Yeap, food shortages happening. The marxist playbook being executed.

I have a local means of production that will meet my critical need.

It will be fun watching the dem zombies eat one another.

What's even more fun right now is seeing how frantically they are whistling past the graveyard.
Trump's reelection campagin will be an easy one. " Do you and your family want to eat? Then vote for me. "

Lol 🤣🤣🤣 Trump accomplished nothing except pissing off our allies and hurting US farmers.
Sure some special niche farmers who had stupidly bet on soy beans for higher profit got burned. But that's it. All told the Agri-sector did exceedingly well under trump with record low food prices and huge supply surpluses that made scale more possible for everyone. So um.....I guess it's good to reconfirm that you speak from a position of total political bias and wouldn't care one way or another what the real facts are. But...we knew that already with your constant support of the Crack-head DNC stooge in Ukraine.

Sure some special niche farmers who had stupidly bet on soy beans for higher profit got burned. But that's it. All told the Agri-sector did exceedingly well under trump with record low food prices and huge supply surpluses that made scale more possible for everyone. So um.....I guess it's good to reconfirm that you speak from a position of total political bias and wouldn't care one way or another what the real facts are. But...we knew that already with your constant support of the Crack-head DNC stooge in Ukraine.

Farmers have been planting soybeans for export for 60 years. What are you talking about?
Well their already 5 finger discounting a lot of merchandise. Groceries will be next
Oh're right. In fact it might start happening right outside the doors of the supermarket with groceries that people paid for already being taken away from them. One cop wouldn't be enough to stop it.

Been warning you for a while now about the playbook. Been storing things for a while now.

18 fires have destroyed various food processing plants and warehouses over the last 5 months in America.


Some mods don't think that has ANYTHING to do about politics. There have also, coincidentally been a large number of fires destroying food warehouses around the world like in the UK among many others.


All of that is just a coincidence with the world leaders all telling us it is all Russias fault. All 18 fires of warehouses and food processing plants in America over the last 5 months are all Putin's fault.

What a mind job. Bunch of possessed idiots. Also Been telling you the time for debating these radicals has long been over.

Farmers have been planting soybeans for export for 60 years. What are you talking about?
I'm talking about the recent significant migration of farmers who dissed local staple crops to fill the demand from China. They knew what the risks were when they did it. Corn acerage, grass grain acerage and other staple crops were cast aside in the rush so yeah they gambled and lost. As I remember they did get some type of cash remunerations. Don't know about the past 60 years I'll take your word for it. I'm talking about the past 10-15. The rationale was that the beans were cheaper to grow...more productive in pounds per acre and in a rising price market.

So many farmers switched for a bigger bottom line. It was a small but vocal group that was overhyped by the Anti-Trump/ pro China media.
I'm talking about the recent significant migration of farmers who dissed local staple crops to fill the demand from China. They knew what the risks were when they did it. Corn acerage, grass grain acerage and other staple crops were cast aside in the rush so yeah they gambled and lost. As I remember they did get some type of cash remunerations. Don't know about the past 60 years I'll take your word for it. I'm talking about the past 10-15. The rationale was that the beans were cheaper to grow...more productive in pounds per acre and in a rising price market.

So many farmers switched for a bigger bottom line. It was a small but vocal group that was overhyped by the Anti-Trump/ pro China media.
In 2017 Trump cost South Carolina soybean farmers 187 million dollars. The whole soybean market moved to Brazil permanently.

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