Yemeni Missiles target Saudi Military base after Saudi terror attack on Sanaa

Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemen merciless. Even despite a truce forced by the UN. Over 5000 civilians were killed by the Saudi war crimes so far. 5000 civilians, whose fate is not interesting Al-Qaeda propaganda birds like Sally. In an act of revenge, the Yemeni army launched a missile precision strike on a strategic military base in southern Saudi Arabia after a new Saudi strike on Sanaa that left dozen of people dead.

Brigadier General Sharaf Luqman of the Yemeni army said the base has been destroyed.

Yemeni Missiles Target Strategic Military Base in Najran
Your propaganda of "fighting terrorism" is caduc as you support Houthi terrorists in Yemen and the theocratic system of Iran!
In sharp contrast to FSA and co, the Houthis aren´t terrorists. Mentioning the cruel Saudi bombing campaign is not supporting the Houthis, btw. Furthermore, it is the Yemeni army that has launched strikes on SA now for several times, not the Houthis.

Bullshit-------HEZBOLLAH-----houthis is another word for HEZBOLLAH-----
exported terrorists compliments of Iran into YEMEN------Local terrorism in
Yemen also includes INDIGENOUS BAATHIST pigs. Baathist pigs have been
operating in Yemen since circa 1950. ----they are sunnis but like the Baathist
pigs of Syria-----they are allied now with Hezbollah Shiite shit
Nonsense. You have no example for terrorism by the Houthis.

ROFLMAO--------so hubby's friend from Sanaa has no idea?-----houthis

What is I???

Let's just say I'm a vet that realizes that our troops will end up having to go back into the region to clean up Obozo's mess, especially if ISIS or another terrorist group hits us (and that it's only a matter until it happens)...

I also realize that it will be much more dangerous for our troops to go back into that unstable region if it goes nuclear, or if the terrorists get their hands on a nuclear weapon (both for our troops and the citizens here)....

Considering what effect Obozo's blunders have had on our security and the safety of our troops, the Libs support for him is sheer insanity, and it also shows a reckless disregard for the safety of our troops (in spite of their supposed concern for our troops' welfare)...
Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemen merciless. Even despite a truce forced by the UN. Over 5000 civilians were killed by the Saudi war crimes so far. 5000 civilians, whose fate is not interesting Al-Qaeda propaganda birds like Sally. In an act of revenge, the Yemeni army launched a missile precision strike on a strategic military base in southern Saudi Arabia after a new Saudi strike on Sanaa that left dozen of people dead.

Brigadier General Sharaf Luqman of the Yemeni army said the base has been destroyed.

Yemeni Missiles Target Strategic Military Base in Najran
Your propaganda of "fighting terrorism" is caduc as you support Houthi terrorists in Yemen and the theocratic system of Iran!
In sharp contrast to FSA and co, the Houthis aren´t terrorists. Mentioning the cruel Saudi bombing campaign is not supporting the Houthis, btw. Furthermore, it is the Yemeni army that has launched strikes on SA now for several times, not the Houthis.

Bullshit-------HEZBOLLAH-----houthis is another word for HEZBOLLAH-----
exported terrorists compliments of Iran into YEMEN------Local terrorism in
Yemen also includes INDIGENOUS BAATHIST pigs. Baathist pigs have been
operating in Yemen since circa 1950. ----they are sunnis but like the Baathist
pigs of Syria-----they are allied now with Hezbollah Shiite shit
Nonsense. You have no example for terrorism by the Houthis.

ROFLMAO--------so hubby's friend from Sanaa has no idea?-----houthis
So they fight terrorism?
Your propaganda of "fighting terrorism" is caduc as you support Houthi terrorists in Yemen and the theocratic system of Iran!
In sharp contrast to FSA and co, the Houthis aren´t terrorists. Mentioning the cruel Saudi bombing campaign is not supporting the Houthis, btw. Furthermore, it is the Yemeni army that has launched strikes on SA now for several times, not the Houthis.

