueller Report came up empty and are now blaming AG Barr.

Jim Jordan scorches his Democratic colleagues for playing partisan politics and trying to send a sitting Attorney General to jail for following the law.

That's why the Democrats are pulling this latest charade. To discredit Barr's investigation into
the email and FISA warrant which is underway.
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
can you please explain why the 2nd version without anywhere NEAR the redactions are simply not enough for you or the dems?

didn't think so.

Mueller's Summary is enough for me. The "Dirty Don" was warned about the Russian attempts and was asked to report any contact. He took the warnings and used them as an opportunity and continuously denied any contact until they couldn't anymore.

I don't think most Americans think that is okay or very patriotic of a man running for President.

But that's just me.
i think most people have different versions of what they consider "patriotic" these days. we tend to apply our own version and say the rest are wrong because hey, we're patriotic.

we can't keep demonizing each other and expect anything good to come out in the end of it.

Pretty tough considering Trumpybear is a demonizer in chief.
Do you remember when Trump gave his first speech in Congress just after being sworn in and had his palms out in working with the Progs? All of the sorority girls in their mono colored outfits acting like children along with the black caucus and the self hating white guys with Nancy chewing the cud in her mouth was about as low as you can get. It was bad enough that Paul Ryan and the RINO frauds were on their way to reduce the signature agendas of this President. So much could have gotten done. And a lot of bipartisan legislation was possible. Yeah...Trump came bearing an olive branch. All he got back was hate.

Nope, got a link, a transcript or a simple quote or something ?
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy nut, who turned his head the other way when wrestlers were being molested at Ohio State. Mark Coleman who often shared a room with Jordan while the wrestling team was on the road, said there was NO WAY Jordan didn't know what was going on. Funny how that suddenly went away... Jordan is a scumbag for not doing something. A person that knows people are being sexually assaulted and doesn't speak up, isn't much better than the person that does the sexual assaults. So think about that when you keep talking this asshole up.

"Also Thursday, Mark Coleman, another former wrestler and a former UFC world champion, told The Wall Street Journal that Jordan was aware of the abuse and had not taken action. “There’s no way unless he’s got dementia or something that he’s got no recollection of what was going on at Ohio State,” said Coleman, who said he was Jordan's roommate on several wrestling trips."

More Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about sexual abuse

Got anything ON topic?
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy nut, who turned his head the other way when wrestlers were being molested at Ohio State. Mark Coleman who often shared a room with Jordan while the wrestling team was on the road, said there was NO WAY Jordan didn't know what was going on. Funny how that suddenly went away... Jordan is a scumbag for not doing something. A person that knows people are being sexually assaulted and doesn't speak up, isn't much better than the person that does the sexual assaults. So think about that when you keep talking this asshole up.

"Also Thursday, Mark Coleman, another former wrestler and a former UFC world champion, told The Wall Street Journal that Jordan was aware of the abuse and had not taken action. “There’s no way unless he’s got dementia or something that he’s got no recollection of what was going on at Ohio State,” said Coleman, who said he was Jordan's roommate on several wrestling trips."

More Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about sexual abuse

Got anything ON topic?

Was responding to the person above me that said he would vote for him in 2024...

Not to mention, pretty hard for a guy to "scorch" Democrats when it is coming from a guy that didn't have enough morals to turn in a doctor sexually assaulting students.
Jim Jordan didn't scorch anyone. Nothing he said was even remotely on topic. His defense was to instead say Barr was going to expose things done to Trump.


So now anyone that wants to vote for the scumbag that let The Ohio State University team doctor sexually assault student athletes is the scum of the Earth.
Jim Jordan didn't scorch anyone. Nothing he said was even remotely on topic. His defense was to instead say Barr was going to expose things done to Trump.


So now anyone that wants to vote for the scumbag that let The Ohio State University team doctor sexually assault student athletes is the scum of the Earth.
So was Jordan ever present when the perv doctor abused these grown men?

Why couldn’t these adult men report to the authorities themselves or better yet punch the faggot doctor in the face themselves? They weren’t children, they were adults going to college.

Yet you are blaming an assistant coach, just one of many staff members, who was never present during one of these “assaults” nor did he ever witness it, as stated by these victims.
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy nut, who turned his head the other way when wrestlers were being molested at Ohio State. Mark Coleman who often shared a room with Jordan while the wrestling team was on the road, said there was NO WAY Jordan didn't know what was going on. Funny how that suddenly went away... Jordan is a scumbag for not doing something. A person that knows people are being sexually assaulted and doesn't speak up, isn't much better than the person that does the sexual assaults. So think about that when you keep talking this asshole up.

"Also Thursday, Mark Coleman, another former wrestler and a former UFC world champion, told The Wall Street Journal that Jordan was aware of the abuse and had not taken action. “There’s no way unless he’s got dementia or something that he’s got no recollection of what was going on at Ohio State,” said Coleman, who said he was Jordan's roommate on several wrestling trips."

More Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about sexual abuse

Maybe he was just being inclusive of the queens that were on the wrestling team. If you want to rub another guys junk what business is it of mine. Were any of the Wrestlers Juveniles? No! You really can't sexually assault a consenting adult. You ever see how f'ing strong these wrestlers are you ain't sexually assaulting one of these guys. Looking the other way while your roomie takes it up the shoot is not a crime, or even wrong. If He had reported it he would probably been called a homophobe and run out of his job . Nice try Moonbat! Who was molesting these wrestlers? I must have missed that.
uh, exactly what room would that be ?
Select Congressmen can go read the unredacted report any time they want to. It's kept in a secure room to insure no leaking. It's not 100% unredacted because some parts can't be unredacted by law. You wouldn't want Barr to violate the law would you?

wrong buffalo breath -

its not a bill thats been passed like the ACA or a Highway Spending bill-

in case you havent heard its the results of a FEDERAL INVESTIGATION.

You have no idea how stupid your last post was do you?
It is against the law to release to the public certain parts of Muellers report because it can taint the jury pool of ongoing investigations. It's also against the law to release testimony of those who have been investigated but shall not be prosecuted due to the fact that such release of data would be prejudicial to the individuals in question.

Change the fucking channel and watch something other than the Left wing spin on the news.


It would be illegal to give it to them. What part of that do you not understand?
The DOJ admits that there are exceptions where Congress can obtain grand jury material and it has been upheld in court, however much depends on the material and how it will be handled in congress. Unless the two sides come to agreement which seems unlikely now, Barr will be charged with contempt and the case will go to court which may not be resolved till after the election. The question for both sides will be whether this helps or hurts Trump.
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The Justice Department expected Mueller to make a decision and he failed to, so your argument that he was somehow prevented by DoJ rules from making a decision of obstruction has no merit. Mueller is still employed by Justice and is still bound by its rules and by instructions from the AG, but Barr has said he will not object to Mueller testifying, so brace yourself for another disappointment if Mueller decides to testify.
Trump could never be brought to trial before the next election. He could block any attempt with multiple legal objections and actions that would have to work their way through the courts. However, what is going on in the House is about the election in 2020 and it may well be laying the groundwork for an impeachment after the election if needed.
I agree with you that what the Democrats in the House are doing is purely political and has nothing at all to do with their legitimate duties as members of Congress. However, the reason the President can't be brought to trial is that there is no evidence he commited a crime. Since collusion is not a crime, at the times Trump is accused of trying to obstruct the investigation, Mueller was not conducting a criminal investigation, therefore interfering with Mueller investigation about non criminal matters could not be construed as obstruction of justice. Impeachment, which may happen, would be just a political gesture by the Democrats, nothing more.
Yes, investigating the president for a possible bill of impeachment is pure politics because that is what impeachment is, a political process to remove a government official from office, not a legal process. The House of Representative has the authority to investigate any government official, including the president to gather information for a Bill of Impeachment.

It's not pure politics, far from considering the substance of Trump's behavior in office, including many of the episodes documented in the special council's report.

What is the precedent for the Presidency of the United States of America going forward if Trump simply walks off such blatant obstruction of justice? Trump will come and go but the swampy new norms left behind will stink for generations.
When I say, it's pure politics I'm referring to the impeachment process. Impeachment is simply a way of removing a person who is unfit for office. It is a political process. Removal does not even require charges of criminal activity. Little deportation, it is not punishment. It is simply correction in status.
So you think the Constitutional requirement that a President can only be removed for "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" was just a suggestion from the founding fathers? Another example of what Democrats mean when they say the Constitution is a living document.
Earlier today the House Judiciary Committee voted to recommend holding Attorney General William Barr in contempt for refusing to break the law and release classified information. The Democrats are looking for a new target after the Mueller Report came up empty and are now blaming AG Barr.

Jim Jordan scorches his Democratic colleagues for playing partisan politics and trying to send a sitting Attorney General to jail for following the law.

That's why the Democrats are pulling this latest charade. To discredit Barr's investigation into
the email and FISA warrant which is underway.

Gym Jordan has no credibility. Zero. He is a fire-breathing NaziCon.

Jim Jordan smoked the democrats this morning. I'm not sure what your cartoon was supposed to say, but Jim Jordan is an amazing athlete, and he has the democrat's collusion scam nailed. Guys like Jordan and Barr and Nunes are going to expose the biggest political scandal in US history.
Jim Jordan (American politician) - Wikipedia
"Jordan was born and raised in Champaign County, Ohio, and attended Graham High School, graduating in 1982. While at Graham, he was a four-time state wrestling champion with a career record of 150–1. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1986, obtaining his bachelor's degree in economics.

Jordan was a two-time NCAA Division I wrestling champion. In the 1985 NCAA championship match, Jordan defeated future two-time Olympic gold medalist and four-time world champion John Smith.

