Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

So what. I stand by the laws as they are now as well. There is absolute proof, there is inequality in protection of at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation.

There is nothing that says by the meter description of the relationship between employer and employee that all benefits given by unemployment compensation are available to every unemployed person.

Especially since not all employment meets the at-will employment laws.
There is nothing that says by the meter description of the relationship between employer and employee that all benefits given by unemployment compensation are available to every unemployed person.
I am not sure I understand your line of reasoning.

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."
That is federal doctrine and State Law for Legal purposes.
The Majestic equality of the Law.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
With equal protection of the Law (for Legal purposes) rent control would be unnecessary under our form of Capitalism.

How would that benefit landords?

There is already equal protection of the law. Unemployment compensation is for those who lost their job through no fault of their own. Go apply for welfare if you need to survive and are unwilling to work.
In this case, it would mean unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

As long as the tax payers were willing to spend $2.5 billion to pay people who are able to work but choose not to.
That would leave fewer than 10% of the homeless we have today. Very few indeed. Get it?
I get it that you have no idea what you're talking about. Also, as I stated in the OP, last month, >> "Let's hear what some people who are in this predicament have to say, not those who own homes and don't face danger of becoming homeless."

That lets YOU out, Mr Realtor.
What is right about banning rent control ?

Rent-control is a governmental taking.

It's about as WRONG as anything any state government ever did

Rent control is wrong, wrong, wrong.

If your rent just went from $550/mo to $900/mo, and your whole income was less than $1200/mo, you'd see how wrong it is.

If I own a property and the government said I can charge $550 but I can't charge $900,
the government would be wrong.

It's sad that you didn't save enough. That doesn't make it right for the government
to steal from your landlord. Even if you feel the landlord is mean or unfair to you.

Letting prices soar on luxuries is one thing

Letting? Where does the government have the constitutional power to control luxury prices?

If business owners want to be fully free from price controls, they should enter businesses that don't deal with things people HAVE TO HAVE.

Quit your whining and move somewhere cheaper. Or at least stop claiming you're conservative.
What is right about rent control is that it PROTECTS (notice my display name ?) low income people, from being forced out of their hoes with nowhere to go.

Rent control is right, right , right -and this was never more evident than with the current situation in Tampa and elsewhere, where AMERICANS, are losing their #1 NECESSITY, so price gouging landlords can opportunize wealthy foreigners. Really bad policy.

This is NOT ABOUT if you "own a property". It's about the people who rent .

The government is right to say you cant charge $900/mo on people who have been paying $550/month. The government is nit stealing from the landlord. the LL has no moral right to push people out of their homes, and into the street with nowhere to go, at advance sage, many with health problems. I cant believe I even have to explain this. Who am I talking to ? A vicious subhuman beast ?

The stealing is being done by the landlords, who are stealing from the tenants who stay and pay the abnormal rent increase. If LL raises rent from $550/mo to 900, he is stealing $350 every month from every resident renter. It's like being mugged on the street every month for $350.

Landlords need to realize their business is MORE THAN THAT. It is people's lives and survival, and that can't be allowed to mess with that. Let them sell houseplants, if they want to raise prices 50-100%.

What is this crap about being conservative ? Yes, I'm conservative , so what ? What dies rent control have to do with that ? Nothing, except that demanding rent control UNDER THE CURRENT SITUATION, is a very conservative position. It is responding to Biden causing this whole crisis by filling our neighborhoods with migrants (many of them wealthy), thereby saturating available housing, and causing shortages and skyrocketing rents. Opposing the rent control is falling right in line with Biden's scheme to turn red states into blue ones, allowing him to get re-elected (he thinks).
So those tent cities are moved away from tourist areas. As long as the hotels are nice, the attractions are good, and there is good food, the tourists will come.
The tents and the homeless people could be anywhere, and they have every right to be.
I have been broke. I had 3 kids and a wife with serious health issues. We were on Food Stamps and live for a few years in gov't housing. Don't try that "you have never been poor" bullshit with me. And the gov't didn't rescue me. I rescued me. And once I got on my feet I saved money. I put money into my 401k. I did all that rather than going to bars and trying to convince 20something girls that I was young.
And you also accuse people of doing things they NEVER do. I haven't been in a bar in years, and even when I was for a job, playing music. As for the 20 something (and late teens) girls I date, I don't try to convince them I'm young. They just think it.

It helps that I have all my dark Hispanic/Italian hair on my head, and dont have a face full of old-looking, gray hair. :biggrin:
As you know, retail sales are soaring, as is the stock market because of the trillions of worthless paper dollars being pumped into the economy, throwing gas on the fire of inflation.

When the economy catches up with the housing fiasco, the economy will be a depression, with nobody having any money, except landlords (less than 1% of the population).
And we have programs that are designed to help those who are poor, and unable to help themselves. Welfare, foodstamps, ect.
They don't help with housing except for families with kids. This lets out low income older people. And homeless people dont get EBT. Have to have a home address.

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