yes, kids, he really is this stupid

Most are, but not liberals. Now they have to pee in the bathroom of their birth gender.

I think Trump should make your point campaigning for the 2018 mid-terms. Ask Americans if they are better off today than they were two years ago. Remind people that everything we've accomplished the past few years was only because we had a strong leadership in Congress, and that we could have gotten much more done if we had a strong leadership in the Senate.

If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.

No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Let's also not forget locker rooms.

And showers.

In the past discussions on the subject, liberals have told me that cross dressers are not gay, they are actually straight. What??? That's supposed to comfort me?

So what you're telling me is that my daughter is supposed to go into a school shower with a guy who was turned on by girls as much as I was in school? Really????? I'm supposed to be okay with that? Not in your life.
I am a strange bird in that I love both Obama first term and Trump first term. The similarity for me is in the way both men faced a screwed up economy and took action to improve the financial well being of suffering Americans. The 2 approaches have been suited to the moment in history and very different from each other. Neither President is a dumb ass. This is a childish cheap shot. In addition, it is absolute fact that many young people came out to vote for both these men. What amazes me as a woman is that the female candidate was a dumb ass. I happily chant "lock her up". Now women can look forward to a truly worthy female candidate for President in the near future.

Absolutely. The first woman President will be the mother of our country in a sense. She will be historic, quoted frequently, be very well known for many generations to come.

That first woman should be a person of unique quality and integrity. Hillary was nowhere near that. Why would any woman want the first female President to be a crooked, lying, selfish person who was under FBI investigation while running for President; a woman who constantly looked away as her husband would screw anything that moved?
How is her prosecution coming along, silly dupe?
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Most are, but not liberals. Now they have to pee in the bathroom of their birth gender.

I think Trump should make your point campaigning for the 2018 mid-terms. Ask Americans if they are better off today than they were two years ago. Remind people that everything we've accomplished the past few years was only because we had a strong leadership in Congress, and that we could have gotten much more done if we had a strong leadership in the Senate.

If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.

No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.

And? You don't feel comfortable. A lot of people don't feel comfortable doing lots of things. I'm sorry you have a problem with your sexuality that you think everyone is interested in you.

Wanna hear something scary? You have no clue how many gay men have been taking a piss in the urinal right next to you over your entire life. Wanna hear something else? Most if not all of them were thinking about looking at your dick while they were taking a piss.
Last edited:
Americans are better off now, then under Obama.

Not according to the majority of the population.
If Obama had the media attacking him the way they do Trump. He would've resigned.

You are kidding right? Fox News was a 24 hour propaganda machine against Obama for 8 years, not to mention The Blaze and InfoWars. Hell Alex Jones accused him of being an actual demon. Not as a figurative demon, a LITERAL sulfur smelling demon.
The main stream media kissed Obama's ass everyday. The attack Trump 24/7.

Trump deserves to be attacked. He lies about every issue. He tries to make every event about himself. He never takes the blame for anything he does, and always tries to pass the blame onto someone else. He acts like a bully, despite his 'wife' taking up the cause of fighting against bullies. He does the very same things he trashed Obama for. The list goes on and on and on and on and on.
No, he just isn't letting the media lie about him, the way they do all Republican presidents. Economy is good, wages are up, and people are keeping more of their money. Thanks Trump! Oh and Obama lied more than Trump.
Most are, but not liberals. Now they have to pee in the bathroom of their birth gender.

I think Trump should make your point campaigning for the 2018 mid-terms. Ask Americans if they are better off today than they were two years ago. Remind people that everything we've accomplished the past few years was only because we had a strong leadership in Congress, and that we could have gotten much more done if we had a strong leadership in the Senate.

If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.

No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.

And? You don't feel comfortable. A lot of people don't feel comfortable doing lots of things. I'm sorry you have a problem with your sexuality that you think everyone is interested in you.

Wanna hear something scary? You have no clue how many gay men have been taking a piss in the urinal right next to you over your entire life. Wanna hear something else? Most if not all of them where thinking about looking at your dick while they were taking a piss.

And if we could find a way to stop that, I would be for it too.

Only a liberal would want to make 99% of the population uncomfortable so that we could accommodate the other less than 1%.
If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.

No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.

And? You don't feel comfortable. A lot of people don't feel comfortable doing lots of things. I'm sorry you have a problem with your sexuality that you think everyone is interested in you.

Wanna hear something scary? You have no clue how many gay men have been taking a piss in the urinal right next to you over your entire life. Wanna hear something else? Most if not all of them where thinking about looking at your dick while they were taking a piss.