Bullshit-------HEZBOLLAH-----houthis is another word for HEZBOLLAH-----
exported terrorists compliments of Iran into YEMEN------Local terrorism in
Yemen also includes INDIGENOUS BAATHIST pigs. Baathist pigs have been
operating in Yemen since circa 1950. ----they are sunnis but like the Baathist
pigs of Syria-----they are allied now with Hezbollah Shiite shit
Nonsense. You have no example for terrorism by the Houthis.

ROFLMAO--------so hubby's friend from Sanaa has no idea?-----houthis
So they fight terrorism?

houthis------armed by Iran have destroyed SANAA and ADEN ----the streets of those cities--------which are the major cities of Yemen-----run read with blood
at the hands of IRANIAN ARMED HOUTHIS--------the average Yemeni has a dagger and maybe a pistol-------no match for the Iranian supplied houthis and---
the Baathist Yemenis ----the FAVORITES of PUTINESQUE Russia ----and the favorites of SOVIET RUSSIA from the 1950s and various fellow Baathist pigs---they are largely concentrated in south yemen. Baathist pig Nasser even supplied them with NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS----way back in the 1950s. Of course they are fighting "terrorism" just as STALIN fought "terrorism"
In sharp contrast to FSA and co, the Houthis aren´t terrorists. Mentioning the cruel Saudi bombing campaign is not supporting the Houthis, btw. Furthermore, it is the Yemeni army that has launched strikes on SA now for several times, not the Houthis.

Bullshit-------HEZBOLLAH-----houthis is another word for HEZBOLLAH-----
exported terrorists compliments of Iran into YEMEN------Local terrorism in
Yemen also includes INDIGENOUS BAATHIST pigs. Baathist pigs have been
operating in Yemen since circa 1950. ----they are sunnis but like the Baathist
pigs of Syria-----they are allied now with Hezbollah Shiite shit
Nonsense. You have no example for terrorism by the Houthis.

ROFLMAO--------so hubby's friend from Sanaa has no idea?-----houthis
So they fight terrorism?

houthis------armed by Iran have destroyed SANAA and ADEN ----the streets of those cities--------which are the major cities of Yemen-----run read with blood
at the hands of IRANIAN ARMED HOUTHIS--------the average Yemeni has a dagger and maybe a pistol-------no match for the Iranian supplied houthis and---
the Baathist Yemenis ----the FAVORITES of PUTINESQUE Russia ----and the favorites of SOVIET RUSSIA from the 1950s and various fellow Baathist pigs---they are largely concentrated in south yemen. Baathist pig Nasser even supplied them with NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS----way back in the 1950s. Of course they are fighting "terrorism" just as STALIN fought "terrorism"
Prove that Iran is supplying the Houthis with arms. Both deny it. It does not have anything to do with the topic, btw. While thousands are dying at the hand of the Saudis, you are accusing the Houthis. I am sick of discussing with such filth that is anti-humanitarian to such an extend that their minds keep being iced even in hell.

Why cannot be a report about war crimes here, without filth coming and trying to distract from the topic?
Why don´t you make your own thread in which you can put your racist hate posts? You indeed learned a lot in that Nazi hole you used to live in.

That silence about the Yemeni victims is astonishing - the more so as the FSA´s and Al-Qaeda´s "barrel bomb" propaganda with staged pictures of the alleged aftermath is in the medias each day.
Bullshit-------HEZBOLLAH-----houthis is another word for HEZBOLLAH-----
exported terrorists compliments of Iran into YEMEN------Local terrorism in
Yemen also includes INDIGENOUS BAATHIST pigs. Baathist pigs have been
operating in Yemen since circa 1950. ----they are sunnis but like the Baathist
pigs of Syria-----they are allied now with Hezbollah Shiite shit
Nonsense. You have no example for terrorism by the Houthis.

