Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

Free Loading Piece of Shit. Whine and cry about rent controls and use an EBT card. Fuck off. Trump does not believe in anything but himself and the red meat idiots that follow him.
Should I respond to this raving, foaming at the mouth, airhead robot, ? Nah ?
PS - how does any of this have something to do with "free loading" ? o_O
Im not a conservative. Nor am i a "robot" :rolleyes:
Someone owns the rental property, you goober. That make sit a private property issue.
But its funny how your idea of "true conservatism" is govt control LOL. Round here, you would be called a RINO
Perfect example of the MISperception I mentioned in post # . It's nit a right/left issue. It is a common sense vs dumbass issue, and you are clearly on the side of the dumbasses, who can't see that it is a private property PLUS a sociological SURVIVAL issue all wrapped up together, and inseparable.

Anybody who believes that some degree of rent control is not acceptable in the CRISIS situation that exists now, is someone who believes that there never should be ANY government control of anything. No laws pertaining to housing prices or anything else.

EARTH TO TNH: Conservatism doesn't mean protection of business owners AT ALL COSTS. If it was, that would be support of outsourcing to China, production of harmful drugs, etc. One is not a RINO because of a support of rent control in extreme situations that lead to massive homeless. There are many things that make people a RINO. This is not one of them. I could easily call you a RINO for supporting Biden's open border lunacy, which is the crux of this whole issue. That's is a major part of the engine that is generating the skyrocketing rents, the shortage of units, and the whole CRISIS. Haven't heard a word from you against that.

As I stated already, bans on rent control are common in Democrat cities and states. You are ignorant.
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Cannabis antagonizes androgen receptors. Thus, it effeminizes the gonads.

The owner of the property is renting the space to inhabit, which differs from the physical substance the renter is using up (valves, hinges, etc.). The renter-prisoner mostly pays for space to inhabit, pays homage to the capitalist-pimp-landlord for it always already having in its possession the means of production. The physical substance being used (up) by the renter is miniscule in comparison to the appreciation of value the pimp’s physical substance is producing, even when no one is renting it. Better to find ways to boycott this pimp and direct one’s income in other directions, by all means, if and when possible.
In this case, that is NOT possible unless one is OK with living on the street in a tent (if the city's ordinances even allow that)
I can be totally stoned and still resort to the fewest fallacies. Right-wingers are simply clueless and Causeless.
You are clueless about right-wingers, and you are clueless of your own cluelessness. You should go to one of my QUIZ for Liberals threads, and find out how much you don't know.
Between now and May you can easily boost your credit rating. Presto problem solved.

The price of real estate all over the country has skyrocketing, Florida is no exception, far from it.

If the property has been held by one party for many years, chances are the rents are well below the market rate. If there is a new owner, chances are they paid substantially more than the seller.

With that all the ratios and percentages have to be redone. If they're not, the owner can't afford to maintain the property then the tenants leave, rents drop, the place goes into disrepair, owner can't make the mortgage payments. They can't sell because it's not worth what he owes. Then everyone is out on their butts.
Totally wrong. The complex I live in (and many like it) has been doing just fine at rents of $600/month (all 1 bedroom), with many upgrades being paid for by the landlord. By his own admission, recently he was bragging about his profits.

What you call "market rate" is a fallacy. When thousands of people are forced out of their HOMES, with nowhere to go, to facilitate an illegal alien invasion, you call that a "market"? I call that lunacy, public irresponsibility, and dereliction of duty (to PROTECT the AMERICAN public).

Nothing needs to be redone to adjust to mass lunacy, primarily caused by Biden's terror of relying on the American people to get re-elected. What adjusting needing to be done, is to enact some rent control (10% increase perhaps), and bring everything back to normal, and keep people from being tossed out in the street, by the thousands. Your senseless proposal is all geared to the protection of landlords, and zero to residents. That's ridiculous.

And don't give me that "can't afford to maintain" crap. I'm getting tired of all the whining BS we keep hearing, being blamed on the pandemic. Boy who cried wolf.
Perfect example of the MISperception I mentioned in post # . It's nit a right/left issue. It is a common sense vs dumbass issue, and you are clearly on the side of the dumbasses, who can't see that it is a private property PLUS a sociological SURVIVAL issue all wrapped up together, and inseparable.

Anybody who believes that some degree of rent control is not acceptable in the CRISIS situation that exists now, is someone who believes that there never should be ANY government control of anything. No laws pertaining to housing prices or anything else.

EARTH TO TNH: Conservatism doesn't mean protection of business owners AT ALL COSTS. If it was, that would be support of outsourcing to China, production of harmful drugs, etc. One is not a RINO because of a support of rent control in extreme situations that lead to massive homeless. There are many things that make people a RINO. This is not one of them. I could easily call you a RINO for supporting Biden's open border lunacy, which is the crux of this whole issue. That's is a major part of the engine that is generating the skyrocketing rents, the shortage of units, and the whole CRISIS. Haven't heard a word from you against that.

As I stated already, bans on rent control are common in Democrat cities and states. You are ignorant.
Sorry, not sorry. Im a constitutionalist and true liberal. I dont believe in your nanny state bullshit.
Rent is going up because everything is going up. Mostly due to the govt. You know, the ones you want control over rent prices. Try to THINK instead of just holding your hand out like a bum.
This reminds me of those retarded federal supremacists that want more govt control over healthcare because of prices. Even though govt is WHY prices continuously shoot up.
All of you are stupid. Truly.
Govt caused this. Dont give them even more power. They want you begging them for a sandwich. That is how they roll. The solution is the constitution and more competition. These increases are from massive inflation from the money lauderers in the govt.

