Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

What is right about rent control is that it PROTECTS (notice my display name ?) low income people, from being forced out of their hoes with nowhere to go.

Rent control is right, right , right -and this was never more evident than with the current situation in Tampa and elsewhere, where AMERICANS, are losing their #1 NECESSITY, so price gouging landlords can opportunize wealthy foreigners. Really bad policy.

This is NOT ABOUT if you "own a property". It's about the people who rent .

The government is right to say you cant charge $900/mo on people who have been paying $550/month. The government is nit stealing from the landlord. the LL has no moral right to push people out of their homes, and into the street with nowhere to go, at advance sage, many with health problems. I cant believe I even have to explain this. Who am I talking to ? A vicious subhuman beast ?

The stealing is being done by the landlords, who are stealing from the tenants who stay and pay the abnormal rent increase. If LL raises rent from $550/mo to 900, he is stealing $350 every month from every resident renter. It's like being mugged on the street every month for $350.

Landlords need to realize their business is MORE THAN THAT. It is people's lives and survival, and that can't be allowed to mess with that. Let them sell houseplants, if they want to raise prices 50-100%.

What is this crap about being conservative ? Yes, I'm conservative , so what ? What dies rent control have to do with that ? Nothing, except that demanding rent control UNDER THE CURRENT SITUATION, is a very conservative position. It is responding to Biden causing this whole crisis by filling our neighborhoods with migrants (many of them wealthy), thereby saturating available housing, and causing shortages and skyrocketing rents. Opposing the rent control is falling right in line with Biden's scheme to turn red states into blue ones, allowing him to get re-elected (he thinks).

What is right about rent control is that it PROTECTS (notice my display name ?) low income people, from being forced out of their hoes with nowhere to go.

Your poverty doesn't mean the government should steal from your landlord.
Move somewhere cheaper, get a roommate, stop claiming you're conservative.

This is NOT ABOUT if you "own a property". It's about the people who rent .

You want to steal from an owner. Shame on you.

The government is right to say you cant charge $900/mo on people who have been paying $550/month.


The government is nit stealing from the landlord. the LL has no moral right to push people out of their homes, and into the street with nowhere to go,

If I own property and the government stops me from charging $900 and makes me charge $550, the government is stealing from me.

No moral right? LOL! You're funny.

The stealing is being done by the landlords, who are stealing from the tenants who stay and pay the abnormal rent increase.

Not unless the landlord somehow forces you to stay there, when you are obviously free to move.

It's like being mugged on the street every month for $350.


Landlords need to realize their business is MORE THAN THAT.

It's not. It's business and you're whining like a liberal.

What is this crap about being conservative ? Yes, I'm conservative , so what ?

Why are you whining like a liberal? Man up.
Why do you believe that, other than appealing to ignorance that is detrimental to the Poor? Not enough morals to go around on the Right-Wing?
Before you go whole hog ragging on the "Right-Wing: take note that the housing glut in Tampa et al places is a Left-Wing thing, part & parcel of Joe Biden's open borders, and his nationwide transport program to turn red states blue.

Not for individuals. Section 8 now is only servicing families, with 3, 4, & 5 bedroom apartments.

I guess you should move to Alabama or Georgia. I know for a fact that individuals can get Section 8 housing.

But then, Section 8 housing is a federal program. So Florida would have the same requirements. You just may have to leave Tampa to find some 1 or 2 bedroom apartments.
Before you go whole hog ragging on the "Right-Wing: take note that the housing glut in Tampa et al places is a Left-Wing thing, part & parcel of Joe Biden's open borders, and his nationwide transport program to turn red states blue.

Funny thing, you started this thread in 2018. Right in the middle of Trump's presidency and before the pandemic.
What is right about rent control is that it PROTECTS (notice my display name ?) low income people, from being forced out of their hoes with nowhere to go.

Your poverty doesn't mean the government should steal from your landlord.
Move somewhere cheaper, get a roommate, stop claiming you're conservative.

This is NOT ABOUT if you "own a property". It's about the people who rent .

You want to steal from an owner. Shame on you.

The government is right to say you cant charge $900/mo on people who have been paying $550/month.


The government is nit stealing from the landlord. the LL has no moral right to push people out of their homes, and into the street with nowhere to go,

If I own property and the government stops me from charging $900 and makes me charge $550, the government is stealing from me.

No moral right? LOL! You're funny.

The stealing is being done by the landlords, who are stealing from the tenants who stay and pay the abnormal rent increase.

Not unless the landlord somehow forces you to stay there, when you are obviously free to move.

It's like being mugged on the street every month for $350.


Landlords need to realize their business is MORE THAN THAT.

It's not. It's business and you're whining like a liberal.

What is this crap about being conservative ? Yes, I'm conservative , so what ?

Why are you whining like a liberal? Man up.
Stop talking about conservative. If you oppose rent control under the current Biden airlifts, you're a liberal, and a far-left one.

When people's poverty (who were not "poor" before) is created by landlords and their astronomical rent increases, then yes, the government should act to PROTECT this people from the thieving, soulless landlords.

You want to steal from old, low income renters, > SHAME ON YOU. (while at the same time supporting Biden's looney leftist political sabatoge. Some states have already turned blue, from this migration politicization (Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado) - you dont know what's going on ?

