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The U. S. government was established as a secular entity, and all of the state governments were secular entities by the 1830s.

Christian dominionism is a perversion of all good American ideals.

The US was not established AS a Christian nation. It was created in a milieu that was rich in references to and literature concerning Christianity.
The US is not a Christian country. The majority of its population refers to itself as Christian. The two are not synonymous.

The federal government wasnt, but the individual states were and they compose the nation of the US, not the federal government.
Sunday is the Christian day of worship.
Muslims have Friday
Jews have Saturday.

In our Constitution it says we will do no Government business on Sundays.
We have Christian Chaplains open with prayer every day.
Congress did have bibles printed up to be taught in our schools.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams (Federer, p. 10)

"It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible" George Washington (Federer, p.660)

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.... And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion ... Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail to the exclusion of religious principle." George Washington's Farewell Address

These are facts.

It remains that the US is not a Christian country, especially if judged by actions.

Because.....you pull an unwarranted assertion out of your ass and proclaim it to be true?


Reasoning FAIL.

Do you talk to Christ in the same manner?
That is the perception of a minority of American far extremist right wing Christians.

The majority of Christians in America, historically, obviously think differently, Peach.

Well then if this is a Christian nation, why does the US rightwinged religious Christians object to welfare so much and want to wage war?

Christian's do not object to welfare. They object to the way Government sets up the welfare system that keeps generations of people in that system and broke up the 2 parent's to help raise their children.

War will always be around, because there is evil out there in the world.

Because Jake Starkey, the biggest bullshitter on these boards says so?

Jake, you do realize you have not given one single FACT yet in this whole thread, right?

That is other than your own opinion which you persistently confuse with fact.

No matter how many times you repeat your bullshit it is still nothing more than bullshit.
Obama is a Muslim as much as Reaper and Pale.

Jake I'm actually and Infidel and proud of it. I guess I didn't convey well the sarcasm behind the posts. Islam trys to take credit for everything including the founding of the USA even though it's Obvious that the country was founded Primarily by Christians, my family being some of those Christians here since 1630-5. I also have a few preachers in my family past and present so I totally agree with you. Exposing Islam's lies is one of my favorite pastimes. Americans support and defend Islam as a legit religion when they really haven't got a clue what it's all about. It's a cult at best and a bad one at that. I agree Obama is Muslim and using Takeya(taquia) to cover it up. I have no love for Islam and never will.

Well to bad you live in a ntion that believes in religious freedom, but then again, most religions are not tolerant of others religion.
But that is not what jesus said to do, he said to love your enemies, i see you are not a christian.

And I see you are a judgemental, bigoted fucktard who doesnt know jack shit about Christianity.

Ass hole.
I have given far more facts thaty you, J B.

Your silly far right extremist Christian dominionism is anti-American in principle and scope and false in narrative.

Washington and the Founders would have shipped you to British lines.

That is the perception of a minority of American far extremist right wing Christians.

The majority of Christians in America, historically, obviously think differently, Peach.

Christian's do not object to welfare. They object to the way Government sets up the welfare system that keeps generations of people in that system and broke up the 2 parent's to help raise their children.

War will always be around, because there is evil out there in the world.

Because Jake Starkey, the biggest bullshitter on these boards says so?

Jake, you do realize you have not given one single FACT yet in this whole thread, right?

That is other than your own opinion which you persistently confuse with fact.

No matter how many times you repeat your bullshit it is still nothing more than bullshit.
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We have absolutely nothing to fear from Islam. Intellect, science and reason all rule against it (and all other monolithic religious viewpoints). Despite all the stupidity and superficiality we see in the western world, the rigor of the most profound thinking precludes a descent into a superstitious past.
The 'populace' may play with 'fundamentalist' beliefs, but that will not be permitted to advance to a dangerous degree.

(note: it is interesting how we use the term 'fundamentalist' for certain 'Christian' and certain 'Islamic' predispositions. The two have completely opposed faiths, yet share that they are indeed not faithful to the foundations of their faiths)

More unwarranted claims unsupported by even one single FACT.

Do liberals know how to discuss a subject anymore using fact and reason?

It would appear not, thus the title so many earn of libtard.
J B does not "know how to discuss a subject anymore using fact and reason".
They are relevant, and your denial of that fact, of course, reveals that you are disconnected from reality and life around you.

Jake makes an unspported assertion that is no more than his opinion, declares it fact, then declares that someone else is disconnected from reality because they do not agree with his opinion.

Lol, you cant make this stupid shit up.

You are not an island to yourself, son. Simple fact.

And your opinion is not fact. Simple Fact, idiot.
" If you view me as in intolerant person, the feeling is mutual."

Certainly a forceful personality. You do not consider yourself intolerant and, so, miss that your communication is other.
It is understandable that people would read the posts as intolerant.

No, only jack ass libtards would see them as intolerant if they defend Christianity or white people.

There is only one proof of truth;

No, there are many proofs of Truth as there are many concepts that make up Truth.

it lasts if it is already acknowledged and it triumphs in the end in any case. 'Truth', if we believe it exists, must win out, no matter what we meanwhile think the truth might be. It doesn't need our help (such as weapons), and will overrule if we resist. The only way for us to know the truth is to see these characteristics. The traits of truth are apparent.

