Wyoming GOP Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party

Ouch. That had to sting a little. :laughing0301:

"The Wyoming Republican Party has voted to stop recognizing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as a member of the Republican Party...

The 31-29 vote Saturday in Buffalo, Wyoming, by the state party central committee followed votes by local GOP officials in about one-third of Wyoming's 23 counties to no longer recognize Cheney as a Republican," The Associated Press reported. "In February, the Wyoming GOP central committee voted overwhelmingly to censure Cheney, Wyoming's lone U.S. representative, for voting to impeach Trump."

Wyoming Republican Party Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party | The Daily Wire
Pouty little betas.....:heehee:
Ouch. That had to sting a little. :laughing0301:

"The Wyoming Republican Party has voted to stop recognizing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as a member of the Republican Party...

The 31-29 vote Saturday in Buffalo, Wyoming, by the state party central committee followed votes by local GOP officials in about one-third of Wyoming's 23 counties to no longer recognize Cheney as a Republican," The Associated Press reported. "In February, the Wyoming GOP central committee voted overwhelmingly to censure Cheney, Wyoming's lone U.S. representative, for voting to impeach Trump."

Wyoming Republican Party Votes To Stop Recognizing Liz Cheney As Member Of Party | The Daily Wire
I find it funny that several on the left honestly believe she will win re-election. I was all for her having her own opinions and even voting against Trump but then she just kept on going on and on and on and on over a guy who is no longer president. She has been infected with TDS. She cooked her own goose by not letting up on a subject which just plain wasn't relevant. If she would have just let it go early on voters would have forgiven her but she just couldn't shut up when it was time to shut up.
Political office is all about representing the people.

If that fucker doesn't do what the the people want, the people kick her the fuck out.

This is totally not cancel culture. It's politics.
No, he's not a libertarian....He's a liberoidal who knows all the boilerplate, so that he can invoke at the drop of the hat to try and score points with the cool kids.

He's as phony as Mac, with only about 1/4 of the insufferable piety.

I knew that all along. I just wanted him to know that I knew that all along. :laughing0301:
Why would the Wyoming GOP want Rep Cheney. She is a pariah…
So, when someone gets fired for a political point of view, that is not cancel culture as they are free to pursue a job with any other company.

Got it.

Is your job dependent on that political view?

This is not an example of cancel culture any more than a protestant church ejecting a priest that declares Islam is the true religion. People stating it so are being dense ON PURPOSE.

More people that have not the faintest clue what cancel culture is.
Don't be so negative....a third party made of trump cultists is a wonderful idea for America.
lol. Of course anyone on the left would think so, that would be the largest political victory for a party in the nations history.
So is Sleepy Joe, that was one less vote for Trump.

Not that it would have mattered.

You are correct, it would not have. Biden got over a million more votes in my state than did Trump. My vote for Jo had the exact same result as if I had voted for Trump, except that I did not need to shower after voting nor feel that i had sold my soul to the duopoly devil.
So is Sleepy Joe, that was one less vote for Trump.

Not that it would have mattered.
She was pro open borders in essence. She wasn't just for amnesty for illegals, she wants to give them citizenship

That alone disqualified her for consideration by ANY rational american.


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