ROFLMAO--------so hubby's friend from Sanaa has no idea?-----houthis
So they fight terrorism?

houthis------armed by Iran have destroyed SANAA and ADEN ----the streets of those cities--------which are the major cities of Yemen-----run read with blood
at the hands of IRANIAN ARMED HOUTHIS--------the average Yemeni has a dagger and maybe a pistol-------no match for the Iranian supplied houthis and---
the Baathist Yemenis ----the FAVORITES of PUTINESQUE Russia ----and the favorites of SOVIET RUSSIA from the 1950s and various fellow Baathist pigs---they are largely concentrated in south yemen. Baathist pig Nasser even supplied them with NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS----way back in the 1950s. Of course they are fighting "terrorism" just as STALIN fought "terrorism"
Prove that Iran is supplying the Houthis with arms. Both deny it. It does not have anything to do with the topic, btw. While thousands are dying at the hand of the Saudis, you are accusing the Houthis. I am sick of discussing with such filth that is anti-humanitarian to such an extend that their minds keep being iced even in hell.

Why cannot be a report about war crimes here, without filth coming and trying to distract from the topic?
Why don´t you make your own thread in which you can put your racist hate posts? You indeed learned a lot in that Nazi hole you used to live in.

That silence about the Yemeni victims is astonishing - the more so as the FSA´s and Al-Qaeda´s "barrel bomb" propaganda with staged pictures of the alleged aftermath is in the medias each day.

try again-----I have my information about SANAA ----from -----now pay attention ----from a bonafide SANAANI -------scores of his own relatives still there----it's
been going on there now for a few years----the streets run red with blood at the hands of HOUTHIS -----and the city fell into their hands about a year ago, SA is bombing HOUTHI CONTROLED SANAA ----now being used as a military base by HOUTHIS for the love of IRAN -----the HOUTHIS were unwelcomed interlopers in SANAA------Yemeni sunnis tend to hate their guts --------SANAANIs are----not all that welcoming of them in their SUNNI CITY--- ----their weapons did not fall from heaven like MANNA
for the record----Hezbollah and Houthis (Shiite shit working for iran) have also over taken ADEN-----the port city of Yemen-----the MOST STRATEGIC-----Sana'a is the capital city--------the scum has basically taken over the country
Nonsense. You have no example for terrorism by the Houthis.

ROFLMAO--------so hubby's friend from Sanaa has no idea?-----houthis
So they fight terrorism?

houthis------armed by Iran have destroyed SANAA and ADEN ----the streets of those cities--------which are the major cities of Yemen-----run read with blood
at the hands of IRANIAN ARMED HOUTHIS--------the average Yemeni has a dagger and maybe a pistol-------no match for the Iranian supplied houthis and---
the Baathist Yemenis ----the FAVORITES of PUTINESQUE Russia ----and the favorites of SOVIET RUSSIA from the 1950s and various fellow Baathist pigs---they are largely concentrated in south yemen. Baathist pig Nasser even supplied them with NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS----way back in the 1950s. Of course they are fighting "terrorism" just as STALIN fought "terrorism"
Prove that Iran is supplying the Houthis with arms. Both deny it. It does not have anything to do with the topic, btw. While thousands are dying at the hand of the Saudis, you are accusing the Houthis. I am sick of discussing with such filth that is anti-humanitarian to such an extend that their minds keep being iced even in hell.

Why cannot be a report about war crimes here, without filth coming and trying to distract from the topic?
Why don´t you make your own thread in which you can put your racist hate posts? You indeed learned a lot in that Nazi hole you used to live in.