Call those realators and get your own place it will be cheaper. Add in a hurricane shelter small one and look for a grant from Fema
Markle: you clicked "Disagree" to this post. That doesn't make sense. The post stated FACT. You can disagree with opinion, not fact. Do I have to make videos of some of the people in my apartment complex who cannot pay the new 42% increase in rent (some complexes have over 100% increases) for you to understand ?
You whined and expressed your OPINION.

For example: "All previously available rentals are now occupied by illegal aliens crammimg 10 people into a single 2 bdrm apartment or house."

Is that not from your post?
Markle: you clicked "Disagree" to this post. That doesn't make sense. The post stated FACT. You can disagree with opinion, not fact. Do I have to make videos of some of the people in my apartment complex who cannot pay the new 42% increase in rent (some complexes have over 100% increases) for you to understand ?
Govt caused this. Dont give them even more power. They want you begging them for a sandwich. That is how they roll. The solution is the constitution and more competition. These increases are from massive inflation from the money lauderers in the govt.

Call those realators and get your own place it will be cheaper. Add in a hurricane shelter small one and look for a grant from Fema
I live in an apartment complex, that recently was bought by a new landlord. That landlord has been increasing expired lease rents by as much as 60%. Imagine that your rent is $600/month and suddenly it's damn near $1,000/month.

Whoa! For low income seniors on Social Security and small pensions, this aint gonna fly. Actually, younger people still in the workforce with higher incomes, aren't taking to well to it either. Practically everybody in this complex is moving out. Some people are moving in and paying the higher rents, but not as many as are moving out. I've never seen so many moving vans in my life.

Next May, I will be moving out too, and still haven't figured out where to move to. I have limitations because of a low credit score and income, but I'll find someplace, even if it's not as good as where I am now.

All this is because Florida has no limit of what landlords can raise rents to. The only thing limiting them is new residents' capability to pay, and what they are able to rent apartments for.

But there is another side to this, This isn't oil or minerals mined from the ground. It's not furniture being made and sold. This is about PEOPLE. And it's about people who have been living in this complex for years, and these apartments are their HOMES. One woman who just moved out, had been living here for 25 years. Longtime neighbor-friendships are being obliterated.

If landlords NEED to raise rents, (say 10% or less) for some reason, that's understandable, but to raise them by HUNDREDS of dollars, just for GREED, is not what we ought to be OK with in this country. When hundreds of people are forced out of their homes, this is unacceptable. As is the case with most conservatives, I also favor deregulation of business, but this is one case that is screaming for MORE regulation, to a reasonable degree.
Yep, you are a suddenly care about an issue when it affects you. It's like the definiing trait of conservatives.
"Certain groups bought stuff up decades ago?" That's your "logic" proving the free market doesn't exist?

You don't know the meaning of the term "free market." You're a Stalinist. Landlords do not allow property to sit vacant for years at a time if they can help it.
Every day a property sits empty it’s costing the landlord money.
Valid points. And in the long run, you pay more for those conveniences.

The OP wants the conveniences AND low prices. He wants the gov't to force someone to accept less money for the use of their property because he did not plan for his own retirement.
I had a coworker that used to call me stupid for buying a house. Now I own it free and clear and he’s still paying half his retirement check to rent an apartment and will until he dies. If you want the convienice of owning an apartment, buy a condo, the association owns and repairs the building, all you have to maintain is the inside of your unit.
Totally wrong. The complex I live in (and many like it) has been doing just fine at rents of $600/month (all 1 bedroom), with many upgrades being paid for by the landlord. By his own admission, recently he was bragging about his profits.

What you call "market rate" is a fallacy. When thousands of people are forced out of their HOMES, with nowhere to go, to facilitate an illegal alien invasion, you call that a "market"? I call that lunacy, public irresponsibility, and dereliction of duty (to PROTECT the AMERICAN public).

Nothing needs to be redone to adjust to mass lunacy, primarily caused by Biden's terror of relying on the American people to get re-elected. What adjusting needing to be done, is to enact some rent control (10% increase perhaps), and bring everything back to normal, and keep people from being tossed out in the street, by the thousands. Your senseless proposal is all geared to the protection of landlords, and zero to residents. That's ridiculous.

And don't give me that "can't afford to maintain" crap. I'm getting tired of all the whining BS we keep hearing, being blamed on the pandemic. Boy who cried wolf.
YOU stated that the property had been sold and there was a new owner. YOU made the choice to rent as opposed to buying. Is that NOT your choice?

Did you actually advocate that it is okay if the owner LOSES money by owning rental property?

Face it, you stayed there because the rent was falling behind the market which is not uncommon. You took the risk that nothing would change. Whose responsibility is that decision? But you want to blame someone else, why?

Were the expenses for the owner suspended while the tenants could not be evicted? Of course not.

Show your facts that rents are skyrocketing because illegal aliens are coming into those complexes and paying those rents. If you cannot, then your comments have no basis and are false.

I am adamantly opposed to the catastrophe happening at our border. As far as I'm concerned, it is an invasion against which President Biden has chosen not to defend our country. Shameful.

You and I agree on, I would say, 95% of the issues where we meet on this board. This affects you personally and suddenly you become a far-left soldier on this one issue.

It is public information. You can find it on your computer. Look up how much the new owner paid for the property and how much was paid by the seller. My guess is that if the seller owned your property for more than a couple of years, the new owner paid substantially more.

Better search engine. yup
The word is not realator. realators is not a word. The word has two syllables, not three it is also a trademark and must be capitalized. Not important to you, but it is to me. I was a REALTOR for over 50 years and was very active in the local, state, and national associations.

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