Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

Free Market Enterprise, Trumper. Might as well get an EBT card while you are at getting rent subsidies. Asshole.
I already have an EBT card, asshole. And I don't believe in an absolutely free market, and neither does Trump.
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Of course you make no sense. Do you want regulation of all prices or just the ones you don't like?
Apparently you are not capable of discerning one scenario from another, so what would be the point of talking to you ? And I don't expect to make sense to an IDIOT.
Equality? You are capable of working, but choose to remain unemployed and you want the gov't to take my hard earned money, by force, and give it to you for no reason? You have done nothing to earn it.

Like I have said, your plan will have UC shut down. There is no way the states can afford the billions of dollars it would cost.

Get on welfare.
Off topic.
Rent control, an idea whose time has passed.
Actually, it is just the OPPOSITE of that. Current events have made such that opposition to rent control is what has passed. That might have been OK for a few years ago, but Biden and his nationwide illegal alien floods have created an altogether new scenario, in which some rent control is now absolutely necessary, to PROTECT Americans >>

Unless the following scenario is OK with you - All Available rental housing rents are jacked up to astronomical levels. AMERICANS (including those with full-time jobs) are forced out of their homes with nowhere to move to. All previously available rentals are now occupied by illegal aliens crammimg 10 people into a single 2 bdrm apartment or house. Streets are filled with homeless Americans living in tents. Illegals have housing.
Wow, it's been almost three years since your original post. Did you end up moving or did the new owners come to their senses prior to losing all their tenants?
What you call "original post" was pertaining to an apartment complex that I (and hundreds of others) was forced out of when the landlord raised our rent (for a 1 bedroom apt) from $550/mo. to $900/mo. A 64% increase.

To escape from that, I moved to another place where the rent was much cheaper. Now 2.5 years later, the same thing is happening again. Now, a new owner has taken over here also, and is raising the rent from $600 to $850 (42% increase).

The new owners in the previous complex did not come to their senses. Instead, they tolerated some period of massive vacancies, and now have full occupancy with college students cramming 5 or 6 of them into a 2 bedroom apt, and illegal aliens doing the same thing with 10-12 people per apartment. Whole local society has gone to the dogs.
Most on the dole are manipulators and grifters. They like taking other peoples money instead of earning their own. Media tries to wrap it up in fake need and humanity but only about 10% on the dole are truely victims of perpetual bad circumstances beyond their control. Most cause their own mess and many deliberately.
Off Topic. This post has nothing whatsoever to do with the content of the OP, and I wonder if you ever even took the time to read it. :rolleyes:
I just noticed that the moderators have distorted this thread. The title was written in November 2021, but the OP is an old one from 2018. They don't correlate well.

This makes no sense. No wonder there are now confusing posts popping up here and there. I still don't know where my new OP went. Somehere buried inside this thread, I guess.
Can't imagine what tortured definition of "conservative" would include your rampant statism.
Quite a few of things would evidently fit into your scenario of "Can't imagine", but I'll try a simplified explanation for you. It is one which does not define conservatism as 100% absence of government. One which recognizes that the USA is a combination of socialism & capitalism, and certainly is not so idiotic as to ludicrously refer to some badly needed rent control to fix 2021 housing CRISIS chaos, as "rampant statism",

My definition of conservatism recognizes governments # 1 responsibility > To PROTECT Americans (including from illegal alien invasion and housing saturation pricing).
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Lol isn't that fucking something. "I'm a conservative, except when it affects me." The story of Trumpism right there.
There is no "except". Rent control is just as conservative as it is liberal. Rent control is banned in almost ever state in America, including most blue states. Is just as liberal as it is conservative or anything else. Rent control is not a liberal idea. Almost every state in America has a statewide ban on rent control, including many blue states (ex. MA, CT, IL, WA, MN, CO, NM...

If your brand of "conservative" means government ignoring AMERICANS when they truly need help, then NO, I'm not interested in that kind of conservatism, not one iota.
In fact, the call for rent control now might even be considered a conservative thing, becasuse it is in response to Biden's liberal saturation of communities with illegal aliens, and is in opposition force to that.
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There is never a good excuse for govt control over any private property unless said property is impeding on others rights.
Raising prices doesnt do that.
Spoken like a true right-wing extremist ROBOT. You give conservatism a bad name.

Of course raising prices does that (in this case). We are talking about people's HOMES, and becoming homeless. You are OFF TOPIC. Private property is not the topic.
I don't. I know.
Believing is thinking something is true based on partial or no information at all.
Knowing is thinking something is true based on the way it is.
All 10 of the highest rent cities in America are liberal cities.
Not any more. Biden's migrant program has dumped so many liens into cities all over the country, thereby saturating housing markets, that exorbitantly high rents are now nationwide, and housing units are almost non-existent. God help anybody looing for a place to live.

And more caravans are on their way here now. They will have no place to live after they get here. They'll be sorry. Actually I'm thinking of moving to where they came from > Mexico or Colombia. Low rents. Low cost of living.
Let me guess. You live where Democrats control everything.
No. We have Republican governor, and a statewide ban on rent control. (but those are common in both red & blue states). Doesn't seem to matter about the party. Republicans and Democrats both seem to be oblivious to America's new # 1 CRISIS. Housing.
Actually, if you are able bodied in mind or physically, trim your bills or find a better paying job, or take on more jobs, or move to where the pay is better, or increase your skill level to get a better paying job, take advantage of that training many companies offer to increase your skills,. One has to do what one has to do. Don’t expect others to pick up your slack.
So the landlords can do anything they want, but the worker has to change his whole life to adapt to them ? What makes landlords so special, and workers (& low-income retired) so insignificant ?
No, the landlords should not be told what to do.

What if they need to raise the rent so that they are not losing money?

The market will prove whether they chose wisely or not. If people don't come back, they will either lower the price or sell the business.

For now, move.

Naturally, this is not pleasant but you CHOSE to live where you do now while knowing that rent can and does fluctuate.
And what if they DO NOT NEED to raise the rent, but are just looking to gouge the consumer, to feed their GREED ?

What you call the "market" is now a shambles of crazy sociological changes, brought on by Biden's illegal alien dumping, and a complete destruction of what was a legitimate "market". It is NOT a scenario of rents simply fluctuating. That legitimate market no longer exists now. Now we're talking about extreme (and crazy) conditions that warrant extreme remedy. We have a Biden-illegal alien-landlord alliance that is anti-American, immoral, and is destroying cities and AMERICANS who live there.

Call this rental agent and tell her your situation. Then apply for rental assistance shown on these sites.

To the rest of you on this thread. I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN RENT CONTROL. The Gov't did this to the people of this country by turning the dollar into Toilet paper. Right now they are only giving a fraction of Trillions of dollars of spending to housing. And most will earmarked for their buddies and the illegals they pander to for votes.

The shut down and printing of money has caused MASSIVE ECONOMIC HARDSHIP ACROSS THE ENTIRE WORLD. The pandemic didn't do this. GOV'T DID THIS. We should have never shut down. I NEVER THOUGHT the prices where I live would get to where they are now. 65% higher than just before the pandemic.

I consider Protectionist to be speaking for MILLIONS of Americans on this thread. The I got mine up yours comments and the POLITICAL too bad for you from the left here make me sick.

Any who don't like what I have to say. As always. Please file a complaint in the 2nd Port O let to the left basement section.

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