Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

, When I had a good apartment complex (at a low rent), in addition to my apartment, I had 2 swimming pools, an exercise room, a large clubhouse, 2 tennis courts, a basketball court, use of computers, and a maintenance crew to attend to every thing needing to be fixed, at no cost to me. Let's look at the WHOLE picture.

And what do you have now? Had you bought a house the payment would not have gone up.
YOU stated that the property had been sold and there was a new owner. YOU made the choice to rent as opposed to buying. Is that NOT your choice?

Did you actually advocate that it is okay if the owner LOSES money by owning rental property?

Face it, you stayed there because the rent was falling behind the market which is not uncommon. You took the risk that nothing would change. Whose responsibility is that decision? But you want to blame someone else, why?

Were the expenses for the owner suspended while the tenants could not be evicted? Of course not.

Show your facts that rents are skyrocketing because illegal aliens are coming into those complexes and paying those rents. If you cannot, then your comments have no basis and are false.

I am adamantly opposed to the catastrophe happening at our border. As far as I'm concerned, it is an invasion against which President Biden has chosen not to defend our country. Shameful.

You and I agree on, I would say, 95% of the issues where we meet on this board. This affects you personally and suddenly you become a far-left soldier on this one issue.

It is public information. You can find it on your computer. Look up how much the new owner paid for the property and how much was paid by the seller. My guess is that if the seller owned your property for more than a couple of years, the new owner paid substantially more.
Not my choice,

These owners are not losing money. They're just feeding their greed.

What you call "the market" is nothing more than landlords choosing to escalate prices on something people have to have. Do you brush off escalating gas prices as "the market " ?

This isnt a question of blame. I dont care who is to blame. Government's #1 job is to PROTECT the people. Right now, the people (low income seniors on fixed incomes) need protection.

It's not just illegal aliens that are coming into the Tampa Bay area, it is also Americans from up north, who want to escape the cold, md Americans from up north whose businesses are closing there, and reopening here. Once again, this thread is concerned with the ramifications, not the stimuli.

I don't knw where you get the idea that SOME rent control is a "far-left" issue. For you edification, almost all blue states have statewide bans on rent control. The number of cities that have it, are somewhere around 1% of all US cities. You are misinformed.

What the seller receives and the buyer paid is outside the scope of this thread. The point of reference here is millions of people (mostly low income seniors( being forced out of their homes), with nowhere to go. Put yourself in THEIR shoes.


Prices can only climb as high as people can afford to pay. At some point it slows otherwise there will be vacant units and landlords aren't the business of leaving rental units empty. We saw this last year. Rents in NYC and other cities plummeted in 2020 because of people fleeing the city for more rural areas.
The point here is that the prices are climbing as high as RICH people (many of them migrants) (and crammers) can afford to pay, leaving low income people unable to pay, and become homeless.

These same low income seniors are AMERICANS who worked and paid taxes to this country for 50+ years, and served in its military. Rich Arabs, et al who Biden is letting in, and transporting around the country, who are saturating the housing, have neither served in America's military, nor paid a penny in taxes to the USA.

I sense most people in this thread, are not seeing this issue as it is.
Prices went up here. It's everywhere. You gotta find something cheaper and may need to move. This isn't going away any time soon. If you buy they can neve price you out again.
If you buy, you still have escalating property taxes, increasing insurance rates, increasing repair/maintenance costs, and possibly decreasing value of your house if the neighborhood changes. But again, most low income seniors CANNOT buy houses even if they wanted to.,
Either you are talking about people with money OR you are talking about illegal immigrants. Not both.

Yes, the Tampa are is getting more and more expensive. That is because there are more and more people retiring to Florida.

If you can't afford to live there, you move. Don't cry to the gov't to fix it.
I'm talking about both. Illegal aliens pack a group into one apartment and split the rent. Other illegal aliens (quite a few) are relatively wealthy. The idea that they are all indigent is ridiculous. Coyotes are making fortunes, receiving $ 3-5000 a pop, from migrants to transport their children here, and then they come afterward. I wish I had $3 or $5,000 to throw around like that.

Lots of wealthy aliens from Muslims countries are coming being wads of cash. Billboards are starting to appear in Arabic.

Leave it to someone not in this predicament to foolishly talk about what to do. "Move" ? Get a grip man, these people can barely afford to pay their $600 month rent, you think they can afford to move ? Plus WHERE is there a place to move to ? There's a good question for all of us to consider.
In other words, you have less than decent credit. And I'm sure that was not your fault, was it? So the gov't should bail you out of the mess you made by your own choices?
Depends on what "credit" you 're talking about. My credit score form the 3 main credit reporting agencies is rather low (about 600) but these are FALSE readings. They don't include 70 Amscot loans I paid back on time with a perfect record, because Amscot doesn't report to them.

The scores don't include a lot of good credit. Regarding housing, the landlords are idiots when it comes to credit. They stupidly look at credit reports, instead of applicants' HOUSING RENTAL RECORDS, (of which mine is 100% PERFECT) since 1967.