He later earned a master's degree in education from the Ohio State University in Columbus, and in 2001 obtained his J.D. degree from Capital University Law School, also in Columbus."

The democrats have no credibility, just watch what happens in 2020 after Barr exposes the deep state plot to defeat Trump. The democrat's bullshit is not going to deter a champion from doing his job.
Trump could never be brought to trial before the next election. He could block any attempt with multiple legal objections and actions that would have to work their way through the courts. However, what is going on in the House is about the election in 2020 and it may well be laying the groundwork for an impeachment after the election if needed.
I agree with you that what the Democrats in the House are doing is purely political and has nothing at all to do with their legitimate duties as members of Congress. However, the reason the President can't be brought to trial is that there is no evidence he commited a crime. Since collusion is not a crime, at the times Trump is accused of trying to obstruct the investigation, Mueller was not conducting a criminal investigation, therefore interfering with Mueller investigation about non criminal matters could not be construed as obstruction of justice. Impeachment, which may happen, would be just a political gesture by the Democrats, nothing more.
Yes, investigating the president for a possible bill of impeachment is pure politics because that is what impeachment is, a political process to remove a government official from office, not a legal process. The House of Representative has the authority to investigate any government official, including the president to gather information for a Bill of Impeachment.

It's not pure politics, far from considering the substance of Trump's behavior in office, including many of the episodes documented in the special council's report.

What is the precedent for the Presidency of the United States of America going forward if Trump simply walks off such blatant obstruction of justice? Trump will come and go but the swampy new norms left behind will stink for generations.
When I say, it's pure politics I'm referring to the impeachment process. Impeachment is simply a way of removing a person who is unfit for office. It is a political process. Removal does not even require charges of criminal activity. Little deportation, it is not punishment. It is simply correction in status.
So you think the Constitutional requirement that a President can only be removed for "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" was just a suggestion from the founding fathers? Another example of what Democrats mean when they say the Constitution is a living document.
I don't know how you reached that conclusion. You either do not understand impeachment or you do not understand my post.

Impeachment is a political process in the constitution for removing government officials. It was used in colonies to remove judges and other government officials. The reasons for removal was commonly referred to as High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

High Crimes and Misdemeanor covers a wide range of allegations of misconduct by officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, and tax evasion. Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for nonofficial, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office.

Chief Justice John Marshall had this to say about impeachment in a ruling in 1803. “The constitution [is] intended to endure for ages to come and, consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs.” In the context of impeachment, this means that the Constitution cannot be expected to specify in detail every ground on which impeachment is or is not permissible. If it attempted to do so, an individual who should be impeached might evade this punishment because the officer’s conduct does not meet some technical element of the definition even though the officer’s conduct had so harmed the nation that all agree the officer should be removed. Instead, the Constitution sets forth the general principle of impeachment and leaves its more specific definition to be developed by the House of Representatives and the Senate".
The Scope of the Impeachment Power:  What are “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”? By Neil J. Kinkopf - The Scope of the Impeachment Power: What are “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”?
this is EXACTLY the misrepresentation of Muller’s position I was talking about.

NO, him not reaching a conclusion WAS NOT due to lack of evidence but due to his belief that it is not proper for him, an unelected person, to make a negative prosecutorial judgement on a sitting president.

You can agree with that view, you can disagree with that view, but Barr very specifically mislead the country on Special Prosecutor’s position.

What a completely ass-backward load of horseshit. I can't decide if you're really that fucking stupid, or just pathetically willing to look that stupid in service of your masters.

Hope they at least give you a Snausage, Fido.

Ok retard, come back when you can put togather a constructive response.

Okay, retard. Come back when you can post something that deserves a more "constructive" response.

Deserves? If you got nothing substantive to add to the conversation just shut the fuck up.

Hold your breath waiting until your impotent ass has the ability to make me do anything, Junkless. Not let you talk unopposed, and not treat your lies as serious, legitimate points worthy of debate.

If you're going to continue asserting talking points as fact without regard to whether they match the facts or even make any sense, then I'm going to continue pointing out that you're a mindless drone groveling for the pleasure of your political masters. And there's not a damned thing you can do to stop me. I guess you're welcome to run away and make it obvious to everyone that you can't handle dissent. After all, I doubt you have enough self-respect mustered to care about looking like a coward.

...and another content free post. You get off on this?
Trumpybear can only delay its release to the committees.

Looks like the DOJ is aiding the President in obstructing the House of Representatives ability to carry out it's constitutional responsibility. They need to see all the evidence, in un-redacted form, to decide whether or not to impeach Dirty Don.

What's he trying to hide?
naw, the congress doesn't trump the DOJ, no matter how many times you wish to write it.

The DOJ doesn't Trump the Constitution.
well it does the congress. can congress convene a grand jury? come on now, how much you think you know?

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