Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

No, SOME Tampa residents are facing homelessness. Not many.

There are thousands of jobs in Tampa, get one, if that's not enough, get another. Tampa is one of the most expensive locations in our great state. Move. Brooksville is a nice area. or, get a roommate. Tallahassee is nice, we're about midway on state scale. We have tens of thousands of students which drives up rents.
Oh, so you now claim to be an authority on low income renters in Tampa huh ?

Other places in Florida seem to be very high also, and the whole state is still absent of any rent control protection. I have designs on moving out of Florida eventually , and leave the heat, the palmetto bugs, the alligators behind.

East Tennessee, and other areas of Appalachia have a built in rent control system which comes from a very large poverty population. Will stay intact as long as vote-seeker Biden doesnt fuck it up with his migration lunacy.

The dude knows Americans wont vote for him, so he imports millions of foreigners, who will depend on him to not deport them. Everywhere they go, housing vacancies disappear, and rents jump up.
SURPRISE! After the landlord pays his/her mortgage, they pay taxes, insurance, and maintenance on the complex. They also have to go into that vacant unit, refurbish it for the next tenant all while not collecting rent.

You forgot that they too then pay for their kid's clothes, schooling and may take the family out to dinner too.

If you're so jealous of landlords, become one. Or is that too hard for you? Starting out, you have to be able and willing to repair the wood rot yourself, paint the units, mow the lawn, hire a plumber to replace that dead water heater, maybe borrow some money to replace that dead HVAC system in one of the units. They won't wait a few weeks for you to get the money together. Then dang, there's that roof leak, how long can it be repaired before it has to be replaced? A new roof is HOW MUCH?

Some folks are absolutely, positively not suited to be a landlord. Many others are not suited to be homeowners.
I didn't forget anything, I posted about landlords' spending vs renters spending. Can you read ?

Nothing dumber than trying to paint landlords as victims, in 2021. Is there a doctor in the house ?
Not my choice,

These owners are not losing money. They're just feeding their greed.

What you call "the market" is nothing more than landlords choosing to escalate prices on something people have to have. Do you brush off escalating gas prices as "the market " ?

This isnt a question of blame. I dont care who is to blame. Government's #1 job is to PROTECT the people. Right now, the people (low income seniors on fixed incomes) need protection.

It's not just illegal aliens that are coming into the Tampa Bay area, it is also Americans from up north, who want to escape the cold, md Americans from up north whose businesses are closing there, and reopening here. Once again, this thread is concerned with the ramifications, not the stimuli.

I don't knw where you get the idea that SOME rent control is a "far-left" issue. For you edification, almost all blue states have statewide bans on rent control. The number of cities that have it, are somewhere around 1% of all US cities. You are misinformed.

What the seller receives and the buyer paid is outside the scope of this thread. The point of reference here is millions of people (mostly low income seniors( being forced out of their homes), with nowhere to go. Put yourself in THEIR shoes.

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Which tent is yours? No matter how much taxpayers' money you spend, there will ALWAYS be poor and homeless people. Tent cities spring up because the local government allows them to fester. How does that help the local citizens and their economy?
I didn't forget anything, I posted about landlords' spending vs renters spending. Can you read ?

Nothing dumber than trying to paint landlords as victims, in 2021. Is there a doctor in the house ?
No, you posted about what the tenants might have spent. You intentionally denied that the landlord was spending money at the hardware store that was paying their employees too!

Landlords are NOT a victim in 2021? Did you have 20 rental units with seven of them not paying rent because they were forced out of a job by the government?
Your turn to comment, BUSINESS OWNERS.
I did.

If you buy, you still have escalating property taxes, increasing insurance rates, increasing repair/maintenance costs, and possibly decreasing value of your house if the neighborhood changes. But again, most low income seniors CANNOT buy houses even if they wanted to.,
I disagree. Call those numbers I gave you and apply for the down payment assistance.
Prices can only climb as high as people can afford to pay
People "can" afford to pay 100% of their salary, or be homeless. Your invisible hand fantasy has no morality or regard for human well being. It has no regard for the larger economic picture. If you want to sidestep morality and ethics in favor of deferring an amoral algorithm, be my guest. But there's a reason this is pure fantasy and why there is not and will never be a purely capitalist society. Several reasons, really.
Which tent is yours? No matter how much taxpayers' money you spend, there will ALWAYS be poor and homeless people. Tent cities spring up because the local government allows them to fester. How does that help the local citizens and their economy?
That happens due to unequal protection of the law for unemployment compensation. We should have no poverty and homelessness in our first world economy.
That happens due to unequal protection of the law for unemployment compensation. We should have no poverty and homelessness in our first world economy.
What the heck does "due to unequal protection of the law for unemployment compensation" even mean?

Under what theory should any country not have anyone living below the poverty line or homeless? Because we are a rich nation, how does that translate to a country without anyone with alcohol, drug, or criminal records?

Please stop being so silly. Join the real world.
Which tent is yours? No matter how much taxpayers' money you spend, there will ALWAYS be poor and homeless people. Tent cities spring up because the local government allows them to fester. How does that help the local citizens and their economy?
It doesn't. In fact, it WORSENS the city and the economy of it, discouraging people from wanting to visit there, and spend money there. Yet another reason for rent control to keep things normal, and not out of hand.

And no, I don't live in a tent (sorry to disappoint you).
No, you posted about what the tenants might have spent. You intentionally denied that the landlord was spending money at the hardware store that was paying their employees too!

Landlords are NOT a victim in 2021? Did you have 20 rental units with seven of them not paying rent because they were forced out of a job by the government?
If you're going to come in here yammering about what I posted, YOU POST THAT POST, so we can see what the hell you're blabbering about.

I dont recall saying anything about any hardware store or payment to employees. Post it or shut up.

Generally, no, landlords are absolutely NOT victims. The victims are the low income (mostly older) renters who, because of those landlords' exhorbitant rent increases, are being forced out of their apartment homes, and into the streets, where there is no housing available for them to move to.

The whole idea of calling landlords victims, is almost as ludicrous as calling the Japs who attacked Pearl Harbor, victims.
I said (in Post # 1391) >> " Every other business outside of the housing sector, who are seeing plummeting sales, because of the massive reduction in disposable income"

The last people this thread needs to hear from are rotten realtors who are the cause of all this misery.
It doesn't. In fact, it WORSENS the city and the economy of it, discouraging people from wanting to visit there, and spend money there. Yet another reason for rent control to keep things normal, and not out of hand.

And no, I don't live in a tent (sorry to disappoint you).

Tourists rarely see how much rent is. As long as workers in the tourism trade can find places to live. Dover FL not far. Plant City is only 25 miles from Tampa. The workers will be there.
I disagree. Call those numbers I gave you and apply for the down payment assistance.
I applied for a VA home loan. I was told I would have ZERO down payment. And my CLOSING COSTS on a house of only $60,000, were $7,000 - UP FRONT. That's not including tax & insurance.

There a woman living here's whose total income is $ In January, the rent goes up to $850. Savings ? People here never heard of any such thing.
People "can" afford to pay 100% of their salary, or be homeless. Your invisible hand fantasy has no morality or regard for human well being. It has no regard for the larger economic picture. If you want to sidestep morality and ethics in favor of deferring an amoral algorithm, be my guest. But there's a reason this is pure fantasy and why there is not and will never be a purely capitalist society. Several reasons, really.
But without ANY degree of rent control, with respect to housing, that is exactly what we have. A "purely capitalist society", with no control over And this is true in red states and most blue states, both..

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