Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

But what about the landlord?

Doesnt he have the right to make as much off his investments as he possibly can?

This is America afterall, not the Soviet Union.
NO. Because unlike most businesses, housing involves a primary human NEED. Anthropologists say that shelter (housing) is the #1 element of human survival. When business owners involve themselves in it, they are interfacing with a critical necessity of large numbers of people. That needs to be recognized.

An apartment complex is much more than somebody's business to toss around as he sees fit. It is the HOMES of hundreds of people. That requires supervision by the government to do what is government's #1 job > PROTECT the people.

When rents are suddenly raised to such an extent that almost all the residents are forced to move out, that should have been controlled to prevent that from happening. I could see small rent increases (5-10%) as being reasonable, to keep up with inflation, and landlord's costs, but currently my rent is going up 42% instantly. That's too much. 2 years ago, in another complex (from which I was forced to move), our rents went up 64%. That isn't inflation, that is simply gouging.

When gas prices go up very high, people start screaming, and the cists are much less than rent. I'm looking at a $250/month increase, with no redeeming addition to the product. 2 years ago, it was $350.
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NO. Because unlike most businesses, housing involves a primary human NEED. Anthropologists say that shelter (housing) is the #1 element of human survival. When business owners involve themselves in it, they are interfacing with a critical necessity of large numbers of people. That needs to be recognized.

An apartment complex is much more than somebody's business to toss around as he sees fit. It is the HOMES of hundreds of people. That requires supervision by the government to do what is government's #1 job > PROTECT the people.

When rents are suddenly raised to such an extent that almost all the residents are forced to move out, that should have been controlled to prevent that from happening. I could see small rent increases (5-10%) as being reasonable, to keep up with inflation, and landlord's costs, but currently my rent is going up 42% instantly. That's too much. 2 years ago, in another complex (from which I was forced to move), our rents went up 64%. That isn't inflation, that is simply gouging.

When gas prices go up very high, people start screaming, and the cists are much less than rent. I'm looking at a $250/month increase, with no redeeming addition to the product. 2 years ago, it was $350.

Simple answer. Find a cheaper place to live. Obviously the landlord thinks he can rent the units for more than you were paying. What a business owner does with his property is not the business of the gov't.
Simple answer. Find a cheaper place to live. Obviously the landlord thinks he can rent the units for more than you were paying. What a business owner does with his property is not the business of the gov't.
FALSE! There IS NO cheaper place to live. Last week 3 women from my apt complex walked the (not too good) neighborhood, checking out rents in 22 (seedy) apartment complexes. Not one was under $900/month for a 1 bedroom. Most were over $1,000. and none had a vacancy. Many were filled with Biden's illegal aliens cramming 10 people into a 2 bedroom apt. With a $1200/mo rent, each person's rent share ? $120/month.

The area (Tampa Bay) is housing saturated, and the landlords are taking full advantage.

What a business owner does with the HOMES of thousands of people, very much is the business of the government. If a business owner can't accept that, let him choose a different type of business, that doesn't deal with thousands of peoples' # 1 element of human survival - shelter.
FALSE! There IS NO cheaper place to live. Last week 3 women from my apt complex walked the (not too good) neighborhood, checking out rents in 22 (seedy) apartment complexes. Not one was under $900/month for a 1 bedroom. Most were over $1,000. and none had a vacancy. Many were filled with Biden's illegal aliens cramming 10 people into a 2 bedroom apt. With a $1200/mo rent, each person's rent share ? $120/month.

The area (Tampa Bay) is housing saturated, and the landlords are taking full advantage.

What a business owner does with the HOMES of thousands of people, very much is the business of the government. If a business owner can't accept that, let him choose a different type of business, that doesn't deal with thousands of peoples' # 1 element of human survival - shelter.

So now you're a Socialist.
The issue raised by the OP was an increase from $600 a month in rent to $1,000 a month in rent. Unemployment compensation will not cover that.

So the landlord will evict.

Unless you propose rent control, in addition to your laughable idea on unemployment compensation.

Also, as stated by the OP, most of the tenants are retired. Unemployment compensation would not apply to them.
The current increase of my complex is $600/mo to $850/mo. A 42% increase.

2 years ago, in another complex, the rent (instantly) went from $550/mo. to $900/mo. A 64% increase.

Both are highly immoral, and should be illegal. We're dealing with human beings, not sacks of potatoes.
The cheapest you can get is a small plot of rural land and a mobile home. You can't get any cheaper than that.

Since this BS Covid Shitstorm Housing has went through the roof............never thought I'd see it this high where I live. 65% increases in less than 2 years.

