yes, kids, he really is this stupid

Between grievances about “atrocities” committed by the “crooked media,” President Trump paused during Friday's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference to reminisce about the good old days.

“They used to treat me so good, too, before I ran for office,” Trump said of the press. “I used to get the greatest publicity. A friend of mine said to me, ‘You know, you used to be the king of getting great publicity. What happened?’ I said, ‘Well, I have a lot of views that they're opposed to for a lot of bad reasons.’ ”

Trump has never seemed to understand why seeking and ultimately occupying the nation's highest office should bring more intense scrutiny than hosting “The Apprentice” or building towers and golf courses.

When I won, I said, ‘Well, the one thing good is now I'll get good press,’ ” he told the Associated Press last year. “And it got worse. … So that was one thing that is a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.”

he's almost as stupid as the morons that voted for him


I was going to vote for Treeshepherd, but he did not run for office.

All that remained were a realestate agent with a tupee, and a grifter with a medical condition.
And do you think he would have opined if nobody brought up the NRA?

His address was not aggressive, it was defensive. What he explained is how politicians want to shift blame to his organization from their responsibilities; how they are using this tragedy (like they have so many times in the past) to promote their political agenda.

Democrats are not talking about solving this potential problem, they are talking about how to get their agenda across.
Well perhaps..but you need to remember that the assault weapons were banned until 2002 and the GOP kept it that is not like it is something new.

The NRA has lined the pockets of Congress to favor them to vote their way.. this is what people are angry about If the people alone voted that way well that is different.

The big money coming into our congress from both sides is corrupt ..


This is true, however in the 2016 primaries, the Republicans collected 640 million dollars for all candidates to split up. The NRA contributed about 4 million dollars of that money, so they don't have as much influence as you think.

The power is in the vote less than money, and Republicans understand that we constituents are strong 2nd Amendment supporters; NRA or not.

The Democrats blaming the NRA for this school tragedy is no less ridiculous than the Republicans blaming Planned Parenthood for conditioning us to be more acceptable to taking human life. It's just a ridiculous argument and political at best.

Congress should not be paid off..not one bit. when someone contributes to a campaign it needs to be much more transparent.

Big Pharma is in bed with the FDA, who is in bed with congress, it is so damn corrupt Ray.

They all want something in return.

So how are unions and environmentalists different? How are trail lawyers different? Ever wonder why you need to shift through five pages of "Warnings" in the instruction manual when you buy a toaster? Ever wonder why somebody has the ability to sue McDonald's because they spilled hot coffee on themselves?

Unfortunately, there is no way to take the money out of politics. The McCain/ Finegold bill was a disaster. Now, instead of giving money to the candidates, they give money to PAC's who accept no responsibility for what they claim.

I mean think about it. You can now spend more time in jail for beating your dog than beating your wife.

I can't believe that you support the super Pacs Ray..corrupt as hell. Dirty money slips through it all of the time. This is what our main problem comes from. These paid off politicians need to be transparent. I liked Trump for speaking out against lobbying..but obviously that was a lie.

Who said I was for PAC's? I never said that, in fact, I'm against them too. What I said is that the attempt to get money out of politics only made it worse. PAC's are not supposed to discuss operations with the candidate they support, but you know damn well that they tell the candidate(s) who every donor to their PAC was.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Not according to the majority of the population.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Most are, but not liberals. Now they have to pee in the bathroom of their birth gender.

I think Trump should make your point campaigning for the 2018 mid-terms. Ask Americans if they are better off today than they were two years ago. Remind people that everything we've accomplished the past few years was only because we had a strong leadership in Congress, and that we could have gotten much more done if we had a strong leadership in the Senate.
Between grievances about “atrocities” committed by the “crooked media,” President Trump paused during Friday's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference to reminisce about the good old days.

“They used to treat me so good, too, before I ran for office,” Trump said of the press. “I used to get the greatest publicity. A friend of mine said to me, ‘You know, you used to be the king of getting great publicity. What happened?’ I said, ‘Well, I have a lot of views that they're opposed to for a lot of bad reasons.’ ”

Trump has never seemed to understand why seeking and ultimately occupying the nation's highest office should bring more intense scrutiny than hosting “The Apprentice” or building towers and golf courses.