Yes, and you should show more respect for the Truth.
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Jim Bowie makes unsupported statements then accuses his betters of doing exactly what he is doing.

Son, your silly insignificant minority will change nothing.
Then the bigger fool, you because my opinion is supported by the relevant fact,s evidence, analysis,

Then why, pray tell, do you never share them with anyone but only dress up your personal opinion and call it fact instead?

which refutes 'kenyanism' and 'birferism' and 'far right stupidism.'

This thread is not about Birtherism, nutball moron.

You are what you are, now and fifty years from now: laughable.

No, fifty years from now the Christian American people will have their government back, it will be far more democratic and representative of the American people and loons like you, if you manage to survive, will be claiming that you have been a Birther, Tea Partier, Christian Evangelical all along! lololololol
The white invaders of Indian lands introduced Christianity to those lands.
They had to murder a lot of the Indians to do so but I'm sure that, along with the rapes, murdering Indian children and so on, were entirely justified.

Here is the abridged version.

The expansion of europeans into the Americas was different than muslim invasions (not that you would be interested in truth). The Indians were not easily oppressed, and won many battles. The Spanish, fresh from Moorish invasions and techniques, tried the oppression of the Indians in the Caribbean, only to discover the Indians would run into the jungle when they tried to enslave them. The Spanish then turned to the most ruthless peoples they knew of: the muslims, to buy African slaves (that muslims and other Africans had kidnapped/conquered) to farm tropical and semi-tropical crops. The Indians went into the jungles and tried to evade the Spanish. On the Continents (North and South America), the Spanish used superstitious beliefs or war to deal with the Indians. The areas settled by the Spanish were either thru cooperation with the Indians or conquerring them.

When the English came to North America, they first settled with cooperation of the Indians (if it wasn't for the assistance of the Indians, many more English would have died). Once word got back to England that the Indians were "friendly" and that there was plenty of room, the English that were being persecuted for their religious beliefs (sound familiar, one who belongs to the persecutors?) volunteered to settle in this distance wilderness. Many of these religious groups set out to be cooperative with the Indian populations and befriend them. They were set onto distant shores with provisions carried with them. That was it. There were implications that the ships might return at some point in the future, but there were no guarentees. Most of these religious groups used morals to deal with the Indians and establish trade and friendly relationships with them. Using "Christian" morals, they gained the Indians' trust where many Indians lived in or close to these communities.

Once the "Christians" established communities, others followed. The French traveled the rivers for hundreds (even thousands of miles). They made trading posts where rivers met and the Indians allowed it (they were outnumbered greatly). The British and the French politicians used military and ruthless men to battle over territiories. Both militaries taught the Indians some terrible torture methods. Both militaries tried to take territory by force and did. They gave "favorites" territory; in many cases, the favorites were ruthless, power hungry men that held little with any religion. Some of these men cared little for Indians or their own countrymen. They killed or had people killed that interferred with any threats to their territory.

It was after this that the English (and the other small populations) declared independence. The "British gov't" was causing problems with the Indian populations, the French, and the Spanish), and taxing the "colonists" for the trouble.

The most famous Indian problems came after the country was settled in the east, and the western expansion started. The "barons" (cattle, railroad, mining, timber) were largely responsible for using greed over consideration to expand kingoms (wanted to be) into the western territiories. The US gov't was manipulated to support them.

Let' compare that to islam invasion:
America: less than 150 years of expansion
Islam: going on 1500 years of expansion
America: trying to work with Indians (now) and giving support to assist Indian reservations
Islam: still trying to murder, subjugate, or convert
America: no terrorist attacks on Indians in decades
Islam: terrorist attacks, daily
America: Indians can worship as they choose with equal rights under the law
Islam: no equal rights under the law or Shariah
America: no walls around homes because people respect each other's freedoms
Islam: if you want it tomorrow, build a wall around it
America: children are cherished and laws are made to protect children, specifically
Islam: children are molested and raped, using the quran as an excuse

You were saying?

Islam is a system that promotes deceit, destruction, death, decay and dust. Christianity promotes a moral society where each person is respected as a product of the Lord. In every instance where Shariah is practiced, people are suffering, terribly. In every instance where Christianity is practiced, people are productive, compassionate, considerate, and educate their children encouraging truth.
The facts been shared, you simply don't agree.

But you support "kenyanism" and "birferism" and "Christian dominionism," which automatically condemns you as unworthy of intellectual respect.

No, Christian dominionism will fail in the next two election cycles, and be merely a laughable trivia question in the future on game shows.
A very poor doctoring of the video.

We're not a Christian country we're a Muslim country

Obama Says America Muslim Nation - YouTube

You neglect to take into account, idiot extremists have to lie in order to get their point over.
i find it incredulous, some people in the US think education is a bad thing.
They're like Taliban but fatter and waving a different flag.

And racist bigots who hate White Christian Europeans tell so many you lies you cant remember which were your lies and which were truthful. Your like Maoists but stupider and waving a different bunch of bullshit.

Fucking libtard.


So shut the fuck up and blow off, libtard.
Jim Bowie is a racist bigot, a Christian dominionist of a tiny fringe sect, and a person who clearly does not understand the American narrative.

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