That is your cheapest way out probably.
FALSE! There IS NO cheaper place to live. Last week 3 women from my apt complex walked the (not too good) neighborhood, checking out rents in 22 (seedy) apartment complexes. Not one was under $900/month for a 1 bedroom. Most were over $1,000. and none had a vacancy. Many were filled with Biden's illegal aliens cramming 10 people into a 2 bedroom apt. With a $1200/mo rent, each person's rent share ? $120/month.

The area (Tampa Bay) is housing saturated, and the landlords are taking full advantage.

What a business owner does with the HOMES of thousands of people, very much is the business of the government. If a business owner can't accept that, let him choose a different type of business, that doesn't deal with thousands of peoples' # 1 element of human survival - shelter.

So you would prefer that the owner bulldoze the apartments and build another business?

Yes, the Tampa area is expensive. Maybe you should move inland to where it is cheaper. Move to Dover or the next town in (where they grow all the strawberries).

No, it is not up to the gov't to make sure landlords don't raise rent. That is a very liberal idea.
So you would prefer that the owner bulldoze the apartments and build another business?

Yes, the Tampa area is expensive. Maybe you should move inland to where it is cheaper. Move to Dover or the next town in (where they grow all the strawberries).

No, it is not up to the gov't to make sure landlords don't raise rent. That is a very liberal idea.
1. The landlord should not choose housing in the first place, if he cannot control his rents to a manageble level for the residents.

2. "Move" is not an option for 90% of the residents here. Almost all are old, very low income (just getting by on a fixed income - Social Security). Most don't even have a car.

3. I didnt say landlords shouldn't raise rent. I could see a 5-10% increase just to meet inflation, but these guys are going waaaay beyond that, taking advantage of a demographic anomaly to maximize their enrichment. Not acceptable when so many people's shelter is involved.

4. Rent control is not a liberal idea. Almost every state in America has a statewide ban on rent control, including many blue states (ex. MA, CT, IL, WA, MN, CO, NM, et al)
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What we are seeing is the death of the dollar. And continued printing of it til it turns into toilet paper. Our corrupt gov't is responsible and it's WELL BEYOND 5 to 10 % inflation. It has gone up about 65% here in Lower Alabama.

I would look at my earliest example . Mobile home small lot. The Hud Sight might help you. You can sign up there and even call to get help to get into a cheaper home.

It sucks these days for the prices going on. It is insanity, but not the land lords fault. Everything has gone up in cost dramatically.

Craigslist Real Estate.
Only problem is the $3K down, and what is the lot rent ? Home looks good though. I lived in one of these once for a short time. Was OK, except when Hurricane Jean arrived in 2005. The house survived, but my nerves didn't. Took me a week to get back to normal.
What we are seeing is the death of the dollar. And continued printing of it til it turns into toilet paper. Our corrupt gov't is responsible and it's WELL BEYOND 5 to 10 % inflation. It has gone up about 65% here in Lower Alabama.

I would look at my earliest example . Mobile home small lot. The Hud Sight might help you. You can sign up there and even call to get help to get into a cheaper home.

It sucks these days for the prices going on. It is insanity, but not the land lords fault. Everything has gone up in cost dramatically.
I don't think their costs are that high. They're flipping these complexes, and trying to make quick big bucks$$$$$$. It's like a game to them.
Only problem is the $3K down, and what is the lot rent ? Home looks good though. I lived in one of these once for a short time. Was OK, except when Hurricane Jean arrived in 2005. The house survived, but my nerves didn't. Took me a week to get back to normal.
lot rent is high. Think 600. You would need to get a land home package deal. Or call Hud to try to find a way out. I really don't think there is a cheaper way. The last site I sent is Gov deal land liquidation. Not sure the money out front on that either. But it is cheap land there.
I don't think their costs are that high. They're flipping these complexes, and trying to make quick big bucks$$$$$$. It's like a game to them.
When prices go sky high anywhere in this country they raise the prices to match. Not to mention building supplies are through the roof. We are having trouble getting electrical supplies at work right now. Some places are tie wrapping conduit up for now as they can't get straps.
lot rent is high. Think 600. You would need to get a land home package deal. Or call Hud to try to find a way out. I really don't think there is a cheaper way. The last site I sent is Gov deal land liquidation. Not sure the money out front on that either. But it is cheap land there.
As a Republican, I'm not too familiar with government agencies, or public assistance. Never needed this before, but I did check into Section 8. I was disqualified, for being a household of one (plus 1 cat). They are only dealing with 3,4, and 5 bedroom large family units.
When prices go sky high anywhere in this country they raise the prices to match. Not to mention building supplies are through the roof. We are having trouble getting electrical supplies at work right now. Some places are tie wrapping conduit up for now as they can't get straps.
Yeah, it is a tough situation, but landlords are taking advantage of the illegal alien influx here. Biden has saturated this area with them. The illegals are renting 2 bedroom apartments, and cramming 10 people into them. Landlords don't care who they rent to, and long as the money rolls in.

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