Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

The way you post with topics that have nothing to do with the discussion I think I am closer to right than wrong. You continually bring up border issues when discussing your New & Improved Unemployment Compensation. And now in a thread about rent control you suddenly bring up vaccine mandates. There is some neurological connection not being made in your head.

He may have a traumatic brain injury.

Or maybe too many years of smoking too much weed have fried his synapses?
The way you post with topics that have nothing to do with the discussion I think I am closer to right than wrong. You continually bring up border issues when discussing your New & Improved Unemployment Compensation. And now in a thread about rent control you suddenly bring up vaccine mandates. There is some neurological connection not being made in your head.
lol. The ignorant right-wingers understand nothing of the discussions they tell stories about.
I already have an EBT card, asshole. And I don't believe in an absolutely free market, and neither does Trump.
Free Loading Piece of Shit. Whine and cry about rent controls and use an EBT card. Fuck off. Trump does not believe in anything but himself and the red meat idiots that follow him.
Spoken like a true right-wing extremist ROBOT. You give conservatism a bad name.

Of course raising prices does that (in this case). We are talking about people's HOMES, and becoming homeless. You are OFF TOPIC. Private property is not the topic.
Im not a conservative. Nor am i a "robot" :rolleyes:
Someone owns the rental property, you goober. That make sit a private property issue.
But its funny how your idea of "true conservatism" is govt control LOL. Round here, you would be called a RINO
Im not a conservative. Nor am i a "robot" :rolleyes:
Someone owns the rental property, you goober. That make sit a private property issue.
But its funny how your idea of "true conservatism" is govt control LOL. Round here, you would be called a RINO
I wish I could muster a laugh. This kind is hypocrisy is pretty standard for Trumpsters.
He may have a traumatic brain injury.

Or maybe too many years of smoking too much weed have fried his synapses?
Cannabis antagonizes androgen receptors. Thus, it effeminizes the gonads.
Im not a conservative. Nor am i a "robot" :rolleyes:
Someone owns the rental property, you goober. That make sit a private property issue.
But its funny how your idea of "true conservatism" is govt control LOL. Round here, you would be called a RINO
The owner of the property is renting the space to inhabit, which differs from the physical substance the renter is using up (valves, hinges, etc.). The renter-prisoner mostly pays for space to inhabit, pays homage to the capitalist-pimp-landlord for it always already having in its possession the means of production. The physical substance being used (up) by the renter is miniscule in comparison to the appreciation of value the pimp’s physical substance is producing, even when no one is renting it. Better to find ways to boycott this pimp and direct one’s income in other directions, by all means, if and when possible.
Cannabis antagonizes androgen receptors. Thus, it effeminizes the gonads.

The owner of the property is renting the space to inhabit, which differs from the physical substance the renter is using up (valves, hinges, etc.). The renter-prisoner mostly pays for space to inhabit, pays homage to the capitalist-pimp-landlord for it always already having in its possession the means of production. The physical substance being used (up) by the renter is miniscule in comparison to the appreciation of value the pimp’s physical substance is producing, even when no one is renting it. Better to find ways to boycott this pimp and direct one’s income in other directions, by all means, if and when possible.
Speaking of cannabis ...
I live in an apartment complex, that recently was bought by a new landlord. That landlord has been increasing expired lease rents by as much as 60%. Imagine that your rent is $600/month and suddenly it's damn near $1,000/month.

Whoa! For low income seniors on Social Security and small pensions, this aint gonna fly. Actually, younger people still in the workforce with higher incomes, aren't taking to well to it either. Practically everybody in this complex is moving out. Some people are moving in and paying the higher rents, but not as many as are moving out. I've never seen so many moving vans in my life.

Next May, I will be moving out too, and still haven't figured out where to move to. I have limitations because of a low credit score and income, but I'll find someplace, even if it's not as good as where I am now.

All this is because Florida has no limit of what landlords can raise rents to. The only thing limiting them is new residents' capability to pay, and what they are able to rent apartments for.

But there is another side to this, This isn't oil or minerals mined from the ground. It's not furniture being made and sold. This is about PEOPLE. And it's about people who have been living in this complex for years, and these apartments are their HOMES. One woman who just moved out, had been living here for 25 years. Longtime neighbor-friendships are being obliterated.

If landlords NEED to raise rents, (say 10% or less) for some reason, that's understandable, but to raise them by HUNDREDS of dollars, just for GREED, is not what we ought to be OK with in this country. When hundreds of people are forced out of their homes, this is unacceptable. As is the case with most conservatives, I also favor deregulation of business, but this is one case that is screaming for MORE regulation, to a reasonable degree.
Between now and May you can easily boost your credit rating. Presto problem solved.

The price of real estate all over the country has skyrocketing, Florida is no exception, far from it.

If the property has been held by one party for many years, chances are the rents are well below the market rate. If there is a new owner, chances are they paid substantially more than the seller.

With that all the ratios and percentages have to be redone. If they're not, the owner can't afford to maintain the property then the tenants leave, rents drop, the place goes into disrepair, owner can't make the mortgage payments. They can't sell because it's not worth what he owes. Then everyone is out on their butts.
What you call "original post" was pertaining to an apartment complex that I (and hundreds of others) was forced out of when the landlord raised our rent (for a 1 bedroom apt) from $550/mo. to $900/mo. A 64% increase.

To escape from that, I moved to another place where the rent was much cheaper. Now 2.5 years later, the same thing is happening again. Now, a new owner has taken over here also, and is raising the rent from $600 to $850 (42% increase).

The new owners in the previous complex did not come to their senses. Instead, they tolerated some period of massive vacancies, and now have full occupancy with college students cramming 5 or 6 of them into a 2 bedroom apt, and illegal aliens doing the same thing with 10-12 people per apartment. Whole local society has gone to the dogs.
How much rental property would you own if you lost money every month?

