Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

What the heck does "due to unequal protection of the law for unemployment compensation" even mean?

Under what theory should any country not have anyone living below the poverty line or homeless? Because we are a rich nation, how does that translate to a country without anyone with alcohol, drug, or criminal records?

Please stop being so silly. Join the real world.
In this thread, we are talking about millions of people who don't drink, do drugs, and don't have criminal (beyond traffic tickets) records. We're talking about good people who are old, and no longer in the workforce with the high incomes they used to have. THAT 'real world". Get it ?
In this thread, we are talking about millions of people who don't drink, do drugs, and don't have criminal (beyond traffic tickets) records. We're talking about good people who are old, and no longer in the workforce with the high incomes they used to have. THAT 'real world". Get it ?

So these people used to have high incomes? And they made no preparations for their retirement? Didn't save any money? Their only plan was to rely on the gov't to take care of them? hate to break it to you, but that kind of thinking is NOT conservative.
So these people used to have high incomes? And they made no preparations for their retirement? Didn't save any money? Their only plan was to rely on the gov't to take care of them? hate to break it to you, but that kind of thinking is NOT conservative.
I mean "high" relative to what they now get from Social Security + maybe small pension. As for your word "save", many people's incomes (all their lives) have never been large enough to "save" anything. you sound like somebody who hasn't had much experience seeing poverty or just very low income living.

I remember when I lived in East Tennessee, talking to some people there who said they did not own a pair of shoes until they were 8 years old. Some guys from Appalachia who I served in the Army with, (when getting their uniforms at the reception center), said "This is the best set of clothes I've ever had." They didn't rely on the government for it. They just got it, that's all.
Blue states did something right? Crazy!
What is right about banning rent control ? It's about as WRONG as anything any state government ever did. If your rent just went from $550/mo to $900/mo, and your whole income was less than $1200/mo, you'd see how wrong it is.

Letting prices soar on luxuries is one thing. Letting that happen on NECESSITIES is something alltogether different. If business owners want to be fully free from price controls, they should enter businesses that don't deal with things people HAVE TO HAVE.
What is right about banning rent control ? It's about as WRONG as anything any state government ever did. If your rent just went from $550/mo to $900/mo, and your whole income was less than $1200/mo, you'd see how wrong it is.

Letting prices soar on luxuries is one thing. Letting that happen on NECESSITIES is something alltogether different. If business owners want to be fully free from price controls, they should enter businesses that don't deal with things people HAVE TO HAVE.

What is right about banning rent control ?

Rent-control is a governmental taking.

It's about as WRONG as anything any state government ever did

Rent control is wrong, wrong, wrong.

If your rent just went from $550/mo to $900/mo, and your whole income was less than $1200/mo, you'd see how wrong it is.

If I own a property and the government said I can charge $550 but I can't charge $900,
the government would be wrong.

It's sad that you didn't save enough. That doesn't make it right for the government
to steal from your landlord. Even if you feel the landlord is mean or unfair to you.

Letting prices soar on luxuries is one thing

Letting? Where does the government have the constitutional power to control luxury prices?

If business owners want to be fully free from price controls, they should enter businesses that don't deal with things people HAVE TO HAVE.

Quit your whining and move somewhere cheaper. Or at least stop claiming you're conservative.
I was talking about them seeing tent cities, and the normal garbage that builds up when there are hundreds of people living on the street.

So those tent cities are moved away from tourist areas. As long as the hotels are nice, the attractions are good, and there is good food, the tourists will come.
I mean "high" relative to what they now get from Social Security + maybe small pension. As for your word "save", many people's incomes (all their lives) have never been large enough to "save" anything. you sound like somebody who hasn't had much experience seeing poverty or just very low income living.

I remember when I lived in East Tennessee, talking to some people there who said they did not own a pair of shoes until they were 8 years old. Some guys from Appalachia who I served in the Army with, (when getting their uniforms at the reception center), said "This is the best set of clothes I've ever had." They didn't rely on the government for it. They just got it, that's all.

I have been broke. I had 3 kids and a wife with serious health issues. We were on Food Stamps and live for a few years in gov't housing. Don't try that "you have never been poor" bullshit with me. And the gov't didn't rescue me. I rescued me. And once I got on my feet I saved money. I put money into my 401k. I did all that rather than going to bars and trying to convince 20something girls that I was young.
I said (in Post # 1391) >> " Every other business outside of the housing sector, who are seeing plummeting sales, because of the massive reduction in disposable income"

The last people this thread needs to hear from are rotten realtors who are the cause of all this misery.
As you know, retail sales are soaring, as is the stock market because of the trillions of worthless paper dollars being pumped into the economy, throwing gas on the fire of inflation.

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I applied for a VA home loan. I was told I would have ZERO down payment. And my CLOSING COSTS on a house of only $60,000, were $7,000 - UP FRONT. That's not including tax & insurance.
Then your Realtor and/or lender did a terrible job for you. Either that or it was decades ago and there were substantial discount points. Today we rarely see discount points. As you know, the VA funding fee can be included in the mortgage amount.

No, your closing costs were not all required upfront. A small portion is required upfront so that the vendor is paid if the sale does not close.

All real estate is local and I have no idea in what state you live. Depending on the date of your closing, you may have had property taxes due from the time you closed through the end of the year. Hazard insurance is due as part of the closing costs and prepaid items so your property is insured for the coming year.
In this thread, we are talking about millions of people who don't drink, do drugs, and don't have criminal (beyond traffic tickets) records. We're talking about good people who are old, and no longer in the workforce with the high incomes they used to have. THAT 'real world". Get it ?
That would leave fewer than 10% of the homeless we have today. Very few indeed. Get it?
Under what theory should any country not have anyone living below the poverty line or homeless? Because we are a rich nation, how does that translate to a country without anyone with alcohol, drug, or criminal records?

Please stop being so silly. Join the real world.
The Majestic equality of the Law.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
The Majestic equality of the Law.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France

And we have programs that are designed to help those who are poor, and unable to help themselves. Welfare, foodstamps, ect.
And we have programs that are designed to help those who are poor, and unable to help themselves. Welfare, foodstamps, ect.
The police should be telling the People (and the EDD) to be Legal to the Law and get off the streets.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France

All procedural and substantive due process should effect that Majestic goal.
The police should be telling the People (and the EDD) to be Legal to the Law and get off the streets.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France

All procedural and substantive due process should effect that Majestic goal.

Be legal to the law? lol

We are being legal to the law. We are also legal where the US Constitution is concerned. There is no requirement for UC to be changed due to a law that is merely a description of a relationship between employer and employee.
Be legal to the law? lol

We are being legal to the law. We are also legal where the US Constitution is concerned. There is no requirement for UC to be changed due to a law that is merely a description of a relationship between employer and employee.
Why do you believe that, other than appealing to ignorance that is detrimental to the Poor? Not enough morals to go around on the Right-Wing?

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