When I won, I said, ‘Well, the one thing good is now I'll get good press,’ ” he told the Associated Press last year. “And it got worse. … So that was one thing that is a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.”

he's almost as stupid as the morons that voted for him


Yup, he started talking about the election again. He's a sad, insecure sack of shit.
One thing he will never, ever talk about is how he lost his own state to Hillary, 59% to 36%.
And how he lost in Manhattan, HIS OWN FUCKING NEIGHBORHOOD, by 90%.
Not a typo. He lost by ninety percent.
What do the people of Manhattan know that the rest of redneck America refuses to acknowledge?
New York Election Results 2016

Uhhhhh, because it's a liberal Mecca? Because Hillary was the Senator there???

Nah......that can't be it.

And up until 2011 Trump was a liberal, too.
Until he decided there was more money to be made off of stupid fucks like you.
And Trump's neighbors found him disgusting.
You stupid fucks have been SO had.

And if he ran and became the President under the Democrat party, you'd be praising him more so than you did DumBama.

democrats suck, but even they aren't as stupid as you clowns

they never would have nominated him
Yeah you go one step further and nominate Hillary. Lol
I am a strange bird in that I love both Obama first term and Trump first term. The similarity for me is in the way both men faced a screwed up economy and took action to improve the financial well being of suffering Americans. The 2 approaches have been suited to the moment in history and very different from each other. Neither President is a dumb ass. This is a childish cheap shot. In addition, it is absolute fact that many young people came out to vote for both these men. What amazes me as a woman is that the female candidate was a dumb ass. I happily chant "lock her up". Now women can look forward to a truly worthy female candidate for President in the near future.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Not according to the majority of the population.
If Obama had the media attacking him the way they do Trump. He would've resigned.
Right, because the MSM treated GW so fairly.

Several books written against him, a couple of movies, and even a video game where the goal was to kill GW.

We have AM radio and Fox news. That's it. You on the left have the rest. You have MSMBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, the indoctrination in public schools and colleges. But you're calling foul?

I think social media has made it much worse.. there are more stations like The Blaze , talk show people..
  • Rush Limbaugh.
  • Sean Hannity.
  • Ed Schultz.
  • Mark Levin.

Correct, there are. At one time, there was no opposition to the MSM. But even the opposition today pales in comparison to the big three. Fox is number one on cable. But cable news viewers are a minority in this country. And let's not forget the taxpayer funded outlets like PBS and NPR.

Obama got slammed by the Tea Party, even Trump made Obama's life hell. Trump is a bully, he makes so many people mad..if he would just stay off of twitter...that is what is bringing him down.


I disagree. I love the fact that he speaks directly to the people on social media, and that disarms the MSM from misconstruing his words.. He is leaving them helpless.

One of the reasons Trump won is because he's not a professional politician who gets advice on everything he says from advisors. He talks about politics the way most of us do: at work, family gatherings, at the bar.

At the very least, you have to admit he is the most entertaining President of our lifetime.

Yes it was a tool to win, Obama used the internet to win as well..
but now we really can not trust the internet with all of the fake news from the Russians
You could never trust the internet, that is why we have terms like cat fishing. I am starting to belive that our current politicians are the brightest polittions since the beginning of time. They have us lined up in two groups the left and the right. Our party memebers have bought into it in ways that are unnatural, we come on boards like this and call each other stupid, mean while they can goes years with out producing a budget and they keep their jobs. They can continualy serve them selves and keep us at each others throats.Mean while we have bvright caring people on here ripping each other to shreds while they colect their checks and do not so their job.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Most are, but not liberals. Now they have to pee in the bathroom of their birth gender.

I think Trump should make your point campaigning for the 2018 mid-terms. Ask Americans if they are better off today than they were two years ago. Remind people that everything we've accomplished the past few years was only because we had a strong leadership in Congress, and that we could have gotten much more done if we had a strong leadership in the Senate.

If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Not according to the majority of the population.
If Obama had the media attacking him the way they do Trump. He would've resigned.

You are kidding right? Fox News was a 24 hour propaganda machine against Obama for 8 years, not to mention The Blaze and InfoWars. Hell Alex Jones accused him of being an actual demon. Not as a figurative demon, a LITERAL sulfur smelling demon.
I am a strange bird in that I love both Obama first term and Trump first term. The similarity for me is in the way both men faced a screwed up economy and took action to improve the financial well being of suffering Americans. The 2 approaches have been suited to the moment in history and very different from each other. Neither President is a dumb ass. This is a childish cheap shot. In addition, it is absolute fact that many young people came out to vote for both these men. What amazes me as a woman is that the female candidate was a dumb ass. I happily chant "lock her up". Now women can look forward to a truly worthy female candidate for President in the near future.

