wtf how do republicans explain this one?

guess we will never know the truth on this and the thugs of BP will get away with it
I have a feeling Louisiana will be doing a ton of investigating and will hammer away at the feds to do likewise.
wtf how do republicans explain this one?

The simple answer is, "they don't".

Look at Halliburton.

Thousands of Americans lose their retirement and life savings. The first thing out of Bush mouth was "they are innocent".

Halliburton has received more than 20 billion dollars in American money from the US since 2003 in no-bid contracts from the Republicans. See how it works? Halliburton rips off Americans and then those same Americans pay Halliburton even MORE. The very people that were ripped off.

Republicans protected and helped this corporation. Worse, most of those that got fucked by Halliburton, will now fuck the country by voting Republican. Isn't that hilarious?

Worst, Halliburton is all tied up with BP. Halliburton and BP fuck Americans, but Republicans do it by proxy, using Halliburton and BP.


The Securities & Exchange Commission is already investigating accounting practices at Halliburton. The company has said it is cooperating with the probe but believes it did nothing wrong.

Cheney was chairman and chief executive of Halliburton from 1995 to 2000.

Jennifer Millerwise, a Cheney spokeswoman, said: "This is a case without merit" -- a line echoed by White House spokesman Ari Fleischer.

The suit was filed a day after President Bush called for higher ethical standards for corporations, stricter laws against abuses and more responsible business leaders Tuesday in the shadow of corporate misdeeds by Enron, WorldCom and other major companies. - Suit accuses Cheney, firm of fraudulent accounting - July 11, 2002


News Flash:

Republicans win House and Senate - middle class Americans get royally screwed.
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I'd be intersted in learning how many were paid off or members of this administration to take the fall in order to justify Opuka's oil industry shut-down.

He's wanted to do it from day one. I knew when he took office that he would find a way. This was like a little present to him.
do you have a link to the bill and the individual votes...

something seems off....the house its 420-1...and the is senate is that different..
I'd be intersted in learning how many were paid off or members of this administration to take the fall in order to justify Opuka's oil industry shut-down.

He's wanted to do it from day one. I knew when he took office that he would find a way. This was like a little present to him.

Who would "pay" for a shut down. The money is in keeping the oil flowing.

You better review your Republican "sound bytes" and "slogans" pamphlett. You missed one of the classes.
murkins duped again.
Until CEO's and their bums of directors start shedding their own blood, it'll remain that way forever.
It's coming.......... but drugged up murkins are very slow to wake up.
nevermind, it never made it to vote.....and this happened june 30....why is this now current?
why is the video so heavily edited....

I am not sure. this whole thing is weird, I just found out its about a month old and there was no stories on it then but now all sorts of sites are linking to it and talking about it.... weird
why is the video so heavily edited....

I am not sure. this whole thing is weird, I just found out its about a month old and there was no stories on it then but now all sorts of sites are linking to it and talking about it.... weird

its almost 2 months old...and all i can find about this is from left wing sites...

i'll wait until i get more info
We have a judicial branch that can decide whether BP was negligent or liable for any damages. We don't need a "Presidential commission" to perform a witch hunt when our system is already in place.
Senate Republicans block BP investigation | MNN - Mother Nature Network[/url]

Senate Republicans recently blocked a bill that would give the presidential commission investigating the BP oil spill full subpoena powers in order to protect their pals in the oil industry.

how the fuck do they explain this?

A "Presidential commission" should not have such power over citizens.
You'd best review just who BP is "buddies" with; I'd recomment starting with the release of the Lockerbie bomber, with the tacit approval of the current POTUS.
Senate Republicans block BP investigation | MNN - Mother Nature Network[/url]

Senate Republicans recently blocked a bill that would give the presidential commission investigating the BP oil spill full subpoena powers in order to protect their pals in the oil industry.

how the fuck do they explain this?

A "Presidential commission" should not have such power over citizens.
You'd best review just who BP is "buddies" with; I'd recomment starting with the release of the Lockerbie bomber, with the tacit approval of the current POTUS.

Of course the release of the Lockerbie bomber is not the jurisdiction of the U.S. government so it doesn't matter whether Obama approves of it or not.
wtf how do republicans explain this one?

The simple answer is, "they don't".

Look at Halliburton.

Thousands of Americans lose their retirement and life savings. The first thing out of Bush mouth was "they are innocent".

Halliburton has received more than 20 billion dollars in American money from the US since 2003 in no-bid contracts from the Republicans. See how it works? Halliburton rips off Americans and then those same Americans pay Halliburton even MORE. The very people that were ripped off.

Republicans protected and helped this corporation. Worse, most of those that got fucked by Halliburton, will now fuck the country by voting Republican. Isn't that hilarious?

Worst, Halliburton is all tied up with BP. Halliburton and BP fuck Americans, but Republicans do it by proxy, using Halliburton and BP.


The Securities & Exchange Commission is already investigating accounting practices at Halliburton. The company has said it is cooperating with the probe but believes it did nothing wrong.

Cheney was chairman and chief executive of Halliburton from 1995 to 2000.

Jennifer Millerwise, a Cheney spokeswoman, said: "This is a case without merit" -- a line echoed by White House spokesman Ari Fleischer.

The suit was filed a day after President Bush called for higher ethical standards for corporations, stricter laws against abuses and more responsible business leaders Tuesday in the shadow of corporate misdeeds by Enron, WorldCom and other major companies. - Suit accuses Cheney, firm of fraudulent accounting - July 11, 2002


News Flash:

Republicans win House and Senate - middle class Americans get royally screwed.

How about this?

The Plum Line - Good: Senate GOP will lift block on subpoena power against BP

Gee, it seems you are spreading more lies because the bill is actually proceeding.
do you have a link to the bill and the individual votes...

something seems off....the house its 420-1...and the is senate is that different..

It was actually blocked by Issa, and no one seems to know why, including him. The block has been lifted, and the final vote should be soon.

Glad to see not everyone here reacts with typical partisanship.

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