And if we could find a way to stop that, I would be for it too.

Only a liberal would want to make 99% of the population uncomfortable so that we could accommodate the other less than 1%.

Only a Trumpbot idiot would think that 99% of the population is uncomfortable with their sexuality.
"How is her prosecution coming along, silly dupe?" EXACTLY!: The corrupt DOJ, FBI, and even the 'Collusion" collective are DOING NOTHING to bring CRIMINAL HILLARY to JUSTICE. And the USA taxpayers are paying for this cover up laptops and evidence destroyed SWINDLE immunity deep crap STATE finger pointing LYING GARBAGE!
I'ts 1.5 trillion dollars; less than 1/5 of what DumBama spent. And even then, with all the new economic activity, it's likely it will be self-funding via increased tax revenue.
But this is in Good Times where as Obama spent seven or eight trillion bailing out W and the GOP depression and assisting the victims with unemployment and Welfare... What you dupes don't even know about.

What he spent money on was to support unions, advance alternative energy, and expand welfare programs that people didn't need to be on.

That didn't do anything for our economy. The slowest recovery growth since WWII. And if not for the reduction of fuel prices, he would have been a total failure.

Trump removed hundreds of job killing regulations. He lowered taxes on our job creators. He proved once again that trickle down does work as millions of blue collar workers received pay raises and bonuses on top of the additional pay their tax cuts provided. The economy is reacting.

Now I dare you to show me one proven thing DumBama has done that had a direct affect on the economy and explain the dynamics of it.
He did nothing to expand welfare, that was just more people out of work and not able to find jobs, dope.

The number on disability expanded under Obama, as did the food stamp program expand under Obama.

Nothing wrong with expansion is been going on since 1988.
That is just what happens in the middle of a depression duh...

It wasn’t a depression, it was a recession nd yes, rules were change by the Obama administration that allowed more on welfare and more on disability. Like I said, nothing different since 1988.
If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.

No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Let's also not forget locker rooms.

And showers.

In the past discussions on the subject, liberals have told me that cross dressers are not gay, they are actually straight. What??? That's supposed to comfort me?

So what you're telling me is that my daughter is supposed to go into a school shower with a guy who was turned on by girls as much as I was in school? Really????? I'm supposed to be okay with that? Not in your life.
You ought to get some elementary idea of what you're talking about before you start discharging all this bilge. Cross dressers aren't transsexuals and they're not going to go into the girls' locker room.
Another day.......

Another thread full of triggered lemming lefty snowflakes owing IQ points.

What was the topic again? oh yeah: lettuce dissect: a) "hey kiddies", b)" Trump is a dummy", C) really, really. really... ARE YOU PEE WEE HERMAN???
No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Let's also not forget locker rooms.

And showers.

In the past discussions on the subject, liberals have told me that cross dressers are not gay, they are actually straight. What??? That's supposed to comfort me?

So what you're telling me is that my daughter is supposed to go into a school shower with a guy who was turned on by girls as much as I was in school? Really????? I'm supposed to be okay with that? Not in your life.
You ought to get some elementary idea of what you're talking about before you start discharging all this bilge. Cross dressers aren't transsexuals and they're not going to go into the girls' locker room.
In Seattle on February 17, 2016. Man changes in a girls locker room at a pool. Cites gender law for reason. This is what I'm talking about.
If you think bathroom laws are what make the country better now than 2 years ago, you have a seriously fucked up view on how to judge better living conditions in the U.S.

No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Let's also not forget locker rooms.

And showers.

In the past discussions on the subject, liberals have told me that cross dressers are not gay, they are actually straight. What??? That's supposed to comfort me?

So what you're telling me is that my daughter is supposed to go into a school shower with a guy who was turned on by girls as much as I was in school? Really????? I'm supposed to be okay with that? Not in your life.
That is pure crap propaganda, dupe. They are not sharing showers Just Bathrooms. And there is been not a single case of a problem. Those transgenders are hardly violent LOL
In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Let's also not forget locker rooms.

And showers.

In the past discussions on the subject, liberals have told me that cross dressers are not gay, they are actually straight. What??? That's supposed to comfort me?

So what you're telling me is that my daughter is supposed to go into a school shower with a guy who was turned on by girls as much as I was in school? Really????? I'm supposed to be okay with that? Not in your life.
You ought to get some elementary idea of what you're talking about before you start discharging all this bilge. Cross dressers aren't transsexuals and they're not going to go into the girls' locker room.
In Seattle on February 17, 2016. Man changes in a girls locker room at a pool. Cites gender law for reason. This is what I'm talking about.
B*******, dupe.
But this is in Good Times where as Obama spent seven or eight trillion bailing out W and the GOP depression and assisting the victims with unemployment and Welfare... What you dupes don't even know about.