Absolutely. The first woman President will be the mother of our country in a sense. She will be historic, quoted frequently, be very well known for many generations to come.

That first woman should be a person of unique quality and integrity. Hillary was nowhere near that. Why would any woman want the first female President to be a crooked, lying, selfish person who was under FBI investigation while running for President; a woman who constantly looked away as her husband would screw anything that moved?
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Most are, but not liberals. Now they have to pee in the bathroom of their birth gender.

I think Trump should make your point campaigning for the 2018 mid-terms. Ask Americans if they are better off today than they were two years ago. Remind people that everything we've accomplished the past few years was only because we had a strong leadership in Congress, and that we could have gotten much more done if we had a strong leadership in the Senate.

If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.

No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Most are, but not liberals. Now they have to pee in the bathroom of their birth gender.

I think Trump should make your point campaigning for the 2018 mid-terms. Ask Americans if they are better off today than they were two years ago. Remind people that everything we've accomplished the past few years was only because we had a strong leadership in Congress, and that we could have gotten much more done if we had a strong leadership in the Senate.

If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.

No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Not according to the majority of the population.
If Obama had the media attacking him the way they do Trump. He would've resigned.

You are kidding right? Fox News was a 24 hour propaganda machine against Obama for 8 years, not to mention The Blaze and InfoWars. Hell Alex Jones accused him of being an actual demon. Not as a figurative demon, a LITERAL sulfur smelling demon.
The main stream media kissed Obama's ass everyday. The attack Trump 24/7.
Between grievances about “atrocities” committed by the “crooked media,” President Trump paused during Friday's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference to reminisce about the good old days.

“They used to treat me so good, too, before I ran for office,” Trump said of the press. “I used to get the greatest publicity. A friend of mine said to me, ‘You know, you used to be the king of getting great publicity. What happened?’ I said, ‘Well, I have a lot of views that they're opposed to for a lot of bad reasons.’ ”

Trump has never seemed to understand why seeking and ultimately occupying the nation's highest office should bring more intense scrutiny than hosting “The Apprentice” or building towers and golf courses.

When I won, I said, ‘Well, the one thing good is now I'll get good press,’ ” he told the Associated Press last year. “And it got worse. … So that was one thing that is a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.”

he's almost as stupid as the morons that voted for him


I was going to vote for Treeshepherd, but he did not run for office.

All that remained were a realestate agent with a tupee, and a grifter with a medical condition.
Unfortunately all the evidence she was a grifter or sick was total b*******, dupe.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Most are, but not liberals. Now they have to pee in the bathroom of their birth gender.

I think Trump should make your point campaigning for the 2018 mid-terms. Ask Americans if they are better off today than they were two years ago. Remind people that everything we've accomplished the past few years was only because we had a strong leadership in Congress, and that we could have gotten much more done if we had a strong leadership in the Senate.

If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.

No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Most are, but not liberals. Now they have to pee in the bathroom of their birth gender.

I think Trump should make your point campaigning for the 2018 mid-terms. Ask Americans if they are better off today than they were two years ago. Remind people that everything we've accomplished the past few years was only because we had a strong leadership in Congress, and that we could have gotten much more done if we had a strong leadership in the Senate.

If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.

No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Let's also not forget locker rooms.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Not according to the majority of the population.
If Obama had the media attacking him the way they do Trump. He would've resigned.

You are kidding right? Fox News was a 24 hour propaganda machine against Obama for 8 years, not to mention The Blaze and InfoWars. Hell Alex Jones accused him of being an actual demon. Not as a figurative demon, a LITERAL sulfur smelling demon.
The main stream media kissed Obama's ass everyday. The attack Trump 24/7.

Trump deserves to be attacked. He lies about every issue. He tries to make every event about himself. He never takes the blame for anything he does, and always tries to pass the blame onto someone else. He acts like a bully, despite his 'wife' taking up the cause of fighting against bullies. He does the very same things he trashed Obama for. The list goes on and on and on and on and on.
Why is it that Trump can't understand being President is about doing a service for your country, and doing everything you can to make it better than it was before he took office?

Instead he thinks EVERYTHING is about him. EVERYTHING... ALL the time.
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Not according to the majority of the population.
If Obama had the media attacking him the way they do Trump. He would've resigned.
Of course the Giant GOP b******* and Hate propaganda machine attacked him everyday, and the difference is that it was total crap. And the MSM to the total crap job of fact-checking chill PBS. They just reported it with a straight face that's not journalism. Cowards...

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