That silence about the Yemeni victims is astonishing - the more so as the FSA´s and Al-Qaeda´s "barrel bomb" propaganda with staged pictures of the alleged aftermath is in the medias each day.

try again-----I have my information about SANAA ----from -----now pay attention ----from a bonafide SANAANI -------scores of his own relatives still there----it's
been going on there now for a few years----the streets run red with blood at the hands of HOUTHIS -----and the city fell into their hands about a year ago, SA is bombing HOUTHI CONTROLED SANAA ----now being used as a military base by HOUTHIS for the love of IRAN -----the HOUTHIS were unwelcomed interlopers in SANAA------Yemeni sunnis tend to hate their guts --------SANAANIs are----not all that welcoming of them in their SUNNI CITY--- ----their weapons did not fall from heaven like MANNA
Sure, you know everyone on earth and each has the same opinion like you regarding each topic. Don´t you think, that you sound a bit ridiculous?
for the record----Hezbollah and Houthis (Shiite shit working for iran) have also over taken ADEN-----the port city of Yemen-----the MOST STRATEGIC-----Sana'a is the capital city--------the scum has basically taken over the country
Maybe, the Saudis would weaken the Houthis if they would not bomb civilians all day.
for the record----Hezbollah and Houthis (Shiite shit working for iran) have also over taken ADEN-----the port city of Yemen-----the MOST STRATEGIC-----Sana'a is the capital city--------the scum has basically taken over the country
Maybe, the Saudis would weaken the Houthis if they would not bomb civilians all day.

nope----the HOUTHIS already control Sana'a and Aden -------and they are already ARMED-------and murdering Yemenis --------are you trying to claim that the YEMENIS are kissing houthi butt hoping to overcome SAUDI ARABIA?-----nope--------only the AL QUAIDA pigs are into that ----Osama's family----can manage to tolerate Shiites for their common purpose -------bloodying the
land of the two mosques for LOVE OF IRAN AND IT'S IMPERIALIST agenda
for the record----Hezbollah and Houthis (Shiite shit working for iran) have also over taken ADEN-----the port city of Yemen-----the MOST STRATEGIC-----Sana'a is the capital city--------the scum has basically taken over the country
Maybe, the Saudis would weaken the Houthis if they would not bomb civilians all day.

nope----the HOUTHIS already control Sana'a and Aden -------and they are already ARMED-------and murdering Yemenis --------are you trying to claim that the YEMENIS are kissing houthi butt hoping to overcome SAUDI ARABIA?-----nope--------only the AL QUAIDA pigs are into that ----Osama's family----can manage to tolerate Shiites for their common purpose -------bloodying the
land of the two mosques for LOVE OF IRAN AND IT'S IMPERIALIST agenda
Now you trying to suggest that Al-Qaeda and the Houthis tolerate each other. That´s not true.

Who can say, if the majority of Yemen agrees to the Houthis. However, they aren´t murdering Yemenis, as you know. The Saudis do. Now, after Yemen learned how ugly the Saudi/West grimace is, the army is no longer interested in fighting the Houthis at all.
for the record----Hezbollah and Houthis (Shiite shit working for iran) have also over taken ADEN-----the port city of Yemen-----the MOST STRATEGIC-----Sana'a is the capital city--------the scum has basically taken over the country
Maybe, the Saudis would weaken the Houthis if they would not bomb civilians all day.

nope----the HOUTHIS already control Sana'a and Aden -------and they are already ARMED-------and murdering Yemenis --------are you trying to claim that the YEMENIS are kissing houthi butt hoping to overcome SAUDI ARABIA?-----nope--------only the AL QUAIDA pigs are into that ----Osama's family----can manage to tolerate Shiites for their common purpose -------bloodying the
land of the two mosques for LOVE OF IRAN AND IT'S IMPERIALIST agenda
Now you trying to suggest that Al-Qaeda and the Houthis tolerate each other. That´s not true.

