Yeah, conservatives are probably right. We don't need an infrastructure bill...

We need to spend money on infrastructure.

Just not spend trillions of dollars on useless and destructive Left Wing programs and payoffs to the filthy ass Progressive special interest groups and call it "infrastructure", which is what the goddamn dishonest Democrats did.
How about those states and localities that have kept up to date on their maintenance, so they don't need emergency repairs?

I guess they are just screwed?

Brandon's Infrastructure Atrocity will actually encourage more of what we saw in Pennsylvania today as local governments will figure why bother with maintenance, Uncle Sam will bail us out and we can distribute our tax funds to our cronies instead.
Wow…. lightbulb moment that highlights how an idea to “help all” on paper can go to pot -literally- keeping outcome travel conditions the same or possibility making them even worse. Thanks PP for providing the needed spotlight, I had yet to connect the dots.
One can oppose the Brandon version of fixing our infrastructures and yet still support fixing our national infrastructures.

A bill stocked with lard and no true concern with costs is absurd.
Sure, Bluto can post the pork
Is there some reason Pennsylvania or Pittsburgh couldn't properly maintain the bridge?

Yes there is.

The money was appropriated for fixing this bridge in 2016. But the City Fathers decided that green energy and bike lanes were more important.

We need to spend money on infrastructure.

Just not spend trillions of dollars on useless and destructive Left Wing programs and payoffs to the filthy ass Progressive special interest groups and call it "infrastructure", which is what the goddamn dishonest Democrats did.
Can you post the items that issue with?
Yes there is.

The money was appropriated for fixing this bridge in 2016. But the City Fathers decided that green energy and bike lanes were more important.

The American Stinker strikes again!

"reportedly diverted".. as in, we're just making shit up again!
A conservative has already posted that the PA bridge was not a federal concern, but now another conservative posts that it was and it was Obama's fault.

Is that another example of QOP pretzel logic?
It's an example that anyone who doesn't know the actual law shouldn't post what they consider to be a fact; that includes the 2 of us.
Ok let me introduce myself, to begin with I'm not a male I'm an old mother, grandmother od 13 great grandmother of 15'so far' in my 70s.
I probably have grandkids older than you according to your lack of language skills that is.
So I prefer you call me an old southern belle racist if you don't mind! And I sure could use some slaves around the farm because I black and blue from overwork. I have been a slave like everyone else working for the man most of my life and glad to have had the work.
Well Mammy, good for you. You just keep votin for conservatives until they send you to the glue factory.
Again, you're the one asserting pork, but apparently can't name it.

You aren't here to debate anything, you're just another deviant shill, so quit pretending anybody needs to answer your bullshit demands. You vermin can look it up like anybody else.

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