WTF is wrong with these churches that open to hold sermons?

God creates evil and good.

Wrong. Atheists are usually wrong. God created free will. You create evil or good df.
I don't agree, God creates evil. There is no Satan, God does it all according to scriptures.
Penelope sez: "God creates evil. There is no Satan, God does it all according to scriptures."​
Your misinterpretation of the Good Book is noted.
You misinterpretation of the scriptures is highly noted, and you are a Christian??

So then he has mercy on whomever he chooses, and he hardens the heart of whomever he chooses (Romans 9:18)

According to you God is not all that powerful.
You're perverse and a liar.
You have shown you are double-minded.

So God is not all that powerful? and Romans 19 is a lie, good to know, then the whole of scriptures is one big lie.
That's a silly comment. God is most certainly all powerful. That He chooses not to exercise His power in certain situations is His business.
So he is all powerful over the so called devil.

You are double minded, and you know what they say about that.
“A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways”
oh---you are dictating
Not in the least, quite the opposite. No one should be dictating. We are all free to do what we believe best in the long run.

where is it that public health laws do not apply. Would Jesus support your notion?
where is it that public health laws do not apply. Would Jesus support your notion?
the christians are very concerned in congress - by deleting any liability laws that will cause them an inconvenience when ignoring guidelines for public safety.

huh? what laws were "deleted"?
huh? what laws were "deleted"?

Mitch McConnell Wants to Shield Companies From Liability in Coronavirus-Related Suits

WASHINGTON—Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Republican lawmakers on a private call that he wants to shield companies from liability over pandemic-related suits and doesn’t support including an infrastructure package in a coronavirus relief bill,

it's either delete the liability laws or no more stimulus ... $1200.00 ck.

tramp is all in w/ mc-connell both at request of the evangelicals ...

oh---they're playing the pork barrel and special interests game-----SO? what else is new?
oh---you are dictating
Not in the least, quite the opposite. No one should be dictating. We are all free to do what we believe best in the long run.

where is it that public health laws do not apply. Would Jesus support your notion?
That's funny... public health laws

When people enter this country illegally, they are not entering with a clean bill of health
Maybe that's how this shit got here

Before any of this people were freely shitting and pissing and puking and shooting up
wherever they felt like in Nan nan's San outbreak of disease waiting to happen

You don't like the teachings of Jesus so what is your point
God creates evil and good.

Wrong. Atheists are usually wrong. God created free will. You create evil or good df.
I don't agree, God creates evil. There is no Satan, God does it all according to scriptures.
Penelope sez: "God creates evil. There is no Satan, God does it all according to scriptures."​
Your misinterpretation of the Good Book is noted.
You misinterpretation of the scriptures is highly noted, and you are a Christian??

So then he has mercy on whomever he chooses, and he hardens the heart of whomever he chooses (Romans 9:18)

According to you God is not all that powerful.
You're perverse and a liar.
You have shown you are double-minded.

So God is not all that powerful? and Romans 19 is a lie, good to know, then the whole of scriptures is one big lie.
That's a silly comment. God is most certainly all powerful. That He chooses not to exercise His power in certain situations is His business.
So he is all powerful over the so called devil.

You are double minded, and you know what they say about that.
“A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways”
Good for them. That will teach them!!

They got what they deserved!!
As will you ...sooner then you know

I may, if you don't wear a mask and social distance.
Only where its required of me, otherwise I don't nor haven't
Stay in the fucking house then if you're that afraid

So you are a Christian, endangering all in your site. What a Christian man you are , NOT!!
You're right, I'm not a man
and I didn't say I was a Christian, you did

I'm not endangering anyone...people are free to stay in their safe space
oh---you are dictating
Not in the least, quite the opposite. No one should be dictating. We are all free to do what we believe best in the long run.

where is it that public health laws do not apply. Would Jesus support your notion?
where is it that public health laws do not apply. Would Jesus support your notion?
the christians are very concerned in congress - by deleting any liability laws that will cause them an inconvenience when ignoring guidelines for public safety.

huh? what laws were "deleted"?
huh? what laws were "deleted"?

Mitch McConnell Wants to Shield Companies From Liability in Coronavirus-Related Suits

WASHINGTON—Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Republican lawmakers on a private call that he wants to shield companies from liability over pandemic-related suits and doesn’t support including an infrastructure package in a coronavirus relief bill,

it's either delete the liability laws or no more stimulus ... $1200.00 ck.

tramp is all in w/ mc-connell both at request of the evangelicals ...

oh---they're playing the pork barrel and special interests game-----SO? what else is new?
what the democrats passed is new - undoubtedly they will fold its all been disappointing to date, either side have accomplished little of value - nothing new there.
oh---you are dictating
Not in the least, quite the opposite. No one should be dictating. We are all free to do what we believe best in the long run.

where is it that public health laws do not apply. Would Jesus support your notion?
That's funny... public health laws

When people enter this country illegally, they are not entering with a clean bill of health
Maybe that's how this shit got here