If the government stops gas price gouging, is that stealing from gas sellers ?

You can call it stealing or any name you want to put on it. PROTECTION of the public comes before your "right" to gouge renters, and force them into homelessness. Guys like you are the scum of this country.

IDIOT. NOBODy is "free to move". First of all there is nowhere to move to, because the housing market is SATURATED, No units available, that why the rents are now so high. That + GREED. Secondly, most older people have too many health issues to move about "free".

YOU are the liar, and a soulless one as well.

Jeez, you are deranged, Of course housing is MUCH more than just your rotten business, it is millions of people's HOMES, and their very SURVIVAL, which you care nothing about.

I'm not whining like a liberal. I'm facing up to Biden's migrant dumping red to blue program, which you are supporting, ToddsterLEFTIST.
I guess you should move to Alabama or Georgia. I know for a fact that individuals can get Section 8 housing.

But then, Section 8 housing is a federal program. So Florida would have the same requirements. You just may have to leave Tampa to find some 1 or 2 bedroom apartments.
That's what I intend to do, by hook or by crook.
In this case, it would mean unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
So, a minimum income for everyone. Free money. Where does that come from and what would motivate someone to work?
I get it that you have no idea what you're talking about. Also, as I stated in the OP, last month, >> "Let's hear what some people who are in this predicament have to say, not those who own homes and don't face danger of becoming homeless."

That lets YOU out, Mr Realtor.
Yeah, facts just throw you into a tizzy, don't they?
The tents and the homeless people could be anywhere, and they have every right to be.
How do people who consistently make bad choices, (the vast majority of homeless, as you know) have the right to throw up a tent and endanger the public?


You have not bothered to find out when your previous owner bought the property and for how much, nor what the new owner paid.

That makes a huge difference even if it is irrelevant, unimportant, and useless to you.
So the situation was the same in 2018. But now you blame Biden for it? lol
Please show us where inflation was running rampant and housing prices were skyrocketing in 2018.

That's impossible because it didn't happen. Although we did have the wages of low-income workers rising at a more rapid rate than high-income workers for the first time in modern history.

I believe in helping those with the ability or motivation to find information far less than my own. Plus, it is my profession.

Stop talking about conservative. If you oppose rent control under the current Biden airlifts, you're a liberal, and a far-left one.

When people's poverty (who were not "poor" before) is created by landlords and their astronomical rent increases, then yes, the government should act to PROTECT this people from the thieving, soulless landlords.

You want to steal from old, low income renters, > SHAME ON YOU. (while at the same time supporting Biden's looney leftist political sabatoge. Some states have already turned blue, from this migration politicization (Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado) - you dont know what's going on ?

If the government stops gas price gouging, is that stealing from gas sellers ?

You can call it stealing or any name you want to put on it. PROTECTION of the public comes before your "right" to gouge renters, and force them into homelessness. Guys like you are the scum of this country.

IDIOT. NOBODy is "free to move". First of all there is nowhere to move to, because the housing market is SATURATED, No units available, that why the rents are now so high. That + GREED. Secondly, most older people have too many health issues to move about "free".

YOU are the liar, and a soulless one as well.

Jeez, you are deranged, Of course housing is MUCH more than just your rotten business, it is millions of people's HOMES, and their very SURVIVAL, which you care nothing about.

I'm not whining like a liberal. I'm facing up to Biden's migrant dumping red to blue program, which you are supporting, ToddsterLEFTIST.

Stop talking about conservative.

Stop claiming your desire for more government power makes you one.

If you oppose rent control under the current Biden airlifts, you're a liberal, and a far-left one.

We need to seal the border and deport 20 million illegal start.
I also oppose government stealing from landlords.

When people's poverty (who were not "poor" before) is created by landlords

It sounds like your poverty was created by your poor planning.

You want to steal from old, low income renters

Wrong. A also don't want to steal from landlords.

Some states have already turned blue, from this migration politicization (Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado) - you dont know what's going on ?

I'm very aware of what the flood of immigrants, legal and illegal, is doing.

If the government stops gas price gouging, is that stealing from gas sellers ?

No such thing as gas price gouging.

NOBODy is "free to move".

You live in East Germany? Russia? Your ignorant whining is annoying.

YOU are the liar, and a soulless one as well.

I already said I'm sorry that you're poor. Get a roommate.
One who can stand your constant, liberal whining.

Of course housing is MUCH more than just your rotten business,

Stealing is wrong. Even if pointing that out makes you sad.

I'm not whining like a liberal.

You're not whining like a conservative.

I'm facing up to Biden's migrant dumping red to blue program, which you are supporting,

Liar. Biden is an evil asshole for transporting illegal aliens into the interior.
Boot the illegals. Today.
Before you go whole hog ragging on the "Right-Wing: take note that the housing glut in Tampa et al places is a Left-Wing thing, part & parcel of Joe Biden's open borders, and his nationwide transport program to turn red states blue.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
Rent control is an abuse of social power when equal protection of the Laws is available as a Civil Right.

Hypothetically, how would landlords be worse if persons can obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States?

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France

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