What affect do you believe that the eviction moratorium had on the market?

Inflation is toughest on low income workers. As that song lyric goes, " you ain't seen nothin' yet".
If you want to reduce the illegal immigrant problem, start seriously going after the companies that hire them. Make a few pay big fines and send some CEOs to jail and the reason for the immigrants coming in will evaporate.
How do you do that when President Biden is inviting illegal aliens by the millions and is now enticing more with cash settlements. What can go wrong?
Actually, it is just the OPPOSITE of that. Current events have made such that opposition to rent control is what has passed. That might have been OK for a few years ago, but Biden and his nationwide illegal alien floods have created an altogether new scenario, in which some rent control is now absolutely necessary, to PROTECT Americans >>

Unless the following scenario is OK with you - All Available rental housing rents are jacked up to astronomical levels. AMERICANS (including those with full-time jobs) are forced out of their homes with nowhere to move to. All previously available rentals are now occupied by illegal aliens crammimg 10 people into a single 2 bdrm apartment or house. Streets are filled with homeless Americans living in tents. Illegals have housing.
Markle: you clicked "Disagree" to this post. That doesn't make sense. The post stated FACT. You can disagree with opinion, not fact. Do I have to make videos of some of the people in my apartment complex who cannot pay the new 42% increase in rent (some complexes have over 100% increases) for you to understand ?
How much rental property would you own if you lost money every month?

What affect do you believe that the eviction moratorium had on the market?

Inflation is toughest on low income workers. As that song lyric goes, " you ain't seen nothin' yet".
Lost money, my ass. These landlords are loan sharks who will do anything they can to make as much money as they can, with no thought whatsoever to the people they hurt. When my previous landlord left, he left no warning that he was selling the complex, nothing about the rent jacking up 42% (2 yrs ago it was 64%). He just disappeared like a thief in the night, leaving everybody here in dire straights.
Even if a landlord was losing money, well, people in other types of businesses (sporting goods, jewelry, electronics) lose money too, but they're nt selling things which are people's #1 necessity to survival. Big difference.

Eviction moratorium come from Joe Biden, whom I don't support, and never did. Also, the EM only means people would not be evicted during some period of time. It doesn't mean they are still not responsible for those rents. I think they are still required to pay those rents, after the eviction moratorium ended, no ?
How do you do that when President Biden is inviting illegal aliens by the millions and is now enticing more with cash settlements. What can go wrong?
Correct. The last thing that is going to happen is Anything that stops the illegal alien invasion. Biden is engineering this lunacy (his VOTE machine), and he is in control of it.
If you want to reduce the illegal immigrant problem, start seriously going after the companies that hire them. Make a few pay big fines and send some CEOs to jail and the reason for the immigrants coming in will evaporate.
Even when Trump was in power, "going after the companies that hire them" was a dead end, and always has been, because IRCA law requires prosecutors to prove that the employer "KNOWINGLY" hired the illegals.

Over decades this has proven to be impossible enough, such that the government has moved away from that methodology, as nothing more than a time and money waster. Too many court cases have been lost by insufficient evidence. Government gave up on this idea years ago. I posted this same post in 2006.
Well, partly a sign of the times. My home value is up over 65% since I bought it three years ago. Rents in my beach community have gone up equally over the same period of time. But do you REALLY have illegal alien neighbors cramming a dozen illegal aliens into a two bedroom apartment? :rolleyes-41:

I used to be a landlord. I had very specific rules about the number of people allowed to live in my homes and condos written right into the lease. In fact, my tenants were obligated to inform me if they even had a houseguest for over two weeks. I'm sure your leases are the same, so if you're not just making a political point (as I suspect) then you should probably report them.

Btw, I do agree with you about rent control. I never once raised the rent on any of my places until somebody moved out. Most landlords (or even property management companies) would rather keep a good tenant than see them move out and take their chances with somebody else who might be their worst nightmare. *Watch the Michael Keaton movie Pacific Heights - trailer below

My final point is this: The next time you rent, find a place that doesn't involve a property management company and one where you work directly with an owner. PM companies for the most part SUCK.

Thanks for the tip. Actually though, I have already sent out the word to everybody I know, my doctors, attorneys, friends, family, etc that if they know somebody (an individual) renting a house, condo, whatever to please refer me.

Yes, in many apartment complexes, illegals are moving in in bunches. Most of these are in low class, seedy you might say, complexes, that had lower rents previously (almost nothing now is below $900.month-most much higher)
The way you post with topics that have nothing to do with the discussion I think I am closer to right than wrong. You continually bring up border issues when discussing your New & Improved Unemployment Compensation. And now in a thread about rent control you suddenly bring up vaccine mandates. There is some neurological connection not being made in your head.
Correct. The topic is 2 things > rent control and the housing crisis (change from the stability of a few years ago).
lol. The ignorant right-wingers understand nothing of the discussions they tell stories about.
This somewhat weird MISperception is the cause of a lot of problems in our society. It isn't a lack of knowledge among right-wingers that is the problem (I've many times shown they are more knowledgable than leftists). Many problems stem from leftist looney ideas (abolishing police, totally free abortion, trans loons in sports, etc)

Regarding the issue in this thread, there is some problem with right-wingers WRONGLY thinking that rent control is a left-wing thing, and that conservatives should automatically oppose it. Just as many blue states have bans on rent control as red states do. What needs to be understood by everyone is that housing is much more than just a business for a property owner. It is a fundamental facet of SURVIVAL for millions of people, which is not the case for just about anything else that is sold (other than food), and thus when it gets out of hand, controls NEED to be implemented.

If housing owners can't accept that, they should enter a business that does not interact with large numbers of peoples' basic survival. Sell violins and guitars.

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