Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

Well since there's 265 apartments in this complex, and dozens of them are being vacated in a short period of time, obviously that is a stupid thing to say. And your post is "all about" YOUR choice to take a shot at me, rather than discuss the topic.
EH ????
Did you ever consider the possibility the new owner is raising the rents to drive tenents out? Converting apartments to condos is very profitable.
Buying a house is easy. All you need is to have income and decent credit. If you want rents and house prices cheaper, encourage new construction, increasing supply Reduces prices.

Well, the income bit is the hard part.

If you want to buy a house in, say, San Francisco, and you don't earn loads of money, you won't have that income.

Sometimes it's about making sure that people are able to buy a house, or rent, at affordable prices.
Perfect example of the MISperception I mentioned in post # . It's nit a right/left issue. It is a common sense vs dumbass issue, and you are clearly on the side of the dumbasses, who can't see that it is a private property PLUS a sociological SURVIVAL issue all wrapped up together, and inseparable.
No, it's not. You are a renter, not the owner. You have no right to remain there any longer than the landlord sees fit. If he can get more for the apartment then he has every right to charge that much and if you don't like it you can get up and leave because someone else will take it. You have no right to stay there as long as you want. If you want that right, then buy it.
No, it's not. You are a renter, not the owner. You have no right to remain there any longer than the landlord sees fit. If he can get more for the apartment then he has every right to charge that much and if you don't like it you can get up and leave because someone else will take it. You have no right to stay there as long as you want. If you want that right, then buy it.
Yes, all makes sense, is all codified into law at the present time.


We are going to have a problem. The wealth and income disparity in this country is causing higher prices both by housing shortages and by driving up housing costs via people buying up properties to be rented.

So, while everything you said makes sense, we really do need to be able to have a roof over our heads without spending half our income or more oin it. That just isn't sustainable. Every bump in the road is ruin, less money to spend on other things in the economy, etc.

So it's: everything you said, but in a growing inequity environment (that is already bad right now), where it is causing serious problems for our society.
Yes, all makes sense, is all codified into law at the present time.


We are going to have a problem. The wealth and income disparity in this country is causing higher prices both by housing shortages and by driving up housing costs via people buying up properties to be rented.

So, while everything you said makes sense, we really do need to be able to have a roof over our heads without spending half our income or more oin it. That just isn't sustainable. Every bump in the road is ruin, less money to spend on other things in the economy, etc.

So it's: everything you said, but in a growing inequity environment (that is already bad right now), where it is causing serious problems for our society.

Prices can only climb as high as people can afford to pay. At some point it slows otherwise there will be vacant units and landlords aren't the business of leaving rental units empty. We saw this last year. Rents in NYC and other cities plummeted in 2020 because of people fleeing the city for more rural areas.
Well, the income bit is the hard part.

If you want to buy a house in, say, San Francisco, and you don't earn loads of money, you won't have that income.

Sometimes it's about making sure that people are able to buy a house, or rent, at affordable prices.
Location, location, location!

If someone demands to stay in a particularly, HIGH COST OF LIVING location, say San Francisco, then they made that choice. I don't think any of the services workers in the city actually lives in the city. That includes police, firemen, waiters, waitresses everyone. They are willing to commute, many for hours, to say they live in San Francisco. That is their choice. I don't know of a fence surrounding the city preventing people from leaving.

As it is, tens of thousands of people are leaving California due to that cost, taxes and the declining standard of living.
Sorry, not sorry. Im a constitutionalist and true liberal. I dont believe in your nanny state bullshit.
Rent is going up because everything is going up. Mostly due to the govt. You know, the ones you want control over rent prices. Try to THINK instead of just holding your hand out like a bum.
This reminds me of those retarded federal supremacists that want more govt control over healthcare because of prices. Even though govt is WHY prices continuously shoot up.
All of you are stupid. Truly.
Nah. Lot of stupid posting going on in this thread. If these loudmouths were having THEIR pockets picked for $250-$500 a month they'd be the authors of this thread. :rolleyes:
The word is not realator. realators is not a word. The word has two syllables, not three it is also a trademark and must be capitalized. Not important to you, but it is to me. I was a REALTOR for over 50 years and was very active in the local, state, and national associations.
Well I've never been that good at spelling ..............So. You could help him with the search engine then.
Govt caused this. Dont give them even more power. They want you begging them for a sandwich. That is how they roll. The solution is the constitution and more competition. These increases are from massive inflation from the money lauderers in the govt.

Call those realators and get your own place it will be cheaper. Add in a hurricane shelter small one and look for a grant from Fema
The increases are from massive influx of people (with money) to the Tampa bay area, and other places around the country. It's not a coincidence that this is happening simultaneously with Biden opening up the border, and transporting migrants all over the country.
The increases are from massive influx of people (with money) to the Tampa bay area, and other places around the country. It's not a coincidence that this is happening simultaneously with Biden opening up the border, and transporting migrants all over the country.
Prices went up here. It's everywhere. You gotta find something cheaper and may need to move. This isn't going away any time soon. If you buy they can neve price you out again.
You whined and expressed your OPINION.

For example: "All previously available rentals are now occupied by illegal aliens crammimg 10 people into a single 2 bdrm apartment or house."

Is that not from your post?
The FACT is rents escalating 42 %, 64%, and more.
Nothing malarky about the housing rental crisis It is real.
The increases are from massive influx of people (with money) to the Tampa bay area, and other places around the country. It's not a coincidence that this is happening simultaneously with Biden opening up the border, and transporting migrants all over the country.

Either you are talking about people with money OR you are talking about illegal immigrants. Not both.

Yes, the Tampa are is getting more and more expensive. That is because there are more and more people retiring to Florida.

If you can't afford to live there, you move. Don't cry to the gov't to fix it.
Buying a house is easy. All you need is to have income and decent credit. If you want rents and house prices cheaper, encourage new construction, increasing supply Reduces prices.
And if you don't have enough income and what YOU CALL decent d-credit, then it is NOT easy. And credit scores have nothing to do with housing, and landlords who deny good renters housing on that basis are idiots, who needlessly deprive themselves of of good customers.

The only credit record that is appropriate to check for housing rentals, is one's HOUSING rental record.

Encouraging new construction, also encourages new immigration, carrying with it a long list of harms.
And if you don't have enough income and what YOU CALL decent d-credit, then it is NOT easy. And credit scores have nothing to do with housing, and landlords who deny good renters housing on that basis are idiots, who needlessly deprive themselves of of good customers.

The only credit record that is appropriate to check for housing rentals, is one's HOUSING rental record.

Encouraging new construction, also encourages new immigration, carrying with it a long list of harms.

In other words, you have less than decent credit. And I'm sure that was not your fault, was it? So the gov't should bail you out of the mess you made by your own choices?
I had a coworker that used to call me stupid for buying a house. Now I own it free and clear and he’s still paying half his retirement check to rent an apartment and will until he dies. If you want the convienice of owning an apartment, buy a condo, the association owns and repairs the building, all you have to maintain is the inside of your unit.

, When I had a good apartment complex (at a low rent), in addition to my apartment, I had 2 swimming pools, an exercise room, a large clubhouse, 2 tennis courts, a basketball court, use of computers, and a maintenance crew to attend to every thing needing to be fixed, at no cost to me. Let's look at the WHOLE picture.

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