Who can say, if the majority of Yemen agrees to the Houthis. However, they aren´t murdering Yemenis, as you know. The Saudis do. Now, after Yemen learned how ugly the Saudi/West grimace is, the army is no longer interested in fighting the Houthis at all.

right----STRANGE BED FELLOWS-------the houthis and the al quaeda dogs are
IN BED TOGETHER ----------well---actually the Italians and the germans were a
kinda odd love affair too.. Houthis have been murdering Yemenis for several years now------with Iranian weapons------Houthi pigs did little attempts on Saudi Arabia which Saudi Arabia has countered with a security wall------sit tight----the
REAL FUN is pending
Fellow posters-----please note-----CAPTAIN BLEI is promising you that Iran and Hezbollah will engage in NO ATTACK on Saudi Arabia-----EVER-----right captain?
for the record----Hezbollah and Houthis (Shiite shit working for iran) have also over taken ADEN-----the port city of Yemen-----the MOST STRATEGIC-----Sana'a is the capital city--------the scum has basically taken over the country
Maybe, the Saudis would weaken the Houthis if they would not bomb civilians all day.

nope----the HOUTHIS already control Sana'a and Aden -------and they are already ARMED-------and murdering Yemenis --------are you trying to claim that the YEMENIS are kissing houthi butt hoping to overcome SAUDI ARABIA?-----nope--------only the AL QUAIDA pigs are into that ----Osama's family----can manage to tolerate Shiites for their common purpose -------bloodying the
land of the two mosques for LOVE OF IRAN AND IT'S IMPERIALIST agenda
Now you trying to suggest that Al-Qaeda and the Houthis tolerate each other. That´s not true.

Who can say, if the majority of Yemen agrees to the Houthis. However, they aren´t murdering Yemenis, as you know. The Saudis do. Now, after Yemen learned how ugly the Saudi/West grimace is, the army is no longer interested in fighting the Houthis at all.

right----STRANGE BED FELLOWS-------the houthis and the al quaeda dogs are
IN BED TOGETHER ----------well---actually the Italians and the germans were a
kinda odd love affair too.. Houthis have been murdering Yemenis for several years now------with Iranian weapons------Houthi pigs did little attempts on Saudi Arabia which Saudi Arabia has countered with a security wall------sit tight----the
REAL FUN is pending
I asked you to PROVE your claims, not to stupidly repeat it over and over and over again. I see, there is no sense in talking to you, I also could wind up a talking doll.
for the record----Hezbollah and Houthis (Shiite shit working for iran) have also over taken ADEN-----the port city of Yemen-----the MOST STRATEGIC-----Sana'a is the capital city--------the scum has basically taken over the country
Maybe, the Saudis would weaken the Houthis if they would not bomb civilians all day.

nope----the HOUTHIS already control Sana'a and Aden -------and they are already ARMED-------and murdering Yemenis --------are you trying to claim that the YEMENIS are kissing houthi butt hoping to overcome SAUDI ARABIA?-----nope--------only the AL QUAIDA pigs are into that ----Osama's family----can manage to tolerate Shiites for their common purpose -------bloodying the
land of the two mosques for LOVE OF IRAN AND IT'S IMPERIALIST agenda
Now you trying to suggest that Al-Qaeda and the Houthis tolerate each other. That´s not true.

Who can say, if the majority of Yemen agrees to the Houthis. However, they aren´t murdering Yemenis, as you know. The Saudis do. Now, after Yemen learned how ugly the Saudi/West grimace is, the army is no longer interested in fighting the Houthis at all.

right----STRANGE BED FELLOWS-------the houthis and the al quaeda dogs are
IN BED TOGETHER ----------well---actually the Italians and the germans were a
kinda odd love affair too.. Houthis have been murdering Yemenis for several years now------with Iranian weapons------Houthi pigs did little attempts on Saudi Arabia which Saudi Arabia has countered with a security wall------sit tight----the
REAL FUN is pending
I asked you to PROVE your claims, not to stupidly repeat it over and over and over again. I see, there is no sense in talking to you, I also could wind up a talking doll.

prove what "claims" ---that Houthis have overtaken Sanaa'a and Aden?-----Prove that you did not murder your grandson this morning----idiot
Maybe, the Saudis would weaken the Houthis if they would not bomb civilians all day.