Before any of this people were freely shitting and pissing and puking and shooting up
wherever they felt like in Nan nan's San outbreak of disease waiting to happen

You don't like the teachings of Jesus so what is your point

your comment on the entry of illegals to this country and their state of health is not at issue. The discussion is of PUBLIC HEALTH LAWS. The illegals are governed under the same public health laws as are the
legals. As to the "teachings of Jesus"-----where did I comment on them? Have you any idea was to what the "teachings of Jesus" are in relation to public health? He seems to have been fascinated with the BAPTIZER----a ritual of public health at that time
oh---you are dictating
Not in the least, quite the opposite. No one should be dictating. We are all free to do what we believe best in the long run.

where is it that public health laws do not apply. Would Jesus support your notion?
That's funny... public health laws

When people enter this country illegally, they are not entering with a clean bill of health
Maybe that's how this shit got here

Before any of this people were freely shitting and pissing and puking and shooting up
wherever they felt like in Nan nan's San outbreak of disease waiting to happen

You don't like the teachings of Jesus so what is your point

your comment on the entry of illegals to this country and their state of health is not at issue. The discussion is of PUBLIC HEALTH LAWS. The illegals are governed under the same public health laws as are the
legals. As to the "teachings of Jesus"-----where did I comment on them? Have you any idea was to what the "teachings of Jesus" are in relation to public health? He seems to have been fascinated with the BAPTIZER----a ritual of public health at that time
The entry of illegals...pc for illegal crossing
So, their state of health is not an issue huh...
they are governed under the same public health laws as the rest of us


Ok then, since you don't have a problem with illegals entering our country illegally
and possibly bringing SARS Cov 2 with them, or AIDS, Measles, TB or THE SWINE FLU AGAIN
don't preach to us about public health laws and insist those of us who refuse to wear masks
need to be prisoners of yours fears so you can bring it down a notch

As far as your ridiculous BAPTIZER comment...can't fix stupid
oh---you are dictating
Not in the least, quite the opposite. No one should be dictating. We are all free to do what we believe best in the long run.

where is it that public health laws do not apply. Would Jesus support your notion?
That's funny... public health laws

When people enter this country illegally, they are not entering with a clean bill of health
Maybe that's how this shit got here

Before any of this people were freely shitting and pissing and puking and shooting up
wherever they felt like in Nan nan's San outbreak of disease waiting to happen

You don't like the teachings of Jesus so what is your point

your comment on the entry of illegals to this country and their state of health is not at issue. The discussion is of PUBLIC HEALTH LAWS. The illegals are governed under the same public health laws as are the
legals. As to the "teachings of Jesus"-----where did I comment on them? Have you any idea was to what the "teachings of Jesus" are in relation to public health? He seems to have been fascinated with the BAPTIZER----a ritual of public health at that time
The entry of illegals...pc for illegal crossing
So, their state of health is not an issue huh...
they are governed under the same public health laws as the rest of us


Ok then, since you don't have a problem with illegals entering our country illegally
and possibly bringing SARS Cov 2 with them, or AIDS, Measles, TB or THE SWINE FLU AGAIN
don't preach to us about public health laws and insist those of us who refuse to wear masks
need to be prisoners of yours fears so you can bring it down a notch

As far as your ridiculous BAPTIZER comment...can't fix stupid

your answer is that which is stupid and sick with
dissembling. At no time did I SUPPORT illegal
immigration. It is YOU who claim, IDIOTICALLY,
that since there is illegal immigration that YOU should
not have to use a mask which is a measure very useful
in stemming the spread of THE VIRUS------sorta like
idiots who do not understand that the rules of BAPTISM---two thousand years ago, were part of the
PUBLIC HEALTH program at that time----along with
rules of quarantine (same with handwashing------something upon which some really stupid morons have heaped scorn for MILLENNIA because it was edited out of civilized behavior by the romans)
Someone would have to spread it to me first....which means the virus is out there doing what viruses do. I refuse to live in fear of it and see no need to. On the other hand, if so much as an allergy causes me to sneeze, I would wear a mask when going to the store so as not to cause undo worry. My heart goes out to those who are so fearful, but those of us who are not should set our own example.

yes, Grovelling in front of the Imaginary Sky Man is more important than protecting your health.
I would say it will be the non-believers who will be groveling. Believers still want churches to pray and worship God in, but can't do it right now. It's due to the "god of the world and the prince of the power of the air" that has you under his influence.