What he spent money on was to support unions, advance alternative energy, and expand welfare programs that people didn't need to be on.

That didn't do anything for our economy. The slowest recovery growth since WWII. And if not for the reduction of fuel prices, he would have been a total failure.

Trump removed hundreds of job killing regulations. He lowered taxes on our job creators. He proved once again that trickle down does work as millions of blue collar workers received pay raises and bonuses on top of the additional pay their tax cuts provided. The economy is reacting.

Now I dare you to show me one proven thing DumBama has done that had a direct affect on the economy and explain the dynamics of it.
He did nothing to expand welfare, that was just more people out of work and not able to find jobs, dope.

The number on disability expanded under Obama, as did the food stamp program expand under Obama.

Nothing wrong with expansion is been going on since 1988.
That is just what happens in the middle of a depression duh...

It wasn’t a depression, it was a recession nd yes, rules were change by the Obama administration that allowed more on welfare and more on disability. Like I said, nothing different since 1988.
Technically it was only a recession the Great Recession because our government spent 7 trillion dollars...
No, it's not the main issue, but just pointing out the direction leftists wanted to take us in. They won't be happy until the entire country looks like a circus act.

In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Let's also not forget locker rooms.

And showers.

In the past discussions on the subject, liberals have told me that cross dressers are not gay, they are actually straight. What??? That's supposed to comfort me?

So what you're telling me is that my daughter is supposed to go into a school shower with a guy who was turned on by girls as much as I was in school? Really????? I'm supposed to be okay with that? Not in your life.
That is pure crap propaganda, dupe. They are not sharing showers Just Bathrooms. And there is been not a single case of a problem. Those transgenders are hardly violent LOL
They are not violent, just mentally ill, no guns for them.
Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Let's also not forget locker rooms.

And showers.

In the past discussions on the subject, liberals have told me that cross dressers are not gay, they are actually straight. What??? That's supposed to comfort me?

So what you're telling me is that my daughter is supposed to go into a school shower with a guy who was turned on by girls as much as I was in school? Really????? I'm supposed to be okay with that? Not in your life.
You ought to get some elementary idea of what you're talking about before you start discharging all this bilge. Cross dressers aren't transsexuals and they're not going to go into the girls' locker room.
In Seattle on February 17, 2016. Man changes in a girls locker room at a pool. Cites gender law for reason. This is what I'm talking about.
B*******, dupe.
Awe, proved you wrong and you try to insult. Yes it did happen, and if Hillary would've been elected it would be happening more. Because liberals are a bunch of perverts.
In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Let's also not forget locker rooms.

And showers.

In the past discussions on the subject, liberals have told me that cross dressers are not gay, they are actually straight. What??? That's supposed to comfort me?

So what you're telling me is that my daughter is supposed to go into a school shower with a guy who was turned on by girls as much as I was in school? Really????? I'm supposed to be okay with that? Not in your life.
You ought to get some elementary idea of what you're talking about before you start discharging all this bilge. Cross dressers aren't transsexuals and they're not going to go into the girls' locker room.
In Seattle on February 17, 2016. Man changes in a girls locker room at a pool. Cites gender law for reason. This is what I'm talking about.
Yes, two years ago when it happened, I read the threads on it. Didn't he get removed? Wonder what happened with it? Do you know?
In most parts of the world they already have unisex bathrooms. A lot of colleges in the U.S. have unisex bathrooms. A lot of parents with kids take them into the bathroom with them... even if they are a different gender. It's not that big of a deal, and if you are worried about sexual predators? They can be of the same gender as the bathroom you use, so that isn't even an argument.

Sure it is because a lot of people are uncomfortable going to the bathroom with strangers of the opposite sex. I know I would be. Hell.......I don't even like going with guys around yet alone women. And I'm sure most women feel the same way about men in their bathroom.
Let's also not forget locker rooms.

And showers.

In the past discussions on the subject, liberals have told me that cross dressers are not gay, they are actually straight. What??? That's supposed to comfort me?

So what you're telling me is that my daughter is supposed to go into a school shower with a guy who was turned on by girls as much as I was in school? Really????? I'm supposed to be okay with that? Not in your life.
That is pure crap propaganda, dupe. They are not sharing showers Just Bathrooms. And there is been not a single case of a problem. Those transgenders are hardly violent LOL
They are not violent, just mentally ill, no guns for them.
Not according to the psychiatric profession, bigot dupe.

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