Yes, It Was Rigged

You're out of touch with reality.

Not a single allegation was proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and the star witness, the only one to connect Trump to the payment was a convicted perjurer who lied to every government office that questioned him.

His excuse was loyalty to Trump.

And as proof of that excuse, he admitted he was SOOOO loyal, he had no qualms stealing teens of thousands of dollars from him.

If you honestly believe that is a fair and just verdict... you should end it all, before your stupidity causes actual harm to someone you love.
Actually the ruling was guilty. Stop crying and embarrassing yourself.
What is it you're trying to do here, hmm? That verdict and the judge bias and failure to recuse and all that was against everything this country has ever stood for, you piece of shit!
Be a man for once and stop your whining.
What a pile of shit from another TDS suffering "mod". Bragg has no authority to even bring charges relating to any election. That's federal. Oh wait, that corrupt judge refused to allow the then head of the FEC to testify as to why they said no crime here. When this gets tossed on appeal we already know you'll be singing a different tune.
In case you didn't hear, he apparently has authority to bring felony charges of Falsifying business records, a class E Felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison, each offense, plus,
  • No longer being allowed to own firearms
  • No longer being allowed to vote while incarcerated or on parole
  • No longer being able to claim welfare
  • No longer being able to sit on a jury
In case you didn't hear, he apparently has authority to bring felony charges of Falsifying business records, a class E Felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison, each offense, plus,
  • No longer being allowed to own firearms
  • No longer being allowed to vote while incarcerated or on parole
  • No longer being able to claim welfare
  • No longer being able to sit on a jury
You cheer on this Stalinist BS going on in Amreica? WTF is wrong with you? Are you some kind of foreign agent or some shit? WTF?!
A jury of his peers, approved by Trump's defense
and the prosecutors representing the people,
and the jury listened to all evidence,
Maybe. Probably.
watched the whole trial in person,

Kind of the point of being a juror.
and came to a unanimous conclusion of guilt.

You spell predisposition kinda funny.
It does not get any more America System than this.
Except for an actual crime, a fair minded jury, a legitimate judge and a just verdict.
You cheer on this Stalinist BS going on in Amreica? WTF is wrong with you? Are you some kind of foreign agent or some shit? WTF?!
It is a sad day, to have to say we had a President with such little respect for the law, as to be part of such repeated criminal offenses, 34 of them, in this case. :dunno:

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