Many of them also have minimum income requirements of 3 times what the rent is. DUMB. The people who have that, are typically young people with jobs. They may have a high income now, and next week their income may be NOTHING. But the lower income seniors with Social Security and pensions, have a more STABLE & SECURE income, and thus are lower risk.

When the pandemic hit and people went unemployed, my former apartment complex, with its new high rents, evicted 42 tenants in 2020-2021. Guess who they were. Young people with jobs. Not one older person on high Social Security & pensions got evicted.
The FACT is rents escalating 42 %, 64%, and more.
Show us all where rents are escalating 42 to 64% above comparable properties in the same area. You can't because it has not happened.

My guess is that for many years you silently gloated in the knowledge that, probably because you were a good tenant, you paid well below the rent of other comparable properties owned by others. You chuckled when friends who maid the same but had to replace the HVAC system when it died and you just called the landlord.

How long have you lived in the complex? How much has the price of houses in your area increased in that time? Ten years? Those who bought, still own the house at that price and they could have refinanced at a rate BELOW 3%. You made a different decision. Own it. That's all.

If rents should be fixed, why not gas prices? Aren't far more people hurt by that than rent prices? How about heating costs? Aren't there millions who are going to suffer because of the skyrocketing prices?
Here's a bone for all the Oh-so-anti-government conservatives in this thread to bite on (hope it doesn't get stuck in your stomachs) >>>

There are 2 main victims in this crazy housing crisis scenario >>

1.) Low income renters receiving huge rent increases.

2.) Every other business outside of the housing sector, who are seeing plummeting sales, because of the massive reduction in disposable income. When my rent went from $550/mo to $900/mo, and some people stayed there, and are paying the increase, huge losses happened to scores of businesses. If I had stayed, the $350/mo that I was saving to buy a car, would have gone to my landlord instead. Sorry Mr. car dealer. You just lost hundreds of sales$$$$$.

Want to cite who else ? Businesses selling furniture, electronics, clothing, musical instruments, sporting goods, veterinarians, tutors, hardware, boats, bicycles, vacation packages, firearms, home improvement, etc, etc, etc. Landlords are now getting their sales $$$$$$$$$$. And the landlords are far fewer in number than the residents they gouge, so any increase in sales from the landlords, would be drop in the bucket, relative to the losses.

As a former business owner myself, I am well aware of what skyrocketing housing costs can do to a business' sales. It happened to me in the San Francisco Bay area in the late 80's. It literally drove me out of business. That's when I started appreciating rent control.
And if you don't have enough income and what YOU CALL decent d-credit, then it is NOT easy. And credit scores have nothing to do with housing, and landlords who deny good renters housing on that basis are idiots, who needlessly deprive themselves of of good customers.

The only credit record that is appropriate to check for housing rentals, is one's HOUSING rental record.

Encouraging new construction, also encourages new immigration, carrying with it a long list of harms.
Nonsense. Of course, a credit rating is relevant in housing. It represents someone's willingness to pay. How responsible a person is just as their criminal record is a reliable indicator of their honesty.

I was a REALTOR for over 50 years, here in Florida. I have never, ever heard that new construction encourages immigration. Increased construction doesn't encourage people to come to an area, it fills the demand already in that area.

Someone building 100 homes outside of Orlando is not spotted by a citizen of South America and he decides it is just for him and he's going to walk a thousand miles to walk across our border. No education, no experience, no skills. Yep, that builder had just that person in mind when he started construction on a hundred, quarter million dollar homes.

Just quit your whining and don't make the same mistake.
Show us all where rents are escalating 42 to 64% above comparable properties in the same area. You can't because it has not happened.

My guess is that for many years you silently gloated in the knowledge that, probably because you were a good tenant, you paid well below the rent of other comparable properties owned by others. You chuckled when friends who maid the same but had to replace the HVAC system when it died and you just called the landlord.

How long have you lived in the complex? How much has the price of houses in your area increased in that time? Ten years? Those who bought, still own the house at that price and they could have refinanced at a rate BELOW 3%. You made a different decision. Own it. That's all.

If rents should be fixed, why not gas prices? Aren't far more people hurt by that than rent prices? How about heating costs? Aren't there millions who are going to suffer because of the skyrocketing prices?
"Above comparable properties" ?NO, They are ALL skyrocketing that way. All the more reason for government intervention to put it under control.

I was NOT paying well below other apartment complexes. They were all about the same, and they have all skyrocketed up about the same. So your "guess" is a bad guess. Better to listen to those who know what they're talking about.

As I said (I've lost count now) a number of times already here, most low income people CANNOT buy a house. As strange as that may seem to you.
However many people are hurt by rising gas prices, the increases are nowhere near as much as the housing increases.

Oh heating costs, going up too much ? Maybe you should have rented an apartment with utilites included in the rent.
Nonsense. Of course, a credit rating is relevant in housing. It represents someone's willingness to pay. How responsible a person is just as their criminal record is a reliable indicator of their honesty.

I was a REALTOR for over 50 years, here in Florida. I have never, ever heard that new construction encourages immigration. Increased construction doesn't encourage people to come to an area, it fills the demand already in that area.