Buddy, Satan is even sillier than God.
oh---you are dictating
Not in the least, quite the opposite. No one should be dictating. We are all free to do what we believe best in the long run.

where is it that public health laws do not apply. Would Jesus support your notion?
That's funny... public health laws

When people enter this country illegally, they are not entering with a clean bill of health
Maybe that's how this shit got here

Before any of this people were freely shitting and pissing and puking and shooting up
wherever they felt like in Nan nan's San outbreak of disease waiting to happen

You don't like the teachings of Jesus so what is your point

your comment on the entry of illegals to this country and their state of health is not at issue. The discussion is of PUBLIC HEALTH LAWS. The illegals are governed under the same public health laws as are the
legals. As to the "teachings of Jesus"-----where did I comment on them? Have you any idea was to what the "teachings of Jesus" are in relation to public health? He seems to have been fascinated with the BAPTIZER----a ritual of public health at that time
The entry of illegals...pc for illegal crossing
So, their state of health is not an issue huh...
they are governed under the same public health laws as the rest of us


Ok then, since you don't have a problem with illegals entering our country illegally
and possibly bringing SARS Cov 2 with them, or AIDS, Measles, TB or THE SWINE FLU AGAIN
don't preach to us about public health laws and insist those of us who refuse to wear masks
need to be prisoners of yours fears so you can bring it down a notch

As far as your ridiculous BAPTIZER comment...can't fix stupid

your answer is that which is stupid and sick with
dissembling. At no time did I SUPPORT illegal
immigration. It is YOU who claim, IDIOTICALLY,
that since there is illegal immigration that YOU should
not have to use a mask which is a measure very useful
in stemming the spread of THE VIRUS------sorta like
idiots who do not understand that the rules of BAPTISM---two thousand years ago, were part of the
PUBLIC HEALTH program at that time----along with
rules of quarantine (same with handwashing------something upon which some really stupid morons have heaped scorn for MILLENNIA because it was edited out of civilized behavior by the romans)
Yeah, I don't think so IDIOT
It is YOU who is claiming as much

Who the fuck are you to tell me what I have to do for you
Here's an ideal...stay in the fucking house until you feel it's safe to rejoin society
You're so deathly afraid of catching this virus because people aren't wearing masks
yet you'll be running to the doctor to get some kind of virus in the form of a vaccine

That is fucked up

BAPTISM...ok, whatever you say
Someone would have to spread it to me first....which means the virus is out there doing what viruses do. I refuse to live in fear of it and see no need to. On the other hand, if so much as an allergy causes me to sneeze, I would wear a mask when going to the store so as not to cause undo worry. My heart goes out to those who are so fearful, but those of us who are not should set our own example.

yes, Grovelling in front of the Imaginary Sky Man is more important than protecting your health.
Why do you say this? I haven't said a thing about gathering for worship. I have been observing how some react to the virus versus how I see it. Speaking of how people see things so very differently...groveling is not what happens in Church, Synagogue, Temple. We celebrate!
It's caused another outbreak of COVID-19. This is the devil's work you idiots!

Why are you worried? If you think it is crazy no one is forcing you to go to church, so stay away and mind your own business

The one thing I don't understand about liberals is why they are complaining to begin with. They do everything they can to censor Christians and when Christians choose to pray in church amid a pandemic, the liberals act like they should still be running our lives by implying you'll get Covid 19 if you go to church. Liberals are control freaks. They need to shut up and allow people to exercise their Freedoms and if liberals don't want to go to church - stay at home. But, don't presume you have the Right to tell Christians how to live their life.
The one thing I don't understand about liberals is why they are complaining to begin with. They do everything they can to censor Christians and when Christians choose to pray in church amid a pandemic, the liberals act like they should still be running our lives by implying you'll get Covid 19 if you go to church. Liberals are control freaks. They need to shut up and allow people to exercise their Freedoms and if liberals don't want to go to church - stay at home. But, don't presume you have the Right to tell Christians how to live their life.
Benjamin Franklin was once in a situation where the debate was over whether the legislature should tax people to protect them from marauding Native American populations. Some were in favor of such tax/protection, some were not. Mr. Franklin noted for that particular situation, "...those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

While our differences today is not over whether to tax or not tax everyone to secure desired protection, how much of my liberty are some willing to appropriate for their safety? Especially when science and models have been so far off in the present situation...
The one thing I don't understand about liberals is why they are complaining to begin with. They do everything they can to censor Christians and when Christians choose to pray in church amid a pandemic, the liberals act like they should still be running our lives by implying you'll get Covid 19 if you go to church. Liberals are control freaks. They need to shut up and allow people to exercise their Freedoms and if liberals don't want to go to church - stay at home. But, don't presume you have the Right to tell Christians how to live their life.
Benjamin Franklin was once in a situation where the debate was over whether the legislature should tax people to protect them from marauding Native American populations. Some were in favor of such tax/protection, some were not. Mr. Franklin noted for that particular situation, "...those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

While our differences today is not over whether to tax or not tax everyone to secure desired protection, how much of my liberty are some willing to appropriate for their safety? Especially when science and models have been so far off in the present situation...

I would never trade Liberty for Safety. It is, however, the argument of liberals and the creed of slaves to impose it upon their fellow man.
I would never trade Liberty for Safety. It is, however, the argument of liberals and the creed of slaves to impose it upon their fellow man.
Yes, nor was I suggesting that you would. I was simply building on what you so aptly presented. I think it is a shame to see signs of so many fearful people. I remember one of Christ's favorite greetings: Peace... That is what I think we should all remember each time we step outside. Peace.

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