nope----the HOUTHIS already control Sana'a and Aden -------and they are already ARMED-------and murdering Yemenis --------are you trying to claim that the YEMENIS are kissing houthi butt hoping to overcome SAUDI ARABIA?-----nope--------only the AL QUAIDA pigs are into that ----Osama's family----can manage to tolerate Shiites for their common purpose -------bloodying the
land of the two mosques for LOVE OF IRAN AND IT'S IMPERIALIST agenda
Now you trying to suggest that Al-Qaeda and the Houthis tolerate each other. That´s not true.

Who can say, if the majority of Yemen agrees to the Houthis. However, they aren´t murdering Yemenis, as you know. The Saudis do. Now, after Yemen learned how ugly the Saudi/West grimace is, the army is no longer interested in fighting the Houthis at all.

right----STRANGE BED FELLOWS-------the houthis and the al quaeda dogs are
IN BED TOGETHER ----------well---actually the Italians and the germans were a
kinda odd love affair too.. Houthis have been murdering Yemenis for several years now------with Iranian weapons------Houthi pigs did little attempts on Saudi Arabia which Saudi Arabia has countered with a security wall------sit tight----the
REAL FUN is pending
I asked you to PROVE your claims, not to stupidly repeat it over and over and over again. I see, there is no sense in talking to you, I also could wind up a talking doll.

prove what "claims" ---that Houthis have overtaken Sanaa'a and Aden?-----Prove that you did not murder your grandson this morning----idiot
Now you forgot your own claims - like always...

for the record----captain blei continues to claim that there is no fighting between houthis and sunni muslims in Yemen and the only issue is that SAUDI ARABIA is attacking Yemen------for more information talk to your local Yemeni grocer or read the news-------captain blei uses his own imagination. His real problem is the HOUTHIS are Shiite shit------and allies to Iran and its extensive ambition in the area----which the Iranians share with the ALAWITE BAATHIST PIGS of syria
For the record-----the missiles launched into SAUDI ARABIA ----emanate from the ANSARULLAH militants in Yemen----they are the HOUTHIS ---the missiles came to them from IRAN-----captain blei did not want you to know.
I remain fascinated with your stupidity--------since you seem to believe that
SAUDI ARABIA is committing terrorism against Yemen-----can you explain
what their MOTIVATION to do so is? Saudi Arabia wants to INVADE YEMEN?,
conquer Yemen? Simply does not like Yemenis? Can't get over the fact that
Osama's nutty mommy was born there?
for the record----captain blei continues to claim that there is no fighting between houthis and sunni muslims in Yemen and the only issue is that SAUDI ARABIA is attacking Yemen------for more information talk to your local Yemeni grocer or read the news-------captain blei uses his own imagination. His real problem is the HOUTHIS are Shiite shit------and allies to Iran and its extensive ambition in the area----which the Iranians share with the ALAWITE BAATHIST PIGS of syria
I said, the Houthis aren´t slaughtering Yemenis. Why do you distort everything? Is that your only way to "be right"? By distorting other people´s statements?

For the record-----the missiles launched into SAUDI ARABIA ----emanate from the ANSARULLAH militants in Yemen----they are the HOUTHIS ---the missiles came to them from IRAN-----captain blei did not want you to know.
For the record - you have no clue who fired the missiles. It was the Yemeni army. Your claims are just invented because the agenda you are slave of doesn´t allow you to accept that Saudi Arabia has exasperated the whole nation.

I remain fascinated with your stupidity--------since you seem to believe that
SAUDI ARABIA is committing terrorism against Yemen-----can you explain
what their MOTIVATION to do so is? Saudi Arabia wants to INVADE YEMEN?,
conquer Yemen? Simply does not like Yemenis? Can't get over the fact that
Osama's nutty mommy was born there?
So you want to argue until the Saudi raids on civilians did not happen? Too ridiculous.

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