Someone building 100 homes outside of Orlando is not spotted by a citizen of South America and he decides it is just for him and he's going to walk a thousand miles to walk across our border. No education, no experience, no skills. Yep, that builder had just that person in mind when he started construction on a hundred, quarter million dollar homes.

Just quit your whining and don't make the same mistake.
What an IDIOTIC thing to say. You dumbass. Credits scores PARTIALLY measure things that landlords have NOTHING TO DO WITH. Buying jewelry, sporting goods, musical instruments, cosmetic surgeries, - things that actually are none of the landlord's damn business,

The landlord's only business is receive housing rent, and thus his only interest is in an applicant's HOUSING RENTAL RECORD. Period. Honesty is not what landlords have any business investigating. How people pay for HOUSING, is all they have any right to probe into.

The more housing you build , the more migrants you can get. Duh!

if you were a low income senior, with a whopping rent increase, you would saying the same thing I'm saying now. You are the last person in society to be qualified to comment on this. You have no dog in this fight. You aren't faced with this problem.

Old Indian saying >> "Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his mocassins." You aren't staring HOMELESSNESS in the face, like many of Tampa's residents are. You really ought to :anj_stfu:
So let's hear from the business owners here. How do you feel about thousands of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ of what could/should/would have been your sales $$$$, going into the pockets of landlords, instead of you. Feeling warm & fuzzy with that :question::eusa_think:
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Here's a bone for all the Oh-so-anti-government conservatives in this thread to bite on (hope it doesn't get stuck in your stomachs) >>>

There are 2 main victims in this crazy housing crisis scenario >>

1.) Low income renters receiving huge rent increases.

2.) Every other business outside of the housing sector, who are seeing plummeting sales, because of the massive reduction in disposable income. When my rent went from $550/mo to $900/mo, and some people stayed there, and are paying the increase, huge losses happened to scores of businesses. If I had stayed, the $350/mo that I was saving to buy a car, would have gone to my landlord instead. Sorry Mr. car dealer. You just lost hundreds of sales$$$$$.

Want to cite who else ? Businesses selling furniture, electronics, clothing, musical instruments, sporting goods, veterinarians, tutors, hardware, boats, bicycles, vacation packages, firearms, home improvement, etc, etc, etc. Landlords are now getting their sales $$$$$$$$$$. And the landlords are far fewer in number than the residents they gouge, so any increase in sales from the landlords, would be drop in the bucket, relative to the losses.

As a former business owner myself, I am well aware of what skyrocketing housing costs can do to a business' sales. It happened to me in the San Francisco Bay area in the late 80's. It literally drove me out of business. That's when I started appreciating rent control.
What an IDIOTIC thing to say. You dumbass. Credits scores PARTIALLY measure things that landlords have NOTHING TO DO WITH. Buying jewelry, sporting goods, musical instruments, cosmetic surgeries, - things that actually are none of the landlord's damn business,

The landlord's only business is receive housing rent, and thus his only interest is in an applicant's HOUSING RENTAL RECORD. Period. Honesty is not what landlords have any business investigating. How people pay for HOUSING, is all they have any right to probe into.

The more housing you build , the more migrants you can get. Duh!

if you were a low income senior, with a whopping rent increase, you would saying the same thing I'm saying now. You are the last person in society to be qualified to comment on this. You have no dog in this fight. You aren't faced with this problem.

Old Indian saying >> "Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his mocassins." You aren't staring HOMELESSNESS in the face, like many of Tampa's residents are. You really ought to :anj_stfu:
No, SOME Tampa residents are facing homelessness. Not many.

There are thousands of jobs in Tampa, get one, if that's not enough, get another. Tampa is one of the most expensive locations in our great state. Move. Brooksville is a nice area. or, get a roommate. Tallahassee is nice, we're about midway on state scale. We have tens of thousands of students which drives up rents.
If you move to S.C., I recommend an English-to-Hick dictionary. Or master the seven basic grunts so you can effectively communicate
That's the end of your clammering about bigotry. Not that anyone was seriously paying attention.

Liberals yammer about bigotry, while thinking nothing of insulting 5.12 Million people in 3 sentences.
So let's hear from the business owners here. How do you feel about thousands of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ of what could/should/would have been your sales $$$$, going into the pockets of landlords, instead of you. Feeling warm & fuzzy with that :question::eusa_think:
SURPRISE! After the landlord pays his/her mortgage, they pay taxes, insurance, and maintenance on the complex. They also have to go into that vacant unit, refurbish it for the next tenant all while not collecting rent.

You forgot that they too then pay for their kid's clothes, schooling and may take the family out to dinner too.

If you're so jealous of landlords, become one. Or is that too hard for you? Starting out, you have to be able and willing to repair the wood rot yourself, paint the units, mow the lawn, hire a plumber to replace that dead water heater, maybe borrow some money to replace that dead HVAC system in one of the units. They won't wait a few weeks for you to get the money together. Then dang, there's that roof leak, how long can it be repaired before it has to be replaced? A new roof is HOW MUCH?

Some folks are absolutely, positively not suited to be a landlord. Many others are not suited to be homeowners.

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